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Oct 18th, 2017
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  1. Heroes are found in unexpected places. The typical hero that you would find in the movies are strong, brave and has a unique ability in contrast to a sick teenage boy trying to use his remaining time left. Augustus (Gus) from the Fault in our stars is the unexpected hero. The Fault in our stars is written by John Green and was published in 2012. Gus is the hero of the story due to his inspiration to the main character, Hazel. Gus and Hazel are both cancer patients. The three aspects of the hero's journey are the ordinary world, the reward and the supreme ordeal which helped identify the heroic traits which define this speech.
  3. In Gus’s ordinary world, Gus spends a lot his free time with his best friend Isaac whether is be playing video games, partying, basketball or attending the support group with Isaac. Isaac has eye cancer and in the following days of the storyline, Isaac will be blind. When Gus had cancer, he became an amputee. “Life over limb”. Gus is in a relationship with the main character, Hazel. Gus devotes his time to making others happy whilst trying to leave his mark on the world. Gus is just an ordinary teenage boy who is suffering from cancer and for certain, not your average hero.
  6. The Supreme ordeal for Gus is that he faces oblivion. Gus wants to make a mark on the world before he will face his inevitable death from osteosarcoma. Gus loses out on growing old, marrying hazel, travelling the world and children. Gus knew that his death was imminent. “The world," Gus said, "is not a wish-granting factory.” Gus always had a packet of cigarettes in his pocket. Gus does not smoke, but he puts the cigarette in his mouth as a metaphor and as a symbol. “You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing." Gus uses this metaphor to help himself get through every day. By putting the ‘killing thing’ in his mouth but not giving it the power to kill, Gus is choosing to be resilient and to constantly fight against cancer.
  8. Gus’ reward in the fault in our stars is not materialistic. A normal person would allow a gravely ill person to be greedy with their time but Gus constantly sacrificed his time and well-being for others, just so that he could make them happy. Gus enjoyed others happiness due to that cause, Gus was effectively make happy. Once Gus was deceased. Hazel his lover had learnt how to live and beat her cancer which controlled her daily life. Gus uses a figure of speech to express his love. Gus states that “I want to leave a mark. But Van Houten rebuts that the marks humans leave are too often scars.”
  10. Gus made a positive scar on Hazel. Even the writer of Hazel’s favourite book who Gus kept in touch via email came to his funeral. This writer insulted them both about their cancer and explained that they did deserve to die, came to deliver a message. The last line of the message by Gus states “I am so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers.” Gus is Hazel’s hero and Hazel is Gus’ reward.
  12. Gus is an unexpected hero as he is selfless, passionate and courageous. Gus for sure ain’t no hero but to Hazel, Gus is her Superman in disguise. The three aspects of the hero's journey are the ordinary world, the reward and the supreme ordeal which helped identify the hero in this story.
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