

Sep 12th, 2016
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  1. “I have had the same horrendous problem. Actually, there is a fairly quick fix. I hope that this helps you. I went through something similar when I lived in Northern California. It was around April 2010 that it began. I finally got help as I was suffering from a toe fungus which was occurring at the same time. After 8 months of this horrible problem, and no help from doctors, or pest control, or anyone! I got help and it finally killed off these beastly things. It was the strongest fungal medication prescribed. It is called “Lamisil” or Terbinafine. It must be taken internally. If you have any fungus growing on your nails, use the external stuff too. This killed the parasites. Ater eight months of agony and it was gone in three to four weeks. I hope this helps you. It is horribly unfair for anyone to have to undergo being treated like we are crazy by a medical community that simply doesn’t have any clue and because if they don’t know the answer then it must not be real.”
  3. I took Lamasil, didn’t do much that I saw – but Econazole cream twice a day – that helped immensely. Still not totally free, but getting better now.
  5. That’s good! Antifungals and antibiotics should make you not as attractive to them because that is what they feed off of on your skin. A fungal infection on the skin also causes additional crawling and itching sensations. You also have to get rid of them in your environment, which is the hard part.
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