
Zeno's Capture

Jan 29th, 2021
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  1. [13:25] Sanguinius exclaims, "Wow!"
  2. [13:25] Sanguinius exclaims, "They really showed up!"
  3. [13:25] Anastasia simply nods towards Zeno at his arrival.
  4. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [13:25] Sanguinius says, "Good job, Niffty."
  8. [13:25] Niffty says, ". . ."
  9. [13:25] Niffty puts her gun.. Away?
  10. (Niffty)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [13:26] Zeno flips back his hood and lets out a sigh, sweat dropping from his brow. He nods back to the councilwoman. As he gives a soft smile.
  15. "Hello there, and why wouldn't I show up? --I'm a citizen, and I have duty to our great city even if the denizens may wish to harm me."
  17. He said taking a few steps up to Anatasia. Ready to follow her should they move to another location. Unsure if she wished to speak here or somewhere else.
  18. (Zeno Laskaris)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [13:29] Pace increasing on spotting the young man pass by, well aware of the events of just the other day! - Her hand leaves her gun in that holster on the arrival, there's some she'd not been told about.. Apparently!
  23. "What's this'n still doin' 'ere? He attacked a Docro." Leaving it at that, she lingers.
  24. (Niffty)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [13:30] "... For a future poison dummy you certainly are talkative." Words soon rang sharp with a sense of bitter agitation. His Father had made it clear it was his duty to assure this criminal was brought within these walls, now marching through these streets without a single doubt upon their mind.
  29. Though, he had no intention of standing in the way of Councilmen Aertas.
  31. No more than a quick step to the side, the sounds of clanking boots only echoing as arms were quick to fold. Pushed behind their back and made to stand just that much straighter, for once he couldn't see a reason behind the madness of their leaders.
  33. "I'm sure... Everything will be explained, Miss Niffty."
  35. No doubt.
  36. (Sanguinius)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. [13:33] Anastasia shakes her head slightly in disappointment, though towards what? .. Isn't quite obvious. It didn't seem to be towards anyone present, at least.
  41. With a brief gesture of her hand to have Zeno move along after her, the Councilwoman turns on her heel begins to make her way into the Citadel proper.
  43. "Private Niffty, please watch the entrance to the citadel. Do not let anyone enter except high ranking military officers or Councilors."
  44. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [13:36] Anastasia brings Zeno into the council chambers and after gesturing for him to stand in the center of the room, moves to take a seat of her own behind the long desk. "I'll keep this blunt Zeno."
  49. "I would like to know why so many within Achyon want you dead?"
  50. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  51. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. [13:44] The kid stood in the center of the tables. Looking around the room since he hasn't been within the confines of the iron council before. It felt interesting to him even if he was being questioned. A common thing in all honesty. --After the words parted her lips yellow hue look at the woman. Crossing his arms over his chest.
  55. "Its quite simple really. --I killed Peppy, Dominik pyr Docro's girlfriend. As well as Trik's kinswoman apparently. Which I only learned after the fact. Its a rather even split in all honesty. Ones following either the Docro's wish or the Razuka."
  57. He took a brief pause, taking in a deep breath. Shrugging his shoulders.
  59. "People also apparently think opposing someone who clearly wants to kill you. Even if they are a noble is a crime, self-defense or not. --I'm not one to easily bend the knee to anyone, ever. So a title such as 'Docro' doesn't mean much to me."
  61. Zeno explains, calmly.
  62. (Zeno Laskaris)
  63. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. [13:44] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  66. [13:52] Anastasia pyr Aertas says, "What are you two doing in here? Guard outside."
  67. [13:53] Anastasia pyr Aertas says, "I gave you simple directions private."
  68. [13:53] Sanguinius says, "Ahem. Niffty, the floor is yours."
  69. [13:54] Niffty says, "Y'ain't got no right t'order me 'round."
  70. [13:54] Anastasia pyr Aertas asks, "...?"
  71. [13:55] Niffty says, "I ain't work fer no Aertas, not after what 'appened befer'."
  72. [13:55] Niffty says, "Now y'explain or I'll do my job with this 'ere boy."
  73. [13:57] "... I've come as no more than a child of a proud soldier and citizen behind these walls. One which even as a citizen has served Achyon and our grand Empire faithfully." Shaking their head from side to side, he stood without much a doubt at the side of Niffty.
  75. He had been given clear goals.
  77. "Sergeant Marcel Delisle made it clear my objective was to capture this lunatic. I believe none other than our commander Matryona made it clear that these walls are no safe haven for lunatics and killers." Even so much as a single breath taken by Zeno was an affront to that end.
  79. "I would ask for an explanation as well. I know well my Father would never go so far as to make demands of me without meaning behind them."
  81. Without seeking the continued glory of The Empire.
  83. "So, I have come to side with Nifftys state of mind on this matter."
  84. (Sanguinius)
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [13:59] Sanguinius says, "... I see."
  88. [14:00] Sanguinius folds the letter and tucks it away.
  89. (Sanguinius)
  90. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  92. [14:09] Anastasia was about to begin responding to Zeno when the two entered the room and her attention was pulled towards them instead.
  94. "Do either of you two not understand how this city runs? Do you not understand chain of command? Go the fuck outside or I'll have you both arrested for disobeying a commanding officer, and dissent."
  96. "If you want an explanation? That's tough. I don't owe you one. Nor am I inclined to give you one at this point either. You can wait for the Council's announcement regarding this frankly disappointing situation over all." Anastasia's usual measured calm is snapped, and though her volume rises slightly, her tone of voice remains the same dead cold.
  97. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  98. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  100. [14:18] "Iff'n y'think I's gonna listen t'some scumbag, snide Aertas, y'got 'ole 'nother thing comin'."
  102. Two small hands clap together, the razuka had her say and.. Without any further explanation, she'd not be too inclined to play along on her side either. - A small hands venture down to her hip-side, brushing her jacket back to reach for her pistol.
  104. All with a walk forward, just to press it into Zeno's back. "Come 'long, we're off t'manor." There's a forced shove of that nuzzle into his spine, all to make them aware of her.. Rather small presence.
  106. She's acting by that one little code, a soldier to the Docros, nobody else.
  107. (Niffty)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [14:18] "... I see."
  112. Quick as her weapon was drawn did a hand snap outwards. Something about starting a conflict within these chambers was screaming for punishment, begging to be knocked down by soldiers and citizens alike. Such a battle was one not even his own Father could win upon his lonesome.
  114. "Miss Niffty." Sanguinius began - His words sharp and body stiff. "Allow Miss Anastasia to have her discussion. We can at the very least afford her that much. In the meanwhile our Commander had made her orders more than clear to soldiers such as My Father." Steel gaze now locked towards this Councilman alone.
  116. "Going and grabbing both Marcel as well as Captain Ryker or Commander Matryona would serve us better."
  118. Ever was he a voice of reason.
  120. "Getting arrested here would make your ability to serve The Docros more difficult, would it not?"
  121. (Sanguinius)
  122. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. [14:19] Sanguinius says, "Oh."
  125. [14:19] Sanguinius says, "Well."
  126. [14:19] Sanguinius says, "Speak of The Devil."
  127. [14:20] Marcel Delisle asks, "What is this about..?"
  128. [14:20] Sanguinius asks, "... Miss Aertas has a crush on the crazed killer, I think?"
  129. [14:20] Niffty says, "..."
  130. [14:20] Sanguinius says, "Sorry, my poison tester."
  131. [14:21] Sanguinius says, "Here's your letter from Niffty back, Father."
  132. [14:21] Sanguinius says, "... To Niffty."
  133. [14:24] Ksena says, "...Oh."
  134. [14:25] The kid sat there as the three of them had there conversation. A gun pressed into his back as he didn't aim to move whatsoever. Only letting out a sigh. Moving at the moment would prove to be quite an issue. So instead of moving instantly, he spoke a bit. As his own existence ensued a coup almost. Quite interesting really.
  136. "I don't understand why you plan to do this now. Wouldn't it just wise to allow the Councilwoman her conversation with me. Then gather a group outside to attack me as I depart? This is making you look quite back going against the orders of a higher up."
  138. He said calmly, as while he was in a bad spot overall its not like this wasn't normal for him in all honesty. Yet he wouldn't aim to act out. No point it would only prove to be more problematic then beneficial. As he did wish to talk things out.
  140. Zeno felt the ground around him shift around as it was clear that quite a number of people walked in.
  142. "So with this newly amassed crowd. Whats your collective plan? Continue going against Miss Aertas here?"
  144. He asked.
  145. (Zeno Laskaris)
  146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. [14:26] Anastasia rises up from her seat, her eyes wide with fury as she raises a hand to point directly towards Niffty. "Sergeant Delisle, detain Private Niffty for disobeying a direct order from an authority figure. Then clear everyone out other than Zeno Laskaris so that our investigation may continue unimpeded." The Councilor states, her eyes glaring towards the Razuka in question with clear signs of anger.
  149. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. [14:27] Ryker naturally took a seat, like he owned the place. What was he doing? No idea.
  153. (Ryker pyr Docro)
  154. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. [14:27] Entering the Council room, the fleshcrafter would calmly pass through the rest until he reached his seat! He would look at the face of everyone present, before saying, "Hello to everyone!" And then, remain silent..
  157. (Nidaz)
  158. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. [14:29] Upon arrival, the Sergeant was quick to take a hold of his weapon- mainly due to the presence of Zeno. An assumption was first taken that he was an assailant here, naturally..
  162. Given the history of what he does.
  164. Seeing that he wasn't attacking anyone right now, Marcel only squinted, yet remained a hold on his weapon; though, with Zeno speaking out..
  166. "Quiet."
  168. "Nobody gave a word to you."
  170. To that end, his gaze turned towards Anastasia. Naturally, he was rather confused as to why exactly she declared that Niffty was disobeying the orders, but..
  172. "What did she do?"
  174. As someone who arrived, Delisle had little clue. But.. there's one thing that he immediately questions.
  176. "Though-"
  178. "As a fellow military officer, I wanted to ask, Captain Aertas."
  180. "What is this murderer doing here?" A pause. "Commander Matryona madeit clear that such are to be detained."
  182. Disobeying Commander is something nobody can do. Not him, not Anastasia, not anyone else in this room.
  184. Maybe only Ryker, but out of personal reasons.
  186. "He assaulted an Imperial citizen the other day as well. Why is he here?"
  187. (Marcel Delisle)
  188. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  190. [14:30] It's surprising how fast the room filled up, the rat stares around in disbelief as.. One by one, a new person starts filling out the room.
  192. "T'fuck." Really.
  194. It's not until Docros actually follow through, that the rat lowers her pistol down and away from the boy.. They sat down so nonchalantly, maybe they were in on it..?
  196. "Boss?" Maybe he could explain.
  197. (Niffty)
  198. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  200. [14:30] Sanguinius folds their arms behind their back once more, stood just slightly taller in the presence of Marcel.
  201. (Sanguinius)
  202. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  204. [14:30] Sanguinius says, "... Mm."
  205. [14:31] Vitus doesn't seem any more knowledgeable on the topic at hand. He's a decent understanding of Zenos's situation, but everyone's questions does well to voice his concern, had there been any in the first place.
  207. All he does for now though is sway to and fro.
  208. (Vitus)
  209. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211. [14:32] "Niffty it's fine." He assured. "There's no need to detain her, go and make sure no one else enters the room once everyone clears out!" Ryker chimed out with a beaming smile.
  213. As for Zeno?
  215. "If he tries any fucky shit, I'm here now. Let the council do their investigation."
  216. (Ryker pyr Docro)
  217. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  219. [14:34] There seemed to be an air of confusion about the area. After all...Detaining Niffty seemed to be an odd request - especially when she doesn't think that the Ratkin had done anything wrong recently. But who knows...? Perhaps....It was all for unforeseen reasons. Or maybe, they just simply didn't feel safe. Regardless, her hands would remain behind her back - eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly.
  221. "...I think now's the time to merely judge him. We're all here anyways...There's little reason to make everyone disappear when his status in Achyon will become public regardless." She'd add with a wave.
  223. "He's hated everywhere else from what I've gathered...It makes little difference."
  224. (Ksena)
  225. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  227. [14:47] Anastasia shakes her head resolutely at Ryker's words.
  229. "No, there is very much so a need, Captain Ryker. She looked me in the eye and outright refused a direct order from a Councilwoman, and a Captain of the military both. That can not be simply waved off."
  231. "If it is, then it will simply not end."
  233. "Case in point being what Ksena only just now questioning the necessity of their imminent departure." The Aertas Councilwoman, still standing and visibly angry, gestures towards Zeno. "I asked him here in order to speak with him regarding all of this ridiculous nonsense that has been going on lately."
  235. "Not to play twenty questions with people that have absolutely no authority within this city."
  236. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  237. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  239. [14:51] ...So no answer, then.
  241. Marcel seemingly only tilts his head a little bit when no clear answer is given to his question- the fact that she wanted to question Zeno, while admirable in some way..
  243. Made no sense.
  245. "--Captain Aertas." Perhaps she misheard, but..
  247. "There was an order from Commander Matryona to do this. While I understand your frustration, you cannot expect military officials and the assistant of Docro family to ignore Commander's order."
  249. "As it stands, the order of Commander Matryona reigns above all, naturally." Surely she could understand that.
  251. "And they were following orders."
  253. But.. even if it looks somewhat suspicious to him, given the fact that he sees no reason why Anastasia would even want to question Zeno at all, when the crimes are apparent..
  255. He gives her a benefit of the doubt.
  257. "But.."
  259. "While there is no clear indication to me yet why they should be punished, given no appropriate reasoning has been given-"
  261. "I would assume you have your own reasons, Captain Aertas."
  263. His gaze turns towards the gathered troops.
  265. "Await outside."
  267. "Sanguinius, make sure to keep all troops on stand-by at the exit, in case military intervention will be required."
  269. Even if it all seems shady to him..
  271. Anastasia will have her questioning.
  272. (Marcel Delisle)
  273. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  275. [14:51] "... You truly do have a way at making your citizens like you less and less."
  277. Spoken through a heavy sigh as the continued irate demeanor of Anastasia had drawn such outwards. You could say they lacked that sort of charm and suave demeanor Ryker carried as he entered into this room, they lacked the overwhelming force of power his father alone carried.
  279. "This entire situation has come about because you attempted to act in secrecy, secrecy with one of my fellow classmates that acted as a stain upon our Empire." There came another shake of their head as the demands of arrests and continued screeching forced a grimace.
  281. "I'll heed the commands of Captain Ryker as well as my Father. I know well they would do this city no wrong, though if I may..."
  283. Then, Marcel spoke.
  285. Turning without question towards those present.
  287. "We have our orders. Come along, we can all wait just out front."
  288. (Sanguinius)
  289. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  291. [14:53] Dimitri offered a brief salute and moved to make his way out of the door. None of this was really his business until it became his business. The less he spoke, the faster actual progress could be made. Hopefully?
  292. (Dimitri Asimov)
  293. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  295. [14:54] "Hmn…"
  297. That's quite the loaded bit of information to toss out front for those that hadn't exactly been tracking what was going on. A gentle wave of the hand however suffices as his acknowledgement of the commands which are specifically made for him to follow everyone else outside.
  299. "Alright, alright..." His eyes are at least set alight with a trace amount of curiosity, though asking questions here would certainly be a good way to draw attention he very much, did not need.
  301. Turning on his heels, Vitus promptly stepped south towards the exit.
  302. (Vitus)
  303. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  305. [14:55] The rat stands around in silence, they'd all had their say.. And it was nice enough to see some sticking up for her side. - Her own squeaked words are put in, for that matter.
  307. "Y'could'a said that from start n' be done with it, na'ain't trust no silence from no Aertas anyway." A grumble, then a glance off to Ryker. "Thank'ya, boss."
  309. Not all that sure where she stands now, the gun is already holstered.. So she starts a little march out of the room, they'd been told to clear out!
  310. (Niffty)
  311. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  313. [14:56] "No, Anastasia. There is not a need. I assure you." The Docro insisted. As nearly every council meeting, Ryker leaned back on the back of his chair, his feet being propped up upon the table in front of him. The only thing he could see from that vantage point? Black polishable shoes. Not that it stopped him.
  315. "Commander Matryona's orders supersede your own and mine. Niffty and no doubt the rest of the troops were merely following after her perfectly fine orders." He explained, a cloud of nicotine being the only other indicator he was there alive and well behind his feet.
  317. "Listen to Marcel's orders and ensure no one else enters the room. Niffty y'can break their elbows if they try."
  318. (Ryker pyr Docro)
  319. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  321. [14:57] Sanguinius exclaims, "Out, out!"
  322. [14:57] Niffty says, "Thank'ya-Thank'ya."
  323. [15:05] Anastasia was clearly still more than a little angry, but now, she was slowly growing more and more confused.
  325. "Excuse me, what orders from Commander Matryona were they following exactly? If it was solely the Commander's orders to not allow any murderers within the city, then why in the world would that apply to Zeno? While it is true he may have killed Peppy, that particular Razuka had been exiled from the city, and labeled a dangerous occultist who had lost their mind."
  327. "So who is it that Zeno is now accused of killing to warrant acting upon those orders. Perhaps I am unaware of the most recent happenings?"
  328. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  329. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  331. [15:05] Ryker pyr Docro asks, "Can we focus on why we're here?"
  332. [15:05] Anastasia pyr Aertas says, "I would like an answer, as it also pertains to why we are here."
  333. [15:06] Nidaz says, "Mm.."
  334. [15:06] Anastasia pyr Aertas asks, "I believe it was Commander Matryona herself who exiled the Razuka, was it not?"
  335. [15:08] Ryker pyr Docro says, "You're wasting everyone's time by asking about shit that doesn't matter. Ask the boy your questions and let's get this shit over with."
  336. [15:09] Zeno waits paitently until he is directly asked anything.
  337. (Zeno Laskaris)
  338. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  340. [15:09] Anastasia pyr Aertas says, "From what I understand, Peppy is one of the main causes for Zeno being here in the first place Ryker, so again."
  341. [15:09] Anastasia pyr Aertas says, "It very much so matters."
  342. [15:10] It felt as if Anastasia was not up to date.
  344. But it's natural, given that not everyone was- but Marcel had his own eyes and ears around, including the grounds of Academy. With that said..
  346. "I was there personally when Commander Matryona did it, and I spoke to her about it. I urged for further investigation, but I believe Matryona was convinced that Peppy is the killer." He pauses.
  348. "Peppy was exiled on assumption that she's the murderer behind Academy killings. That's the only reason she's been exiled."
  350. "As it turned out, that accusation was false all along."
  352. Admittedly, that wasn't the wisest move by Zeno- considering that they could keep blaming Peppy, but..
  354. "Otherwise-"
  356. "Peppy was actually an Achyon citizen. As of recent information that surfaced, apparently she was granddaughter of Trik as well."
  358. Exiled over false accusation, then killed. Tragic, but Marcel isn't one to focus on it too much.
  360. "Nonetheless-"
  362. "This one before you is responsible for the murders in Academy - and according to reports from military officials, also responsible for public unrest and assault against another Achyon citizen the other day."
  364. Surely Anastasia could see the whole picture now, but..
  366. "That's the situation we have at hand."
  367. (Marcel Delisle)
  368. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  370. [15:11] Zeno Laskaris asks, "Shall I speak my peace on the matter?"
  371. [15:11] Anastasia pyr Aertas says, "Hm, yes."
  372. [15:11] Anastasia pyr Aertas says, "You may as well do so now."
  373. [15:25] After awaiting his respected turn to speak on everything at hand. He clears his throat. Keeping his still rather casual demeanor, as ultimately this was at least a bit calmer than more other situations he's had lately.
  375. "Well allow me to give the full story with what you wish to know about. As you've heard. Yes, I kill Peppy. I don't care to hide it. As she was a criminal, not much different from me and Dominik. However the Docro, however the latter doesn't matter.
  377. Peppy, Dominik and myself were the ones to do the kills at the academy. As a small group. Until I killed Peppy, who attacked me in my own residence after she went crazy. Probably from the occult and the influence of that Dark lord apparently she followed. Given she was the one to do witchcraft on Miyuki from the academy."
  379. He explained completely openly not hiding anything even in a situation like this. Clearly he was a murderer, and with the rumors and the way people actaround him. Lying wouldn't get him much further. A waste of time.
  381. "I did the kills only on those from Mox and Osrona, minus Peppy, who are our active enemies. I was doing it all for practice to better myself. So I could server the empire with all I could. By any means."
  383. He takes another brief pause looking to Marcel next to him and nods his head.
  385. "That situation that you bring up, was Dominik pyr Docro attacking me. A fellow citizen of Achyon over me having killed his Girlfriend Peppy. I was merely defeating myself. It was self-defense, I can assure you.
  387. So with all that being said, what is it that you wish to do with me? Clearly coming here and saying as I have, I have nothing to hide. --Though I did want to fully serve the empire soon, and I did wish to talk to one of you about that. I think it may benefit us all within the empire."
  388. (Zeno Laskaris)
  389. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  391. [15:30] "..."
  393. A whole group involved, assuming that Zeno isn't lying. While he squints to that, there's a brief remark that follows.
  395. "Even if others were also involved-"
  397. "That still means you were behind the murders as well - just like the rest."
  399. Given that Peppy is already dead, there are no consequences that could potentially follow to her. After all..
  401. It's rather difficult to punish someone who's already dead.
  403. "The matter of the fight against Dominik should be investigated in that case, but-"
  405. "If you wanted to serve the Empire, you should've figured more covert ways of doing so - or at least, having an official order for such."
  407. Being a killer on the loose hardly helps the Empire- especially if all it does is murder some kids that more than likely weren't going to be a threat anyway.
  409. "As for what's to be done with you.."
  411. "I believe Commander is the one to decide that. Captain Aertas here is investigating you."
  412. (Marcel Delisle)
  413. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  415. [15:32] Anastasia tilts her head to the side at that, the last vestiges of her previous anger having dissipated over the course of Zeno's explanation.
  417. Then glances towards Nidaz. "Councilman Nidaz, can you confirm something for me? Was Dominik pyr Docro and Peppy all students of the necromancer Trik Gutterrunner?"
  418. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  419. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  421. [15:37] Zeno Laskaris says, "I was the one in the group trying to be covert in the killings. It was the other two that ruined it all. --However you are correct It was my mistake not receving orders to do the kills. I apologize for that."
  422. [15:40] Crossing his arms, the man listened carefully to Zeno's words and also Marcel's earlier ones explaining some things.. In the end, a little smile would come to his face.
  424. What a thing he just heard..
  426. Raising his arms to the sides, he would take the time to speak a bit, "You know, I really think this whole story is quite comical! Something that you would read in books..
  428. Truly.
  430. A group of students get together and start killing people, one for the sake of improvement, the other for rituals.. And finally the last one, probably because of love? It's hilarious!" He would rise, his silver-colored gaze falling on Zeno, "If you were really looking for ways to REEEEALLY help the Empire, there were other ways to do that, few that would be following orders from us.
  432. As mentioned by Marcel." He would add, a small detail not so important.
  434. His attention would then go to Anastasia, where the man nodded, "Given my limited knowledge, but which was enough to hear a few things.. Yes, they both participated in a Trik class.
  436. Mhm.
  438. Among my knowledge, of course, that is.." Well Nidaz had also participated, after all he was looking to see the new apprentices!
  440. But he couldn't say that openly.
  442. Giving a cough to clear his throat, he would continue, "Well, in relation to Dominik.. An investigation will be necessary, to understand it a bit more..
  444. Since well..
  446. Mm, I think the boy is already losing his mind, like many other young people from the Academy, from what I realized after a bit of talk with some." He would take a brief look at Anastasia's direction, pausing, "And well, I leave it as for Ryker's decision on what to do about Zeno!
  448. After all, only one result will really matter to me in the end."
  450. With everything said, he would just remain silent, for now.
  451. (Nidaz)
  452. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  454. [15:43] Ryker let Zeno speak, not interrupting. No, instead he seemed pleasantly comfortable within his seat for a change. One foot swayed to a rhythm that was not present within the chambers. Zeno's mention of Dominik being involved suddenly clicked something for him, however.
  456. "And that's why he didn't want to go back. Not just because of Occultism, but that." He murmured, shaking his head. Yet, the Docro brought his legs downward, settling the chair on all four legs with a massive 'thump'. He stared at Zeno. Silent, at first, before he slowly grinned.
  458. "So you think the best way for you to serve the Empire is to randomly slaughter people for no discernable fuckin' reason?"
  460. "Are you retarded? Were you dropped on your head as a child?"
  461. (Ryker pyr Docro)
  462. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  464. [15:46] Anastasia nods towards Nidaz briefly, her head shaking slowly. "Agreed. The story does seem nonsensical, but I am inclined to believe most of it right now. I summoned Dominik to discuss his issues with Zeno after the incident between him and the rest of the academy students."
  466. "Dominik told me that he would kill Zeno for the sole reason that he killed his girlfriend. As much of a storybook fantasy as his story seems, that much seems to be true."
  468. "After speaking to Dominik about the situation, I summoned Trik to speak with him regarding the bounty he placed on the boy. He confirmed that both Zeno and Peppy were his students, though I did not think to even ask if Dominik was involved with his lessons as well."
  470. "It seems now that I should have." A thoughtful look comes across her expression before she slowly shook her head.
  472. "Regardless, all of that aside, Ryker is correct. Randomly killing people in order to serve the Empire is, frankly, idiotic."
  473. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  474. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  476. [15:52] He first nodded his head to Anatasia. Going to confirm her question she gave to Nidaz.
  478. "Yes all three of us partook in his classes. Well I only took part in one, even still. Its something."
  480. After that he just listened to the words from Nidaz. Which was actually quite funny in all honesty. He hadn't realized how dumb it really did all sound. Even with him knowing most of all the details. It really was a comic story. It made him chuckle a bit under his breath.
  482. He remained silent as the Docro and the Aertas spoke. Awaiting for both of them to fully end what they had to say to him. Well about the matter in-general.
  484. "Allow me to correct something. The killings themselves wasn't directly to help the empire. What I was doing was killing to better myself for when I fully joined the empire to be of better use. --Would you all really wish to hire an assassin that had no kills to his name? Or someone who has actually killed and shown a use? --I personally know my answer, however of course yours is your own. I can't change it nor do I care to."
  486. Other than that he had nothing more to say. At least for now.
  487. (Zeno Laskaris)
  488. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  490. [15:54] Anastasia turns to look at the other councilors.
  492. "Do either of you believe he has any value to retain as, if nothing else, a weapon for the Empire?"
  493. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  494. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  496. [15:57] Ryker leaned forward, one jade eye squinting towards Zeno as the other remained quite wide.
  498. "You're fucking retarded." He concluded, simple as that. "You killed people randomly to, as you claim, better yourself and YET?! What has those kills netted for the Empire?"
  500. He outstretched his hands, as if waiting for Zeno to hand him the answer. After a few moments, his left hand, brace and all, slammed down upon the table.
  504. "That's what you killing random students has done for the Empire. Those people could have been CONVERTED to fight under the Empire's banner. Instead you killed them to pump your numbers up and make you look like an assassin."
  506. Slowly the Docro rose, his hands still upon the table. But it was clear he was annoyed.
  508. "If you were such a great fucking assassin, you wouldn't have been discovered so easily. Useless."
  509. (Ryker pyr Docro)
  510. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  512. [15:59] Wait.. Nidaz had forgotten to sit down after getting up! What a thing..
  514. Sitting down, the man would roll his eyes when he heard what Zeno had to say next, "Boy, you're just a little thug, nothing more, nothing less! Go for me, I know what a real killer is..
  516. Truly.
  518. And you are not one and you never will be." Squinting his eyes, he would take a deep breath, turning to Anastasia, "If only for that, I think I would have more use creating another meat-puppet from his body.
  520. But well, that doesn't belong exclusively to me, right!?
  522. So, no from me.. He has no value. But now it's up to you two to decide." That said, he would close his eyes and pull his beret forward, covering part of his face..
  524. Almost if ready to sleep..
  526. The man from nowhere froze in place! That is, being totally immobile.. Waiting for their decision.
  527. (Nidaz)
  528. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  530. [16:03] The yelling from the Docro provoked nothing from him. He just waiting and took the barrage of words from him. With nothing changing on his expression. Once it all fully stopped he held up his hand.
  532. "Like I said before, I was solely found out why? Because I made the ignorant decision to work with others. Dominik and Peppy are ignorant fools when it comes to intrigue based situations. No offense of course you to Mr Docro. --Sadly I found out extremely too late. My own fault, at least I will learn to never work with others in such delicate matters."
  534. The boy sighed from the words of Nidaz, since it seemed that nothing he would say could change their minds. Alas at least he tried.
  536. "What is a killer to you then?"
  538. He asked.
  539. (Zeno Laskaris)
  540. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  542. [16:05] Marcel had little interest in being involved further in talking.
  544. If anything, it felt like Zeno dug his own hole out... and while he could've had a way back at some point, it felt like such exit was narrowly closing day by day.
  546. "--For the record.."
  548. "There are ways to better yourself by going after someone worthwhile." Delisle had firsthand experience with such, defeating and capturing targets that were a major threat.
  550. "Killing easy targets is short term gain at most, but stubs you in the long run."
  552. Just a thought for Zeno to mull over. After all, just because they performed so well against Academy students that could do little...
  554. It doesn't mean they'll do well against someone who can actually fight back.
  555. (Marcel Delisle)
  556. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  558. [16:08] Zeno Laskaris says, "None of which were easy targets. I choose those equal to my own strength."
  559. [16:09] Before, Anastasia had believed that Zeno had nothing to do with the killings revolving around the Academy. Now that he had admitted to being involved openly?
  561. Yes. Her opinion of the situation at hand had been flipped on it's head.
  563. Whether his words of Peppy attacking him first were true or not, the fact remains he had been directly involved with those irrational killings involving students of the Academy.
  565. "No. I don't see any use for him anymore. Not even as a weapon, or an assassin, as he so labels himself. Being involved in the murders of academy students makes him more of a liability than an asset in my opinion."
  567. Light brown eyes gaze towards Zeno, indifferent disappointment clear upon her expression.
  568. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  569. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  571. [16:09] Marcel Delisle says, "..."
  572. [16:09] Marcel Delisle says, "If they were equal to your strength, then..."
  573. [16:09] Marcel Delisle says, "You really are no good."
  574. [16:10] Zeno Laskaris says, "If thats what you believe. --It seems to be a collective decision then."
  575. [16:15] It happened quicker than the blink of an eye, a rift opening only for the Docro to slip through it and end up behind Zeno. Both of his hands were firmly within his pockets, as he stood behind the boy.
  577. Was he going to attack him? Kill him on the spot? One never truly knew with Ryker. He was a wildcard.
  579. "Y'chose those equal to your strength, huh?" He questioned, curious. "Do you think I'm equal to your strength then?"
  580. (Ryker pyr Docro)
  581. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  583. [16:22] The decision had been made, the boy's fate was clear, a path which had been formed out of his own decisions.
  585. A fool for sure.
  587. Thawing from his momentary pause to think while the others gave their opinions and made the decision, the man would come back, fixing his beret on his head and standing up.
  589. Time to talk yet again!
  591. He jumped over the table and stopped just in front of the young man, facing Zeno, looking him right into his eyes, "Well, since you asked, I see myself under the obligation to clarify my point of view!
  593. So.." He would take a few steps back, look to Ryker and would extend his hand towards him, "Well, if we look here we have a beautiful specimen of Ryker! Great man, strong, good person!
  595. But some if seen him in the past would just see an addicted.. Nothing more, nothing less.
  597. Still, he would be a better assassin than you." He would look at Zeno, then take a few steps towardsMarcel.
  599. The man would walk around the sergeant, before stopping and then star to speak again, "And then we have Marcel! Great soldier, but that from a first glance thanks to his beauty, we would consider quickly that he sells paintings of himself without a shirt to old ladies nobles!
  601. Truly!
  603. Still, he would still be a MUCH better assassin than you." He would pause, taking a few steps to face the young guy again.
  605. He would bow a bit, standing with his face standing a few inches next to Zeno's, "And then we have anyone who doesn't randomly kill people with the excuse of 'improving themselves'..
  607. Everyone would be a better assassin than you.
  609. A assassin is not someone who only kills for the sake of killing or for a personal desire, he is someone TRAINED, to do the job following ORDERS without problems and with a hundred of efficiency, so as not to 'spoil' the view that other people have of who hired this person to do the job that is NEEDED..
  611. Do you understand me? Or not?" Taking a deep breath and also taking a few steps back and leaning against the table.. He would stop.
  613. He had said everything that wanted!
  615. With that, he could clearly understand what Nidaz was thinking at that moment.. Or at least, the necromancer hoped.
  616. (Nidaz)
  617. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  619. [16:32] First he shifted to look at Ryker who had warped behind him with a rift. He hummed, as he was possibly analyzing the situation at hand. A small smile crossed his lips from the words the Docro expressed. --His hands finally coming out from behind his back. Stretching out his limps, and letting his arms dangle beside him.
  621. "Do I think your my strength? No, but I'm not afraid of anything even those stronger than me. If you wish to test me, try your best to end me. Make it enjoyable for me. I don't care to be cast aside and executed like a dog."
  623. He says not yet taking out a weapon or anything. However he does look over his shoulder to Nidaz. Chuckling.
  625. "What you just explained were basic soldiers. While an assassin could be a soldier as well. They aren't one in the same. My kills are methodical, well planned and only due to allies came back to me. I'm well trained, yet no one to give me direct jobs. Instead of just deeming meuseless... give me a person to kill and I'll do it. Perhaps you'd be surprised."
  627. The boy said now shifting his gaze back to Ryker.
  629. "I hope you do intend on keeping this interesting. Should you actually wish to fight me."
  631. His mana erupted over his body. Lightning lining his form yet he didn't take out a weapon yet. Since he wasn't trying to be hostile. Just showcasing his interest in the idea.
  632. (Zeno Laskaris)
  633. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  635. [16:35] Anastasia shakes her head slowly. "Do whatever you think is best with him Ryker. If you find something for him, then so be it. I am no longer interested in remaining to see the conclusion to this." The Councilwoman stands up from her chair, then indifferently begins to walk out.
  636. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  637. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  639. [16:38] Rolling his eyes, Nidaz would let out a sigh. He apparently couldn't really understand what the Councilman meant with all of! Well, patience.
  641. Things like this happens..
  643. Taking a few steps back, the man would sit on the table and then look in Ryker's direction, "He's all yours! Just give him to me after you're done." That said, he crossed his arms and watched.
  645. He would see that to the end..
  646. (Nidaz)
  647. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  649. [16:42] Curious.
  651. Zeno's remark to assume that they were all basic soldiers here didn't go unnoticed, only causing him to shake his head.
  653. "Bold of you to assume none of us here have killed specific targets before."
  655. Marcel is an example of that- even Ryker, despite occupying commanding position, has been on the field all too many times. None here are unfamiliar with death.
  657. Even up close.
  659. But it seems that Ryker was going to give it a test- to see just how worthwhile, or useless, Zeno was; all depending on how he performs.
  661. It may be his ticket to serving the Empire.
  663. Or ticket to his grave.
  664. (Marcel Delisle)
  665. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  667. [16:46] The boy turned to him, even as the Docro kept his hands within his pockets. Even as that mana erupted around his body and lightning zapped up his form, Ryker's expression never changed. Amusement coursed through his features but also something that remained on his features no matter what happened.
  669. Whether he was in the thick of it, over his head, so obviously the one who would come out on top? A sickening amount of arrogance oozed from the man.
  671. "You're a third rate assassin with fourth rate kills, Zeno."
  673. The Docro commented before spinning around on his feet to exit the chambers.
  675. "To the arena, then."
  676. (Ryker pyr Docro)
  677. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  679. [16:46] Ryker pyr Docro says, "....."
  680. [16:46] Ryker pyr Docro exclaims, "COME WATCH ME KICK HIS SHIT IN, KIDS!"
  681. [16:47] Sanguinius says, "... Tsk."
  682. [16:47] Sanguinius says, "You're giving Ryker the fight? How boring."
  683. [16:47] Sanguinius says, "Actually."
  684. [16:47] Sanguinius says, "... Sir Ryker."
  685. [16:47] Emery Steiner says, "Jeez."
  686. [16:48] Ryker pyr Docro says, "Sanguinius."
  687. [16:48] Sanguinius asks, "Such a... Conflict seems quite far beneath you. Allow me, won't you?"
  688. [16:48] Nidaz says, "Sanguinius. Stand here near the others and let Ryker deal with this."
  689. [16:50] Anastasia pyr Aertas says, "Why do you wish to watch this then? It's rather pointless."
  690. [16:50] He tilted his head, eyeing Sanguinius curiously before a predatory smile crept across his lips. A pointed canine being seen clear as day.
  692. "You're RIGHT! Absolutely, fucking right." His slow steps moved him to the side, hands still within his pockets even as Zeno's raw mana coursed around him. "Tell you what, mister assassin."
  694. Ryker went to go join the others.
  696. "You beat Sanguinius? You can fight me; see how good you truly are. Surely Sanguinius is on your level, no?"
  698. A hand lifted, fingers stained from years of working wit alchemical components obvious. His hand flapped towards the duo.
  700. "Impress me."
  701. (Ryker pyr Docro)
  702. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  704. [16:50] Nidaz says, "MMmmm."
  705. [16:50] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "There is an obvious answer, Anna."
  706. [16:50] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "More trouble is to come."
  707. [16:53] Ryker pyr Docro exclaims, "REEEE-HEE-HEE-LLLYYY?!?!?!"
  708. [16:53] Niffty says, "reee."
  709. [16:54] Nidaz says, "...."
  710. [16:55] Ryker pyr Docro exclaims, "CRAZY DOMINIK!"
  711. [16:55] Ryker pyr Docro exclaims, "BECAUSE YOUR FRIEND THERE SAID YOU WERE PART OF THEM!"
  712. [16:55] As he followed out to the arena in Achyon he let out a sigh. Since rather quickly Ryker passed off the mantle of fighting him to Sanguinius. It was almost disappointing, since he was expecting to fight the man himself. Nevertheless its still a fight. He gestured over to Dominik. Smiling a bit.
  714. "Well if I lose and don't manage to escape or whatever may end up happening. Allow him to kill me, since I feel he would thrive off killing me. But either way, lets fight."
  716. His demeanor didn't care as his sole eye looked to Achyonite. His weapon and armor manifesting around his body. Ready to fight once again. He was extremely interested in seeing how this all went.
  717. (Zeno Laskaris)
  718. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  720. [16:55] Ryker pyr Docro says, "You're actually fucking retarded."
  721. [16:56] Dominik pyr Docro says, "A convicted man could say anything he wants."
  722. [16:56] Ryker pyr Docro says, "Straight up."
  723. [16:56] Ryker pyr Docro exclaims, "I'm BAFFLED!"
  724. [16:56] "... I am humbled."
  726. Such a voice seemed almost excited as poison spilled and leaked outwards as Ryker spoke. Weight and force unlike any other now pressing down upon both spectators and foe alike, his body almost unable to contain the raw excitement which burned within. Given another chance to prove just how potent and dominant his name could truly become.
  728. "I'm no more than a humble poison maker. No more than a child taken in under the wing of Marcel, cared for as though I was his own son." Between such words his breath would begin to grow heavy from the continued thoughts now flooding their mind. The idea of crushing one which had caused him so much undue stress and rendered them incapable of material gathering.
  730. Revenge was a fickle subject.
  732. "Sanguinius of Achyon, I am going to be the one who breaks you. My Father promised me you as a subject for my poison."
  734. The smallest flick of their wrist bringing a weapon intotheir hand, barrel of such a gun leveled in the direction of the very boy he let go. The child which all sides had believed was no more than a fool, now being settled between the sights of their gun.
  736. "And... My Father is no liar."
  738. Bang.
  739. (Sanguinius)
  740. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  742. [16:56] Vitus squints. This was getting real intense, so he'd definitely make sure to pay very, very close attention to what was going on.
  744. "What's that about convicted men saying anything?"
  745. (Vitus)
  746. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  748. [16:57] Ksena says, "..."
  749. [16:59] {Lost Dangerous RPB against Sanguinius}
  750. [16:59] ** Sanguinius has inflicted an injury upon Zeno Laskaris. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  751. [17:10] Breathe.
  753. Such a demand had rung within their mind as metal and blood crashed outwards. No sense of panic need claim their soul, no sense of doubt or worry need bring about their loss. Audible gunfire coupled with a spillage of poisonous bile being all they had so needed to assert dominance, to assure no failure befell their name.
  755. Crack!
  757. Crystalized poison being shot straight towards Zeno as weight continued to press down upon their shoulders. When each they sought to get closer a kinetic blow of energy kept them at bay, when chains sought to bind him down? Poison would flood their lungs and body alike, reopening wounds and festering within.
  759. "Fall."
  761. Would act as his final demand as a poisonous smog continued to fill this arena. What seemed like a seemingly endless amount of this toxic mana flooding outwards, continually dragging this killer down to their knees before no more than a young man. Brought down before afellow classmate, that sunken back gaze of steel peering through a haze of venom and death.
  763. And then..?
  765. Came the actions of a child.
  767. Raising a boot and bringing it straight into the face of Zeno. Gaze filled with a mixture of anger and spite, continually slamming that heavy greave straight into the body of Zeno. The sounds of bones cracking and flesh splitting audible for all to hear, for all to witness until someone brave enough stepped forwards to stop this child.
  769. "You ruined everything. I was going to kill them all, I was going to have my puppets. Yet you go and put the entire school on edge."
  771. Another crack.
  773. Another kick.
  775. "Idiotic. Idiotic. Idiotic. You'd of been better off if you never conceived, your mother should have spat you out rather than giving birth to such an insufferable failure."
  777. Repeating those words.
  779. Continually brutalizing and kicking their downed classmate.
  781. "Idiot. Idiot. Failure, you're lucky to have even had our Captain even think of sparring such a worthless gnat such as yourself."
  783. They weren't stopping.
  784. (Sanguinius)
  785. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  787. [17:16] Ultimately while already injured the boy couldn't manage to do much against the wave of cancer that was Sanguinius. He was brutalized and beaten into the ground by some bratty kid. Which it was understandable really. He didn't get a moment to actually speak out his words. Just getting kicked repeatedly. With no break. Yet even still he had a smile on his face. After a bit he tried his best to speak...
  789. "You all.... --Finally, get what.... you wanted? Cute... Thrive in it."
  791. It was all he could really manage to get out from the constant pummeling. His body shrouding itself in metals to ease the blows, until perhaps his ultimate demise. Should that be what they wish.
  792. (Zeno Laskaris)
  793. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  795. [17:19] The Commander made way to the plaza- Though a collection and gathering alerted her attention quickly. Magic flows about, a battle occurs and her gloved hand makes haste to the hilt of her gunblade.
  797. She pushes through and arrives to a rather horrifying sight. On the pavement, a boy on the floor being stomped on, kicked repeatedly alongside heated, emotional fueled words.
  799. "Enough." Her voice rises, a command issued at this brutal, barbaric display. And in the midst of this city? Whoever this was? It didn't matter. They don't behave like animals in the streets.
  801. Digits tighten at Augury's Nyeshk hilt.
  802. (Matryona pyr Docro)
  803. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  805. [17:20]
  806. Her chin lifts, if ever so slightly. She knows for certain that if this one does not die here...That he will die eventually. Because she has seen the hatred upon their faces. She has heard of the moments that they speak of his name...Promising both death and despair for all of the things that he may have done. To which, she doesn't seem to understand. Nevertheless...
  808. "Puppets."
  810. It is a small murmur underneath her breath. Curiosity flickering upon her features as she glances towards that of Marcel. Had he known that Sanguinius was always like this? Or did he not? Something tells her that he hadn't had a clue until now...But then again..
  812. When fights get that close, she can only imagine how one would react. How she would react if she were on the borderline of consciousness and pure instinct. Surely...Death would be on her mind too.
  814. But alas, this does give her some newer things to think about. Although, a conversation is in order for later.
  815. (Ksena)
  816. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  818. [17:21] Ryker watched Sanguinius and Zeno battle, the Docro not once seeming too interested in the battle. Until, that was, Sangunius began to brutalize the child there and then. As he walked past Matryona now who was thankfully back to her old self, a book of compiled reports was pressed into her hands.
  820. "Sanguinius enough. You've made your statement." He said. "Though in truth, the Empire has no use for someone who would willingly lie to three members of the Council."
  821. (Ryker pyr Docro)
  822. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  824. [17:22] A sudden flood of magi of each respectable class and stature would burrow through the streets of Achyon. All eyes young and old alike followed behind this train of influential faces.
  826. The Docro himself included, caught up in the happenings of whatever could bring about such a force. Then, he could see him- Zeno, the youth at the top of every individual's hitlist witnessed as one within this crowd.
  828. Dominik no longer sat idle, instead joining the gathered who had incorporated the use of the arena. Soon, all began to come together, a sort of public thrashing of sorts before the conclusion would've began.
  830. Of course, Ryker's own words did fester in Dominik's mind. The prospect of trying to sully his name as one of those who had captured and harmed fellow students.
  832. "Even at your lowest point, you still try to drag others to wallow in your own pit of suffering. However-"
  834. The ivory lids of his gaze lower, an almost pitying demeanor substitutes his previous words.
  836. "In the end, you've only failed. The people that you've caused sorrow will continue to live and you? Well.."
  838. He shifts his focus momentarily, eyeing the faces displeased with his existence. "'s looking pretty grim."
  839. (Dominik pyr Docro)
  840. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  842. [17:22] Honestly this whole situation was already a mess, but Nidaz had already made his decision and now it was time to watch! Ryker even gave Zeno a better chance to try to do something with someone of his 'level'.
  844. But in the end it hasn't changed much.
  846. There was the so-called 'Assassin', fallen, defeated. It really didn't make much difference, where the words he had said before to half of the council only served to make Nidaz discredit him even more.
  848. Truly.
  850. While Sanguinius kicked him, the Councilman would approach. Slow steps, the sound of his boot echoing through the arena, until he stopped beside the others.
  852. But his silence remained.. After all, as he said, he would just watch. Until Matryona arrived and put an end to it with her words!
  854. Unusual.. Really surprising.
  855. (Nidaz)
  856. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  858. [17:23] Conflict. Conflict was brewing over a certain child who's ideas were far, far too wild for anything Achyon stood for. The poison, the illness contained within the Empire had to be removed. Those who could not control themselves, who had no way of representing the Empire in a manner that was proper to it would not remain.
  860. This was a truth Bruno had learned for himself the hard way. Some claimed that he was nothing more than a second-class citizen due to his talents. Him. An Aertas. Even he was imprevious to the iron fist that reigned from above.
  862. A few steps led the man closer to Zeno, Matryona's words hopefully stopping the stomping that the white-haired man would not prevent. Red eyes laid upon the center of attention, the one who brought a whole city's ire upon himself.
  864. And at last, Bruno pyr Aertas spoke up.
  866. "Your excuses are poor. Only one desperate for answers would cling to them. Only one desperate for excuses would speak them.
  868. As it stands, you are but a thorn to the Empire's side."
  870. The man's piercing gaze remained upon the child's own, crimson glare pulling along a demeanor as cold as death itself. There was no emotion, no mercy, not an ounce of kindness held within the occultist's eyes.
  872. "The question stands: Do you wish to be part of the Empire, or will you remain the same half-witted assassin you have been?"
  873. (Bruno pyr Aertas)
  874. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  876. [17:25] On the sidelines, with rifle slung over his shoulders, the adolescent did little else but look ahead and quirk a brow. Was this sort of brutal aggression a necessity? Most likely not, though Vitus could only rationalize it as a natural reaction to one's enemy.
  878. Matryona's own decision to intervene however warrants a light breath is pushed beyond pursed lips, the slight rise in tension rewarded with not but the slightest shift in weight in his stance.
  880. "Hmn… Well, I guess it was eventful in some way, shape or form." Another pain to either be removed, or forced to heel and conform to the needs of others. Either option hardly affected him, and as such his interest waned considerably.
  881. (Vitus)
  882. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  884. [17:25] Anastasia watches on indifferently as the fight progresses forwards, and her gaze remains indifferent still as the fight comes to a close, and even still as the stomping commences. It is only as she realizes that the crazed boy didn't seem to have any intention of stopping did light brown eyes widen ever so slightly.
  886. The trident Glacies Adstricta is pulled from her back and it is simply hurled forwards, aiming to catch Sanguinius' dropping ankle in-between a pair of the three spikes in order to force him to stop assaulting the defeated teenager.
  888. The Councilwoman would allow no such act to be given even the smallest chance to occur in the midst of the city.
  890. If his foot were to stop striking downwards, then the hurled trident would sail past him harmlessly. If Sanguinius didn't stop?
  892. Well.
  893. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  894. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  896. [17:25] .
  897. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  898. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  900. [17:26] Ryker just watches this shit.
  901. (Ryker pyr Docro)
  902. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  904. [17:26] Self control was difficult at times.
  906. Marcel could relate to the sensation that Sanguinius goes through- only few, if any at all, know how he can get out on the field; the side that is almost never shown, save for the most dire conditions. Although he managed to learn more self-control over the years, on top of what he already could muster..
  908. He understands.
  910. Because Sanguinius is young- because his heart burns with untamed fire that is by no means as controlled as someone like him; someone that was tempered by the years of experience.
  912. "Sanguinius. That's enough."
  914. He speaks in a calm tone- a contradiction to the barking order that Matryona remarks.
  916. "He's defeated."
  918. "Do not stoop down to his level."
  920. After all, it's known what exactly the killers did to their victims- not only they mutilated their bodies, but gave no service to their departure; arguably one of the worst fates to suffer.
  922. Because not even in death they had any respect.
  924. But the Empire is different. They won't be the same. With that..
  926. Marcel approaches closer.
  928. He watches, expectantly; waiting to see what Sanguinius would do.
  929. (Marcel Delisle)
  930. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  932. [17:30] Oh.
  934. For a second he seemed almost lost as a voice so proud and forceful echoed across this arena. None other than a commander which had demanded he cease, none other than a presence which stood above all others behind these walls. Their boot raising for a final time as that gaze full of vitriol and hate now peered over their shoulders.
  936. He... Was in Achyon.
  938. "... I seem to have broken composure. My apologies." Covered and splattered with blood the tension within their body would soon fade. Boot being lowered and a single twist of their hand causing the air to vibrate, his actions would not lead to the death of Zeno. No, his judgement was something made to quell that burning rage.
  940. Failure.
  942. "Though... His gaze shall never settle upon our beautiful streets again. Such is a fate I believe worthy of trash so far beneath my boot, one which ruined so much that I had previously planned." Plucked from their skull - Their second eye being pulled into the palm of Sanguinius' hands.
  944. Clutched within in a mere matter of seconds.
  946. "I apologize for my outbursts. Such an act was not befitting for a future soldier of our Empire."
  948. Poison pulled back inwards, he'd made his own stance more than clear to none other than Zeno.
  950. Sanguinius and all of Achyon stood above them.
  951. (Sanguinius)
  952. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  954. [17:33] ** Sanguinius has inflicted an injury upon Zeno Laskaris. ("Eye gone", "Plucked from their skull, the second eye of Zeno was pulled free by Sanguinius. Poison previously within his body swelling within the socket of his eye, causing the wound to occassionally bleed and spill out a mixture of puss and blood.", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-10 Vit)") **
  955. [17:45] Sanguinius says, "... If you stop me now."
  956. [17:45] Sanguinius says, "I'll kill him later."
  957. [17:45] Sanguinius says, "Councilman."
  958. [17:45] Sanguinius says, "Do think wisely."
  959. [17:45] Niffty says, ". . ."
  960. [17:45] Anastasia pyr Aertas says, ".."
  961. [17:45] Dimitri Asimov says, "Somebody have an extra cigarette? Seems like a good time."
  962. [17:45] Anastasia pyr Aertas asks, "Why would I need to think wisely?"
  963. [17:45] Niffty says, "..."
  964. [17:45] Sanguinius says, "You seem quite intent on protecting this scum."
  965. [17:46] Sanguinius says, "... I can't imagine why."
  966. [17:46] Marcel Delisle says, "The Commander will decide his fate, Sanguinius."
  967. [17:46] Anastasia pyr Aertas says, "You're almost as much of an idiot as Zeno is."
  968. [17:46] Sanguinius says, "Tsk."
  969. [17:46] Sanguinius says, "Very well.-"
  970. [17:46] Sanguinius says, "I'm not the fool that went behin the backs of your fellow councilman."
  971. [17:47] Anastasia pyr Aertas says, "Step aside boy. You are starting to annoy me."
  972. [17:48] Vitus says, "Hmn, I don't want to be the voice of reason here but you should just let it go Sanguinius."
  973. [17:49] Blood splattered against the young man's body. It caked his boot and trailed up his leg. Disgusting in every sense. Senseless, in fact. So much so that he needs to be stopped, restrained and held back.
  975. "You will do no such thing."
  977. "Murder, in these streets, in the presence of my Captains and me especially? You've not so much as enlisted. You pose no authority, Sanguinius." She reminds of this fact.
  979. "Clear your head."
  980. (Matryona pyr Docro)
  981. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  983. [17:50] Matryona pyr Docro asks, "Like a fool?"
  984. [17:50] Niffty says, "Ye'h."
  985. [17:51] The glow of metaphysical runes along the trident's length appear along with the faint coursing of mana as the runes were activated, the weapon comes sailing back through the air into her waiting grasp.
  987. "The commander ordered you to cease, if you do not, I'll throw you in a cell for disobeying an authority figure. It's that simple."
  989. Anastasia returns the trident back to it's sling on her back, where she returns her gaze back upon the situation at hand.
  990. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  991. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  993. [17:52] Vitus says, "Oof."
  994. [17:52] After getting brutalized and his eye almost ripped out from his face. He let out a groan since it seemed it was stopped by the Councilwoman. The boy slouched over and looked over the crowd. Each and every one of them Taking them all in. Before his sole hue met Bruno. A cold lifeless eye, which didn't really seem to care about what all was happening right now. The outcome didn't matter much. Even if he dies. Since his own life may be taken he took a few with him as well.
  996. "I came here to speak so I may join the Empire. However with what everyone knows of me. Do you really wish to allow a known criminal another chance? You'd be giving me what I wish. Even after I failed in that showcase of power. --I'd happily take it from you, should you continue to provide it."
  998. He spoke in a calm tone even still. Was it a mercy to allow him to live, or a continuation of his damned life? Only time would tell.
  999. (Zeno Laskaris)
  1000. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1002. [17:53] Ksena exclaims, "...!"
  1003. [17:54] "... Tsk."
  1005. One vicious snap pulled his hand away from the grasp of Anastasia. No gaze to be plucked from Zeno and no further blood being spilled, ever intent on assuring that single fate soon to come.
  1007. "Don't order me around like you have any authority over me, Aertas. You're no Captain Ryker nor Commander Matryona. You've done nothing to command my respect. I'm no soldier of yours yet."
  1009. His words rang with that same kind of vicious spite all the very same. Storming past the likes of both his father and Matryona, something like a child agitated they couldn't have their way.
  1011. "... I apologize for causing a scene within these walls, Commander Matryona. Father."
  1013. Simple as could be.
  1014. (Sanguinius)
  1015. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1017. [17:54] "I have never asked for your respect. I only demand your obedience. Fall in line, or be tossed aside like the other rejects."
  1018. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  1019. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1021. [17:54] Sanguinius asks, "... Rejects?"
  1022. [17:54] Sanguinius says, "I'd say you're more a reject than any other here."
  1023. [17:54] Sanguinius says, "Running at the drop of a hat to teach Osronans."
  1024. [17:55] Anastasia pyr Aertas says, "Your back talk is getting extremely tiresome."
  1025. [17:56] Anastasia pyr Aertas asks, "Commander, any issues with me putting him in a cell for a day or two?"
  1026. [17:56] Ksena says, "I am complete."
  1027. [17:59] "Excuse me speaking out of turn... So, with all the proceedings done, was there a message beyond Zenos's potential repurposing?"
  1029. Vitus wants to be the reasonable one here, if only to ensure that everything in order. While just a private, there was certainly other things that could be tended to in regard to progression.
  1031. "Besides, I'm sure continued exposure to this scene is just going to result in more sideline trash talking. Not from me, of course."
  1033. He'd gotten enough of a serving on academy grounds.
  1034. (Vitus)
  1035. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1037. [17:59] "..."
  1039. As much as everyone is entitled to their own opinion, not everyone is entitled to express it- the Empire required obedience from the authority figure, no matter how exactly they felt about it.
  1041. "Sanguinius. That's enough."
  1043. "Regardless of how you personally feel about Captain Aertas, she outranks you. Cease at once."
  1045. This was getting far. The fact that he would even say such things meant that he required discipline.
  1047. As someone who's his father, it falls on him.
  1049. "You'll be assigned mandatory duty to help around - including getting whatever local crafters desire, manual labor and cleaning around the barracks."
  1051. "You should know better than to let it get this far."
  1053. That alone will take up some of his time- and Marcel expects results.
  1055. "Exact value of units will be given to you after conclusion of this mess. I expect the barracks to be shiny clean as well."
  1057. "--And we will speak later about this as well. Personally."
  1059. Stern. Perhaps, he may have spoiled Sanguinius a bit too much... and now, it calls for a heavy father's hand to discipline him once more.
  1061. "Do I make myself clear?"
  1062. (Marcel Delisle)
  1063. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1065. [18:03] "Father!"
  1067. Now came a voice which he had looked upon above all others. Quick to turn upon their heel as a hand slammed against their chest, here was a child which believed themselves so fully justified it was odd to be spoken back to. The cold and calculated gaze of someone so content and willing to mutilate a pest in their way.
  1069. Softened before Marcel.
  1071. "She went behind you as well as the rest of The Council! She... She was going to arrest someone like Niffty for simply... They're not someone I can ever respect!" His words silenced by that final statement of Marcel. Any sense of talking back or defending themselves would be pointless, wincing only slightly.
  1073. "... Of course, Father."
  1075. Not so much as any further backtalk being given.
  1077. No more than a simple lowering of their head before this man which had given them everything.
  1079. "I'll report to these duties as soon as this concludes."
  1080. (Sanguinius)
  1081. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1083. [18:05] Amidst the pleasure surfaced while spectating Zeno's capture and beating, there was, deep down a disappointment. For him to have eluded the hands of Dominik twice, only to be felled by another.
  1085. It brings his brows to dip, silently in thought he'd eye the revelation of what was to come next. It seemed as if the Empire wasn't exactly planning on ridding themselves of Zeno quite yet.
  1087. Though, while Sanguinius would incite displeasure and beratement, from the Docro he'd receive no such thing. The sense of familiarity and alignment in thoughts prohibited such emotions from manifesting on his visage.
  1089. "Hmm."
  1091. He'd hum in thought, not exactly conveying any sort of intention, but there was clearly some form of scheme brewing in his mind. Though for now, his gaze simply rests on Anastasia, awaiting her own retort to Sanguinius' accusations.
  1093. Truly, why was she so persistent in things involving Zeno?
  1094. (Dominik pyr Docro)
  1095. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1097. [18:06] Anastasia stared at Sanguinius for a while in thought. Then shook her head for a moment. "Sergeant Delisle, put the boy in a cell. He can spend the night there to learn respect for authority." She says, not hearing anything in regards to a negative from the Commander regarding her intentions for the kid.
  1098. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  1099. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1101. [18:11] All the reasoning and defense would not work for Sanguinius- no matter how much he argues, Marcel only shakes his head to such.
  1103. "Not another word."
  1105. The argument about it ends there, and Marcel said all that he had to say; nonetheless, a glance is given back to Anastasia.
  1107. "The cell?"
  1109. "What's a cell going to teach him? That will not teach him to respect you, nor it will do any good - all it will do is remove a capable soldier away from doing anything."
  1111. And given the state of how people feel about Anastasia in general.. she isn't one to know how to earn people's respect.
  1113. Whether she knows it or not, he does this for her sake as well.
  1115. "I insist that I'm allowed to handle it in my own way - and by the time I'm done, Sanguinius will not speak up like this again."
  1117. "If he does, however - double whatever punishment you intended."
  1119. It's a good incentive for Sanguinius, to know what awaits him should he slip up away from Marcel's watchful gaze.
  1120. (Marcel Delisle)
  1121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1123. [18:12] While arguments were being made by the wayside Bruno's sole focus remained the target of all hatred in Achyon at this moment. His words were the kind that showcased a certain clarity in who he was, in what he was. Manipulative. Opportunistic. Greedy.
  1125. Alas, Zeno would find himself before a man far more well-versed in each and every single one of these. Feelings were able to be put aside, to be shelved by the occultist in order to properly act before the world. To be insane and avoid falling before the world over it was no mere matter of will or skill: It was art.
  1127. "The Empire uses all and any who can be of use. Even the scraps left behind the poor should they feed a hound will be used.
  1129. You are no different, Zeno Laskaris."
  1131. It was an understatement to say such. Bruno had planned to utilize the boy's notoriety for his own endeavors, tossing him aside when he was done with it. It was only due to Anastasia's inquiry that such had not happened.
  1133. "Do not think of this as an opportunity. It will be your punishment and you will obey orders should the council allow you to have another chance within our walls.
  1135. Failure to do so will result in..."
  1137. The Aertas stopped himself in the midst of his sentence, instead rising his left hand ever so slightly. He knew Matryona's orders were not to kill the boy. Bruno's purpose was to make him realize he did not wish to die.
  1139. Not to him.
  1141. Forces as dark as the depths of the man's evil seized Zeno's mind, grasping it with its full occultic reach and squeezing at it, penetrating it with the very madness the man himself suffered: Over three decades of boundless use of occult magic had left Bruno's mind in tatters, his view of the world was twist, warped, and only further corrupted by his desire to accomplish things greater than any humans have.
  1143. And Zeno would be plunged into that very madness, into the disregard of all and any, even those that were loved.
  1145. Me. Me. Me.
  1147. It was all about the self, the greedy, self-concerned, manipulative self. The boy called himself an assassin, a man who works in the shadows in order to take down targets of high value. But Bruno was no assassin. He was no murderer, either. He killed not for sport, but because it had to be done. He destroyed the land not for pleasure, but to remind the world of who he was. Desecration, curses that could make a sane priest completely mad. They were done with a purpose. With a goal. With a disregard of anyone else's goals, dreams, plans, and aspirations.
  1149. To be Bruno pyr Aertas was to be darkness itself.
  1151. .. And yet, he sought more.
  1153. Such was the insanity inflicted upon Zeno's mind momentarily.
  1154. Such was the taste of what going up against Bruno's very desires could bring.
  1156. Implications alone may be enough to change the course of the boy's life, after all. Vermillion eyes remained upon his sole one before a question was spoken once more.
  1158. "Will you step out of line?"
  1159. (Bruno pyr Aertas)
  1160. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1162. [18:17] Anastasia tilts her head to the side for a moment as she observes Marcel. She had every right to just start flattening the mouthy boy on the spot for insulting her by assuming her intentions. Though it mostly had to do with his open disobedience towards a Councilor.
  1164. People had been put on a cross for that.
  1166. Silence.
  1168. After a while, she offers a small nod towards him. "Very well. I expect improvement, Sergeant. His current behavior is entirely unacceptable, as you have already expressed yourself."
  1170. "If he acts like this again, I will not be inclined to let it go."
  1171. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  1172. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1174. [18:17] Vitus sighs, this was becoming much more exhausting to watch by the second. Not to mention they'd be brought to somewhat, haphazardly trust an individual that has likely tried to kill one, or two soldiers on a whim.
  1176. Lifting a single digit, there was but a simple inquiry that crossed his mind.
  1178. "Is there a plan set in motion about how Zenos will be integrated? I'd hate to turn my back, only to find out our friendly-assassin has decided to shoot me in it."
  1180. Stepping out of line in either case was of little concern, given it could reach an extreme fairly quickly.
  1181. (Vitus)
  1182. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1184. [18:19] "Sanguinius, you're to show respect to all figures of authority- Or have you forgotten yourself? During my 'absence', has this how you all behaved?" She asks, gaze ever unamused by how the situation has transpired.
  1186. "Act like you've sense." Matryona has no objections against the mandatory duty assigned to him. "Deal with him, Delisle. Ensure he doesn't embarrass the Empire like this again."
  1188. Stepping forward, she approaches the bloody, beaten serial killer. Her gaze falls down upon him, she stares, nigh indifferent.
  1190. "I care very little for men who've lost their mind. Achyon? This is no place for people who seek to bring about chaos. To murder for... for what?" She didn't catch his reasonings. She doesn't quite care. He's murdered children. Academy students and those meant to be his peers, origins or not.
  1192. "This is no decision or discussion for the streets. Get him cleaned up. We will discuss it somewhere private." The Commander soon turns, light clacks of her heels guide her away from this situation and somewhere proper.
  1194. They say he murdered Trik Gutterrunner's child.
  1195. (Matryona pyr Docro)
  1196. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1198. [18:21] Vitus says, "Right..."
  1199. [18:22] The fate of the murderer concerned him little.
  1201. As such, he intended to leave- obviously taking Sanguinius along with himself. The fate of someone he was taking care of mattered a lot more.
  1203. There's a nod given to Anastasia, and a glance to Matryona.
  1205. "Very well, Commander."
  1207. His gaze momentarily shifts towards Sanguinius. There's a resting frown on his expression.. clearly disappointed.
  1209. He's in trouble.
  1211. "--Come along, Sanguinius."
  1212. (Marcel Delisle)
  1213. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1215. [18:27] Tsk.
  1217. Nothing else needing said. Such a child which had ever been a voice of reason and composure allowing brutality and decay to cloud their mind, the smallest of glances given back towards Anastasia.
  1219. Sunken back gaze filled with vitriol and hatred.
  1221. "... Very well, Father."
  1223. No more than a small nod now offered towards Matryona. Similar words being repeated as they moved to take the side of Marcel once more.
  1225. "I apologize again, Commander."
  1227. Done with this entire situation.
  1228. (Sanguinius)
  1229. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1231. [18:27]
  1232. How...Old is Sanguinius at this particular moment? Fifteen? Sixteen? - she's surprised that people are still treating him as if he were some type of child...Especially, with the way things have been thus far. More often than naught, people of Achyon were forced to grow up a little faster...To be smarter. And by all means, even she thinks that it's necessary for them to treat him as something 'more' than some spoiled brat.
  1234. "It was a close fight, filled with adrenaline and more...You should all give him lee-way. He almost lost." She says while glancing elsewhere. "Regardless...His belligerence, while disconcerting, isn't without some sort of reason. It's best to get behind that...Rather than to badger him." Her gaze flickers towards Sanguinius and then the others about.
  1236. "I've not known a child that would respond well to criticism when he's called 'idiotic' either. Under any circumstance." A passing gaze is given to Anastasia. "Either way....It's best to deal with matters with a lighter hand. Discipline...It doesn't always have to be harsh."
  1238. Just a thought.
  1240. Even if it is uncharacteristic of the cog.
  1241. (Ksena)
  1242. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1244. [18:28] An opportunity bestowed upon him. A chance at a new life, but at what cost? As the words from the man left his lips the boy's face contorted. Squinting with distain given the idea of being ordered around. It was against his very being. --However his mind was invaded overtaken with corrupt energies. As the councilman attempted to ensue fear into a kid that didn't know what that was. The being that loomed over him, he met with a grin. He didn't care to face the abyss that was Bruno. Yet while in his state, he knew that he couldn't do much against him.
  1246. The Pride within the kid remained, steadfast...
  1248. ..yet he didn't care to cast something like this out. The boy's mind rattled around, pondering over the various possibilities. The one that he ended up going with was the simple alternate. Bartering almost.
  1250. "I will not be a dog, I'd rather die than take orders from another. --Should you understand that, I will never take orders and will take kind suggestions. Then we have a deal. --There would be no point to 'Step out of line' should you never provoke me. With orders as such. I will help you much like how you can easily help me. A mutual deal should you find it fruitful even with what I have stated."
  1252. He said looking to the commander nodding.
  1254. "Just if you wish to put me in a cell... no restrains, I don't want to be kept like a dog. --I can assure you I won't flee no point, really."
  1256. Zeno explained.
  1257. (Zeno Laskaris)
  1258. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1260. [18:29] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "..."
  1261. [18:29] Anastasia pyr Aertas says, "..."
  1262. [18:30] Ksena says, "Well."
  1263. [18:30] Words he could at least agree with on Ksena's behalf. Yet rationality doesn't seem to be fitting for a private to audibly relay. Instead, he listen's to Zeno's request, as outrageous as it was.
  1265. "Hmn… Kind suggestions and no orders, huh." The adolescent doesn't even seem to linger on that note. Working with a murderer seemed a little selfless on his behalf.
  1267. Especially one that could only be suggested to not kill others. Had there been no one to stop the adolescent, he'd be gone just as quickly as he arrived.
  1270. (Vitus)
  1271. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1273. [18:31] Anastasia stares at Zeno for a few seconds before turning to look at Matryona.
  1274. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  1275. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1277. [18:34] Her steps halt.
  1279. A 'dog' he says. He's been given a chance and it will not be extended twice. Her hands fall behind her back. "Prepare a stage in the mean time." She says, steps continuing.
  1281. "Report to me the length of his crimes." The Commander has no qualms with her decision. "You are not given deals. You follow the Empire until your dying breath."
  1283. "See him restrained. I care little for any wounds he's sustained now. Clear the area. He's not worth gawking eyes." She's departed and off to the plaza, likely to catch up further with all she's missed.
  1284. (Matryona pyr Docro)
  1285. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1287. [18:35] As quite a few of the crowd had dispersed with the most entertaining aspect over with, all that was left were the more legal components. However, much to the shock of everyone else, save the young Docro, Zeno would scoff at the ideology proposed to him.
  1289. Honestly? It warranted a chuckle, one that would steadily grow into a bellyful of laughter.
  1291. "Damn, this guy's just too good!"
  1293. Even Dominik couldn't help but feel mirth when observing Zeno's stubborn character. "Even after being hunted for years, caught, the shit kicked out of him! The only supposed safe-haven he has offering him an olive branch and yet.."
  1295. The laughter subsides.
  1297. "He still spits at the feet of the Empire."
  1299. Dominik's chest rises and falls with a sigh, a shift as he experienced no minor discomfort from previous duels.
  1301. "I gotta hand it to ya, you sure know how to get yourself into shit."
  1302. (Dominik pyr Docro)
  1303. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1305. [18:37] Simon arches a black-haired brow at Zeno.
  1306. (Simon)
  1307. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1309. [18:37] Bruno was not the kind of man to sully his hands with the bloodied and the half-deceased, let alone those he disliked. The response granted to him was one that verbally spat in the direction of this dark promise the man was making.
  1311. How dull. He would succumb to an execution like the rest rather than a truly horrifying experience. A few steps are taken away from Zeno before the Aertas speaks, getting petty revenge for his wife having been passively-aggressively insulted.
  1313. "Ksena. Drag him where he needs to be."
  1315. Was she in Achyon's Hand officially? He knew not. But she was wearing the garbs; her refusal would be trouble for her.
  1316. (Bruno pyr Aertas)
  1317. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1319. [18:39] Anastasia just shakes her head and moves towards Matryona. A notepad and a writing utensil is produced, and she begins to write out a report for the Commander as requested.
  1320. (Anastasia pyr Aertas)
  1321. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1323. [18:40] Sands would slowly wrap around Zeno's broken frame. A gentle sigh would soon spill past her features as she would lift him up steadily...Carting him about with steady manipulation. "I'll need some assistance..." She says in response. "These are...Marcel's clothes. I am not officially part of the militia, although, I did ask to be recruited long ago." A silent hum is given, her head tilts.
  1325. "I'm unaware of where the prison cells would be..."
  1326. (Ksena)
  1327. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1329. [18:40] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "You may keep them. Welcome to Achyon's Hand."
  1330. [18:40] Dominik turns on his heel.
  1331. (Dominik pyr Docro)
  1332. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1334. [18:41] Bruno stepped forward as he spoke.
  1336. "I will show you where the cells are. Restraints will be needed."
  1338. He expected Ksena to follow and someone to bring him restraints, naturally.
  1339. (Bruno pyr Aertas)
  1340. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1342. [18:42] Ksena says, "I'll have to speak with Marcel to get them. It'll take a moment then."
  1343. [18:43] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "I will ensure he remains."
  1344. [18:46] "..."
  1346. He is placed within the cell...And shortly thus after...Would he be able to see mocha hands reach around the bars, grasping them tightly. "You are foolish...If you think that you will live by making such bold statements infront of the commanders." She states, admonishing the boy. "If you've the will to live...Then you should start by, at the very least, acting as if you care for what they say and are going to do to you. Otherwise...The fate that you meet may be worse than death."
  1348. It is a warning.
  1349. Or so, she'd believe.
  1351. "The world is shit...Everyone does something fucked up, but at the very least, you can make the most out of your shit predicament. Do what you can...Because I feel as if these four walls are the thing that's protecting you from half of the people out there that want your head."
  1353. A sigh. "You're blind, you're broken...And you're not fit to fight anymore. So give in."
  1354. (Ksena)
  1355. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1357. [18:53] The kid was tossed in the cell he sat against the wall. Unable to move. His single hue stared at the woman. With a casual and rather carefree demeanor. Letting out a huff of air as the woman spoke to him. He gave a small smile, to her.
  1359. "Who said I plan to live? I win regardless, if I live or die. --I will never be demanded to do anything or ordered by another. That shit pisses me off to no end."
  1361. He said with a steadfast tone, filled with distain with the idea. She wants him to just break and become a pet of the empire? While he did wish to help them, and further their progress he wasn't one to join the military as it wasn't his style. Not to mention he would get infuriated if someone were to command him to do something.
  1363. "What become a lifeless mass that will work within the empire anyway? I care not as long as my soul as departed to hel where I belong. --I won't just give in. Even if I want to help you all. I just have a problem with what I stated. Nothing more. If I can't get that peace of mind, I can at least die with peace of mind."
  1365. Zeno said.
  1366. (Zeno Laskaris)
  1367. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1369. [18:54] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "There is no victory in death."
  1370. [18:55] Zeno Laskaris says, "No victory in submitting to another either."
  1371. [19:00]
  1372. "How ignorant." One hand withdraws from the bars and carefully drifts towards her lips. Betwixt the splayed fingers, would a stifled laugh threaten to erupt. "You have the chance to continue going on with your story and you're willing to end all of it.." In the end...She seemingly understands. He's not willing to bend or buckle - even if temporarily. Then it means that he's willing to sacrifice his own life for the sake of...
  1374. True freedom.
  1376. "Very well then." She'd add. "I suppose death may possibly be around your corner...After all, there is no in-between. You either obey. Or die."
  1377. (Ksena)
  1378. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1380. [19:05] "You may call it what you will. --But you see, I have standards. Which keep growing to higher heights as time progress. Since I allowed them to stoop low once for a short time. I heavily regret it."
  1382. The boy admits, as he allowed his one hue to close and fall to the ground. Resting them as it didn't matter if he looked at her or void of his own lid. Perhaps soon this is what he'd see anyway.
  1384. "Why do you obey?"
  1386. He strikes a conversation.
  1388. "Is it because you don't have any other reason to live for? To better our empire? Or because you just happen to like being beckoned and controlled?"
  1389. (Zeno Laskaris)
  1390. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1392. [19:10] She would have began walking away, but his words would have caused her to pause. To be completely honest...It wasn't the first time that someone had asked her such a thing. And to be quite honest...She's not necessarily surprised at how he had acted. In the end, the woman would merely wave a single hand. "Assuming that we, as people here, do not have standards just because we know how to obey orders." She says with a shaking of the head.
  1394. "There is a system involved...One that keeps the peace and one that allows for order. Without such a thing, there is chaos...I'm certain you understand common law, correct?" She adds before moving on.
  1396. "Regardless of such a notion....My reason for obeying isn't because this is all that I've known. It is because of the opportunity. The advancement of humanity...The ability that gives us the chance to fight against otherworldly threats that might come against us." she says.
  1398. "For the good of all mankind; my reason for obeying...Is evolution."
  1399. (Ksena)
  1400. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1402. [19:12] Bruno remained silent. Ksena's words were plenty. They were right in line with his own ideas, his own words, even. His speech about mankind's progress was one that in Achyon had been merely... accepted. A shrug, perhaps, as if everything was evident.
  1404. To think the world at large could not understand this goal, this future that awaited them.
  1405. (Bruno pyr Aertas)
  1406. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1408. [19:18] He listens in and takes in all that the woman had to say. Once she finished, he hummed softly to himself. Waiting for a moment before he spoke. As if he was pondering everything, or perhaps just basking in the moment.
  1410. "Well evolution could be done without just blindly obeying another. However I guess I can understand why you might think that. I won't care to express my opinion further on it since I know what you'd think. Since surely you wouldn't care to hear them."
  1412. The boy said pressing his back against the wall. Since he heard the man who attempted to subjugate him. He called out to him.
  1414. "Mr Aertas… I am curious, if the others of the council deem me useless and wanted to kill me. Why did you wish to give me a deal? --I assume its not to just have a new toy for you to just command.... right?"
  1416. He asked.
  1417. (Zeno Laskaris)
  1418. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1420. [19:21] Bruno remained right where he was. Near the wall, yet not leaning against it. Who knows what had touched that wall, after all. His scarlet gaze was trained upon the stones opposite to him, leaving him with a simple, short, and to the point answer.
  1422. "My acts were for you to see what awaited you should you go against my words. My words were a chance for you to prove yourself useful.
  1424. Alas, you made your decision. Your death will be a merciful one."
  1425. (Bruno pyr Aertas)
  1426. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1428. [19:24] He rubbed his chin and sighed. Ultimately it didn't matter much to him. That he seemed to have failed the adult's test. Perhaps it was better that he did.
  1430. "Oh I get a merciful death? Wonderous, probably better than dying to any of the mass of people who wants me dead."
  1432. A hint of sarcasm in his tone. As he didn't actually expect his death to be all that pleasant. But it was nice to think that it would be... right?
  1433. (Zeno Laskaris)
  1434. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1436. [19:25] Ksena says, "Do you still need the restraints..."
  1437. [19:25] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "It is better than suffering a death at my hands. Or at the hands of those who grew up alongside myself."
  1438. [19:25] Ksena says, "Or are you going to execute him here? I'd rather not waste the resources."
  1439. [19:25] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "The Commander asked for them."
  1440. [19:25] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "If the stage is set, then there will be no need."
  1441. [19:25] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "If not, then they will be needed."
  1442. [19:25] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "Go find out."
  1443. [19:25] Ksena says, "Mhm."
  1444. [19:26] Zeno Laskaris says, "Well thats at least good."
  1445. [19:27] Marcel Delisle asks, "I was told a collar is needed?"
  1446. [19:29] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "Yes."
  1447. [19:29] Marcel Delisle says, "Here."
  1448. [19:29] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "You may put it on him."
  1449. [19:30] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "I know you enjoy keeping the remotes on you."
  1450. [19:30] Marcel Delisle says, "You're horrible."
  1451. [19:30] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "Carrying nineteen remotes is my legacy, Marcel."
  1452. [19:30] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "You hold the torch, now."
  1453. [19:30] Marcel Delisle says, "Ugh."
  1454. [19:31] Marcel Delisle says, "Well I'm off."
  1455. [19:32] Zeno Laskaris says, "In all honesty I'm surprised you haven't made a subordinate watch over me than you."
  1456. [19:32] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "I was about to."
  1457. [19:33] Bruno pyr Aertas says, "Enjoy your alone time. Do not try to escape; the collar will harm you."
  1458. [19:33] Zeno Laskaris says, "Ah"
  1459. [19:33] Zeno Laskaris says, "Mhm~"
  1460. [19:33] Zeno Laskaris exclaims, "Have fun!"
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