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Vector Icon Pack List

a guest
Nov 21st, 2023
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  1. Icons List
  2. (Each listed icon includes two variations, outlined and no outline)
  4. Bag of Clovers
  5. Bag of Coins
  6. Bag of Eggs
  7. Bag of Gems
  8. Bag of Potions
  9. Banners (6x colors)
  10. Battery (4x colors)
  11. Book
  12. Borders (6x colors)
  13. Chest of Coins
  14. Chest of Eggs
  15. Chest of Gems
  16. Chest of Clovers
  17. Clovers (4x colors)
  18. Coin
  19. Coin Pile
  20. Crate of Gems
  21. Crate of Clovers
  22. Crate of Coins
  23. Crate of Eggs
  24. Crate of Potions
  25. Egg (6x colors)
  26. Gem (5x colors)
  27. Gift (5x colors)
  28. Hoverboard (6x colors)
  29. Key (3x colors)
  30. Magnet (2x colors)
  31. Medal (6x colors)
  32. Plasma (5x colors)
  33. Potion (6x colors)
  34. Settings (2x colors)
  35. Shop Blue Battery
  36. Shop Blue Gems
  37. Shop Clovers
  38. Shop Coins
  39. Shop Empty
  40. Shop Gold Battery
  41. Shop Potions
  42. Shop Purple Battery
  43. Shop Red Battery
  44. Shop Red Gemns
  45. Shop Trophy
  46. Skull (6x colors)
  47. Sword
  48. Crossed Swords
  49. Fire Sword
  50. Fire Crossed Swords
  51. Golden Sword
  52. Trophy (6x colors)
  54. (List will be updated as pack is updated!)
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