
"Mod be broken"

Jun 3rd, 2014
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  1. * niatriz (webchat@ has joined
  2. <niatriz> vazkii here?
  3. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Nope.
  4. * niatriz has quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
  5. * niatriz (webchat@ has joined
  6. <niatriz> i hate this Internet
  7. <niatriz> anyone know when vazkii will be here?
  8. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Few hours, in all likly hood.
  9. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Why, what do you need?
  10. <niatriz> can you tell her for me?
  11. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Sure.
  12. <niatriz> tell her botania corrupted my world and im telling everyone its broken
  13. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Crash logs or anything?
  14. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> We can't do anything without logs of some sort.
  15. * Vexaton has quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
  16. <niatriz> i can load the world but all the things a are gone
  17. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> 1.6 MC or 1.7?
  18. <niatriz> 1.7
  19. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> What happened before the world corrupted?
  20. <niatriz> nothing i just loaded the world and all the things were gone
  21. <niatriz> so botania is broken and you shouldnt use it just a psa
  22. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Did you change anything before loading? Add or remove a mod or somehting?
  23. <niatriz> i updated botania
  24. <niatriz> and it only broke my game more
  25. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Ah. From what version to what version?
  26. <niatriz> dunno i update to the latest to see if it would fix it
  27. <niatriz> but its still broken
  28. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Well, was there and error in the console when this happened?
  29. <niatriz> i play on a pc not a console
  30. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> The Dev console.
  31. <niatriz> what
  32. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Sigh, never mind.
  33. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Without a crash log, we can't fix anything.
  34. <niatriz> can you tell her its broken then
  35. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Well, that's the probelm: It works for everyone else.
  36. <niatriz> i want it fixed so more people dont corrupt their worlds
  37. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Without a log, we can't fix it. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
  38. <niatriz> im not using botania any more piece of shit mod that only thing it does is break my world
  39. <niatriz> bye
  40. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Good day then.
  41. * niatriz has quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
  42. <TheMadman||Chaos_Incarnate> Well, that is one worthy of the hall of shame.
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