
Doughnut Holes (Oneshot)

Jan 15th, 2013
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  1. >Day Doughnut Holes in Equestria.
  2. >You are Anonymous. And you are the first and only hitman in Equestria.
  3. >Your cover job was being a detective, and that's how most of Equestria knew of you, but the mercenary work is what payed the bills.
  4. >Come to find out, you were suited perfectly for these businesses in this maddening pastel world.
  5. >You were apparently highly resistant to magic and stronger than every pony except Earth ponies. They were freakishly strong.
  6. >Either way, the hitman business has been good.
  7. >Although it's not the business you got back in the human world.
  8. >Ponies that propositioned you apparently thought that being a hitman meant that you were paid to beat people up.
  9. >Don't misunderstand, cash is still cash. You just felt that these ponies were not capitalizing on your specialties. Sabotage and blackmail.
  10. >Currently you were relaxing in Fluttershy's house enjoying a nice manticore steak you had butchered a few days ago.
  11. >A bit gamey, but full of flavor and very juicy.
  12. >You and Fluttershy had an understanding. She left you stay at her place, left you to your business, and gave you a wide breadth and you held your tongue about what was in her basement.
  13. >Twisted freak, she was. And this was coming from you.
  14. >After you finished your steak, you checked the clock.
  15. >1:01. It's almost time to meet your next client.
  16. >You don your overshirt and grab a silenced pistol and conceal it in your waistband behind your back. You could never be too careful.
  17. >Exiting Fluttershy's house, you head towards the Highland Reservoir. Your meeting spot was located in a little known enclave you discovered on one of your first jobs in this crazy pastel pony world.
  19. >Arriving at your meeting spot, you sit down and lean against a tree growing out of the bank. Soon enough, you start to hear the sound of hooves on dirt approaching from your left.
  20. >You take a look and see a unicorn stallion with a tan coat and brown mane clopping along nervously. He should know better than to act like that. It draws undue attention.
  21. >You whistle softly, making the unicorn jump and glance around in a panic before he spotted you. Breathing a sigh of relief, he trots up to you and sits down on his flank.
  22. “Act natural next time. It draws less attantion.”
  23. >The unicorn sags slightly under your harsh tone.
  24. >”Sorry, I've never done something like this before...”
  25. “Whatever. You got the envelope?”
  26. >“Yeah, right here.”
  27. >The unicorn magics a plain white envelope to you.
  28. >You snatch it out of the air and tear it open to read it's contents.
  29. >....
  30. >Weeeeell now, this is VERY interesting.
  31. “You sure about this?”
  32. >”Very sure. The Ca-”
  33. >Your hand clamps down over his muzzle before he can finish.
  34. “No names. That was in the terms of this meeting. This is your only warning.”
  35. >The unicorn's eyes shrinks down to pinpricks as he nods his head fast enough to induce whiplash.
  36. >You let go of his muzzle and settle back to leaning against the tree.
  37. “I'll do it. Now you know the deal. Half up front.”
  38. >The unicorn magics over a hefty sized bag of bits right into your lap.
  39. >You open up the bag and check to make sure that it is indeed full of nothing but bits.
  40. >Having confirmed this, you stand up and take your leave. You didn't care what the unicorn did now. As long as he was back at the same spot at the same time in three days, he could go rut a cactus for all you cared.
  42. >Back at Fluttershy's house, you reviewed the contents of your client's mission for you.
  43. >It was a hit. An actual, legitimate hit.
  44. >Apparently the unicorn wanted you to off Mr. Cake. Seeing as the unicorn's cutie mark was a doughnut, you could guess why he wanted Mr. Cake gone.
  45. >You knew Mr. Cake somewhat and he could make a mean cannoli, but a job's a job.
  46. >You already knew that Mr. Cake was going out of town tomorrow for some contest or something in Canterlot.
  47. >You also knew that he had to pull a cart all the way there because the trains wouldn't accept his ingredients as cargo due to some ridiculous regulation.
  48. >You also knew that the singular cliffside passage in a valley section on the way to Canterlot could be....very treacherous.
  50. >Readying everything you'd need for the sabotaging, you wait until night fell and then you trekked out to the cliffside pass leading to Canterlot.
  51. >You left a note behind for Fluttershy explaining that you had gone hiking. It's best to cover your bases.
  52. >Under the cover of darkness, you found a rather large boulder positioned further along the path. It wasn't where you wanted it, but it would do the trick.
  53. >You rummage through your backpack and pull out a wad of plastic explosives and arm it for command detonation with electrical wire. After that was done, you shoved the wad under the boulder, thinking the wad would be more than enough.
  54. >Just to be sure, you pack the explosives down with dirt.
  55. >You really gotta hand it to Twilight. That lab of hers was really something. And it was awfully nice of her to let you use it, what with you having seen what she was testing in there and you were generous to keep it to yourself.
  56. >You really do pity Spike.
  57. >You really should relocate out of Ponyville. The ponies here were demented.
  58. >Which is why you really loved being almost immune to magic. It almost felt like you were an apex predator.
  59. >Running the wires away from the boulder, you laid it back towards a horseshoe shaped bend in the cliff face. You had just enough moonlight to see the cliff face from where you were. You also had a great view of your ambush point.
  60. >Having done that, you attached the detonator to the electrical wires, you set up camp, and waited for Mr. Cake to mosey on through.
  62. >You stayed up all throughout the night and watched the sun rise. If your predictions are correct, Mr. Cake should be coming along the pass in about an hour.
  63. >And just as you had predicted, you soon saw Mr. Cake pulling his cart along the road.
  64. >He seemed so peaceful. But then again, all these ponies were so damned relaxed. It made your job so much more easy.
  65. >Growing excited, you begin to mutter to yourself in anticipation.
  66. “That's right...just ignore the boulder perched precariously above you. Dumb fucking pony.”
  67. >As soon as the wagon was in position, you activated the detonator.
  68. >A loud crack was heard as the wad of plastic explosives lurched the boulder forward and off the cliff face. The boulder tumbled down the cliff face with a mighty crunching sound and caught the wagon right on the rear end, sending the tail end of the wagon off the edge of the cliff.
  69. >A panicked Mr. Cake was desperately trying to pull the wagon from over the edge, but was fighting a losing battle.
  70. >You watched the wagon roll down the cliff dragging Mr. Cake with it.
  71. >Standing up from your position, you make your way down the cliff face and to the wreckage of Mr. Cake's carriage. You had a kill to confirm.
  73. >As you arrive at the wreckage, you hear a sound that should not be there.
  74. >You hear two foals crying and the panicked babblings of Mrs. Cake.
  75. >This was NOT part of the deal!
  76. >Fuck, you had to call this off. The hit was a bust. There couldn't be any witnesses and you were only out for Mr. Cake.
  77. >As you turned to leave, the worst possible thing that could happen, did happen.
  78. >Timberwolves started howling in the woodline. And they were CLOSE.
  79. >You glanced back at the wreckage and saw what was drawing them. Spilled blood.
  80. > Great, now you had to fight off timberwolves AND scrub a hit. Today was not your day.
  81. >You still had your silenced pistol on you, so you drew it and readied yourself.
  82. >As you were backing against the cliff face, Mrs Cake decided now was the perfect moment for clarity and noticed you.
  83. >The fool mare started screaming at you for help, and that triggered the timberwolves to rush at her.
  84. >Half a dozen came running out of the woodline that was roughly twenty yards away.
  85. >You did your best to shoot them, but you ended up missing one. The remaining Timberwolf decided it was a wise idea to run off.
  86. >Approaching the wreckage of the wagon, Mrs. Cake starts thanking you profusely.
  87. >”Oh thank you Anonymous, we would be dead right now if it wasn't for yo-”
  88. >Before she could finish, you cold clocked Mrs. Cake. She didn't need to see what was going to happen next.
  90. >You arrive in Ponyville about an hour later. You ran the entire way back.
  91. >Running straight through town carrying both Mr. and Mrs. cake in your arms and the two bawling foals inside your backpack, you rammed down the door to Ponyville's hospital, much to the surprise of anyone who saw you.
  92. >You practically threw the ponies at Nurse Redheart. You grabbed a sheet of paper and scribbled a message down onto it before folding it up and shoving it in a rather sizeable and heavy looking bag.
  93. >You toss that bag to Nurse Redheart and tell her that the bag is to only be opened by either Mr. or Mrs. Cake. You told her if anyone else opened that bag and you found out about it, you would skin them alive.
  94. >And just as fast as you ran into the hospital, you were running just as fast back out.
  95. >The doctors tried to get you to stay since you were covered in as much blood as Mr. Cake was, but you would have none of that.
  96. >There was a certain unicorn that had some explaining to do.
  98. ~~~~In Canterlot the next day~~~~
  99. >Doughnut Joe was almost done closing up the shop for the night. He was the only one left in the shop right now, which you made sure of, so this made things easier for you.
  100. >You slip in to the shop through the back door and make your way behind Joe.
  101. >Joe's currently cleaning out an oven and he's almost completely inside the thing.
  102. >You whistle and hear Joe bang his head against the inside of the oven and start scrambling out.
  103. >Once he realizes it was you, he calmed down somewhat.
  104. “Oh, it's just you...Sweet Celestia wear a bell or something, you scared me halfway to Tartarus. So...did ya get them?”
  105. >....them?
  106. >Oh hell no motherfucker, it's on now.
  107. >You take a piece of paper out of your pocket, unfold it, and show it to Joe.
  108. >He looks it over and stares at you with a confused look.
  109. >”Yeah, it's an invitation to the Royal Canterlot Baking Contest. What of it?”
  110. >Did this bitch honestly think you were this stupid?
  111. “This paper had a list of all guests in attendance. Mr. Cake was not traveling alone. You KNEW Mrs. Cake and her two foals were traveling with Mr. Cake. You tried cheating me out of three more marks Joe, and I'm a mighty sore loser.”
  112. >Before Joe can react, you grab him by the throat with one hand. Holding him in the air, you begin to look around for a knife while Joe tries to break free from your grip and gurgle from the effort of trying to yell.
  113. >It's useless. No unicorn could break your grip. They were just too weak.
  114. >You find a knife and a mixing bowl and hold Joe above the mixing bowl and begin hacking away while the stallion tried to scream bloody murder through your iron grip.
  115. >Thoroughly enjoying yourself, you set about the gruesome task you had planned for Joe.
  117. >Tomorrow morning, you stopped by Joe's Doughnuts for a doughnut before you left Canterlot.
  118. >After browsing the selection, you decide to try their newest product that came out just this morning, special jelly filled doughnut holes.
  119. >As you were about to leave, you hear something interesting enough to stay and listen to.
  120. >”Morning Joe! Huh? Where's Joe?”
  121. >A pegasus mare with a fiery mane wearing a blue and yellow flight suit walked in with a questioning look on her face.
  122. >The clerk at the counter shrugged.
  123. >”No clue, but he left us with these awesome jelly filled donut holes. You should try some!”
  124. >The mare considers the thought for a few seconds.
  125. >“Hmm...sure, gimme two dozen for the rest of the team.”
  126. >The Clerk gets busy filling the order right away, his hooves a blur. You had to admire his skill with his job. It's rather impressive.
  127. >”Here ya go Spitfire, two dozen and one on the house as a sample.”
  128. >Spitfire shells out the bits for the two dozen doughnut holes and pops one of them in her mouth with a hoof.
  129. >You still have yet to understand how ponies could grab things with their hooves. You blame quantum entanglement.
  130. >”Wow, these are great! What's in them?”
  131. >The clerk shrugs.
  132. >”Nopony knows. They were here when I got here and there was a note from Joe saying to sell these.”
  133. >You begin to chuckle at this.
  134. >The two ponies look at you and the one called Spitfire asks you a question.
  135. >”Hey monkeyman, you know anything about these?”
  136. “I have it on a good source that Joe poured his blood, sweat, and tears into making those. One could even say he poured his entire being into making those.”
  137. >Spitfire looks at you with a quizzical look.
  138. >”How do you know this?”
  139. “Oh, I have my channels.”
  141. ~~~~Back in Ponyville~~~~
  142. >You begin to awaken to a world of pain.
  143. >You are Mr. Cake and you are not in the greatest of shape.
  144. >After you come to, Nurse Redheart informs you that you were brought in by Anonymous. You were very beaten up and had several compound fractures in your legs, but nothing that time and casts wouldn't heal. Nurse Redheart also informed you that Pinkie was watching after Pound and Pumpkin. The two foals were checked out and found to be relatively unharmed.
  145. >After the nurse leaves, your wife gets your attention. She was seated next to your bed sporting one hell of a shiner.
  146. >She fills you in on what happened after you had been dragged over the cliff.
  147. >She tells you of her trying to lift the wagon off of you, of the foals crying, of the timberwolves, of Anonymous saving all of you, and of Anonymous punching her.
  148. “Anonymous did WHAT to you?!”
  149. >”Calm down dear! Nurse Redheart said that Anonymous left this to us.”
  150. >She ducks her head below the side of your bed and produces the largest bag of bits you'd ever seen.
  151. >Your jaw falls slack at the sight.
  152. “Dear Celestia that's a lot of bits...”
  153. >”That's not all honey, this came with it.”
  154. >She pulls a note out of the bag with her teeth and opens it up for you to read.
  155. >You can see Anonymous' bloody hoof-err handprints on the paper. Two sentences were written on the paper. Their message was crystal clear.
  157. >'TELL NOONE'
  158. “Oh dear Celestia, the rumors about him are true, aren't they?”
  159. >”Honey, I don't care if they are. Anonymous saved us and gave us this even after what might have happened. Yes, it's a terrible thing to do and I'm not sure how to feel about what he did, but we are all alive and unharmed. We should be thankful for this and listen to Anonymous' advice. This never happened.”
  160. >You're inclined to agree. He almost killed you once. You don't want to see him get serious.
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