
mousegirl at night

Sep 24th, 2019
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  1. [the sound of tiny shuffling along sheets is heard, tiny feet and hands sliding and making little tiny 'vwip' noises] "J-jeeze... why does... their bed..." [she says, out of breath, panting between every few words] "gotta be so high up...." [she reaches the top of the bed. she approaches the listener's face, the tiny girl petting their cheek softly.] "H-hey... wake up sleepyhead..." [she strokes their cheek at first, to no response.] "Huh? Hey! I said wake up!" [sounds of struggling as she pushes and pressed on their cheek, trying to shake their head to wake them up, to no avail, getting frustrated.] "grrr... I said.. wake up!" [she squeaks loudly, and the down of a double-fisted slap, as if on the cheeks is heard.] "Now I can.. w-wait.. still asleep... Ughh...." [grumbling in frustration, before suddenly being pinned under their cheek, as the Listener awakes and presses their cheek gently to her, pinning her to the bed.] "H-hey! Get off! y-your fat head is too heavy!" [she grunts and struggles, realizing she isn't as pinned as she thought.] "O-oh... you're just um.. nuzzling.. me... that's H-hey! you don't get to nuzzle me! Wake up idiot!" she scrambles out from under them.]
  3. "L-look.. i just.. want to... thank you again, for earlier..." [she says, kinda shy and pouty.] "...I guess not all humans are dumb meatheads who want to get rid of us Mousegirls." [she says, a hint of admiration in her voice.] "N-not that it makes you much better than most humans but.. um... thank you..." [she'd say, followed by the sound of a small kiss.] "H-hey.. why are you blushing.. t-that was just a thank you! nothing else! We mice lick and kiss and groom each other all the time, I-it doesn't really mean the same thing human's kiss for! I-i don't... um... like you like that.. or.. um.. anything..." [she says, her little tail swishing a little bit shyly.] "I-i mean.. i like you but.. not like.. i mean.. you know what i mean! O-or.. maybe i guess.. i'm not being... Ughhh!" [she buries her face into the pillow the listeners head it on to hide herself. The listener reaches, petting along their spine, causing a squeak and a purr of sorts.] "A-ah! hey! I didn't say you could... oh.. mnn..." [She calms down.] "Just... no funny business... kay? You can um.. pet a little bit..." [she continues to make soft little satisfied squeaks and sounds]
  5. "H-hey.. um... I wanted to know... is there.. anything i can do for you? I mean.. it's kinda not fair.. i was... stealing your food, and then you just gave me some... I-i can't just sit here and a-accept a gift without giving something back!" [she says, rationalizing her late-night visit. the listener seems to ask them what they want to do for them.] "I-i.. i mean.. i don't know dummy... I'm asking you! I don't... know what i could really do.. humans are so ridiculously big.. it's not like i could clean your house, or... h-hey!" [she's suddenly scooped up, but very gently, moving slow this time.] "S-stupid... I mean.. you did move slow this time.. but.. w-warn a girl before you... HEY!" [the sound of a large kiss is heard, presumably to the top of her head, between her ears.] "W-what was that for? I haven't..." [she squeaks, almost in a defeated way.] "H-hey.. i'm not.. that cute.. i mean.. there are way c-cuter mousegirls.. bigger ones too... I'm kind of.. a runt..." [she admits] "But.. i can still kick a human's butt if they try to mess with me and..." [she squeaks at another kiss] "P-pft hey.. w-watch it! your lips.. are um.. to big.. and warm... you got my whole face wet with that kiss! U-um... but.... could i..." [squeaking, as if she was trying to force out the request] "could i have another? T-they feel nice." [she pouts, the sound of several small kisses happening all against her.]
  7. "A-ahh! E-enough! I-i only asked for one more! t-that's.. t-to many..." [she sounds worked up.] W-what.. you t-think you have an idea f-for what i can do for you? What.. what is it?" [she asks, seemingly worried after the kisses] "W-what? be your... teddybear? I'm not a toy! I'm not...M-mpphh!" [she squeaks, as she's gently held to the listeners chest.] H-hey! L-let me go... I'll..." [she gasps, hearing a gently heartbeat pulse against her from the otherside of the listeners chest.] "It's so.. loud.. I... M-nnn..." she squeaks into a gentle sigh as the listeners hands wrap over her like a blanket, laying chest to chest while the listener lays flat.] "I-i guess.. this is okay.. I mean.. you are warm and..." she yawns a bit. "Kinda comfy for a human..." she purrs softly, the shuffling sounds of pets being given.] "T-this is embarrassing... I-i feel like a pet..." [she pouts, before gasping to something the listener said.] "Y-you don't... think of me as a pet?" she seems genuinely surprised.] I-i.. I mean.. other humans seem to think we're pests.. or pets... I've never... heard of one who thought we were.. just like them." [her combative nature seems to subside a bit.] "S-sorry.. for um.. using you being human against you... It's just.. Y-you're the only one who's ever been nice to me..." [she sighs again, shifting to nuzzle against the listeners chest.]
  9. "You know... I can um.. hear your heartbeat..." [her cheeks are flushed, but a smile creeps over it] "Hehe... is that.. me making it flutter? I can hear it um.. jump when i squeak." [she giggles genuinely] Y-you know.. I think.. i could get used to this... You're.. kind of a good bed." [she giggles again, and plants a few of her own soft kisses against their chest] "Y-you're still a bit of a dummy... but... a good one. oh... yeah.. i guess i did kind of wake you up w-way early... we mice are a little more active at night but..." [she yawns, stretching a bit and relaxing against the listener] "I think i wouldn't mind a nap... til you're ready to wake up..." [she yawns again, and curls up to sleep, purring from the listeners hand petting her as they both fall back asleep.]
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