
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 22

Feb 9th, 2016
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  1. 8:10 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): 11:50 PM - Kari: "So this is it?" Kari asks, nodding to the planet. "It's... amazing. Kind of hard to believe it's a planet with all those buildings."
  2. 11:55 PM - GMing Mekton: "Quite so," Eve says. "This is centuries of collaborative effort. It's taken quite a while to get to where it is now."
  4. Extending an arm, Mr. Silk gestures out the window. "It is as Ms. Akemi says. The Council races floruish on this planet It is the home to many billions of diverse peoples, and it is here where a majority of the Federation's decisions are made. You'll notice the moon-size planetoids oribiting the planet?" Mr. Silk adds, gesturing to them in turn. "Auto defenses. Those aren't moons, they are guns."
  5. 11:58 PM - Kari: "O-oh." Kari's eyes widen with realization, looking over the defense batteries orbiting the planet. "That's... I guess you'd have to be insane to attack this place. Not for long but... yeah."
  6. 12:04 AM - GMing Mekton: "That's the idea. The foundation of the Federation, this is essentially the heart and soul of the galaxy." Eve nods, satisfied with her explanation as she turns around, looking out back at the planet.
  7. 8:09 PM - Kari: "What's it called...?" she asks, turning her gaze back to the planet itself.
  8. 8:11 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Leaning over the railing overlooking the bridge's forward window, Eve doesn't turn around, merely saying "Erebus Prime."
  9. 8:12 PM - Kari: Kari nods, thinking some things over before turning her gaze to Mr. Silks and then Eve. "What will they be expecting of me? I... don't really know anything about the Federation, or... what the 'council races' are, or even how many there are."
  10. 8:19 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Turning around to face you and leaning her back against the railing, Eve speaks. "They'll likely do a simple appraisal. Ensure I'm not making any sort of obviously biased decision enrolling you into the Wraiths. They'll review my report of the incident Lyncis V, regarding the... 'cyberzombies', as Bunnelsworth phrased them, and perhaps ask a few pointed questions, then do an appraisal of skill and see what sort of specializations you'll be interested in pursuing for the future. As for the council races," she raises a hand, ticking off fingers with each race she names. "There are five of them. First and foremost are the Raz'ask, the forerunners of the Federation in the first place, and the ones who kindly donated this planet for its use as the council's station. Second, the Usamimi. Third are the Pyhua, fourth the Dryders and finally, Humans. All in order of when they joined."
  11. 8:22 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Mr. Silk turns to face you as well, tapping his long fingers together. "There are a plethora of other minor races that hold office in or make an official living through the Federation's kindly law, though they hold nowhere near the power that a council member does. The Council are the ones who decide galactic law as a whole, and all aspects thereof."
  12. 8:23 PM - Kari: "I see..." Kari says, chittering quietly. She breathes a nervous sigh and then straightens her back. "Then I guess we shouldn't keep them waiting, huh?"
  13. 8:26 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): "That is the idea, Apparition Kari." Smiling, Mr. Silk scuttles by, patting your shoulder with one hand and doffing his hat with the other. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be in my office, registering our clearance for docking."
  14. 8:26 PM - Kari: "O-of course, Sir. Thank you." Kari nods to Mr. Silk as he passes, smiling faintly from the shoulder pat. As he departs, she turns back toward the window, leaning against the railing and staring at the practically artificial planet. Her wings tilt and lean here and there as her fingers tap against the railing.
  15. 8:29 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): "Nervous?" Eve asks, turning once more to face the same direction as she stands beside you.
  16. 8:32 PM - Kari: "Very," she replies with a shallow nod. "For all I know, I'm the first of a handful of my kind to even be in space to hold this position. That's... terrifying. I came from nothing, and in the span of a month, I'm about to be... this. Yui always told me that I have to be my very best, because sometimes the first impression is the only one people get. Now I'm... When people see me, what if I'm what they'll see every time they meet my people? That's a lot of responsibility... It's..." Kari hangs her head in her hands, and her wings move with yet more agitation.
  17. 8:38 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Placing a hand firmly on your shoulder, she gives you a gentle squeeze. "It is indeed a large responsibility, I can't deny that. The fact that you will be among the first of the publicly known and acknowledged, especially /Federation/ acknowledged, is undeniable in how it will affect perceptions of your race. There's nothing wrong with being a role model for your people. And I'm positive that if there had to be one, you have all the qualifications necessary to make a positive impact for your race on the galaxy as a whole. With acknowledgement from the Federation, it sweeps much of the sadly prolific racism that lesser races tend to be victim to."
  18. 8:43 PM - Kari: Kari lowers her hands, looking up to Eve with a mix of curiosity and sadness. The more Eve speaks, the harder time she has keeping eye contact. In the end, she can only manage a drawn-out, quiet nod. Finally she whispers, "Yeah..." Taking in a very deep breath, she pushes herself off of the railing and runs one hand through her hair, the other on her hip. "You're right... You're right. Guess it's not so bad since I think I'm doing the right thing, yeah? I just... wish that was a bit easier to remember. But if I get accepted... that means my people will have a solid place in this galaxy, right?"
  19. 8:51 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): "Not immediately, of course, but it will be a firm start. With a foot in the door, your more political-minded people can eventually gain an embassy to provide a voice, then with time, effort and luck, maybe even a council seat. Without you as a representation of everything good about your race, it would have proven an infinitely more challenging task. You are, for all intents and purposes, a prime role model." Ticking off on her fingers once more, she lists your positive qualities. "For starters, you are, quite frankly and from a general standpoint, attractive. In my brief time of knowing you, you've proven to have enough wit and cleverness about you to not make a complete fool of yourself. You've got talent in a variety of tasks, the ability to learn quickly, and from what I've seen, quite a lucky streak. This is, of course, completely excluding your extraordinary Psi powers, which judging by your reaction to them, are not an inherent trait in your race."
  20. 8:55 PM - Kari: Kari's cheeks begin to warm as Eve begins her list of pros. Losing a lot of her self-defeating stride in one-fell swoop, she becomes rather enraptured by her self-chosen mentor's analysis. She remains speechless for a time, even after the procession of praise is over. "I... Th-thank you, M-Ma'am. I d-don't kno what to say." Fighting with the words as they struggle to form cohesively, she finally sighs and relaxes her shoulders. "You're right. Even if it's a lot to take it, the only way to handle it is to just accept it. But... it's still really nice to hear it from you. Not always enough to just know, right?" Laughing innocently, she gives Eve a soft little smile, eyes closed as she chirps happily.
  21. 8:59 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): "I know the feeling quite well, and I can see you'll go far. I'm simply doing my part to ensure you get there." She smiles in return, giving you one last squeeze on the shoulder before she turns to walk away. "I should go speak with Mr. Silk. With my clearence, we should get VIP parking somewhere. Save us a bit of a trip if possible, there will be plenty of time to explore the planet after the fact."
  22. 8:59 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes open once more, and she looks right into Eve's as she nods. "Alright. I think I'm going to stay here and finish thinking about some things. Should I meet you at the airlock?"
  23. 9:02 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): "With anything you'd like to bring. As a Wraith, you've got the clearance to walk around with open-carry weapons and not be hassled, so worry not about that. We should be arriving in approximately half an hour, give or take, so feel free to prepare yourself."
  24. 9:03 PM - Kari: "Okay. I'll see you soon~."
  25. 9:05 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): With a nod, Eve exits, leaving you alone on the bridge to gaze at the approaching planet of hive-like structures reaching well off the planet's surface.
  26. 9:08 PM - Kari: Kari stays for a while, watching the approach to the planet. A little smile hints at her lips the whole time, and when they planet draws near, she turns around with a sigh. Making her way to her quarters, she slips inside and goes right for the prize. Dragging her hand across the night stand, she takes the grey hunter necklace off the table and holds it up to look it over for a minute. Slipping it on over her suit, checks to make sure her belt and weapons are all secure before ducking out the door to meet the others.
  27. 9:17 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): You feel the ship break atmosphere and begin a steady descent on a suitable landing area, a massive, flat circle of smooth and flawless concrete located right alongside a long spire reaching upwards. Your ship lands with a solid thud, and the airlock opens as a set of stairs extends downwards to the ground. You, Eve and Mr. Silk step outwards, overlooking the massive parking lot, where several other ships of varying sizes are parked. Some look far more fanciful and asthetically pleasing, obviously being luxury crusiers of some fashion for the well-off, while others appear to be undergoing a similar process as your currently is: unloading some cargo. Mr. Silk, ever the entrepeneur, apparently has some buyers lined up to do trade. Dematus is out on the loading ramp overseeing the cargo. Langio elected to stay within the ship for a while, and Widoia promised to meet you after your big important talk if you were interested in a nice outing and had the time.
  28. 9:30 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Making your way through the streets, Mr. Silk doffs his hat and splits off from you and Eve, hooking down a separate street. Eve leads you through boggling streets of impressive and beautiful architecture, past plazas with colorful flora and gushing fountains of a variety of galactic heros and politicians. The city life itself is bustling, and every corner seems to be alive, the city very well having a pulse of life in its own. This was nothing like Zeta-95, this is leagues above even that. Your walk behind Eve is briskly paced, and though you don't have much leisure time to examine every passing face, you certainly spotted at least one or two races you've yet to be properly acquainted with. At last, you arrive at the base of the spire and enter a small elevator. Within, Eve swipes a card in a reader, and the doors close, the two of you ascending for a fair bit of time. Some ways up, the solid metal walls of the elevator shaft give way to a clear glass paneling, allowing you to see out and admire the sprawling city, the streets and buildings of which stretch completely across the horizon.
  29. 9:33 PM - Kari: Kari steps closer to the glass of the elevator, reaching out to place her hand on the edge of the tube. She takes the whole scene in silently wonder, eyes peering over every single fascinating sight. The experience would be almost nervewracking if it didn't at least feel so familiar. The towering, sprawling reaching mass of structures and outlets almost seems like her home city, but far more grandiose. Though she could ask a million questions, she decides to leave the scene a marvelous mystery for now, stepping back to rejoin Eve's side before the elevator ride ends.
  30. 9:40 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): After a while of a fine view, the walls return to a solid metal state, and another minute later, the elevator slows to a halt. The doors open soon after, and you're greeted with an impressively decorated, round room. Banners displaying the colors and symbols of each council race line the walls from ceiling to floor, five clusters of raised areas contain an impressive and distinct amount of varying flora - likely from the homeworlds of each race - and there are several benches and fountains around the area. A few persons sit or stand, discussing whatever business they have, while a large stairway directly ahead leads to another level of the room, where the council is seated.
  31. 9:50 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): "Come, the Council should be awaiting our arrival." Sliding up a sleeve and checking a panel on her forearm, she nods. "We're slightly early, but they're likely already seated. Stand staight, look firm and resolute..." she turns back to you, giving you a small smile before returning her attention forwards. "But don't look unhappy." Continuing forwards with you in tow, she ascends the steps. Though the various persons of likely importance positioned around the room don't spare you many second glances, those that do track you every step. You ascend the stairway and step onto a small, round platform, which is just large enough for two people - but more designed for one. Beyond the platform about ten meters away, each seated in an impressive throne positioned in a semi-circle, are five individuals - one from each race Eve mentioned. From left to right, the Raz'ask is a male, the Usamimi female, the Pyhua and Dryder a male, and the Human is female. The five of them each hold an air of clear intellect and impressiveness about them. The Human stands, bowing as you both approach. "Ghast Akemi, I'm pleased to see you made it."
  32. 9:51 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Eve returns the bow. "Likewise, Counciler Dehart."
  33. 9:52 PM - Kari: Kari checks her posture, rolling her shoulders a little to limber up in advance. As they ascend to the council chamber, she does her best to keep her eyes forward. Smiling is no problem for her, especially being filled with her role model's confidence as she is. Her eyes are practically alight with spiraling swirls of brilliant hues as she looks over the council, taking each one's appearance in thoroughly.
  34. 9:59 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Counciler Dehart, the Human female with impressive blonde hair down to her shoulders, vibrant green eyes and a light complexion, takes her seat again. She and every other council member are clad in a variety of ceremonial-looking gray robes, studded in jewels of all colors and highlighted with cyan. The Federation's logo - a key-like shape, the round part in the back resembling a flat, black silouhette of the planet you currently stand on, depicted as a circle with buildings surrounding it, and the front of which is in the shape of a spaceship - is depicted on each of their chests in the upper right portion.
  35. 10:01 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): "So this is the candidate you mentioned?" the Raz'ask asks.
  36. 10:02 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): "That is correct, Counciler Zixyn." Eve responds.
  37. 10:03 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): The Pyhua waves a hand in a circular motion. "Introduce yourself, Candidate." Eve takes a step back, leaving the circular platform to you as she gestures you towards it.
  38. 10:06 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes turn to Eve, giving her a nod before stepping forward. As she takes her place at the pedastal, her wings part slightly, and she dips a short way for a bow, one arm crossed in front and behind her. Standing up once more, her wings fold back in as she says, "My name is Kharee'Zha," chitters and all. "But 'Kari' is easier on the throat. It's an honour." The little smile on her face is almost a little too innocent despite her formal stance. Her hands are laced behind her back with her feet spread a short distance apart.
  39. 10:09 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): There is a moment of tense silence as the councilers take in your introduction. "Why do you desire to join the Wraiths?" the Usamimi asks.
  40. 10:13 PM - Kari: "Miss Akemi was the first Wraith I'd seen since leaving my world. I never knew they were a thing, but when I met her, I knew she was a good person. My coworker told me what the Wraiths do: Helping people, often in times when no one else will or can. Growing up, I've wanted to make my sisters proud and do the right thing. My goals align with what I know about the Wraiths, and to be maybe one of the first of my kind to have this opportunity? I can't say no. There's no possible way I could turn down the chance to be the exact kind of person I want to be and make keeping the galaxy safe my job and not just my dream." Kari's eyes swirl with colour, and though she does her best to keep eye contact, she slips a little as she falls into revery over her dreams. Coming back down from her whimsy, however, she returns her eyes to the Usamimi, still smiling as genuinely as ever.
  41. 10:19 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): The Usamimi, with brown hair down to her waist and brown fur, along with steely gray eyes, gives a polite nod in response to your answer, turning her head towards the Dryder. Taking the cue, the Dryder - one of the larger, hard-carapaced types like Mr. Silk - whose eight eyes are a curious blue as opposed the usual red, asks you, "And what sort of skills can you provide to the Wraiths that will prove of benefit?"
  42. 10:27 PM - Kari: Kari nods the dryder, her lips tugging a little wider. "My employer, Mr. Silk, and our Security Chief have both told me that I am a 'natural pilot', and that people such as myself are highly valued. While operating my mekton, I have neutralized fifteen mektons in three total sorties since I've been a pilot. Outside of the cockpit, my Security Chief and Miss Akemi can talk about my discretion. When able, I do my best to avoid conflicts. My first time on a station, I infiltrated a street gang known as the Thread Spinners. They abducted a young girl, and after rendering their leader and one of their mooks unconscious, I helped her escape. There was also a fist fight with a very, very large human that seemed like a wall of meat. Combined with my on-foot time during the mission with Miss Akemi, I've knocked out seven people, and avoided resorting to lethal means during both situations. The end of the last mission, and the events following it... have revealed that I am psionic. I may even be the first of my kind."
  43. 10:31 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): At that final statement, the five of them murmur quietly amongst one another before quickly settling. Behind you, though you don't see it, Eve gives a small smirk at your 'wall of meat' comment. The Dryder nods to you, and then turns to the Pyhua. The Pyhua, while a fair bit shorter and less bulky than his compatriots, appears no less intimidating. In fact, the aura of intimidation is almost palpable as it plays at the edges of your mind. His eyes glow a fierce, solid orange, and veins in his head pulse with a similar light. "Back on Lyncis V, there was a situation in which several civilians were potentially wounded and in need of critical aid. With Ghast Akemi being the only one presently on-site capable of providing appropriate medical training, you recommended she stay within her Mekton's cockpit, and not depart to treat those afflicted. What was your reasoning for this?"
  44. 10:37 PM - Kari: Kari falters slightly, being caught off-guard by the questioning of her decision. Collecting herself as quickly as she can, she takes a deep breath and nods. "Well, at the time, we had no idea what was going on. When I had left the cockpit, it was my intention to see if there were any survivors. What I saw was..." Kari trails off, grappling with the image of those helpless people. "Their eyes were wide... alarmed... it was like they were screaming for help, but couldn't move. As far as I knew, there was no reason they should be wide awake, following me with their eyes and be unable to move. Since we didn't know what kind of infection could affect the colonists, and did seem to be affecting them, there was no way to be certain about how they were infected. Miss Akemi had told me before we landed that most of the colonists had cybernetics, and all the people lying on the floor there did have them. Given that she has cybernetics herself, I thought that it would be placing her at risk. As the officer in command, and the experienced Wraith, it was more important to keep her safe for the sake of the mission at large than to help people that could infect her as well. I was also in my suit at the time, so if it was a virus, I would be safe while we tried to gather more information."
  45. 10:40 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): He ponders a moment then as before, the Pyhua nods to you, and turns to the Raz'ask. His feathers shimmer with a brilliant, healthy sheen, and his beak is long and sturdy. Oddly enough, there's a crack running through it. "What assurance can you give us that your judgements in future engagements will not be afflicted with any bias? Can you provide examples of a disregard for species with a care to assist those in need?"
  46. 10:46 PM - Kari: She eyes over the Raz'ask as he speaks, and her smile swiftly returns. A faint blush even forms on her cheeks as she emits a quiet and girlish giggle. "Of course, sir. Not only have I been serving with an entirely dryder crew up to this point, all of which I feel quite close to, there's been recent additions to my family. The little girl who was abducted by the gang I mentioned had a brother. He stole my family sword in an attempt to go rescue her. After helping them both, it didn't feel right to just turn them back to the street. My adopted siblings, Valentine and Jake now reside on my homeworld with my older sisters. I hope that, even with a small world like mine, that any education and upbringing will be better than none."
  47. 10:48 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): The leathery face of the Raz'ask councillor raises an eyebrow. Nodding a final time, the Raz'ask turns to the Human councillor, Dehart. "Lastly... paying mind to your skillsets - including technical aptitude, piloting capability, psionic potential and personal combat skills - what would you be interested in focusing on in the future? What has priority, and why?"
  48. 10:59 PM - Kari: Nodding to the Raz'ask, Kari finally turns her attention to Councillor Dehart. "Well... Miss Akemi has discussed briefly with me about specializations. I definitely want to continue improving as a mek pilot, as that's something I feel burning within me as a passion. Other than that... I would like to hone my psionic talent. Both the doctor and Miss Akemi assure me that it is a talent worth posessing, and that being the only psionic among my kind that myself or my family and coworkers are aware of, I feel it's important to see that I become an example to any others. There's a need to explore that potential, and to forge it into a tool as sharp as any blade. I want to control this new potential of mine, and put it to use helping people. Lastly, while I have received training in firearms, I feel that... mine is the sould of a swordsman." Reaching down slowly to her belt, Kari removes her family's ancestral blade, holding it aloft and to the light. Her hand runs along its decorative sheath, and she looks over it fondly as she talks. "My people have a system of honour, and of settling matters with competitions of skill and conviction. There are some that see swords as weapons of war, but I believe with all my heart that this blade, and any other I hold, are tools of justice. They're meant to protect people - to defend those who can't defend themselves. Thankfully I haven't had to draw it on anyone, but should I ever need to, I believe a blade will be the symbol of my victory." Making a single-note chuckle, Kari smiles distantly, and reattaches the blade to her belt.
  49. 11:08 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): With the metal clacking of Eve applauding you, she approaches from behind, folding her arms behind her back and jutting out her chest as she stands beside you. "Well put, Candidate Kari. It is my hope that you honorable five of the Council are in agreement with me, and are willing to promote Kari here from Candidate to the official standing as an Apparition. I already consider her as such, but all that remains is your pending approval. She has the will, the resolve, and the ability to do right by this galaxy and its people."
  50. 11:09 PM - Kari: Kari's smile stretches wider the more Eve talks. She turns her gaze over to her 'mentor', nodding slowly before turning back to the council. Standing up a little taller and pushing out her chest without even really thinking about it, she awaits the council's decision.
  51. 11:19 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): The council quietly deliberate amongst one another for some time, leaving you and Eve to stand and await their decision with a building tension. Finally, just when you feel like you're about to crack, they all go quiet. They all stand and bow, returning to upright postures as Councillor Dehart speaks. "With this knowledge, given your responses and the personal backing of Ghast Akemi, we the Council of the Galactic Federation will consider it an honor to enstate you among the ranks of the Wraiths. As a Wraith, you will act as the Council's hand in all manners of galactic importance. Your decisions will impact the lives of trillions of people, and your performance - whether you make your status public or private knowledge - reflects back to us on the Council. To perform with anything less than your best would be an insult to the Ghast Akemi, we the Council, and the people you hereby swear to protect."
  52. 11:24 PM - Kari: Kari's smile cracks open to display her teeth the moment the word 'enstate' comes into place. It only gets wider from there, and she practically radiates an aura of joy and confidence. She has to consciously keep her wings from buzzing, instead letting them tilt and twist about in small patterns. "Thank you, Ma'am. I'll make you all proud~." She shifts her arms to cross over her stomach and back once more, and takes a slightly deeper bow this time before rising once more.
  53. 11:31 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): All but Dehart return to their seats, quietly speaking amongst each other as Dehart continues to talk. "We will acquire the coordinates of your homeworld from your employer and send an emissary to your planet in an effort to open negotiations. We suspect that furthering the development of your race would be beneficial to the galactic community, and look forward to seeing what they provide in the future. We will process the necessary papers and forward a specialist package to your ship with everything you will need to act as a Wraith and perform at your best." Bowing one final time, she takes her seat as well, concluding by saying, "With that, have you any questions for us?"
  54. 11:35 PM - Kari: Kari nods, her smile calming down enough for her to close her speech flaps. She follows along, nodding appreciatively, but taking special note of the emissary. As Dehart finishes, Kari nods one more time. "Not at this time, Ma'am. I'm sure Miss Akemi can answer anything minor when we leave."
  55. 11:40 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): "Very well then, Apparition Kari. We wish you the best of luck with any endeavors you find yourself in, and hope to see you again in the future for commondations of exceptional performance." With a tone of finality, Dehart turns to join the conversation of her fellow council members as Eve places a hand in the small of your back, gently leading you away and down the steps. Once out of sight of the council, she folds her arms and asks, "So, how do you feel?"
  56. 11:42 PM - Kari: Kari bows one last time, and looks to Eve as she's ushered out of the room. Taking a very long, deep, dramatic breath, Kari sighs and smiles to herself. "Yeah~." Nodding her head over a decent period of time, she turns to look Eve in the eyes, confidence radiating off of her. "I'm doing the right thing. This... This was meant to happen. Thank you, Eve. For everything."
  57. 11:46 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): She smiles faintly. "Of course. To be able to visibly see your progress is a wonder in and of itself. I don't doubt that you'll do good for the galaxy. To put it bluntly: you are special, Kari."
  58. 11:48 PM - Kari: "I... At first, I thought maybe it was just you who thought that, and maybe a couple others, but... here I am. My race has the potential to become a player in galactic politics, and we don't even have space travel yet. As much as I want to just say that I'm not, that's because I did what I did, and acted how I've chosen to act. It's... it's still way too much for me to understand just yet, but... but I'm getting there. Thank you for helping me see it. I'm still utterly terrified of course, but I'm also very, very excited."
  59. 11:53 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): "All very understandable. You'll find your place and soon enough, then it will all be second nature to you. For now, we'll return to the ship. I'm sure you're interested to explore the city, likely with a good companion at that."
  60. 11:53 PM - Kari: "Heh. Yeah. I'd like that~. What will you do when we get back?"
  61. 11:58 PM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): The two of you walk through the council chambers and enter the elevator, descending once more. You watch the city unfold before your eyes as Eve speaks. "With your official enrollment in progress, my work is done. We will part separate ways and go about our respective duties, both personal and galactic." She pauses, propping her chin on a hand before saying. "That's not to say we won't ever meet again, of course. You do have my contact information, and life as a Wraith isn't constant work, but this is likely where we part for now."
  62. 11:59 PM - Kari: "You sure you don't have some down time to uh... say... explore the city? Maybe with a companion?" Kari smiles coyly, chittering at her own little joke as she sneaks a look over to Eve.
  63. Wednesday, January 27, 2016
  64. 12:03 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): She pauses, tilting her head and considering the idea before smiling. "I believe I can spare the time. It'd be a pleasure."
  65. 12:04 AM - Kari: With her smile widening, Kari chirps happily. "Awesome~! I was really hoping you'd say that. Especially since there's no telling when we'll get this chance again." Kari's wings buzz excitedly, and she practically bounces in places on her toes.
  66. 12:08 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Eve allows herself a short laugh, lowering her arms and turning them over, looking at her hands. "Very true. Let's not squander the opportunity." The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open, allowing you outside once more. So, first step is to collect Widoia?
  67. 12:08 AM - Kari: Coooorrect~. Time for a girls' night out. B)
  68. 12:13 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): You walk through the lively, bustling streets once more, pushing through throngs of passerby before arriving at your ship. You can faintly see Widoia laying atop the ship, stretched out and comfortable, apparently sunbathing. As you get closer, the perspective hides most of Widoia from view, though you can spot a few of her legs hanging off the edge lazily.
  69. 12:14 AM - Kari: "Oh uh... and Eve? Widoia doesn't know about the psionics yet," Kari whispers. "If you tell her, she might shut down in the head. So uh... if it comes up, just make sure she's not cross the street or something." With a little, nervous giggle, Kari turns to wave to the spider. "Widoia! Hey!"
  70. 12:20 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): The legs retreat over the top of the ship, and is replaced by her upper half poking over the edge. She smiles hugely from her several meters' high ground, extending her arms wide. "Kari~! You're back! How'd it go?" She scuttles down the side of the ship with the assistance of her thread.
  71. 12:21 AM - Kari: Kari hurries over to her lover/companion/coworker/handler person and throws herself into the spider's arms. She squeezes Widoia tight and chitters happily. "It went as well as it could go I think. I'm now 'Apparition Kari', and the council is even sending an emissary to my homeworld~."
  72. 12:28 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Widoia gasps at the revelation, squeezing you even tighter as your face is forced between her warm cushions, shaking you roughly. "That's so great! I'm so happy for you~. I'm also super happy you don't even have to leave the ship to work, so we can keep working together even with your new job~. This is so great." Widoia giggles, squeezing you a little tighter as Eve watches from the side with an amused expression, her arms folded.
  73. 12:30 AM - Kari: Kari mumbles out her agreement, in between suffocating between pillows. Wriggling her body, she manages to pop her head up just enough to breathe with a deep inhale. Smiling bright, she hugs back as best she's able with pinned limbs. "I'm really excited~. There's so much happening, and I need to call home later on. For now though, I wanted to take you up on your offer to hang out, and... I was hoping Eve could come too~. She has some time before needing to leave, so she'd like to explore the city with us."
  74. 12:33 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Widoia stops, looking down at you between her cleavage, then looking to Eve, and back to you. "Y-you mean, M-Ms. Eve, t-the W-W-Wraith? H-hang out, w-with us?"
  75. 12:34 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Eve, smiling faintly at Widoia's nervousness, gestures dismissively. "If it would be a problem-"
  76. 12:35 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Widoia cuts her off. "No no no! I mean, no, but, still, um, no! I, um errrr..." Widoia begins panicking at the idea of having possibly displeased a Wraith, clutching and flailing you around even harder.
  77. 12:35 AM - Kari: Kari's legs trail in limp streaks behind the rest of her body as she's flailed about. Her voice warbles and distorts from shaking about so vigorously, but she just doesn't have the heart to make Widoia stop. "W-well, Widoia. You know that I'm a Wraith now too, so it's not that weird, right?"
  78. 12:38 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Widoia pauses, letting you hang limply as she processes the information. Finally, she manages to whisper a surprised and terrified, "Oh my gosh you're a Wraith I'm assaulting a Wraith I'm gonna go to space prison in space."
  79. 12:39 AM - Kari: Kari's eyes widen, looking at Widoia's laughably terrified expression with a bit of surprise. When her head finally stops spinning enough to articulate, she pats the spider's side. "N-n-no you're not! You're just.... uh... aggresively cuddling one? That's not a crime, is it Eve?"
  80. 12:44 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Eve stifles a quiet laugh, saying in a serious tone, "It would depend on the context-" Widoia gasps, terrified, as Eve continues. "-but in this case, I would say no, likely not." Taking several deep and deliberate breaths, Widoia sighs, finally letting you free of her cushions. "R-right. Of course. That makes sense. W-well, um... s-sure! I'd be happy t-to hang out with two people who could put me in space prison in space if they wanted for anything." She says the last part in a hurried, moderately frightened and slightly awkward tone, though she gives you a genuine smile.
  81. 12:47 AM - Kari: Kari tries to stifle her own giggle at Eve's response, if only so as not to hurt Widoia's feelings. When she's finally let go, Kari dusts herself off with a big smile. "Don't worry. I won't arrest you for hugs." Then Kari's gets hit with a terrifying realization. "Oh. I can arrest people now. I can put people in space prison in space," she mutters, in a tone not dissimilar to Widoia's.
  82. 12:50 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Eve places a hand on both your and Widoia's shoulders, saying, "Let's hope it won't have to come to that today, and simply enjoy the city."
  83. 12:50 AM - Kari: "Do I need handcuffs?" Kari asks, turning to Eve before even processing her statement. "Oh! Uh! Right! Should we like... get changed into something non-space-suity first? Or would you two just want to get going?"
  84. 12:52 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): "I like the suit~," Widoia cheers happily, now that the topic has changed from space jails in space. "I think you look cute in it."
  85. 12:53 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Eve nods, "And it does lend you an air of importance, at least while you await your official uniform from the Federation. Though you won't exactly need that for a simple day out. The decision is yours to make."
  86. 12:53 AM - Kari: Kari blushes faintly from both of the comments aimed her way. Rubbing the back of her head with an embarrassed grin, she chirps in agreement. "A-Alright~. Well, as long as you're both comfortable, let's get going. Make the most of our time and stuff! Hehe."
  87. 12:57 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Gleefully taking your arm in hers, Widoia walks alongside you, with Eve walking on the opposite side. Gesturing with a hand, Eve asks, "So do you know of anywhere in particular you'd be interested in visiting?"
  88. 12:59 AM - Kari: Kari holds onto Widoia with a pleasant little smile, still blushing as she walks. "I think anywhere's fine for right now. There's still a lot I don't know about off-world, and even less about a thriving city world like this. But... if I had to say... either food or shopping most likely~. Unless there's some sights worth seeing. Landmarks, history, that kind of thing. I should probably learn some about the Federation on top of having fun. What about you two?"
  89. 1:06 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): "I'm happy wherever we go~" Widoia cheers, squeezing your arm to her chest. Eve nods, reviewing the options. "Well, there are some landmarks we can visit, and I'd be happy to review some of the Federation's history for you. There are also a number of prolific shopping plazas we can visit, and I'm certain that a Wraith such as yourself can find something of interest for a good price," she looks at you with a coy smile before finishing. "Though it has been some time since I've eaten today, so something to eat sounds like a good place to begin. I know of an excellent place with Usamimi cuisine nearby, as well. Objections?"
  90. 1:07 AM - Kari: Kari looks up at Widoia with a happy, toothy grin as her arm is squeezed. All giggles and smiles, she looks over to Eve once more when she speaks. Nodding as she follows along, Kari's wings buzz at the different options. Her eyes light up, however, at the mention of new food. "Oooh~. I've never tried any before. That sounds like a great idea! Maybe I can even get some ideas on recipes to send home for Val and Jake!"
  91. 1:10 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Widoia nods happily as well, her hair bobbing with each excited tilt. "I love Usamimi stuff, so that sounds good to me."
  92. 1:14 AM - MonMusu Quest (with Mechas): Folding her arms, Eve nods resolutely. "Then it's settled. Let's get going, then, it shouldn't be far. Follow me." You'd almost suspect as though she were on a mission from the Council themselves with the tone she used. Ever the leader, she carries herself surely through the streets, the both of your open weapon carrying - and Eve herself having somewhat of a name, despite her lack of interest in publicity - garners a fair bit of attention as you walk, though luckily the people are polite enough to not accost you in the street and ask for autographs. The three of you proceed through the city, following behind Eve as you make for the resteraunt.
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