
story ideas so far

Jul 27th, 2014
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  1. what I would like to see in a story
  3. Strong moral message
  4. Humour
  5. Fantasy stuff
  6. A bit graphic and shocking
  7. My mind, wandering... a playground of peaceful carnage and visceral kindness
  8. An act of contemptful love
  9. A few oxymorons for good effect, particularly those caused by a chemical bonding of oxygen and morons
  10. Intellectual idiots
  11. Dragons
  12. Space
  13. Dragons in space
  14. Something that kills dragons
  15. A complete absence of St George
  16. Maybe St George in a clown suit
  17. In space
  18. Vacuum cleaners, because space is a vacuum and should be kept clean
  19. Morons in space... oxymorons without oxygen
  20. A character so stupid s/he can't even figure out how to die
  21. Repetitiveness
  22. Repetitiveness
  23. A story
  24. Repetitiveness
  25. Paragraphs
  26. An extremely cramped spaceship that doesn't take off
  27. Spaceships without space
  28. an orbital pub
  29. A spacebar
  30. Asteroids on steroids
  31. Droids
  32. A Star Wars parody?
  33. Parody is good. Star Wars.. I'd be crucified
  34. hmmm crucifixion...
  35. Star Wars Bible mashup parody thing...
  36. Sounds like fun
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