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Jun 28th, 2017
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  1. Ever since the beginnings of civilization, a preeminent rivalry arose. Two nations were pitted against each other by the cruelest of fates. There was no rest, there was no peace. They lived for war, they thrived off war, and there was never enough of it. In a lush valley, long long ago, two civilizations formed, each on opposing hills. Each kingdom known only as red and blue, loathed each other. Daily, the red and the blue would march their men to war. Both sides would meet eye to eye atop the hills, and they would charge down. They met in the dip, and they would fight tirelessly. No retreat was ever called, for all that mattered was victory. The deceased were left to rot in the well of the valley, and the pile of bodies within it grew more and more massive. The kings watched atop their high tower, the deaths of the soldiers only acting as a small morsel to the greedy demons within them that only howled for more bloodshed. Everyday was the same. Assemble ranks, charge, die. The valley became more and more full with corpses and skeletons. Despite this, the kings pursued war-driven agenda, and pushed on. Yet, both sides were dying from the inside, and everyone except the leaders knew of it. The people were starving, sick, broken, beaten, restless, yet the fighting went on. Every night was dark and cold. They howled at their nation’s rulers in their ivory towers, who were fat, and jolly; careless of the suffering of their people. They screamed, “Help us! Save us!” Their voices were silenced Yet the fight went on, and the kings scoffed as they moved their pawns again and again. Riots broke out, and civilization fell. An endless free for all of survival. Brother against sister, sons against fathers; all that mattered was survival. Many feared for their lives and fled their nations, but others stayed and fought for their honor. Only at this moment, did the rulers finally open their eyes and turn their backs to see all the corruption in their kingdoms. Dread hung over them as they tried to rebuild. They screamed, bargained, bribed, but it wasn’t enough. The people were banging at their doors, and wanted justice. Their screams boomed across the entire valley, as the people of the valley swiftly ended the tyrants who had brought only pain and suffering into their life. They looked across the valley, filled to the brim with bodies of dead soldiers. At the opposing hill they saw each other. The enemy. Ironically, the one thing the people had attempted to cease, simply ignited a hunger for that one thing inside them all. Violence.
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