

Feb 15th, 2016
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  1. 1969 - coding begins when they start to work in the PDP-7
  2. 1971 - first edition that runned in PDP-11/20 on innovadoras herramientas de procesamiento de texto.
  3. 1972 - Ritchie crea C y Thompson rewrites Unix in C, what made it portable
  4. 1973 - 3 introduces pipes and 4 edition
  5. 1975 - 6 edition installed at Berkeley by Thompson, first edition installed outside
  6. bell labs Las Universidades empiezan a manifestar intereses por compartir el producto. Bell Labs distribuye Unix con
  7. fuentes de manera abierta y libre a los entes del ambiente académico y científico solicitantes a cambio
  8. de pagar los gastos de medio magnético, manual y flete; y deben reportar toda investigación y
  9. mejora que se desarrolle con el Sistema.
  10. 1978 - first commercial Unix from Interactive systems
  11. 1979 - seven edition, it had C and the Bourne shell
  12. 1982 - sustem III ia AT&Ts first commercail Unix and founding of Sun Microsystems launches Unix workstation industry
  13. 1980 - Microsoft creates Xenix
  15. 1983- 4.2BSD released, first Unix to have TCP/IP native
  16. 1984 - Unix becomescommercial product and source code restricted
  17. 1989 - unification xenix bsd system v
  18. 1991 - Linux
  19. 1992- The Linux kernel is combined with GNU to create the free GNU/Linux operating system, which many refer to as simply "Linux.
  20. 1999-U.S. President Clinton presents the National Medal of Technology to Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie for their work at Bell Labs.
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