
Z1R Groundhog Race 2017

Jan 30th, 2017
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  1. The Zelda Randomizer 2017 "Groundhog's Day Race" -- A theme race inspired by the film starring Bill Murray where he has to keep reliving Groundhog Day until he learns some lesson... I don't really remember what happens.
  3. So, the win condition for the race is to save Zelda (or Gannon or Link in various character sprite shuffles), as usual.
  4. The twist is that you may only play on a game file for up to 45 minutes.
  5. After 45 minutes passes, you must reset and start a new file.
  6. This process continues until you are able to finish the seed from a new file under 45 minutes.
  7. You may also choose to stop a file before 45 minutes are up and start again with a new file and a fresh 45 minutes.
  9. Beating a new seed in under 45 minutes is generally an unrealistic expectation. The idea then is that you should use your first 45 minutes (or less if you think that's wise) to collect data and organize it into a route so that you can finish the seed on the next 45 minute segment. I think anyone who has some experience at Randomizer will finish under 2 hours total.
  11. We have chosen flags to make this goal realistic for all skills levels at combat. Make sure to update Zelda Randomizer to 3.04 and acquaint yourself with the flags. Paste the following into the Randomizer's FLAGS box: LD95Y!T0!NCTP4IJI02
  12. It's a typical flagset: All Tringles, Forced Gannon, and Shapes. Normal Enemy HP is tentatively zero, unless we come up with a better solution inline with the stated goal.
  14. I set up a strawpoll so we can find the best time to race, since I've heard Thursday may not be best for everyone interested. Bring your questions or specific time availability to the randomizer channel in the ZeldaOne discord. If you aren't in it, contact literally anyone from the Zelda speedrunning or Randomizer community.
  17. Love,
  18. Eunos
  21. Other Links
  22. Zelda Randomizer --
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