

Nov 20th, 2017
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  1. Name Ahri of the Kitsune
  3. Refresh
  5. High Concept [Kitsune Priestess In Training]
  6. Trouble [Old Teachings in a New Era]
  7. Phase 1 [Twin-Tailed Spellcaster] {Ahri, a student of the Hidden Kitsune Village's Elder, has a problem. The old priestess has
  8. Reset, but she's still not ready to take her place! This trouble is compounded when the island's
  9. energy begins to flow in strange ways and awakens a terrible entity from the mystic
  10. past. Ahri manages to ward it off from the village, but it disappears underground, leaving
  11. behind a threat that it will be back. Now Ahri must set off in search of a way to stop this
  12. entity from unleashing a terrible threat to all life: The Youkai.}
  13. Phase 2 [Youkai Hunter Acolyte] {With an impromptu ally in Kanna, Ahri continues to investigate the Youkai presence. The
  14. kunoichi helping her to look around the outskirts of the city. The two find the beginning of a
  15. Youkai pod and manage to defeat the creature in a failed attempt to seal it. With the Youkai
  16. defeated, it raises worries about how many more could be in the city, but now Ahri has entered
  17. the capital for the first time. It wont' be her last trip if she's to succeed.}
  18. Phase 3 [Ally of the Carsons] {With Shocker activity mostly subdued, Ahri returned to her own search of pods. With assistance
  19. from Andy's own hunting skills, the two were able to track down a burgeoning nest. Despite the
  20. similarities between the darkness in her ally and the Youkai, Ahri was able to put them aside and
  21. see it was the intent of powers rather than their source that truly mattered. The Youkai will not
  22. be so easily dispatched, but she has allies in the Carson family.}
  24. Skills
  25. Superior +5
  26. Great +4[Lore]
  27. Good +3[Deceive][Rapport]
  28. Fair +2[Empathy][Will][Shoot]
  29. Average +1[Physique][Stealth][Burglary][Contacts]
  31. 3: Flashy
  32. 2: Forceful, Clever
  33. 1: Careful, Sneaky
  34. 0: Quick
  36. Extras
  38. Stunts
  40. Consequences
  41. Mild 2
  42. Moderate 4
  43. Severe 6
  45. Physical Stress
  46. 1[ ] 2[ ]
  48. Mental Stress
  49. 1[ ] 2[ ]
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