
Unhealthy Thoughts

Jan 8th, 2017
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  1. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep making pastebins like this, but putting my thoughts out there is nice I guess. Idk. I don't like being a constant downer, but life is shit lately.
  3. I don't like the way that I've been lately, but frankly, I don't like the way everyone around me is even more. Today during my stream I got very worked up, and several people unfollowed me because of it. I don't particularly care about being unfollowed, I very strongly encourage people who don't like me not to follow because I know I can't please everyone. That said, when people who have been around my stream for a while unfollow me because of an argument, the meaning behind that bothers me. It really shows that they never gave a shit about me in the first place. If you can't handle being told that you're wrong, don't pick a fight. Especially don't pick a fight about something that I'm clearly already frustrated about, knowing that I'm going through a shitty time in life, and where you are objectively incorrect. I'm more than willing, under almost any circumstances, to forgive someone and move on past disagreements, but the point here is that if you're an asshole to me, I will absolutely be an asshole back.
  4. Lately everything is fairly awful. I don't like talking about it, I genuinely try very hard to keep my personal life entirely separate from the internet. But let this be clear. I hate life. I'm extremely depressed. I have severe issues, especially ADD, which I currently have no medication for, and will not for 3 weeks. It's not a good time to push me around and expect me not to point out that you're being retarded. And I'm not sorry in the slightest. I like to think that I'm generally a nice person, but lately it's hard to tell. One way or the other, I guess it's nice to know who my real friends are, because there's obviously a lot of people faking it.
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