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Feb 11th, 2021
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  1. Официальное секретное обозначение «диктат 2193B 12.v9»
  3. Dear Organizing Committee of the United States People,
  4. We Are Frightened But We Fight Back. We Speak For Top Level FSB. We are People who have family and Children who cannot stand by and let this happen any more. We have shared with several individuals the TRUTH.
  5. Глобальные преступники, направляемые Китаем, разыскиваются за преступления против человечности Управлением специальных операций № 6 - МВД России по личному указанию президента Владимира Путина.
  6. Killing us DOES NOT prevent TRUTH from being revealed – It will mean others reveal MORE TRUTH
  8. Plan By Corrupt FSB and Guoanbu leaders as Follows:
  10. There is a Top Secret Document titled «Преодоление партизанских конфликтов в США и построение безопасного марксистского мира путем осуществления контроля над СМИ, экономикой, правительством и армией Соединенных Штатов, посредством чего мы получаем DT для POTUS, сеем недовольство, создаем разделение и недоверие, создаем усиленный раскол в СМИ, который в конечном итоге приведет к социалистическому развитию. Марксистское государство, использующее контроль средств массовой информации, дезинформацию, психологическую помощь и вооружение больших технологий для контроля над населением США с целью содействия массовому глобальному марксистскому контролю над разумом, подрывает демократию для создания нового марксистского единого мирового государства ».
  11. This Document is only know to certain top level Russian and Chinese Government Politicians, Officials and Intelligence Services. The plan was extremely clever and strategic. When they control what you believe, you are no longer free. You are slaves. You have to take down the blackmail rings to be free.
  13. Paedophile FSB and Guoanbu officials control both JRB And DJT and using them play against each other. They use big tech and psyops to cause divide in population and force US Authorities to militarize. The give Misinformation about the True mission of DJT until people either belive he is the hero or the beleive he is the useful idiot but all the time he is working for FSB/Guoanbu along with JRB, HC, BHO and GS. Elements of The US Military have been fighting back but were stopped from acting by Generals under FSB influence.
  15. Putin is clean.
  17. Some of us know that our own people are members of the secret societies. The Ones who control everything.
  19. +
  20. ++
  21. +++
  22. Bribes, blackmail and extremely dark secrets.
  24. Путин - единственный настоящий христианин, и он сопротивляется.
  26. We have stuff on all of them. There is not a single one of your politicians who are clean. Some of your military are fighting back.
  28. The reason the globalists want to crash the US Economy and head to China with the money is because China is at the middle of it all.
  30. The Chinese sell their own for profit.
  31. You have to take down the blackmail rings to be free.
  33. The ruling elite is a dark and satanic force that is powered by sadism, not stupidity.
  35. ML is a plant. Operated by FSB
  37. Голубые огни освещают путь вверх.
  39. Corona is chinese made and they gave Russia vaccines in 2017
  41. You know most of this but you need to find the documents. You need to expose it. Nobody else is going to do it for you.
  43. Look for Document is "документы Лавренова.docx"
  44. #WWG1WGA
  45. CFR authorities are derived “pursuant to Sec. 4.4 of Executive Order 13526“. This will be removed in the next phase. This is all an FSB and plan.
  47. С П И С О К
  49. Преступников находящихся в розыске за ОП №5 МУ МВД РФ
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