
Secrets (FiE: 9)

Jun 22nd, 2012
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  1. >You are jarred from your stupor by a shriek of terror.
  2. >Delicious, delicious terror.
  3. >Much more enjoyable if it wasn't coming from a certain white mare in the next room.
  4. >Before you comprehend what is happening, you are already in her room, throwing scythe at the ready.
  5. >Rarity is on her bed, clutching a blanket in her hooves (wat), rocking back and forth.
  6. >You leave your scythe on the floor outside her room, and walk in.
  7. >She continues rocking and sobbing.
  8. >You sit down besides her and look at the blankets instead of her.
  9. >Damn how you wish you didn't have a terrifying visage at this exact moment.
  10. >Oh well, can't change your appearances, unless you want to die via flower poisoning.
  11. >She didn't know that interesting fact though. She only knew that you were a human, then when you ran away, you came back as a scarecrow.
  12. >You didn't lie to her.
  13. >You did't need to.
  14. >When you 2 were working on clothier related things, she brought it up to you, and you told her it would be best for her if she dropped the subject.
  15. >When a six and a half foot tall scarecrow tells you to drop the subject, it's best to drop the subject.
  17. >She is still sobbing into her blanket.
  18. >You gently run your burlap hand down her mane
  19. >You know how soft that purple twirly thing is, but you can't feel anything.
  20. >The urge to ask her what happened is overpowered by your realization that hearing your scratchy voice would not be the best thing for her psychologically.
  21. >So you simply sit there and pet her mane.
  22. >Brushie brushie.
  23. >She releases the blanket from her vice grip, and relaxes a bit, leaning against your burlap body.
  24. >”I...” she starts to speak, then stops.
  25. >You look at her incredulously (not that she would know what your expression is.), and poke her side gently. This elicits a small giggle.
  26. >”I'm sorry for waking you. I shouldn't ha-” She is interrupted by your finger in front of her lips.
  27. >You let out a closed mouth smile, and pet her mane again.
  29. >Well look at how far you have fallen, Fiddlesticks.
  30. >What do you mean brain?
  31. >You're becoming weak.
  32. >Weak?
  33. >Did I stutter?
  34. >How is having someone to protect and care for being weak? In fact, I would say this gives me strength to fight off the monster within.
  35. >You are only going to end up hurt, Fid. And by then you'll be too weak to do anything about it.
  36. >...
  37. >I'll let you think about what I said.
  38. >Rarity has fallen asleep again at this point.
  39. >Gently letting her off of you, you walk back to your room.
  40. >You lay back onto the bed, and welcome the stupor with open arms.
  42. >This has been happening for a week.
  43. >Pretty routine daytimes. Wake up, help her sew. Walk around the town, nothing special.
  44. >Then the night comes.
  45. >That unfortunately has become routine as well.
  46. >Wake up to her terrified screams, silently comfort her until she falls back to sleep.
  47. >The dog attack at her home have affected her more than she lets on.
  48. >It's morning.
  49. >You hear things sizzling in the kitchen area.
  50. >Rarity is probably making breakfast for her and Sweetie Belle
  51. >Damn, you didn't get to taste anything during your time as a human
  52. >Not true, you tasted your blood when you got stabbed in the chest
  53. >True. Do all things taste like that, Brain?
  54. >God, I hope not.
  55. >You exit the room, grabbing your scythe on the way to the kitchen.
  56. >To your surprise, it's just Rarity.
  57. >She is magically holding a spoon, stirring the contents of a pot.
  58. >”Good morning Fiddle. How are you feeling?” Her eyes betray her smile.
  59. >You give her a thumbs up.
  60. >Her expression is a quizzical one.
  61. >P0nys don't have thumbs, dolt.
  62. >Right.
  63. >”I'm fine” You rasp.
  64. >”That's good, dear. That's... good...” She stares into the void that is the wall in front of the stove.
  65. >Silence falls.
  66. >”Uh... Rarity?
  67. >”Hmm?” She absentmindedly responds, still staring at the wall
  68. >You need to change subjects, and fast.
  69. >”What are you making?”
  70. >”Pudding...”
  71. >”Pudding?” You cock your head to the right
  72. >”Yeah. Pudding.” she continues to stir the pot while staring at the wall.
  73. >”Isn't pudding usually reserved for dessert? Why are you making it for breakfast?”
  74. >”Because I have lost control of my fears.”
  76. >Oh shit.
  77. >Shit shit shit shit.
  78. >You caused this.
  79. >You did this to her.
  80. >You were unable to complete the fear spell, and you left her deepest, darkest fear in the front of her mind.
  81. >Just out of sight, but always lingering.
  82. >You know there's only one solution.
  83. >It's your turn to stare into that void of a wall.
  84. >Seriously, that wall is getting some major screen time.
  85. >”Fiddle? Are you alright? You've been standing there for-”
  86. >”I'm sorry.” you cut her off
  87. >”Fiddle, we've been over this, you didn't do anything, you just scared me a little.” Her genuine apology only sickens you more.
  88. >You have to let her know what you really did, but that might mean she would hate you.
  89. >So the dilemma is set. Do you let her suffer every night, not truly knowing what is going on, but still keep a friend?
  90. >Or do you make her suffer the worst possible thing she could ever suffer?
  92. >Ok Fiddlesticks, just like a band-aid
  93. >Right...
  94. >What's a band-aid?
  95. >”Rarity, there's something you need to know.”
  96. >”What is it, darling?”
  97. >How you wish she would stop calling you darling.
  98. >”I know why you fear.” you're trying to sound as non-cryptic as possible.
  99. >You're failing.
  100. >”I don't understand...”
  101. >”That night when I attacked you, you were terrified beyond anything you've experienced before, correct?”
  102. >She shudders at the memory.
  103. >”I don't want to do this, but this is the only way you will be free of the nightmares.” you look into her eyes.
  104. >She is trembling slightly
  105. >”Wha...what are you going to do?”Her voice is shaking
  106. >”I am going to finish that spell. It will terrify you tenfold from that night, but I will make sure you recover”
  107. >”And... this will stop the dreams?”
  108. >Hopefully. You honestly have no clue if it will.
  109. >”Yeah, I'm sure it will.”
  110. >Add that to the list, brain.
  111. >Add what?
  112. >This is the first time I've lied to someone.
  113. >Noted.
  115. >You lean your head into the creativity room.
  116. >”Ok, Rarity, are you ready?”
  117. >”Not really, but can you really be prepared for such an uncouth experience?” she chuckles nervously.
  118. >”I'm sorry, but it has to be this way,.” you kneel down, and look into her eyes.
  119. >Those big, pretty blue eyes.
  120. >You gently caress her mane, and begin your work.
  121. >You look deep into her eyes, beyond her conscious thoughts, beyond her soul.
  122. >Her mind is a bright place, clean and organized, very similar to her home.
  123. >And just like her home, there is a room that is closed off, hidden from the rest of the world.
  124. >You crack open the door, and look into the room.
  125. >You see a desk with papers on it, along with photos of some stallion you haven't seen before.
  126. >Many of the papers say “Defaulted” “Eviction” and “Final Notice”
  127. >There are also several gems on the table.
  128. >You bend over the desk and look into it a photograph that lies on the rest..
  129. >The photo flashes bright, engulfing the room in its light.
  130. >The room from before is gone, replaced by Rarity's bedroom.
  131. >On her bed, you see a shivering Rarity, slumped over the form of another p0ny.
  132. >She is muttering “I couldn't have you tell anyone. No one must know.” over and over.
  133. >You see the familiar scarlet liquid running down the bed, dripping on the ground.
  134. >It took you a moment, but you notice the knife in Rarity's grip, and the cut on the p0ny's throat.
  135. >The liquid begins to vibrate, and your vision is washed in a red light this time.
  137. >You are now outside.
  138. >Its raining, and everyp0ny is wearing black
  139. >There is a p0ny speaking behind a podium, with a black dressed Rarity beside a coffin.
  140. >Ah, a funeral.
  141. >Her figure is not as thin as it normally is, and that tight black dress is doing nothing to hide the fact she has put on a few pounds.
  142. >There is an unnatural darkness emanating from where she is standing, permeating the air and the ground around her.
  143. >The shadow suddenly expands, clouding your vision in darkness.
  144. >After a moment, you hear the cry of a young filly.
  145. >Very young.
  146. >You turn towards the source of the sound, and see a very tiny Sweetie Belle being cradled by Rarity.
  147. >”Mommy will always be here for you Sweetie. Daddy can't be here, but Mommy will always be here.”
  148. >There are tears in her eyes when she says this.
  149. >Ah, there it is.
  150. >Rarity was Sweetie's Mommy, this much is true. But Mommy made sure that Daddy couldn't be there too.
  151. >A product of love wouldn't make her commit an act so dire. She slept with a stallion to pay for her selfish desires.
  152. >When he threatened to inform everyp0ny of the terrible act she decided to commit, She wooed him into her room, and after a kiss, his throat was slit.
  155. >You snap back to reality, staring into her eyes still.
  156. >This mare. You trusted her, and she did this?
  157. >Is your trust misplaced?
  158. >She simply looks at you for a moment, unable to tell your reaction.
  159. >Permanent poker-face and all that.
  160. >”What did you see, Fiddle?”
  161. >Does... does she not know what you saw?
  162. >You didn't bring her projected self to the dream-state, so no, she didn’t know.
  163. >You look into her eyes for a moment, then lean forward.
  164. >You speak in a hushed, almost whispering tone into her ear.
  165. >Her blood runs cold when she hears what you say.
  166. >A shiver runs down her spine, and her pupils become the size of pinpricks.
  167. <”Wha... what did you-” she stammers. All pretenses of elegance were gone now.
  168. >This is a reaction of pure fear. And you didn't say but 4 words to her.
  169. >”I know your secret.”
  171. >”H-...How...” Looking at the ground, her eyes begin to water.
  172. >After a second of staring, her brow furrows.
  173. >”So you know my secret.” The tears are still there, but her voice is cold and calculated.
  174. >*nod*
  175. >”I have done my best to hide it. But all secrets are revealed at some point, I guess.” she looks back up to you.
  176. >”I guess it isn’t long before my sins are exposed.”
  177. >You simply continue to stare at her.
  178. >”I didn't know I was pregnant when I did it.”
  179. >”But why pose as her sister?”
  180. >”I don't know how things go where you hail from, but here in Equestria, single mothers are the lowest of the low. The children are treated as less than p0ny.”
  181. >”What I did was absolutely terrible and unforgivable, but Sweetie belle does not have to suffer for the sins of her mother.”
  182. >She is looking down again, sobbing.
  183. >You gently grab her chin, and lift her head up to look at you.
  184. >”You have shown me you are not a monster. You care about others before yourself. Your secret is safe with me.”
  185. >She lets out a small smile, one that would warm your heart if you had one.
  186. >”Thank you, Fid. Thank you.”
  187. >You get a feeling that tonight the routine is going to be broken.
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