

Feb 6th, 2022
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  1. The story goes that the world was a primordial soup for eons, a conglomeration of the weird things in the world and the world we know today. Amon, the father, and Isis, the mother, split the world so that Law and Goodness could take hold, and so humans flourished. Amon's brother, Apophis, sewed chaos and deceit into the world, and brought about monsters onto the land, and his son Hastur, spread evil through his tendrils.
  3. The Sorcerists know that Osiris, brother of Isis, breathed the magic of the Gods into the humanoids of the world, so that they could battle against the fiends and dragons created by the evil gods. That gift is still with us today, in sorcerers and dragonborn who are gifted with the natural magical essence of the Magi. Yet these people are not the true favored of the Magi. The saints of the church are the clerics who received Osiris' blessing directly, and who are now worshiped themselves and grant their powers to the faithful.
  5. The church's goal is a simple one: Tell people how rad magic is. Villagers spend all their time harvesting grain and tending to animals. That's dumb. If you learned magic think of how much easier your life would be. You could just automate it. It probably wouldn't take THAT LONG to learn that much magic?
  7. Sorcersists are quick to overstate how great magic is, and tell others about it with the zeal of someone selling you a MLM or telling you about the crypto they just bought.
  9. Despite all this, they don't care much for wizards. They aren't actively hostile, just sort of put off, since the whole point is to get more people to come to the church. Yet this guy is just reading a book to learn magic? Our God will LITERALLY put it in you for free, what are you doing?
  11. Passages well known to the faithful:
  12. The Fable of the Cock and the Pearl
  13. A Cock is walking around the farm and sees a pearl. He excitedly picks it up. The other cocks laugh. “You may have a treasure,” one says, “but I’d rather have corn any day.”
  14. The moral being that the simple folk often don't realize the treasure they are missing by not practicing magic
  16. If you're playing a Sorcerist, feel free to quote random saints about magic and how great it is when you want. You can play it straight and serious, or more comedic like you're really a shill for this religion. The quotes may be misattributed or real (That's the DM's call) but regardless as long as you're really on "Team magic makes stuff better for everyone" then you're playing the character's faith right.
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