
Final draft of Steve Wozniak project SKL proposal:

May 21st, 2017
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  1. Final draft of Steve Wozniak project SKL proposal:
  3. Project codename: SKL
  5. (codename means intellect in Hebrew)
  7. What My Project is:
  11. My project is one that aims at teaching people how to program from 0 to knowing (*8 Basics of Programming) first in 3 systems I made and then in Python and C.
  13. First, flowcharts auto-generated by m-programmer (a flowchart generator), a project I am developing which generates flowcharts that teach a person how a computer thinks by having people follow the flowchart similar to a "Game Of Life" game. Some of the flowcharts presented will be things like "guess my number game", "insertion sort" and "a random number generator". This initial part of the book could be completed with ought the need of a computer, which means programming could be taught in remote areas where computers are not available.
  14. The reason why I made this project is not so people use the software, it is so that I could eliminate human error from the flowcharts... in this way the flowcharts can be directly executed and debugged using my software before generating the flowchart. the debugging system could be used to step thru the flowcharts for people that have computers.
  16. Then these flowcharts would be the first part of a book I would publish, giving all kinds of flowcharts things like simple games, and topics in CS like sort algorithms.
  20. I want to link you to copies of my flowcharts and videos of my projects, but I did not want to be dismissed as spam, so I decided to wait for a reply and then I will send copies of my flocharts and videos.
  22. Then it goes on to s-found which is a programming environment that is similar to Scratch, except it can convert visual block to code, and also has a terminal window for text input/output and will have exams to have students translate visual blocks programs to source code (something that I don't think anyone has addressed yet). This part would be done by presenting a visual block program on the left and a text editor on the right, and have the student write a program equivalent to the one on the left. Then I would test to see if the output on the terminal is the same. I would also test to see that he did not just do a print out of the desired output to prevent cheating.
  24. Next, there is 3dpl which is a text programming environment with a 3d real-time evaluated language so that people can see the results of what they type right away. For example, if they type qb ("my_cube",0,0,0), a cube appears in the center of the screen, and if you change it to 0,5,0 it will move 5 cubes to the right immediately.
  26. This reinforces the *8 Basics of Programming in all 3 environments, and finally teaching them in both Python and C.
  28. Finally in the book I would just cover *8 Basics of Programming in C and Python.
  30. *8 Basics of Programming
  33. 0. Following instructions in order
  34. 1. Statements
  35. 2. Conditionals
  36. 3. Procedures/functions
  37. 4. Variables
  38. 5. Arrays/lists
  39. 6. Loops
  40. 7. Recursion (good for working with tree structures)
  42. I am not an expert at business at all, so I need help figuring out a business plan for this project... I mainly want to be the team manager of a small team of programmers (and an artist) that work on completing my project and making them professional. We would also need a business manager to help make business decisions.
  44. I think the main way this project may be able to make money is by selling a book which teaches programming in the SKL method, but also maybe offering consulting and training to schools and cram schools in Japan.
  45. With the upcoming introduction of programming for elementary school students in Japan in 2020 this seems pretty relevant to current times.
  48. I think it would be good to make free versions of the first course available to people in poor countries where computers are not available.
  50. Negative points:
  51. 1.-My projects are still works in progress, this is why I need help to finish them and make them professional
  53. 2.-I am not absolutely sure how to make these things profitable, but I was hoping that maybe I can get help with this too and also even if it is not profitable, it may be worthy of being put out to the public because of it's educational value, which I think is something probably Steve Wozniak may agree with
  55. 3.-I have not yet started writing the book, I will start when I know the project has prospects of going anywhere. tho some of the flowcharts that would appear in the book are done.
  57. Note to Steve Wozniak, Of course I would like to make money with it, but if that is not possible, I would still like to "make a dent in the computer world" and for that I think I need help getting my programs known somehow, an alternative to direct help, I think if the programs were promoted properly with your words. I could possibly make them FOSS and have other people volunteer help me finish the project... this would be my last resort knowing that there are other things that offer similar but not all the solutions that my program offers. and hey, maybe i can still make money by making just the official book after all... but a good promotion campaign would definitely help. I have been working on the 3 projects which comprise project SKL for a very long time, and I think I really need help to finish the projects...
  59. Also please let me know if you want to try my projects directly. I will give you the links to try them out, but you would need some directions on how to use them, since they are still prototypes.
  61. Finally it would be great to work with or in a company where Steve Wozniak is involved, He is one of my heroes ever since I watched the original Pirates of Silicon Valley movie. and as the Steve Jobs mentions in that movie, I want to make a dent in the field of computers :)
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