
Culture Shock

Feb 15th, 2018
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  1. Dragon Lord Ember was completely out of place and she knew it. Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadence had invited her and Thorax to join their pony allies in Ponyville for a weekend event celebrating Hearts and Hooves Day. The event was dripping with pony tastes, chocolate was the main ingredient of nearly everything and the town was blanketed with paper hearts, pink, red and purple streamers that stretched from building to building, and the locals were quick to celebrate her and Thorax’s arrival with a song and dance that left both Ember and Thorax covered in glitter.
  3. After being mobbed by ponies Ember sat in the throne room of Princess Twilight at her giant crystal table, opposite Thorax who was munching on a chocolate heart, a stray piece of streamer connecting his horns.
  5. “Enjoying yourself?” Ember asked?
  7. “Oh, absolutely! I've only ever been to a celebration like this once before at the Crystal Empire,” Thorax said, “There was so much love that I slept warmly for days afterwards! What about you?”
  9. Ember looked at Thorax’s goofy smile and couldn't help but find it infectious.
  11. “Well...the celebration isn't my ‘thing’...dragons don't really have a way to show they like someone; let alone love,” Ember said.
  13. “What's the closest they get to showing others they care?” Spike said, poking his head up from a third side of the table.
  15. Thorax and Ember jumped, they didn't even know the little dragon was there but noticed that the main set of double doors were open for Twilight and Cadence as they entered.
  17. “Hi everybody! Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!” Cadence announced bringing in a heart carved from a single hunk of gem and a bundle of roses made from various flavors of chocolate.
  19. The gem heart was set in front of Ember, a small note of affection reading:
  20. “Thank you for being such a strong friend
  21. Love,
  22. Twilight.”
  24. Thorax received the bundle of sweet roses, a similar note attached reading:
  25. “Love is sweet, but not as sweet as you
  26. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day,
  27. Cadence”
  29. Thorax squealed and wrapped Cadence up in the warmest, tightest, hug he could deliver, his carapace glittering as love both exuded and infused his form. Cadence took the sudden invasion of space with good candor but Ember was more conserved with her reception of Twilight's gift.
  31. Picking up the gem heart Ember looked it all over before giving Twilight more of a toothy grin than a smile. Ember took a big bite out of the gem and a small shiver ran down her back, the taste was perfect. The dragon lord chewed and savored the mouthful thoroughly before swallowing.
  33. “Delicious! I'm amazed a pony could have such skill making delicious gems,” Ember complimented before going in for another bite.
  35. “Well, I had a little help from Spike,” Twilight said, nodding in the baby dragons direction.
  37. Spike blew on his claws and rubbed them proudly on his scales.
  39. “So, Thorax, Ember, what do you think of the celebration?” Cadence asked sitting down next to Thorax.
  41. “Well actually Ember was about to tell us how dragons shown affection,” Spike mentioned.
  43. Twilight gasped and in a flash of magic a leather bound book was suddenly hovering nearby. Pulling a quill from seemingly nowhere Twilight looked at Ember with a expectant smile. Ember looked the princess up and down, her eagerness off putting.
  45. “Um...well...dragons don't really have a way to show their affection cause we don't really ‘love’ anyone or thing except treasure. The closest thing we have...or had I should say was something our ancestors would do,” Ember explained.
  47. “Which was…” Twilight said, trailing off and taking notes.
  49. Ember made a noise and looked at Spike. Twilight followed Ember’s gaze and after a moment everyone present was looking at Spike expectantly; who looked around before rolling his eyes.
  51. “Oh come on! I’m totally old enough for this kind of talk Twilight!” Spike exclaimed.
  53. “If you have to say that then you aren’t old enough,” Twilight responded pointing to the open door.
  55. Spike sneered smoke from his nostril and muttered under his breath as he hopped down from his chair and made his way to the door.
  57. “Fine, I’m gonna go to the hay burger and hang out with Pinkie Pie then!” Spike yelled at the entrance to the door.
  59. “Have fun! Happy Hearts and Hooves day!” Twilight responded before Spike closed the door in a huff.
  61. There was a moment of silence before Twilight picked up the book and quill left behind by Spike and looked excitedly at Ember.
  63. “Right...well...So dragons don’t do the whole hugging, kissing, song and dance you ponies do,” Ember began “See...Back then when two dragons were really close one would the other,”
  65. Twilight’s excitement became confusion.
  67. “Eat...them?” Twilight clarified.
  69. “Yep…” Ember answered.
  71. “Ouch...That doesn’t seem like a very…” Twilight paused, looking for the word.
  73. “Oh, I don’t mean like, bite by bite. I mean one dragon would swallow the other whole and alive,” Ember explained.
  75. Twilight gasped and wrote in her book swiftly.
  77. “The idea was that one dragon enjoyed the company of the other so much and because dragons are notorious for destroying the things they can’t have it was...symbolic, I guess?” Ember said, looking across the table at the shocked Thorax and Cadance.
  79. “Symbolic of what? Hunger? Emptiness?” Twilight asked.
  81. “No, more like…’I want to protect this treasure from the others so much that I’m willing to be a shield so you can be around tomorrow’” Ember said.
  83. “Aww...that is sweet in a...sort of barbaric way.” Cadence said with a grimace.
  85. “They weren’ know...digested?” Twilight asked.
  87. “Oh, they were a few occasions where a dragon would wake up a few pounds heavier but like I said, all of that was long ago,” Ember said.
  89. Twilight spent the next few moments writing what was said in her book before setting it down.
  91. “Alright, I’m willing to give it a try!” Twilight announced.
  93. “What?” Ember asked.
  95. “I would like to experience this show of affection. Perhaps re-enacting the whole thing will shed some light as to why your race stopped it or, even better, rekindle it so you can bring it into the new age!” Twilight said with an eager smile on her face.
  97. “Twilight...are you sure about this? This seems incredibly risky,” Cadence said, worry knitting her brow.
  99. “I know...If this helps the dragons open up to each other then it could lead to them opening up to others also. It’s a risk I’m willing to take,” Twilight said.
  101. Ember rolled her eyes, one might be offended by Twilight’s words but she had been around ponies long enough to know that Twilight meant well and cared deeply for those she was friends with.
  103. “Maybe we should have some privacy for this then…” Ember said giving a sideways glance to Thorax and Cadence.
  105. Thorax smiled gently and nodded before getting up from his chair and leaving. Cadence followed shortly after Thorax and kept looking back over her shoulder at Twilight before the door closed leaving her and Thorax alone in the hall. Thorax suddenly began dancing giddily, unable to contain his excitement.
  107. “Oh! This is so exciting! Opening up to others around you isn’t easy to do let alone for dragons, I’ve only gotten Ember to open up to me like...once! Twilight must be something special to convince her to enact a intimate ritual like that,” Thorax gushed, wrapping Cadence up in a hug.
  109. “Yeah...:” Cadence said, her voice straining slightly from Thorax’s tight embrace.
  111. “I’m so grateful that you and Twilight invited me to Hearts and Hooves weekend! I can feel the love coursing around everywhere! I love all of you so much!” Thorax exclaimed, nuzzling Cadence’s mane, his wings springing out from his carapace and fluttering.
  113. Cadence could hardly deny Thorax’s contagious jubilation and brushed her worry aside, hugging the glittering bug prince in a hug of her own.
  115. “Well, the weekend is just beginning, and there are alot of events set up. You can have first choice on what we do, Thorax,” Cadence said.
  117. Thorax giggled like a foal on their birthday, the ambient love around him and holding such a strong source of affection in his arms, his carapace shimmering as if a layer of water lay just beneath and in the heat of the moment his jaws unhinged. It all happened so fast, at first Cadence was laughing along with Thorax and then the next thing she knew she was facing a open, wet throat before she was plunged in darkness; hearing a wet gulp that claimed her muzzle.
  119. Thorax’s cheeks stretched and filled out, his teeth keeping the squirming princess from withdrawing from his throat. Thorax loved the subtle tastes of Cadence’s coat but more filling was the overindulgence of love that the weekend festivities had already imbued him with. Cadence’s shoulders were swallowed down and her fore hooves were restricted. Cadence yelled and kicked her back legs but to no avail, each wet gulp pulling her deeper.
  121. “Thorax! Stop! I can barely breath!” Cadence yelled, pushing back against the slick fleshy walls.
  123. Soon Cadence’s belly was swallowed up, her motherly, foal-bearing hips being the only thing keeping her from slipping entirely down Thorax’s powerful jaws. Slowly, inch by inch, the bug prince's lips wrapped around the meaty flesh; gently prodding with his hooves to stuff her down his throat. Cadence’s round rump was tugged down, reaching the back of Thorax’s throat and, all at once, it slipped past the edge of darkness and with a wet gulp Thorax’s throat swelled roundly while his lips clasped tightly around her wiggling rear hooves.
  125. Cadence was slid smoothly into the changeling stomach and pushed against the walls, her hooves slid harmlessly off the stomach lining, leaving them covered in slime. The darkness was as stifling as the heat and Cadence wasn't sure if the beating thump she heard was her own heartbeat or if it was Thorax’s. Cadence’s struggles were hampered when her legs joined her in Thorax’s gut, forcing her to curl up. The ingestion of the princess of love energized Thorax and despite his rounded, stuffed middle the changeling ruler leapt high into the air, fluttering his wings rapidly on his way down and then giggled and looked excitedly around for something else to devour. Cadence continued to yell from behind changeling flesh but to no avail. Thorax took off, leaving a path of glitter as he bolted for the door and ran headlong for Ponyville.
  127. Twilight looked at the door quizzically. The commotion outside last only a few minutes before there was quiet between Ember and her.
  129. “Ready?”
  131. The question brought Twilight's attention back to the task at hoof. Turning to face Ember, Twilight was greeted with quite the sight. Ember’s jaws were wide open, impressively wide even. A wet, slender tongue hung limply between equal sets of flat grinding teeth, soft esophageal papillae poked up from the Dragon lords tongue and angled backwards, becoming more pronounced as it delved into an open,wide throat that breathed hot breath across Twilight's face. The princess was transfixed by the sight, her heartbeat picking up in pace when a gentle swallow rippled across the wet maw, the prongs shifting with movement and seemingly beckoning Twilight closer.
  133. Twilight drew closer, intentionally or not, she couldn't take eyes off the sight and before Twilight knew it Ember was already pulling her in. Twilight struggled only barely, gasping with pleasant surprise when she felt Embers long tongue slither out and caress her chest, leaving her coat wet and slick before the tongue pulled back. The prongs along the tongue gripped Twilight's wet coat, and timed with a powerful swallow Twilight’s shoulders were the next part to fill Ember’s throat. Twilight felt that wet tongue begin to slide to her belly and it really settle in that she was being eaten alive, Ember was swallowing her whole, like a piece meat and, judging from the moans, she was tasty. The tongue pulled back and just like that Twilight's barrel was dragged between Ember’s jaws and into her throat. Twilight couldn't believe just how easily Ember was doing this to her, she was an alicorn princess, a ruler of Equestria but right now she couldn't be anymore placid or content with being a dragons meal.
  135. The tongue slid, slowly, gently, crawling across Twilight's lower belly, between her soft pillowy thighs and wrapped up her rump in a tight squeeze before giving her butt cheek a gentle pat. Twilight's legs kicked a little, a breathy moan coming from the vaguely princess shaped bulge in Ember’s throat. In only moments, Twilight's backside was devoured, cutie mark and all, leaving her hind hooves and tail hanging from Embers mouth. With little effort Ember swallowed the last of Twilight down a gentle motion that relaxed her throat and filled her belly Ember sat alone at the crystal table, her belly sitting in her lap, shifting slightly while Twilight got comfortable.
  137. “ was it?” Ember asked “‘Cause, you were absolutely delicious. Soft and silky, you went down smooth,”
  139. “That was amazing…” Twilight moaned, her wings fluttering against the confines of fleshy walls.
  141. “ know what that old ritual is about. Let's get you outta there and get you a bath,” Ember said.
  143. “Wait! Not yet, I still have your...gut flora?” Twilight said, pushing.
  145. “My what now?” Ember asked, looking down a her distended belly incredulously.
  147. “Gut flora! Very important. Everypony’s is different and passing this up would be a lost opportunity!” Twilight explained quickly.
  149. Ember shrugged.
  151. “Alright. Whatever makes you happy I guess...just try not to take too long, don't wanna end up adding to my waist line, right?” Ember said before yawning.
  153. Twilight gave a weak chuckle but was shocked with herself at how much she enjoyed being devoured. The tight grip of Embers throat, the intense warmth of the dragoness’s body and the slick substance she was being coated in, the squeeze of the hungry organ as it bared down on her body, wrapping around her as if it were hugging her. Twilight pressed her cheek into the side of the stomach, the prospect of Ember churning her up, gurgling away in this dragon’s belly was too much for her to resist.
  155. “I...I never would have guessed I'd end up as dragon chow,” Twilight said softly.
  157. Suddenly a bit of discomfort drew Twilight's attention. A various points along her body a tingling, burning sensation started to make itself known. The change in demeanor was almost immediate, Twilight knew what was happening and it snapped her out of her euphoria.
  159. “Uhh, Ember. Ember, I'd like to come out now!” Twilight said, pushing against the wall.
  161. No one answered Twilight, Ember sat silently in the chair, her head lolled back and eyes closed, gently snoring; Ember had fallen sleep.
  163. “Oh no. No, no, no! Ember! Ember wake up, please, it's starting to burn!” Twilight yelled, squirming against the walls.
  165. Twilight squirmed like crazy, her horn lit up with a spell to save her but dropped the spell from the shock of seeing the damage the stomach acids had already done to her body. Patches of fur had been eaten away and her skin was beginning to slough off. Twilight screamed her voice raw, and tried her best to pound against the squeezing walls and from the outside all that could be heard was a muffled cry and a tumultuous tummy, the imprint of hooves appearing just underneath the Dragon lords belly scales. The squirming, shifting gut of the Dragon gurgled and sloshed and before long Twilight’s struggle slowed and her cries weaker, the belly rounding out and sloshing as the pony princess was churned up, her body reduced to a slurry of meat and feathers that Ember’s body used to nourish her while she slept the rest of the evening away.
  167. Thorax was on a love drunk rampage, Cadence sat still in his gut while Thorax came running into town, his belly swaying back and forth as he galloped; though she was still upset about the circumstance, Cadence found enjoyment way of the sway.
  169. “If only I had a book…” Cadence muttered.
  171. A surprised scream caught Cadence’s attention and the wet gulping sounds told Cadence she would soon have a companion to talk to. Cadence lit up her horn and saw the yellow mane and grey coat of the pony already. The pegasus was cross-eyed as a bat and soon she was belly to belly with Cadence, her head tucked under the princesses chin.
  173. “Ah! Oh no! Not this place again, what happened?” Muffins exclaimed.
  175. “Again? What are-" Cadence began before the sound of wet gulps sounded the arrival of yet another meal.
  177. Thorax was in the middle of swallowing Lyra when Bon-bon grabbed her best friends hind hooves to pull her from the hungry jaws of the crazed bug. Thorax lurched forward and swallowed the rest of Lyra up, Bon-bon didn't give up, pulling with all her might even when Thorax was pulling her down his throat. Head, shoulders, barrel, hips, flanks and legs, Thorax didn't even bother to stop to taste his meal before packing two ponies away into his stretched gut and looking around for his next meal. Cadence had to admit, before she had to share the space, being cradled in a soft squishy belly was kinda nice, but three ponies were panicking and looking to her for help.
  179. “Calm down everypony, please. Thorax is just having an...episode. He will calm down soon enough and I'm sure he'll let us out,” Cadence said.
  181. “B-but what if he doesn't calm down soon enough? I don't want to be changeling chub!” Lyra cried.
  183. “Lyra, if it comes down to that… I'm glad I get to be pudge with you,” Bon-Bon said, holding her dearest friend.
  185. “Awww, that's so sweet,” Muffins said, kneading her hooves against Cadence’s chest.
  187. “Stop that! Your love is only feeding him and making his episode last longer, keep you affections minimal and Thorax will come to his senses,” Cadence said.
  189. “Are you sure?” Muffins asked.
  191. Cadence honestly had no idea, but it was the best guess she had and right now she needed to keep everypony in the cramped space calm. Thorax waddled bow legged through the streets of Ponyville, his sagging gut swaying to and fro and threatening to throw him off balance; the prince still looked for his next meal.
  193. “Hol’ up you! Ya’ll best spit up our friends!” A voice called from down the street.
  195. Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity stood proudly, a confident smile on each of their faces and a rope slung over Applejack’s shoulder.
  197. “Or ya’ll will answer ta us,” Applejack said.
  199. Thorax licked his lips.
  201. “Alright...Pinkie. Mah rope tied?” Applejack asked.
  203. “Yessiree!” Pinkie Pie said.
  205. That was all Applejack needed to hear, dashing towards the changeling she swung her rope around, a lasso intended to hogtie him while they get Twilight to teleport the devoured ponies out. Applejack let the lasso loose, coils of rope sailed through the air towards the changeling who, despite a belly chock full of ponies leapt into the air and snatched the rope between his lips. Landing brought Thorax to his knees and bounced his belly off the ground, but it didn't stop him from yanking hard on the rope. Applejack stopped and gawked at the sight but heard dual screams from behind her and all Applejack could do was watch as Rarity and Pinkie sailed over head, their hooves caught up in the other end of the rope. Thorax’s lips opened, his mouth drooling profusely and with a wet sound his jaws jam packed, his throat surging outwards with the first hard swallow of two ponies into his gullet.
  207. “Pinkie! Rarity!” Applejack exclaimed.
  209. Applejack rushed to her friends aid, the two squirming to free themselves but finding no purchase on Thorax’s lips. Another strong swallow had pulled the pair of ponies up to their shoulders by the time Applejack got to them, Thorax was quick to pull back, lifting his head up so Applejack couldn't reach her friend, taunting her with another swallow, his throat swelling out comically. Applejack panicked, thinking of anything that could help she wrapped her forehooves around Thorax’s neck and squeezed as hard as she could. Thorax flinched, making a short gagging sound that formed into a long retch, Pinkie and Rarity didn't come up but at the same time they didn't slip down any further; Applejack held tight, slightly relieved she had bought some time to think of a plan until Thorax reared up. In a final display of strength Thorax lifted the himself, his payload of struggling meals and Applejack into the air. Applejack was caught off guard by the sudden action, losing her grip around Thorax’s neck and falling flat on her back.
  211. Stunned from the fall Applejack couldn't stop the massive belly from coming down on top of her, pinning her. Helpless, Applejack watched was Thorax swallowed her friends, his flesh distending with their descent, their muffled cries for help going unanswered. Thorax held her, his prodigious gut filling out to the point that it left him immobile. Applejack tried as hard she could to squirm out from under Thorax, the cries of her friends inside the massive belly only matched by the gurgling of the organ.
  213. “Ooh...I don't feel so well…” Thorax said, spittle falling from his lips, “What...what happened?”
  215. “Ya straight up ate half the town, ya crazy bug!” Applejack yelled.
  217. “Applejack? What do you mean I ate half-?” Thorax began before a sour belch cut him short.
  219. “Just get offa me!” Applejack yelled.
  221. It took hours but one my one ponies were regurgitated, pulled gently from Throax’s gullet until finally the last pony, Cadence, was free. The town ponies were understandably angry and Thorax did his best to apologize while the ponies left in a huff, until soon only Cadence and Thorax remained on the empty evening street.
  223. “Oh man...I feel terrible...I'm so, so sorry princess Cadence...I don't know what came over me, you were showering me with love, the ponies were showering me with love and i…” Thorax babbled, unable to bring himself to look Cadence in the eye “I...I totally understand if you think I'm a monster,”
  225. “I don't think you’re a monster Thorax…” Cadence said, gently guiding Thorax’s chin to face her “No pony was seriously hurt and I'm sure that if you do something to make it up to them, the others you ate will forgive you in time,”
  227. “Really? You think so?” Thorax asked.
  229. Cadence nodded, smiling sweetly.
  231. “Well...since I did that to you there something I can do to make it up to you?” Thorax asked.
  233. “Well…” Cadence said helping Thorax up “I'm thinking that after a shower…a good night's rest...and getting you an antacid you could treat me to another belly ride,”
  235. Thorax saw Cadence wink and could feel his heart skip a beat.
  237. “Come on, let's go back to the castle as see how Twilight and Ember made out,” Cadence said, leading the way.
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