

Jul 1st, 2016
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  1. <DarnellJermaine> -EVENTO STARTO-
  2. <Endorb> Momo is coming back from town. She may have splurged on sweets a little, based off her four grocery bags.
  3. * Neon ( has joined
  4. <DarnellJermaine> On her way back- she'll notice an elderly looking man standing outside of a little run down shop. He looks a bit distressed- moving around this way and that- fidgeting with his hands. "Oh boy... oh boy" he looks a bit panicked!
  5. <Endorb> Momo walks up to him. This injustice has to be at least acknowledged! Hopefully fixed, too. "Hi! Is something wrong?" She asks in a friendly tone.
  6. <DarnellJermaine> The old man turns to her, wearing a kitchen apron- he's balding, gray hair forms a halo around his head wear hair /should/ be. "Oh, umm, hello there young lady" he offers a weak smile, and notices the cat ears on her head. He lets out a soft laugh- his voice is calm despite his appearance- rich with age. "Oh ho- you must be from that uh, special school just up a ways. Fifth Sanctum or something. Hello!"
  7. <Endorb> "Mhm~ So, you seemed worried. Can Momo help maybe?"
  8. <DarnellJermaine> He gives the girl a soft pat on the head- his hands are spotted and wrinkly, but warm to the touch. "Oh, thank you for your concern little lady. It's just...I had these youngsters staffed to work at the shop today- but none of them have showed up or called in and I can't run it all by myself. I need someone to watch the shop while I go run some errands real's nothing to worry about though" his
  9. <DarnellJermaine> expression would say otherwise~
  10. <Endorb> "Can Momo watch it for you? Or run errands? I've got nothing to do!" She gives him a cute, reassuring smile, complete with closed eyes.
  11. <DarnellJermaine> The old man smiled a bit- looking relieved at the sound of her offer. "Really? You'd help an old man like me? Oh- thank you, thank you so much! Here- come in" he motioned for her to follow him- wobbling over to the doors and opening them for her- the store was an old, musty book store- tomes dotting the shelves- most of which looked older than Momo was! He led here behind the counter to the register,
  12. <DarnellJermaine> showing her how it worked- it was a fairly simple machine. "So if you're willing- all you have to do is offer to help anyone who comes in the store and make transactions for me- here's a list of where all the different books are and- are you sure you can handle this for me?"
  13. * RosyBud is now known as IncognitoBud
  14. <Endorb> "Mhm~ Momo will be fine!"
  15. <DarnellJermaine> The old man smiles once more- giving her a soft head pat, "I'll be back in an hour or two- thank you so much little lady. I'll pay you when I get back!" he slowly begins to wobble out the door- and now, Momo is working the store! For the next few minutes, an occasional old lady or man coming home from work stops in to browse around- 1 or 2 of them notice her ears and giggle a little bit- nothing harsh or
  16. <DarnellJermaine> malicious, just amused at her appearance. Nobody ends up buying anything though. After about 30 minutes however, a group of 3- scraggly delinquet looking types step into the store- decked out in the same kinda outfit- ripped jeans, shirt, leather jacket. The tallest one speaks up first, "Glad the old man isn't around to yell at me for bein-" he stops when he notices Momo at the register- and then lets out
  17. <DarnellJermaine> a malicious smile when he notices her ears and tail. He whispers something to the to the other two with them- and they start bursting out in laughter as they walk up to the counter. The tall kid leans down on the counter- staring Momo right in the face! "Hey there little girl- you lost or something? What are /you/ doing here?"
  18. * EndPhone (EndPhone@184.151.qqv.zwu) has joined
  19. <EndPhone> If he's too close, Momo backs up a step. She gives him a warm smile, letting her little fangs show. "Momo promised to watch the shop! Need help finding a book?"
  20. <DarnellJermaine> "Ah? That so..." he grins wide- the other two whispering things to eachother while giving her sideways glances. "I didn't know that old fart was hiring /freaks/ from up at the weirdo school. Why don't you just get the hell outta here- would hate for something to /happen/ to ya" he reaches over and jabs at one of her cat ears with his pointer finger.
  21. <EndPhone> Momo instinctively slaps the hand away, her smile leaving for a few seconds. "Momo isn't a freak~ Freaks are people who live in carnivals! Silly~" Momo gives a bright smile again. Her ignorance was a good insult barrier so far.
  22. <DarnellJermaine> Oh- he didn't like getting slapped, "Listen here you four eared /fuck/ don't touch me again- got it?" again he prods at her ear- hard and shop. "Get the /fuck/ outta our town- you freak show"
  23. <EndPhone> Momo this time just moves her head away from the offending finger. "But Momo lives here! And what's a fuck?" the poor sheltered girl... "Momo doesn't want to be trouble!"
  24. <DarnellJermaine> He smiles wide at that- "Why don't we help you out... Brent, Liam- fucking grab her" the boys move in on either side of her- aiming to grab for her arms (roll reflexes twice!)
  25. <DarnellJermaine> `calc 4d3-8+6
  26. <GameServ> 4d3-8+6 = 8
  27. <DarnellJermaine> `calc 4d3-6+8
  28. <GameServ> 4d3-6+8 = 9
  29. <DarnellJermaine> `calc 4d3-8+6
  30. <GameServ> 4d3-8+6 = 5
  31. <DarnellJermaine> (sorry messed up the 2nd roll lol)
  32. <EndPhone> `calc 4d3-8+7
  33. <GameServ> 4d3-8+7 = 7
  34. <EndPhone> `calc 4d3-8+7
  35. <GameServ> 4d3-8+7 = 9
  36. <DarnellJermaine> Momo manages to dodge out of the way of Ken- but Brent easily latches onto her left arm- putting her in a tight grip. The tallest kid hops behind the counter- now right in Momo's face- he's got more than a foot on her. "So- I'll ask again. /Why/ the fuck do you think you're allowed to bring your freakshow ass into our town?" by now one of the elderly people outside sees what
  37. <DarnellJermaine> what's going on inside and starts rapidly dialing numbers into her phone.
  38. <EndPhone> Momo tries to struggle out of his grasp "Hey! Let me go!" the high-pitched Kitty voice starts to fade back to Momo's natural, more realistically high- pitched voice. "And what's an ass?"
  39. <DarnellJermaine> The tall kid just laughs- by now Liam has time to grab her other side since Brent has a hold of her- "Oh god- now I know why it's called a /special/ school. Are you fucking stupid or something?
  40. <DarnellJermaine> "
  41. <EndPhone> "No, I just never heard the word before! let go of me!" Momo struggles more, but the cat just can't get out of the bag. Er, grip
  42. * DarcellJermaine has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  43. <DarnellJermaine> The tall kid yells at her again, "Shut up!" he grabs one of her ears- /hard/ pulling at it, "These things come off? Shouldn'
  44. <DarnellJermaine> Shouldn't you be in the cafe up the street? Huh?"
  45. * DarcellJermaine ( has joined
  46. <EndPhone> Momo lets out a little scream. "Noo! Don't pull my ears! Stop it! Let go!" A tear's rolling down Momo's face. That was painful!
  47. <DarnellJermaine> As the man continues his onslaught- the doors burst open- 2 large police officers in uniform come in. "Zack!" shouts the one on the right- if Momo was familiar with the town she /may/ recognize him as the Chief of Police. "What the /hell/ are you doing to that poor girl?" the tall kid immediately lets go of her ear and looks at him- the other two boys letting go and running past the officers out of the
  48. <DarnellJermaine> store.
  49. <Endorb> "They were hurting Momo! He pulled my ears while they held her! Stop those meanies!"
  50. <DarnellJermaine> By now the boys have already ran past through the side ends of the shop- knocking a few books down on their way out. The police chief sighs, "I know who they are- rest assured, they'll be dealt with" he turns back to the tall kid, now revealed as Zack, "And /you/ young man... what do you have to say for yourself?" Zack looks frustrated- angry, "Fuck you, dad" his eyes start to glow red and the police
  51. <DarnellJermaine> officers stop in their tracks- frozen in place for the moment. He turns back to Momo- eyes still red, "And you, /freak/"
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