
Marco and Janna WG

Feb 10th, 2019
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  1. “What’s that sound? It’s so annoying!”
  2. “Yeah, and why is it making us gain weight?”
  3. “What are you talking about, you guys aren’t gaining weight! You look totally fine!”
  4. “Star, I can feel my clothes getting tighter. I’m going to start popping stitches soon, stop letting that sound fatten us up!”
  5. “Yeah, and if it’s not making us gain weight, why do you have earplugs in?”
  6. “(Just gotta keep them talking Star, the longer they hear it the fatter they get...Ooh, I’m going to make them so massive!) Earplugs? I don’t have earplugs! You’re so silly, Marco...”
  7. “You totally do! I see how closely you’re reading my lips...and if you didn’t, you’d be getting fat too!”
  8. “(Shit, they’re onto me. But I have an even better idea...) Fine, you got me. I just wanted to prank you guys by playing this hypereffective magic subliminal messaging tape. It’s so powerful that just hearing it makes you gain weight! It’s thousands of hours of verbal reinforcement compressed into a short tape, I dunno how they do it...”
  9. “I don’t care how it works, just turn it off! We’re getting huge!”
  10. “Fine, fine. It was just a prank...don’t worry, the one I got wears off overnight.”
  11. “It better! My clothes are hanging on for dear life!”
  12. “Yeah, my belly’s so big I can’t even stand up, dude. You’re gonna have to drive me home, or give me a magic portal or whatever, because I am way too plumped to walk home.”
  13. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you guys a hand...on the bright side, at least it’s nearly bedtime anyways, so you won’t have to be like this for long! (Tommorow, you’ll be even bigger...)”
  14. That night, Marco and Janna explored their auditorially fattened bodies just a bit before bed. They certainly didn’t “like” them, but there were some features that at least commanded some interest. For example, Marco loved finally knowing what it was like to have boobs, even if they came with a large amount of chub on the rest of his body, especially his huge, heavy belly. He was so enamored with his breasts and fat ass that he stole and tried on a set of his mom’s lingerie for the first time in years, and was delighted to find that they actually fit! Ok, they were actually rather tight, but just the act of filling out a girl’s underwear was enough to make Marco diamonds. His tiredness and desire to slim down were forgotten just long enough for him to have one of his best masturbation sessions ever, and to take plenty of pics and vids of himself for his porn folder. Star’s prank had certainly given him a lot of fun...
  15. After replacing and hiding everything, as well as deciding to sleep in his undies for once in his life instead of his now very tight pajamas, Marco fell asleep. A few moments later, his door was carefully opened, and Star snuck in...
  16. “Oh, you thought you were fat then Marco. But you haven’t seen fat yet..”
  17. She gently stuck a set of earbuds into Marco’s ears, and put a music player on the lowest volume nestled snugly between his pillow and the wall.
  18. Across the street, Janna had also had a fun experience with the aftermath of Star’s prank. Though it didn’t arouse her as much, if at all, it was certainly fun to play with all her flab and watch it jiggle and wobble with every touch.
  19. “Maybe I was too hard on Star, this is a pretty fun joke! Marco’s face was hilarious, I can’t imagine how someone even more uptight like Brittney would react...and hey, it’s not like it’s permanent. As big as I got, my clothes are barely even stretched. Night, fat Janna. See you in like 10 years!”
  20. After Star was certain Janna was deep in sleep, she repeated the same process she’d done to Marco.
  21. “I would’ve let you guys off so much easier if you’d just went along with it, but nooo...Well, now you’re gonna fill your rooms for ruining my fun!”
  22. Star pressed a button on her phone, and a tiny light on Janna’s music player flashed on. Even at the lowest possible volume, Janna’s earbuds began a constant stream of the high-pitched, annoying sound...and this time, she’d listen to it all night long. Star lingered for a few extra moments to ensure the tape was working, and sure enough, Janna’s body began to spread and rise like dough as every second passed. A whole night of listening to the tape was undoubtably going to make her titanic...and that filled Star with delight. Before heading home, she checked to make sure the cameras she’d left in each of her friends’ rooms were working...and sure enough, she could see Marco blimping up as he slept too. Her head full of cheerful, warm and flabby thoughts, Star dozed off.
  23. Morning came quickly, and shortly after shaking off her wake-up grogginess, Star was extremely excited. She checked the cameras on her phone like a kid on Christmas, and was positively overjoyed to see they were both completely black. Either the cameras had died...or her plan had worked perfectly. She decided to check Marco first, since he lived in the same house, after all. Walking to his doorway, she pulled it open, so excited to see how much of a blob 10 straight hours of subliminal weight gain messages had made Marco...but couldn’t even walk in as a wave of caramel flab poured out. She heard a faint moan of relief from the room, Marco voicing his pleasure in no longer being squeezed quite so tightly...but he was still filling his room.
  24. “Marco, you got so big! How did you know that was just what wanted! Tell you what, since you’re so good at this, how about you keep it up while I’m at school? You’re too big to leave the room anyways, and I’ll even turn it up for you since you seem to like it so much!”
  25. It was all Marco could do to force out a weak moan that might have been a plea for mercy, as the subliminal messaging got so loud it started to give him a headache...and he felt his flab begin to hang out the window, and well as follow Star down the stairs.
  26. Star quickly went over to Janna’s to give her the same treatment, of course. She practically squealed with delight seeing more light brown flab oozing out of her mischievious friend’s bedroom window, knowing it had to belong to her. She raced up the stairs and did the same thing she’d done for Marco’s room: throwing the door open, and enthusiastically greeting a wall of flab that collapsed out (and elicited a similarly relieved moan from Janna, who was under quite a bit of pressure from filling her room as well)
  27. “Janna, great news! I noticed how great you looked with that extra weight, so I decided to help you get a little more by having you listen to the tapes all night! No need to thank me, just keep getting bigger, girl! I’ll check on you when I get back from school. Oh yeah, and it looks like your tapes are on minimum volume...I know you like to play it loud, so enjoy!”
  28. As Janna felt her belly flab ooze onto the tile of the bathroom across the hall and the sun warming her fat that was squeezing through the window, she began to realize that Star had maybe taken this prank a bit too far. And that she was beginning to get a headache from the tapes...
  29. Star arrived home to find Marco and Janna filling literally every inch of their houses with fat, and practically orgasmed right then and there. Windows, doors, basements, even their chimneys...they’d taken up every last bit of space, almost as though they were filling the house like a mold. Of course, it was somewhat uncomfortable, and over the course of a school day their slight headaches from hearing the tape screeching full blast for over 7 hours had worsened so badly that there was hardly any room for them to think...about anything besides fat, that is.
  30. “Oh gosh, I knew they’d get big, but they’re packed in so tight..they don’t have any free space left at all, they’re even coming out of the chimney!”
  31. Flab oozed from every door, window, and vent in the houses, and showed no signs of stopping.
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