
realdougstewart, realmikestack followers in common 2019-06-0

Jan 15th, 2020
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  1. Name,"Screen name","Twitter ID",Location,Biography,"Created date",Followers,Following,Tweets,Favorites,Website,"Time zone",Geo-enabled,Verified,Language,Protected
  2. Flamingo3929,@FosterCindy3929,"ID 1656293808",USA,,"Thu Aug 08 22:26:07 +0000 2013",635,2008,3117,4693,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  3. "To The Republic",@sliderblaze2,"ID 20791408","District of Columbia, USA","political nerd since ?84 : Reagan/Rush baby : FB: ToTheRepublic1776 YouTube: to the republic APP
  4. Google Play/iOS To The Republic","Fri Feb 13 18:10:10 +0000 2009",37765,41395,21177,14085,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  5. "Tom FItzkamp",@fitzkamp,"ID 1052249080989020161","Bend, OR","Everything lofty and beautiful has but a single source","Tue Oct 16 17:25:05 +0000 2018",3706,1360,25,4,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  6. "Genya, the magical ballot fairy",@ElectionBabe,"ID 2156375305","Sunshine State","stalkers not welcome","Sat Oct 26 07:57:55 +0000 2013",5619,5779,158893,225410,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  7. "LilyPolLily ?",@LilyPolLily,"ID 975866476669288448",Australia,,"Mon Mar 19 22:47:53 +0000 2018",850,930,5343,96218,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  8. FilmLadd,@FilmLadd,"ID 36563254",Worldwide,"Filmmaker, Animator, Programmer. Because Twitter corporate is against free speech, I am only here to annoy them at my leisure.","Thu Apr 30 02:11:06 +0000 2009",99566,72989,2956,15412,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
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