

Jun 24th, 2013
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  1. Autarena rules in bigger fullness. Now with extra mayo....
  3. 1) Don't be a dick. For anyone claiming to be the opposite, don't be a cunt either.
  5. 2) This isn't a dating site. Expressions like 'Hi I'm new, any girls here?' might be met with derision and scorn. Attempts to be eye-catching in this way will be successful, since lots of eyes will be rolled at you.
  7. 3) Private messages to the ops saying 'Why did you ban me? I didn't do anything wrong' can be made at the ultimate risk of the poster's credibility. Ops aren't dimwits, they're chosen because of that fact. With the exception of the the occasional free-for-all (described below), there's pretty much always going to be a reason you were banned. Think on it, instead of lowering other people's IQs.
  9. 4) Freedom of speech to be upheld. Note: this isn't a get-out clause for the recently banned. Freedom of any kind is only as free as it can be without causing problems. If you take it into the problem zone, expect to either be banned by an op or during the free-for-all.
  11. 5) There may be an occasional free-for-all day, during which op power is given to a lot of people, possibly the whole channel. Arranged on an ad-hoc basis, no dates are set, and there might not be one for several years, or there could be 3 in a week. Expect a lot of chaos and pandemonium during this time, with many bans made, many removed, whatever. All changes permanent except for the op list ones. They do get reverted back. Free-for-all days will be unannounced, with many temporary ops not even knowing their status until being banned by others. Stay alert, and shoot first.
  13. 6) Drama will be disliked. Although popularity is not important to staying in the channel, it might be an important tool to anyone who isn't an unimportant tool. In other words, it's actually a good idea to be somewhat liked, because as I said before, bans on free-for-all day don't get cleared out afterwards.
  15. 7) Free-for-all day might be a myth. But it also might not. Pascal has his entire life savings on it being real. Would you like to bet on it too?
  17. 8) Spam will be met by a resounding thud as your ass leaves the channel backwards at high speed.
  19. 9) The above rules are all mandatory, and must be followed at all times, although that will not take much effort at all, so it really isn't a difficult and harsh place to live. The op team will have every right to propose changes to them, collectively, and the ops are all capable of listening. If you feel a rule is too harsh, raise it with an op and the op will raise it with the rest of the team, who might raise it with you before helping to raise the roof in raising your issue with all relevant people to whom it should be raised.
  21. 9.5) Raisins are delicious
  23. 10) Some of your experience in ##autarena may require prolonged interaction with lethal military androids. Rest assured that all lethal military androids have been taught to read and provided with one copy of the Laws of Robotics. To share. If you feel that a lethal military android has not respected your rights as detailed in the Laws of Robotics, please tell an op, who will then help you file your grievance.
  25. 11) The above rule was stolen. Please report this issue to any bot, as the ops are too busy not caring about it. However, it will be automatically repealed if and when Valve learn to count to 3.
  27. 12) In the case of a netsplit, it is necessary to sing Bohemian Rhapsody, from the beginning to the end. If you arrive to find people singing Bohemian Rhapsody, you must join in, or be quieted until the next netsplit, after which the quiet list will be cleared. When normal service is restored, the side which got furthest through the song wins. The losing side will be laughed at. Non-singers will join the quiet list.
  29. 13) Having fun is mandatory. Make love, not war. If you can't get along with others, people or bots, then feel free to go fuck yourself.
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