
You Wouldn't Pirate a Redemption / Also, Gramps a Spookblade

Jan 16th, 2014
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  1. [18:47:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Friday, May 7th, 8 AM! In the morning, before the crew leaves, Lesieli and Melanie approach a familiar purple building. Inside, Carlos is yawning, as a disappointed pair of trainers leaves the battle chamber. "Better luck next time, you two." He rubs the sleep from his eyes and then notices you two.
  2. [18:48:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Oh, you've come back?" Stretchstretch, straighten fabulous hair.
  3. [18:48:16] <Melons> "Yup."
  4. [18:48:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "I don't think I need to explain. YOu know the drill. How many badges do you have now?"
  5. [18:49:00] * Melons holds up two fingers.
  6. [18:49:13] <Lesieli> "Mm, my furrylittle friend here is itching for revenge. And he shall have it."
  7. [18:51:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Two badges...that means you've probably hit the skill ceiling for my gym! This might be easier than before for you, actually."
  8. [18:52:41] <Melons> "Is that a real thing? That doesn't sound like a real thing. That sounds like something you'd say to try to lower our guards..."
  9. [18:53:27] <Lesieli> "But I thought you guys kept all sorts of different-leveled pokemon around for different challengers."
  10. [18:53:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Step on into the battle rooms and toss your pokemon in! I won't go easy on you, of course!" He smiles, a bit goofily. "Well, you'll see, anyway."
  11. [18:53:38] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "We do!"
  12. [18:54:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "But I have a ceiling for how high my levels are, as I use the same pokemon with restraints on, usually."
  13. [18:54:16] <Lesieli> "So why would there be a skill cap? Whatever, we'll crush you this time anyways"
  14. [18:55:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The two rooms with the headsets and windows overlooking the battlefield are there, as before.
  15. [18:55:11] * Melons steps up to one of the rooms and sends out a ghostly hellspawn of insanity and magic floating hands. (22 Speed +10 Initiative first turn)
  16. [18:56:40] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to ''
  17. [18:56:41] <Lesieli> "Alright boy, you can do this, show 'em we can actually battle well" And out comes the ferocious ball of fur!
  18. [18:56:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Speed on that?
  19. [18:56:53] <Lesieli> Spd 22 also, but no magic bonus
  20. [18:57:05] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Po (?) (initial) Swoobat -> Po (?) (normal) -> Sullivan -> Girafarig'
  21. [18:57:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ah boo
  22. [18:57:19] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Po (?) (initial) -> Swoobat -> Po (?) (normal) -> Sullivan -> Girafarig'
  23. [18:58:35] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Out pops a Swoobat and Girafarig. "Restraints full off!" There's the sound of clattering as small lead rings and other decorations fall off of the two pokemon, leaving them as normal. [Let's Go!] shouts the voice projecting into your head.
  24. [18:58:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu>
  25. [18:58:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Po! (?)
  26. [18:58:59] <Melons> 1d20 Po immediately lets out a dark concussive pulse at the Girafarig!
  27. [18:59:03] <Melons> ...oh
  28. [18:59:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...oh
  29. [18:59:19] * DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined #youareapirate
  30. [18:59:25] <~Aori_Radidjiu> THERE
  31. [18:59:27] <Melons> 1d20 pewpew
  32. [18:59:28] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, pewpew: 14 [1d20=14]
  33. [18:59:36] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 prob control
  34. [18:59:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, prob control: 3 [1d20=3]
  35. [19:00:12] <Melons> Presumably the Giraffe has at least 10 Speed or Special Defense?
  36. [19:00:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The blast curves right before hitting the Girafarig, slamming into the wall nearby with a THWACK
  37. [19:00:39] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Swoobat!
  38. [19:00:55] <Lesieli> (What about Trainers? Would totally use Giant Slayer every chance I get)
  39. [19:01:09] <Melons> (Is that league legal?)
  40. [19:01:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh, you can have init ticks for anything league legal, yeah
  41. [19:01:24] <~Aori_Radidjiu> speeds?
  42. [19:01:28] <Lesieli> (As far as I know it is, lemme check)
  43. [19:01:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (I'd say it is, from waht I remember)
  44. [19:01:50] <Lesieli> (Just a sec on that speed)
  45. [19:03:02] <Lesieli> (Well hey, 22 with the points I forgot to add from leveling up~)
  46. [19:03:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (noice)
  47. [19:03:21] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Po (?) (initial) -> Swoobat -> Po (?) (normal) -> Lesieli -> Sullivan -> Girafarig'
  48. [19:04:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Swoobat lets out a SWOOOOO before emitting a pulse which solidifies into crystals, which then launch at Po!
  49. [19:04:19] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 PSYSHOCK
  50. [19:04:20] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, PSYSHOCK: 17 [1d20=17]
  51. [19:04:36] <Melons> Po doesn't seem affected in even the slightest.
  52. [19:04:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> [Figures you'd use that trick again...]
  53. [19:05:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lesieli!
  54. [19:05:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Giant Slayer?
  55. [19:06:22] <Lesieli> Yeah. She gives her encouragement; even if he can't really hear her, he knows.
  56. [19:06:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Sullivan nods, determined! Sullivan's turn!
  57. [19:06:40] <Lesieli> Sullivan gets pumped to slay the mighty beast
  58. [19:06:41] * Melons doesn't even respond with any irritated retorts or witty quips! She probably thinks them but surely has enough focus to keep them deep inside.
  59. [19:07:04] <Lesieli> 1d20 Tail Slap
  60. [19:07:05] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, Tail Slap: 6 [1d20=6]
  61. [19:07:13] <Lesieli> Ac 4, dangit
  62. [19:08:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> If only it was AC 2! You should get accuracy training on that thing
  63. [19:08:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Girafarig!
  64. [19:08:48] <Lesieli> Yeah, just barely nabbed it. Ah well.
  65. [19:12:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Girafarig charges Po with BODY SLAM
  66. [19:12:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20
  67. [19:12:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 1d20: 1 [1d20=1]
  68. [19:12:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> AND SLAMS RIGHT INTO A WALL
  69. [19:12:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 2d20 damage to itself
  70. [19:12:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, damage to itself: 33 [2d20=14,19]
  71. [19:12:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Swoobat!
  72. [19:13:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Signal Beam on what APPEARS to be Po
  73. [19:13:16] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Signal Beam on what APPEARS to be Po: 6 [1d20=6]
  74. [19:13:25] <~Aori_Radidjiu> AC 2
  75. [19:13:31] <Melons> Hits T.T
  76. [19:13:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3d6+8+24
  77. [19:13:58] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 3d6+8+24: 43 [3d6=4,1,6]
  78. [19:14:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Bug damage
  79. [19:14:29] <Melons> The illusion drops, leaving a rather injured looking Sleight.
  80. [19:14:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Po (?)! If Sleight's still alive, anyway
  81. [19:14:51] <Melons> Are they close enough to each other for a pass to hit both?
  82. [19:15:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> HMMM! GOOD QUESTION
  83. [19:15:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Actually Pass is 3 squares, so no, sorry
  84. [19:16:00] <Melons> Why do I even bother learning moves.
  85. [19:16:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Ironically, if the Girafarig had hit you, you'd be able to do that
  86. [19:16:30] <~Aori_Radidjiu> BUT THEN YOU'D PROBABLY BE DOWN
  87. [19:16:35] <Melons> Sleight sharpens his claws and goes to make Girafarig play with itself. (Vicious Hone Claws + Foul Play)
  88. [19:16:37] <Melons> 1d20+1
  89. [19:16:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 1d20+1: 5 [1d20=4]
  90. [19:16:43] <Melons> AC2
  91. [19:17:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> srsly
  92. [19:17:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Miss
  93. [19:17:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> LESIELI
  94. [19:17:14] <Lesieli> DDMMMMM
  95. [19:17:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Giant Slayer Y/Y
  96. [19:17:24] <Lesieli> I think I'll have to go with Y on that one
  97. [19:17:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Sullivan!
  98. [19:18:10] <Lesieli> 1d20 IRON TAIL Just replace the word Tail with (Tail) Sword in all of these moves
  99. [19:18:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, IRON TAIL Just replace the word Tail with (Tail) Sword in all of these moves: 17 [1d20=17]
  100. [19:18:19] <~Aori_Radidjiu> THAT DEFINITELY HITS
  101. [19:18:21] <Lesieli> That dirty Giraffe is getting it now
  102. [19:18:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> But the question is
  103. [19:18:30] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 do you survive the Sucker Punch
  104. [19:18:31] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, do you survive the Sucker Punch: 8 [1d20=8]
  105. [19:18:34] <Lesieli> 3d12+10+24+5 Steel
  106. [19:18:34] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, Steel: 55 [3d12=1,6,9]
  107. [19:18:49] <Lesieli> Well, lets hope so
  108. [19:18:56] <Lesieli> four evade, so~
  109. [19:19:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3d6+8+30
  110. [19:19:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 3d6+8+30: 54 [3d6=6,5,5]
  111. [19:19:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Dark Damage.
  112. [19:19:30] <~Aori_Radidjiu> And then you hit it back!
  113. [19:19:42] <Lesieli> A nice hit, but not nearly enough to stop me!
  114. [19:20:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You cut a GASH in the Girafarig! It's Injured, but still going!
  115. [19:20:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Swoobat!
  116. [19:20:24] <~Aori_Radidjiu> can't Signal Beam this turn, SO
  117. [19:21:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Air Cutter on Sleight
  118. [19:21:46] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Air Cutter on Sleight: 2 [1d20=2]
  119. [19:21:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> NOPE
  120. [19:21:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> SLEIGHT
  121. [19:21:59] * NekoRoara ( Quit (Quit: )
  122. [19:22:01] <Melons> Suppose they're still too far apart?
  123. [19:22:06] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to ' Swoobat -> Sleight -> Lesieli -> Sullivan -> Girafarig'
  124. [19:22:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Now they're closer together!
  125. [19:22:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You can pull it off now
  126. [19:22:40] <Melons> 1d20+1 Night Slash some mofos
  127. [19:22:40] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Night Slash some mofos: 12 [1d20=11]
  128. [19:22:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> HIT HIT
  129. [19:22:53] <Melons> 3d8+10+27
  130. [19:22:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> well actually you have to roll twice I think? I forget
  131. [19:22:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 3d8+10+27: 57 [3d8=8,5,7]
  132. [19:23:09] <Melons> PDF last I actually saw says one roll for aoe which is weird
  133. [19:23:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "The Pass Move attacks all targets in each square it dashes through. Make separate Attack Rolls for each target."
  134. [19:23:41] <Melons> 1d20+1 ah
  135. [19:23:42] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Pass is an exception, it seems!
  136. [19:23:43] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, ah: 10 [1d20=9]
  137. [19:23:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Both hit, though!
  138. [19:23:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You don't have to roll Damage twice
  139. [19:24:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> MURDERGIRAFFE gets another big gash in its side and falls over
  140. [19:24:23] <Lesieli> Nooo I'm supposed to take him down, not you
  141. [19:25:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Swoobat gets a gash in it that starts bleeding profusely, looks like it took MASSIVE DAMAGE
  142. [19:25:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Giant Slayer!
  143. [19:25:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Sullivan!
  144. [19:25:28] <Lesieli> Giraffe is down, right?
  145. [19:25:33] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Correct.
  146. [19:25:45] <Lesieli> 1d20 Tail Sword Slap on the bat then I suppose
  147. [19:25:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, Tail Sword Slap on the bat then I suppose: 9 [1d20=9]
  148. [19:25:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> AC on that?
  149. [19:26:01] <Lesieli> 4
  150. [19:26:05] <Lesieli> So high ;_;
  151. [19:26:17] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Narrow miss! It barely avoids the SWORD OF DEATH
  152. [19:26:19] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Swoobat!
  153. [19:26:23] <Lesieli> 1d8 aawwww
  154. [19:26:24] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, aawwww: 6 [1d8=6]
  155. [19:26:38] <Melons> (Protip: for shit that is fast as fuck, don't use high AC attacks)
  156. [19:26:39] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Signal Beam on Sleight!
  157. [19:26:40] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Signal Beam on Sleight!: 18 [1d20=18]
  158. [19:26:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> WELP
  159. [19:26:45] <Melons> gawn
  160. [19:26:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Don't think you're getting out of that one
  161. [19:26:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> GIANT SLAYER
  162. [19:26:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> SULLIVAN
  163. [19:27:06] <Melons> Roll the damage for my injury count
  164. [19:27:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 3d6+8+24
  165. [19:27:23] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, 3d6+8+24: 46 [3d6=4,6,4]
  166. [19:27:28] <Lesieli> 1d20 Pound then. If only I had slam.
  167. [19:27:29] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, Pound then. If only I had slam.: 13 [1d20=13]
  168. [19:27:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> HIT
  169. [19:27:37] <Lesieli> AC 2, that's gotta hit
  170. [19:27:45] <Lesieli> 3d6+10+24+5
  171. [19:27:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, 3d6+10+24+5: 48 [3d6=5,2,2]
  172. [19:28:22] <Melons> (Slam is AC6, what did I JUST protip for you?)
  173. [19:28:25] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Sullivan jumps up and THWACKS the bat in the face with its tail, sending the thing crashing into a wall, and then it falls to the ground
  174. [19:29:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> [Ah. Well then, good show.]
  175. [19:29:21] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You win~
  176. [19:29:34] * Melons returns poor wounded Sleighty. T.T
  177. [19:30:16] <Lesieli> 12d12+80+24+5 crit DB19
  178. [19:30:17] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, crit DB19: 197 [12d12=8,3,10,3,10,8,10,5,11,11,1,8]
  179. [19:30:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> jesus christ how horrifying
  180. [19:31:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 6d12+40+24+5 normal DB19
  181. [19:31:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, normal DB19: 102 [6d12=7,8,2,7,3,6]
  182. [19:31:55] * Melons also bursts forth from the trainer box to squeezehug Lesieli as soon as they open up.
  183. [19:32:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You recall your pokemon, and Carlos recalls his, and the doors to the trainer box pop open so that Mel can squeeze Les to death
  184. [19:32:23] * Lesieli is a little shocked at the SUDDEN HUMAN CONTACT, but doesn't mind too much
  185. [19:33:25] * Melons shakes her. "Wediditwediditwediditwediditwediditwediditwediditwediditwediditwediditwediditwediditwediditwediditwedidit!"
  186. [19:33:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Carlos claps. "Good show, both of you. Now, are you two ready?" He retrieves two badges from their storage place. "I present both of you with the Dual Badge! ...well, when the two of you calm down."
  187. [19:35:18] * Melons snatches the badges from his hand from afar and floats one up to Lesieli's face.
  188. [19:36:16] * Lesieli just HMPHS "Darn right we did! No more being the pathetic loser of the team for me!"
  189. [19:36:19] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Carlos blinks. "Oh. I see something in you has woken up since we last met, huh?"
  190. [19:36:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> +1 TL! +200 EXP each to both of your pokemon. 300 free distribute to the rest of your mons, no more than 150 to a single one
  191. [19:37:04] <Melons> "Mmmmmmm?...oh, yeah, that. Did your giraffe come from Zebra by chance? I saw weird shit there..."
  192. [19:37:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Ah, yes, it does have relatives there..."
  193. [19:38:59] <Melons> "Oh, do we get pretty prizes and stuff or are you going to suddenly go berserk as a result of evil go- wait, do gym leaders keep in touch much? Do you know what's been going down in Ark?"
  194. [19:39:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "I heard some things. As for prizes, yes, I do have some for you!" He nods. "Rhenea's out on a trip right now to look into things there."
  195. [19:40:15] <Lesieli> "Wait, you get more free stuff than just the badge for beating these guys? Why didn't I go for this sooner?!"
  196. [19:40:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He snaps his fingers and a TREASURE CHEST pops out from the wall near him. "Let's see here..."
  197. [19:40:39] <Melons> Like a pirate-theme treasure chest?
  198. [19:41:18] <Melons> "Aw, she isn't here? I broke the ice rock thing she gave me...cold-eight or whatever...." ;-;
  199. [19:42:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You guys get 3000 PY each, and then get the choice of +3000 PY, a TM (Psychic, Light Screen, Reflect, or Psyshock), a Sp. Atk Focus, or an Egg.
  200. [19:43:04] <Melons> What's the egg look like?
  201. [19:43:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Actually, pick two of those choices
  202. [19:43:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> And make it +1500 PY
  203. [19:43:26] <Lesieli> (Light Screen and Reflect, mwahahahahahaha)
  204. [19:43:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Roll me Pokemon Education, Mel~
  205. [19:43:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (Lesieli can too, of course)
  206. [19:44:08] <Melons> 2d6+4
  207. [19:44:09] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 2d6+4: 12 [2d6=4,4]
  208. [19:44:43] <Lesieli> 5d6+11, Only if you insist
  209. [19:44:44] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, Only if you insist: 33 [5d6=5,5,1,5,6]
  210. [19:44:51] * Mackenzie ( Quit (Quit: )
  211. [19:46:41] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Mel has no idea. It's green on top and bottom and has a zigzaggy black stripe in the middle
  212. [19:46:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lesieli recognizes that it's a Sigilyph egg
  213. [19:47:13] * Melons nudges Les. "What is it?"
  214. [19:47:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> There's also a second Egg (you can't take two Eggs) that is pink with purple flower designs
  215. [19:48:06] <Melons> (What slot is the focus?)
  216. [19:48:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> That's a Munna Egg
  217. [19:49:00] <Lesieli> "Well where's the fun if just told you? It's psychic/flying, that I can say"
  218. [19:49:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Accessory. It's a necklace with a gem that seems to have some twirling light in it.
  219. [19:49:19] * Melons is pretty sure Espeons don't have wings.
  220. [19:49:28] * Melons Neither do those freaky alien psychics.
  221. [19:50:01] * Melons just grabs a focus and Psyshock TM
  222. [19:50:14] <Lesieli> (Sorely tempted to take Reflect/Light Screen and create a /third/ screener defense support)
  223. [19:50:59] <Melons> (Are these the reusable or consumable TMs?)
  224. [19:51:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (reusable)
  225. [19:51:36] * Melons in that case takes a Psychic and Psyshock TM, focus be damned.
  226. [19:52:46] <Lesieli> (Oh boy, EVERYONE KNOWS LIGHT SCREEN?REFLECT)
  227. [19:54:37] * Lesieli Yeah, I'll take those two TMs. Why not.
  228. [19:54:58] * Melons checks to see if she has time for a hi/bye to Eliza before they have to leave.
  229. [19:55:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Got Light Screen! Got Reflect! Got Psychic! Got Psyshock!
  230. [19:55:40] <Lesieli> (Now I just need to find Safeguard)
  231. [19:57:07] * Vandaeron ( has joined #youareapirate
  232. [19:57:39] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Carlos hmmms. " sure you don't mean Ice-Nine?"
  233. [19:57:46] <Melons> "Yeahprobablythat."
  234. [19:58:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "You say you...broke it? How?"
  235. [19:58:53] <Melons> "I threw it at this masked fuck while tripping psychic balls and made a nice pretty coldsplosion and now it's just dull and less than ridiculously cold."
  236. [19:59:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Oh."
  237. [19:59:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Just put it in a freezer overnight."
  238. [19:59:23] <Melons> "...what."
  239. [19:59:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Don't ask me!"
  240. [19:59:45] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Ask Rhenea why when she's around. Or Lecia."
  241. [19:59:48] <Melons> "...... . . . . . ."
  242. [20:00:00] <Melons> "Science is fucking dumb."
  243. [20:00:23] <Lesieli> "Well it is Ice after all"
  244. [20:00:49] <Melons> "But...that's...super expensive magic rock just requires...a normal freezer..."
  245. [20:01:17] <Melons> "That's like ghost story level stupid."
  246. [20:01:24] <Lesieli> "Cold is cold, guess it doesn't matter where the cold comes from"
  247. [20:01:53] <Melons> "So we're done here then?"
  248. [20:02:33] <Lesieli> "I guess so. Let's go challenge the next one!"
  249. [20:02:39] * Lesieli is getting pumped!
  250. [20:02:45] <Melons> "Ice leader is out of town."
  251. [20:02:52] <Melons> "Also I don't think we can challenge her yet."
  252. [20:03:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "You need 7 badges to challenge her. She's picky."
  253. [20:03:36] <Lesieli> "Boooooo"
  254. [20:03:44] <Melons> "So she gives magic rocks to strangers but requires 7 badges...yeah that's pretty pi- oh shit I need to go anyway to see if I can see Eliza before we go...whatever the fuck we're doing in Visiwa."
  255. [20:04:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Visiwa? Taking a break from work, or...?"
  256. [20:04:34] <Lesieli> "Crap that's right, I almost forgot" She's never been outside the country before!
  257. [20:04:48] <Melons> "It's still work, but not really related to the actual work we've been working on. Fuck if I know."
  258. [20:05:14] * Melons ruffles Lesieli's hair with a grin before running off into the city. "See you at the boat!"
  259. [20:06:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> TO THE CITY
  260. [20:06:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Roll me a focus to remember wherethefuck
  261. [20:06:34] <Melons> 5d6+4 Can do
  262. [20:06:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Can do: 21 [5d6=1,5,3,5,3]
  263. [20:07:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You remember the location perfectly, and walk right up to the ice gym. It has a sign saying it's not taking challenges at the moment, but the doors open right up for you.
  264. [20:07:17] <Lesieli> "Yeah, you too" Now, to go try and be her new self and GET GOOD
  265. [20:08:12] * Melons sighs in content at that nice cool air as she creeps in.
  266. [20:08:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It feels JUST LIKE HOME. Skating around on the ice, you eventually find Eliza doing figure eights
  267. [20:09:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She doesn't notice you right away
  268. [20:12:05] * Melons is caught somewhere between timidly calling out and planning sneaky tricks but is interrupted by some coughing and wheezing because asthmakid gonna asthma.
  269. [20:12:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She looks up and then sees you, after you cough a bit. "Oh, Melanie! I didn't see you, how are you?"
  270. [20:13:59] * Melons puffs on her inhaler as she flails her other hand a bit, making awkward faces as she tries to talk while still having to hold the medicine in for a bit. "Still hating the heat!"
  271. [20:14:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She grabs on to you and pulls you into a hug, steadying you. "Well, you can't go TOO cold, here, now, can you~?"
  272. [20:16:10] <Melons> "Well it's not like my lungs are frosting up, so presumably I could get co- oh, you were...I...see....right..." Cling. "Did you know Wakino is kind of...fucked up in all sorts of ways? Like do natives already know that?"
  273. [20:22:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Hmmm...kind of! That's why your group was formed, after all!"
  274. [20:26:50] <Melons> She talks faster with each word, "But like since we left, we saw creepy research rooms in an ice cave, crazy shadow pokemon, terrible pirates, I got psychic powers, things got even weirder, my friend that's now missing as a result of my actions was chosen by a god, more terrible priates and I'm using 'terrible' to mean just bad at their job, more crazy shadow pokemon, crazy shadow rain, mermaids that were nearly all evil, evil crime syndicates, evil gods were mentioned, oh did I forget to mention I'm apparently being hunted by some other crazy thing that I don't really understand? My girlfriend willingly allowed divinity to possess her and then kind of slutted out in her body, oh and another crewmate might actually be a god or something close to it, I don't really get that one, and then we learned of something that either makes pokemon smart and lets them talk or turns people into pokemon sooooooo.........that's how I've been."
  275. [20:30:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "What."
  276. [20:31:12] <Melons> "So things have been slightly more normal here?"
  277. [20:31:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "That is absolutely nuts, are you okay? Do you need therapy? Can I help?"
  278. [20:32:10] <Melons> "'re NOT some sort of divine incarnate, telepath, lich, or Ditto right? Just a normal people?"
  279. [20:32:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Yep!"
  280. [20:32:59] <Melons> "...wait are you an actual therapist? Is that a thing? N-Not that I'm crazy, but..."
  281. [20:33:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Oh, no, I'm not a therapist, but I can think of several activities that could be considered therapeutic!"
  282. [20:34:07] <Melons> "Like what? Is there therapy for reality bending problems?"
  283. [20:35:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Just general therapy, like long walks on the beach, hot spring baths, sexual activity, listening to music, having a nap in a nice soft bed, massages, all sorts of things!"
  284. [20:38:32] <Melons> "Beaches are sandy and hot, hot spring baths are soggy and hot, I don't much care for any music, sleep is only done when necessary as a result of being human, contacts makes me more anxious...n-normally..." She reddens a bit when skipping over one of those.
  285. [20:40:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Normally? You sure the masseuse you went to was any good?"
  286. [20:41:39] <Melons> "Oh, I've never been to something like that...I"
  287. [20:42:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Oh, you have to try it sometime then when you're not busy, I know a really good guy, one of my ex-boyfriends, he'd make you forget you exist for a while~ ♥"
  288. [20:43:23] <Melons> "Yeah um...that sounds...creepy...and gross....and awkward..."
  289. [20:44:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "I guess if you're desperate you could try some drugs or something! Prescription or illicit, there's plenty to help you feel a bit better if you're really down like you sound you are!"
  290. [20:45:28] <Melons> "I'mnotdownthisisnormal! And last time I did something like that I had a crazy dream where demon children wanted to play and then existence started eating them and then a thing said it found me!"
  291. [20:45:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Sounds like a pretty bad trip...eesh."
  292. [20:46:40] <Melons> "Well considering I saw dream smoke and learned that apparently that's like an actual place you can go to somehow, I think it like...actually happened...or something..."
  293. [20:47:00] <Melons> "...Can I stay in this gym forever?"
  294. [20:47:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Ooooh, that sounds terrible! No, you can't stay in here forever, don't you have a job?"
  295. [20:48:33] <Melons> "Yeah but people keep leaving or possibly dying or going crazy and I'm pretty sure it's all my fault and it sniff sucks." Well now this is just embarrassing, she's just crying about her job now, literally.
  296. [20:52:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She starts moving forward to give you a nice hug when she's interrupted by a male voice from behind you. "Oh my god, stop being so sulky and teary and everything! Pull yourself together!"
  297. [20:52:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It's deep and gruff
  298. [20:53:21] * Melons is spooked hard enough to trip over herself and fall ;-; That shit's scary!
  299. [20:54:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Whoa, don't go killing yourself now, there's enough people dead as is!" Grumble grumble. "Should've waited until she was on stable ground..." grumble grumbel
  300. [20:55:33] * Melons manages to choke out some words through her sniffles, "W-W-Who are y-you?!" But the ice is a nice place to sit!
  301. [20:57:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "What do you mean 'who are you'?" There's a pause. "Oh wait, I guess you wouldn't know. Ahem. I'm on your back."
  302. [20:58:38] <Melons> Literally?
  303. [20:58:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Literally.
  304. [20:59:22] * Melons jumps as much as one can while sitting and scrambles to brush strange voices off of her back.
  305. [21:00:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Melanie, I'm kind of strapped on."
  306. [21:01:21] <Melons> "...what?"
  307. [21:02:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "You can't figure it out? I'm the sword on your back, girl."
  308. [21:02:46] * Melons slowly pulls the sword out, staring at it suspiciously.
  309. [21:03:33] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Its hilt shifts, getting a single eye on it. "Hello, Melanie."
  310. [21:03:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Or more like the eye had been there, but it actually opens for once.
  311. [21:04:12] <Melons> 5d6+4 I-Is that gramps's voice?
  312. [21:04:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, I-Is that gramps's voice?: 16 [5d6=4,3,2,2,1]
  313. [21:04:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Well, from waht you've seen of videos of him, it is, anyway!
  314. [21:05:36] <Melons> "G-Grandpa?!"
  315. [21:05:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Yes."
  316. [21:06:39] * Melons inspects the eye closely, looking for some indication that someone put a tiny speaker on he-...technically his sword.
  317. [21:07:43] <~Aori_Radidjiu> No speakers that you can see
  318. [21:08:16] <Melons> "''re in the sword?"
  319. [21:09:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Yes."
  320. [21:09:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Also, yes, I'm dead, before ya ask."
  321. [21:10:22] <Melons> "...but dead people do- well fuck who am I kidding, Med's dad is dead and he's still around...have you been in the sword this entire time?!"
  322. [21:10:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Eliza is remaining quiet. You're not sure whether it's out of shock or just that she doesn't want to interrupt!
  323. [21:11:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Well, technically not the ENTIRE time, just came in to it right before you left home, so I could keep an eye on you!"
  324. [21:11:39] <Melons> " you were just chilling around at home after you died?"
  325. [21:11:41] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "...that's a little literal with the single eye. Hrmph."
  326. [21:12:30] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "I was waiting for Malia to die before I passed on! And then she did, but she didn't die properly or anything, because I couldn't find her!"
  327. [21:13:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "So I decided since something was up, I'd stick around and make sure my granddaughter grew up okay, that's what she'd want!"
  328. [21:13:08] <Melons> " friend said someone altered reality to kill you?...was...that...actually...what?"
  329. [21:14:06] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "I have no idea, missie!"
  330. [21:15:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Anyway you really need to get a hold of yerself, girl. Your crew is shaping up! I have to say that I wasn't all too proud of them at first, especially because I wouldn't let my men bicker with each other like that, honestly, Lani needs to lay off the drink!"
  331. [21:17:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "But you all seem to have good intentions! I don't like that Med girl though. Ugh."
  332. [21:18:22] <Melons> "Sh-She can't help the way she is!...Especially after I...well you were tehre..."
  333. [21:18:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Yes. Yes I was." His eye narrows.
  334. [21:19:07] * Maya is now known as Kain
  335. [21:21:23] <Melons> "I'm trying to be better!...but...I...didn't exactly have the easiest time with people back home..."
  336. [21:24:11] <Melons> "...c-could you feel it whenever I'd use you as a sword?"
  337. [21:25:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "I know! I know! But you don't have time to be wasting, do you? There are people waiting for you at the ship! And as for being a sword, I like being a sword! Being a precise, sophisticated weapon of skill and poise is a great thing! Glad I picked the sword."
  338. [21:26:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> " better put me away soon, someone might think I'm a Pokemon!"
  339. [21:27:52] <Melons> "No one would ever make that mistake. You're much too skinny...wait, can you do anything normal swords can't, or are you just a sword with an eye?"
  340. [21:29:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The sword blinks. Blinks. Blinks. "Oh. Damn. I can't wink."
  341. [21:29:16] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "WELL."
  342. [21:29:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "You'll just have to find out, little one!"
  343. [21:30:08] <Melons> " you're saying...I should just go and hit you on random things to see what happens? 'KAY! Eliza, do you need any wood chopped?"
  344. [21:31:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She blinks. "Oh, sorry hon, only wood I'm thinking of wouldn't be any good if it was chopped!"
  345. [21:31:41] <Melons> "What kind of wo-...ew...ew...ew......eeeew........."
  346. [21:35:07] <Melons> "Alright...well....I guess I've gotta go...learn about drugs or something...see ya, Eliza!"
  347. [21:37:48] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Bye! Be careful which ones you try!"
  348. [21:38:46] <Melons> "I'm...not...I wasn't...okay!" Melanie heads back to the ship, completely ignoring Gramps's recommendation to put him away and spends the whole walk inspecting and prodding him.
  349. [21:39:25] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He glares at you a little, but eventually shuts his eye when he's out in public.
  350. [21:40:04] <Melons> How do you even tell when one eye is glaring?
  351. [21:40:15] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It kind of...narrows?
  352. [21:40:24] <Melons> He could be squinting!
  353. [21:41:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Either way, that concludes everything for Mel!
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