
How do you describe being in love? 03/17/17 No.9254151

Mar 18th, 2017
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  1. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)17:44:04 No.9254209▶
  2. An anon here once described it in a way I really loved. He said love was like a velvet tourniquet, with all of what that implies.
  4. Skyler Rodes !!QLOkNPD82ON 03/17/17(Fri)17:49:20 No.9254234▶>>9255112 >>9255226 >>9255541
  5. >>9254151 (OP)
  6. When you love yourself and you find someone who's happiness is the only thing that matters to you.
  8. >or
  10. Your brain releasing dopamine when in the presence of someone who either one, makes you feel safe; two, someone who is beneficial to your survival; and three, someone who can assure your passing of genes. The first two being extensions of the third. It can be either one or all three that cause this.
  12. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)20:34:57 No.9254874▶>>9254890 >>9254898
  13. >Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.
  15. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)20:42:20 No.9254898▶>>9254923
  16. >>9254874
  17. c.s. lewis is correct; but, if one were to avoid all potential love, one will never have even a chance at finding love. i find it sad that many people wish to avoid potential love because they fear being harmed. love is vulnerable, but if you and another being are truly in love, neither party would ever wish to harm each other. that’s love. of course, many people will think they’ve found love when, in reality, they’re not even close to it. people married for 50 years often don’t love each other. all the let-downs and chaos is worth it in the end to be in love.
  20. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)22:35:16 No.9255197▶
  21. I never felt love, but I do have expectations regarding it.
  23. I think it's something of an understanding, not being afraid of what the other thinks of you 'cause whatever it is you do, is already you. Of course this mean you have an expectation of yourself not to do something that would hurt the other. It's trust. Trust and expectation. The means risk.
  25. Imagine a swing next to a ravine. You get your momentum. You're sitting in that unstable little shitty swing, going out in the middle of nothing, with just a ravine under you. Hoping the swing won't tip over from the weight of your love. That you won't love too much, that you won't smother, that you won't allow to be ruled or governed by this other person, that you still have something of yourself.
  26. Then the swing goes back into reality, and you have your moment of clarity, when you can have the chance to stop the swing back into the ravine, but instead you rev up, and hope for the best. There's no real way of avoiding that pain, just prepare to swing back, don't fall into the ravine.
  27. I'm not a regular at /lit/, I'm just drunk after St. Pat's and got lost here. Hope you lot don't mind a /co/mrade popping by, and I hope I made some sense.
  29. Anonymous 03/18/17(Sat)07:24:45 No.9256544▶
  30. >>9254151 (OP)
  31. the happiness of someone sharing their life with you
  32. the weakness of you sharing your own
  35. Anonymous 03/18/17(Sat)08:02:53 No.9256689▶
  36. >>9254151 (OP)
  37. from my one experience that I don't wish to repeat, it's sort of like you feel as though your ego merges with another person's and there's quite a profound sense of being the same person in two bodies along with your partner. There's a point at which you feel quite incomplete when not in that person's company, and being with them doesn't even require any communication there's just a very pure tranquility almost like being alone but without the negative feeling of loneliness.
  39. Then comes the crumbling of your reality and the erasure of your past, present and future when they betray you and you very quickly figure out that while you thought you were the same person, neither of you were ever quite able to peak into each other's little locked boxes inside each other's heads and your perception of who they were, especially in relation to you, was actually a total falsehood and suddenly appears like a very flimsy mask that fooled you, and you feel like an utter fool. After that's all sunk in, it becomes impossible to ever take another woman at all seriously.
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