

Feb 2nd, 2021
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  1. I have a childhood memory of meeting a werewolf, obviously no one would believe what I saw was real but it was real enough for me. Could go into detail if anyone asks
  2. I looked online for werewolf sightings in Illinois and it seemed that a few other people shared my experience
  4. Attis (Goratrix)Today at 5:59 PM
  5. Please do tell!
  7. Nesuwah_LunastarToday at 6:02 PM
  8. I believe You could encounter one of these beings. The universe is vast and at times beings from other layers of existence visit ours. They have flesh, blood and bones as we do, so it's logical that once in a while someone will see them here and there :wolf:
  10. snugzToday at 6:06 PM
  11. I believe I was about 4-5 at the time
  13. I was at a local park with my dad. This happened during the Fall season. He went off to do some jogging and left me to play around in the wood chips. I then went over to a set of swings and began swinging away. A little bit of time passes and a kid comes by and hops on the swings with me. He had furry hands and his head resembled the textbook definition of a werewolf. Me being quite young at the time, I didn't think much of it. Didn't question the getup, didn't ask if it was a Halloween costume. We began to have a normal conversation which I don't even remember what we were talking about but I assume it was just kids stuff since both of us were kids. Afterwards we got off the swingset and he gave his farewells. What surprised me was he howled into the sky and faded away as he walked into the forest. Almost as if he walked into another plane of existence. I told my dad what I saw and kept trying to convince him but he didn't believe me, like any normal parent
  14. My dad and I were the only people there at the time
  15. It was quite late as the time started setting into the evening
  16. If only I remembered what the moon looked like back then
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