
Chivalry: Epilogue

Jun 15th, 2013
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  1. >โ€Anonymous, sir,โ€ a voice calls from your door.
  2. >You creak your eyes open.
  3. >Soft morning light bleeds in from the window.
  4. >A maid p0ny stands at your threshold.
  5. >โ€The drills begin in thirty minutes. The soldiers will be waiting in the courtyard."
  6. >You sit up in bed and nod.
  7. Yes, thank you, maโ€™am.
  8. >She smiles and closes the door behind her.
  9. >You give a mighty stretch, then slip out of bed.
  10. >You approach your custom made suit of armor, hung up and displayed for easy access.
  11. >After slipping on each individual piece and plate of armor, you grab your sword, secure it to your hip, and leave your room.
  12. >Your metal grieves and boots clang softly against the ground as you walk through the castle corridors.
  13. >P0nies greet you cheerily as you pass by.
  14. >"Good morning, Captain."
  15. And a good morning to you, too.
  16. >You keep your smile on for the many others wandering the castle.
  17. >Soon, you reach a branching path, one leading to your destination, the courtyard, and the other...
  18. >...Well, you believe you have time to spare.
  19. >You opt to go the other way, rounding a few more corners.
  20. >Less and less p0nies appear on the path you take.
  21. >Soon, you empty out into the Royal Graveyard.
  22. >The beautiful Canterlot morning shines sunlight down onto the many plots, adorned with flowers.
  23. >You eye out the one you desire to visit.
  24. >The one you have so many times already.
  25. >You take a brisk walk through, passing the other plots by, until you reach your destination.
  26. >Sir Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guards.
  27. >Husband to Princess Cadence, Brother to Twilight Sparkle, and a Friend to All.
  28. >You draw your blade and press the tip softly into the ground, kneeling down.
  29. >You close your eyes, and begin to offer your respects.
  30. >...
  31. >...
  32. >"Captain," a voice calls, interrupting you.
  33. >Your eyes slowly open.
  34. >"Captain, there you are. I thought I'd find you here."
  35. >You turn your head to greet your guest.
  36. >One of the newer recruits.
  37. >He's been a pretty good friend as of late.
  38. >Always determined to better himself and improve...
  39. >...Reminds you a lot of yourself when you were starting out.
  40. >"Captain, sorry to bother you during your visit, but," he holds your helmet in a hoof, "you forgot your helmet again!"
  41. >You give a soft laugh through your nostrils and smile.
  42. >You stand up to your feet.
  43. How forgetful of me.
  44. >A soft, white light envelops the helmet.
  45. >The soldier smiles as he lowers his hoof, leaving the helmet suspended in the air.
  46. >It slowly hovers, rocking back and forth a bit, toward you.
  47. >But eventually the helmet reaches your hand, also coated in a white light.
  48. >When it touches it, you release the spell, and grip it.
  49. Thank you, soldier.
  50. >You say, placing it on your head.
  51. >You leave the plot, walking back toward the castle.
  52. >Your friend follows you.
  53. Now let's make haste. Our training begins soon.
  55. End of Chivalry
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