
prole judgement - Ver vs Corv

Apr 4th, 2021
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  1. ##Verlux vs Corv
  3. #R1:
  5. **Ver:**
  8. - Athrogate oneshots anyone on Ver’s team. Greater Wyrm scaling.
  10. - Nobody is bulletproof so yeah Roland w/ guns also oneshots. Roland aims for vitals, gun strong.
  12. - Nanashi’s sword is sharp. Hanging wood feat. Also scales to metal-cutting Luo. Opponents don’t have sufficient cutting resist to live.
  14. - Roland is an experienced combat veteran.
  16. - Roland is very charismatic. Lmao JFK scaling.
  18. - Roland comes up with plan to pile onto Snort and beeline the ranged spawn and persuades the other two to accept.
  20. - Athrogate is obs strong enough to carry people so Snort not having enough room on his back for three riders is not a problem.
  22. - Talan is a liability who charges straight in because he is a feral animal and gets himself killed, leaving his team at a 2v3.
  24. - Talan gets mogged because while he has running speed he has zero combat reactions. Athrogate scales to fast Drizzt throwing knife feat
  26. - Ver’s team gets to ranged first on Snort. They now have gun.
  28. - The other team is outnumbered because Talan dies on his own and neither have an answer to gun.
  30. - They either focus down Roland because guns are dangerous and get pasted by Athro/Nanashi wombo combo or try to fight the two melee guys and get sniped by Rolan’s meme accuracy.
  32. - Athrogate has racial darkvision. Roland has a strong sense of smell. Nanashi is fine navigating dark woods at night. Raizo isn’t stealthy enough to evade detection.
  34. - Raizo actually has an antifeat for being detected by scent, so Roland probably points him out.
  36. - Raizo dura bad lol. Anyone on Ver’s team can mog him.
  38. - It’s fair to say that Nyla is around horse speed. Corv has said as much in past rounds.
  40. Seems fair to me.
  42. - “Horse speed Nyla” means Talan is faster and gets ahead of his team, winding up in a 3v1 that kills him.
  44. - Snort is a supernatural tireless mount who scales to Jar’s demon horse. As fast or faster than Nyla.
  46. - Corv has argued 150ms Lara can dodge Nyla’s tongue. Athrogate and Nanashi both scale to people with >>150ms reaction times. They don’t get tagged.
  48. - Roland has feats for willing his nerves to work, forcing himself out of a coma and unconsciousness. Paralysis probably doesn’t work for long.
  50. - Also he has a direct feat for just saying “Nope” to venom, exhaustion, infection, and dehydration all at once.
  52. - Nyla’s dura is bad thanks to surface area fairy. By Corv’s own words, she has no piercing dura. Athrogate kills with flails concentrating force in smaller area. She has nothing to stop Roland/Nanashi from spamming piercing/cutting and mogging.
  54. - Talan stealth is fake. IC, he does not do this and Corv has already argued him as just mindlessly charging enemies instead of approaching w/ stealth anyway.
  56. - Talan combat speed bad. Normal soldiers can get off shots before he attacks where Ver’s guys blitz humans in melee, even Roland.
  58. - Talan dura bad. Bullets hurt him and he got KO’d by a throw into a tree that didn’t even damage it.
  60. - Ver team ride pig, get gun, kill wolf, kill everyone else
  62. **Corv:**
  64. - Raizo stealth good actually.
  66. - Raizo stealth antifeat for scent detection is actually a feat---he can successfully outstealth the guys who scent targets like wolves in the same room as them.
  68. - Ninja Raizo scales above can do stealth tricks even in the middle of a bright burning building.
  70. - Raizo moves as a black blur that is hard to track.
  72. - Darkvision doesn’t mean shit if you don’t see Raizo coming.
  74. - Raizo stronk. Both his blunt and cutting attacks oneshot.
  76. - Also has very sharp ninja stars if he gets ranged.
  78. - Raizo skilled. Good at dodging attacks from multiple angles and trained in blindfighting.
  80. - Raizo uses kusarigama chain swords w/ long reach where Nanashi has shown difficulty adapting to a similar weapon (whip) in a fight.
  82. - Talan is just stupid fast
  84. - Talan has very good piercing w/ teeth and claws. Can quickly dismember guys.
  86. - Talan fights viciously, pounces and grapplefucks while biting and clawing. Grapple is strong enough to perform a literal backbreaker.
  88. - In previous rounds, Corv actually did argue Talan using stealth AND fast run speed.
  90. - Nyla’s poison drops what is basically a flying hippo for an hour.
  92. - Poison is fast acting.
  94. - None of Ver’s guys can take the poison, it is an auto win.
  96. - Roland’s feat is really just him willing himself not to pass out, which isn’t physically restructuring his nerves in a way that could resist paralysis.
  98. - Willpower won’t stop the poison from seizing up his body in paralysis.
  100. - Nyla bite strong. Oneshots anyone here.
  102. - Nyla indeed is fast horse speed. That’s good speed.
  104. - Nyla’s tongue is tricky to dodge. Dodging once doesn’t guarantee she doesn’t hit you on the backswing.
  106. - Mead cask feat is sus. Casks are just barrels made of thin wood. Why is this impressive?
  108. - Snort might keep pace with untiring horses but could Snort + two more passengers? Lot of extra weight for a relatively small animal.
  110. - Athrogate doesn’t really scale to Drizzt speed, he keeps up in a because he fights weird and unpredictably which gives both Drizzt and Artemis pause.
  112. - Drizzt reliably dodges Athro in their fight.
  114. - Fights are more complicated than “I didn’t lose to you so I’m just as fast”
  116. - Athrogate bad piercing. Everyone on Corv’s team has good piercing.
  118. - Athrogate carrying his teammates into battle is just stupid. It’s not a tactic he’s ever used before, doing so would leave him with both hands full and therefore unarmed, put both his teammates in compromised positions that would be hard to start a fight from, and likely weigh down Snort to make him run slower.
  120. - Why would Athrogate agree to such a dumb plan? If he did, why would it be effective?
  122. - Athrogate is a dwarf. If he did this, Roland and Nanashi’s legs would be dragging on the ground the entire time due to height issues.
  124. - June & Nyla can do this plan but better. Nyla is big enough for two passengers and June is perfectly fine with letting other people ride her.
  126. - Nanashi sucks. IC he will not use his best option, his sword. Ver has argued this in previous rounds.
  128. - Ver doesn’t provide calcs for Nanashis’ reaction times.
  130. - Dissecting the scene Ver cites for Nanashi speed, it is unlikely the knives are travelling very fast due to throwing method and the distance is great enough to diminish it further.
  132. - At best, using Ver’s own calcs for Drizzt’s knife feat, it’s 441ms.
  134. - Nanashi’s cutting feat is not strength, it’s just showing how sharp his sword is. He won’t use his sword.
  136. - Teams can’t see each others’ spawns at start and so rather than barreling straight at them, Corv’s team goes for ranged because that’s the only likely point to intercept them.
  138. - List of reasons why Lara could effectively melee Nyla w/out getting hit by tongue despite being 150ms. Even with better reaction times, Ver’s characters don’t have the means or characterization to end Nyla’s poison as a threat by cutting off the tongue like Lara would.
  140. - Athrogate probably doesn’t listen to Roland’s dumb plan and instead charges ahead, meeting Corv’s guys in 3v1.
  142. Hang on didn’t both sides agree Talan is stupid fast and gets there first? Wouldn’t that make this a 1v1 of Talan and Athrogate, not a 3v1?
  144. - Athrogate dies to poison from Nyla or Raizo’s ninja stars, neither of which he has an answer to.
  146. - If he does get Roland to ride the boar with him, Roland dies before he can get to ranged spawn because as outlined Corv’s team gets there first because Snort slow.
  148. - Nanashi on his own gets stealthfucked by two of Corv’s guys and mogged by June & Nyla.
  150. - Only way to avoid being outnumbered at range spawn is if they slow down to match whoever’s stuck on foot, which guarantees Corv’s team gets setup and stealthfucks with an ambush.
  152. #R2:
  154. **Ver:**
  156. - Corv hasn’t denied any individual member of his team oneshots any individual member Corv’s
  158. - Failure to deny Roland is charismatic and experienced---he’s a good team leader where Corv’s team is incompatible because they’re selfish fucks or feral monsters
  160. - Not enough cover for Raizo to stealth efficiently. If he rides Nyla as argued, he is stupidly easy to spot because Nyla is unstealthy.
  162. - Raizo’s weapons get corroded in melee by Cracker, and his dura still sucks.
  164. - Raizo isn’t fast enough by demonstrated feats to dodge forever. He gets oneshot and his dumb sword breaks in a fight with Athro.
  166. - Athrogate has meme lifting, so Talan grappling him ends poorly.
  168. - Talan’s stealth is not in the form he’s stipped to start the fight in. Talan in werewolf mode lacks stealth. His stealth is also bad---grabbing man from above in a pitch dark room.
  170. - Paralytic agents inhibit neural transmission and Roland and therefore use force of will to jumpstart his nerves and negate it.
  172. I think the point of Corv’s response was that the flowery prose of Roland’s feat doesn’t describe what is literally happening to his physical nerves. It’s a decent point and I’d like to see it rebuffed, because I think it very much can be.
  174. - If Lara can dodge/remove the tongue, so can Ver’s guys. Lara isn’t special.
  176. - Corv can’t have his cake and eat it too with “Talan is super stealthy” and also “Talan charges straight for his opponent and immediately blitzes with grapple.” Talan is basically an animal and fights dumb.
  178. - Snort is untiring and therefore doesn’t have to worry about carry weight. It’s magic, I don’t gotta explain shit.
  180. Not seeing where “untiring” means “strong enough to carry three guys unencumbered.” Raw lifting strength and stamina are very different things---a long distance sprinter and a weightlifter have very different physiques.
  182. - Roland is very old and has a lot of combat experience. Whatever plan Ver can come up with, Roland can do 300x better.
  184. - Some permutation of “Let’s use the mount to get to ranged together” is the simplest and likely most effective plan so Roland would default to it, being a smart cookie.
  186. - Nyla is a greedy bitch and wouldn’t give rides out to random strangers for free. Only time she’s ever been cooperative with someone who isn’t paying her was the actual apocalypse.
  188. - Talan’s a peanut brained animal who wouldn’t even stick around to consider hitching a ride anyway.
  190. - As such, the match is actually staggered into 3 1v3s. Talan vs 3 guys, June/Nyla vs 3 guys, then finally Raizo who is left to try to catch up on foot.
  192. - Nanashi has drawn his sword on behalf of people he’s known for a day. He would understand losing would mean Roland and Athrogate would die too, and therefore be bound to draw his sword to help protect his allies.
  194. - Nanashi scales to arrow deflection.100ms reactions.
  196. - Athrogate cask feat is good. Big bullets have a hard time going through barrels of water, which is basically why a barrel of mead is. Hammer in that feat is >>> ,50 cal bullet.
  198. Wasn’t it Ver who brought up surface area first?
  200. - Lol Raizo speed bad. Normal ass humans can track him with their eyes while he’s stealthing in the middle of the night.
  202. - Ninja Raizo snuck up on might have just sucked, or Raizo might not have stuck around stealthing in that room long enough for him to pick up scent. Raizo literally gets tracked by other ninjas using scent.
  204. - Raizo’s dodging means nothing without speeds for the ninjas and their weapons---at worst, it’s only as good as Corv’s lowball interp of Nanashi.
  206. - Athro speed scaling feat literally says “match his pace” implying Athro kept up speed-wise with Drizzt.
  208. - The piggyback plan is cool and good and Roland convinces the other two that it is.
  210. - Athrogate has good enough reactions to just drop his two allies and draw his flails if Talan comes at them---it won’t be an ambush because Talan IC just charges.
  212. - Athrogate can also just attack or deflect Nyla’s slow tongue.
  214. - If Roland gets to range spawn, the other team just dies. No answer to bullets.
  216. - If Roland is prevented from getting to ranged spawn, he serves as sufficient distraction for Athrogate to do his thing and mog.
  218. - Nanshi is there too and fights good.
  220. - Even if Roland fails to convince Athrogate going in together is a good idea AND Athrogate, who is also old and has been in a lot of fights, chooses to charge blindly, Athrogate is just so skilled, fast, and strong that the enemy team still has a hard time with him on his own.
  222. - Corv’s team IC splits up because they’re all dicks.
  224. - Ver’s team are good team players, work together to win.b
  226. **Corv:**
  228. - Ver has to back up his claims with scans
  230. - Ver didn't argue Nyla and Raizo can't both oneshot everyone via good piercing.
  232. - Nanashi has losing matchup against whiplike weapons. Raizo mogs.
  234. - Nanashi's sword is sharp, he isn't strong. Uncontested.
  236. - Talan still mogs Roland or Nanashi, Ver only argued him vs Athrogate
  238. - Pig plan has unfixable logistical issues.
  240. - No amount of strategizing can make it viable. Snort would be overburdened, Athrogate would be unarmed, both Roland and Nanashi would be in bad positions entering a fight.
  242. - The apocalypse thing for June ver posted actually shows she is willing to let people ride Nyla when faced w/ existential threat.
  244. - Losing and never leaving Wuhu alive is an existential threat.
  246. - June gives Raizo a ride.
  248. - June not listening to Iroh doesn't mean she's unreasonable. It means she thinks Iroh is a creepy old man.
  250. - Riding Nyla doesn't mean Raizo loses stealth, he can easily hop off and sneak around when he sees a good place to stage an ambush.
  252. - Ninjas like Raizo move as indistinct black blurs. Hard to spot.
  254. - Raizo scent stealth antifeat is mitigated by fact he's covered in blood. Reliably outstealths ninja in other circumstances
  256. - Ver's claim Talan doesn't stealth in werewolf form is dumb---he's in wolf form in all his stealth feats
  258. - It takes a lot to make Nanashi draw his sword. By default, it is actually tied to its scabbard like a prop sword at comic con.
  260. - In the instance where he actually draws it, Nanashi is motivated by specific trauma related to kids and has had multiple days to bond with the kid he's protecting. That doesn't apply for his teammates.
  262. - Nobody on Nanashi's team speaks Japanese. Roland isn't charisma-ing Nanashi.
  264. - Athrogate is not as fast as Drizzt---in the scan he repeatedly misses Drizzt and Drizzt doesn't miss him.
  266. - Realistically, fighting a guy does not equate to being exactly as fast because fights aren't opponents throwing out attacks at equal pace. Athro shouldn't get the Drizzt knife feat.
  268. - Drizzt's knife feat isn't even that good---barely has to move his arm. 8mph attack speed lol.
  270. - Raizo skilled at dodging. Doesn't get hit once fighting ninjas. Why can Ver's guys hit him?
  272. - Nanashi is actually slow. Arrow deflection feat he scales to sucks because distance. Also the guy deflecting knew it was coming.
  274. - Ver demanding numbers for all chars' speeds is silly, especially when his own guys' speed is based on shallow scaling.
  276. - Raizo dodging thrown weapons is visually more impressive than Nanashi, because of the distance Raizo has to move and the fact he's dodging multiple projectiles at once.
  278. - Roland's physicals don't even compare with anyone on Corv's team. Kicking open a door is normal human level and wind feat is too vague to be good.
  280. - Once again, Nanashi sword sharp. Nanashi has no given str feats to contest Corv's guys. Nanashi as discussed won't draw his sword.
  282. - Athrogate's cask scaling is sus. Comparing bullet and a hammer effect on barrels of liquid is fake because different surface areas. More massive things go through water better than smaller things.
  284. - Were the casks even full? How full the casks are significantly impacts how good the feat is.
  286. - Hammer and flail are also different weapons, especially since the flail is explosive. Why should we assume one Wyrm's scales are as durable as the other?
  288. - Roland's poison resist still sucks. Nobody can resist Nyla's poison and even if they can, she'll just lick them again and compound effect.
  290. - Opponent's team also doesn't have resistance against cutting. Raizo mogs with all his weapons.
  292. - The enemy team has cohesion issues due to language barrier, Roland's proposed plan is so dumb he'd never propose it, Nanashi won't draw his sword for himself or strangers, and nobody has an answer to poison or piercing and only Athrogate has effective counter-stealth.
  294. #R3:
  296. **Ver:**
  298. - Roland is old and experienced. Any plan Ver comes up with, he'll come up with better.
  300. - it does not matter if Athrogate hasn't done something like this before because Roland would walk him through it.
  302. - Athrogate can easily one hand humanoids over his head and so logistics aren't an issue.
  304. - Snort wouldn't be bothered by the extra burden because unicorn scaling.
  306. This seems… not convincing. For one thing, a unicorn is horse sized and so an extra passenger would not be so significant compared to its normal weight. For another, this scaling chain doesn't work for me---it's not the same night mare for one and just travelling together isn't as clear speed scaling as, say, a race. Why should we assume Drizzt rode his unicorn at full speed instead of slowing down to let his friends keep pace?
  308. - June is a selfish POS and her first thought would not be to offer a ride, especially to a random stranger. As argued, Raizo would also default to melting into the shadows and stealthing and he might not even give her a chance to give him a ride before he sneaks away.
  310. - June would also be initially freaked by the sudden appearance of Talan, a monster man, who immediately sprints off. Would probably follow after him as to not miss the action.
  312. - Raizo, much like June, would be weirded out not only by Talan but also by Nyla. Why would he voluntarily get on the back of a mole lizard monster that is completely alien to him?
  314. - Roland has great eyesight, good smell, and a prenatural sense for when he's being watched.
  316. - Why would Talan's argued characterization change so drastically from blind charging to strategic defense of the ranged spawn just because he can't see the enemy at the start?
  318. - Nanashi being able to draw his sword around a kid shows him overcoming the trauma that makes him keep it sheathed.
  320. - Nanashi doesn't draw his sword in the whip guy fight only because the whip was wrapped around it.
  322. - He also doesn't have a losing matchup against whips, whip guy was just so strong his whip shattered the floor. Nanashi dodging that is very impressive.
  324. - Nanashi stronk. Blocks Luo with an injured hand. Luo ragdolls human bodies one handed.
  326. - Language barrier isn't an issue, Roland can use hypnosis, which works on the mind directly bypassing language, to make Nanashi go along with the plan.
  328. - You don't need to land every hit to scale in speed to someone. Athrogate fights and trades evenly with Drizzt and so it is reasonable to scale Drizzt's combat speed to him.
  330. - Raizo's speed is worthless because it's all dodging featless projectiles with no speed attached. Ver's guys by contrast have or scale to projectiles with clear speed.
  332. - Roland doesn't need to be fast because if the opponents either distract themselves focussing on him or ignore him long enough he gets his gun, they die.
  334. - However, Roland is actually reasonably fast.
  336. - The Wyrm that nosold the cask busting hammer is 2 CRs lower than the Wyrm whose scale Athrogate smashed. The scaling works.
  338. - Raizo's chain swords get caught by some featless guy who breaks the chains, rendering them useless. Ver's people are fast enough to do the same.
  340. - It is patently ridiculous to call Drizzt's throwing knife feat 8mph. Can only get this number by assuming 0ms reaction times.
  342. - Drizzt 90ms. Probably 75ms reactions, 15ms movement. 45mph combat speed.
  344. - 8mphs is also really stupid because forgotten realms fast. Ver posts lots of FTE feats.
  346. - Nanashi arrow deflection scaling feat is real. The ming soldier reacts to the arrow at close range, so it doesn’t matter the distance it was fired at.
  348. - Calc for Roland wind feat makes Roland stronk.
  350. - Ver does not have to prove that a keg of mead is full of mead. When you say a bottle of water you mean a bottle that is filled with water. Same applies.
  352. Yeah seems reasonable to me. There are a lot of ways this scaling for Athrogate can be criticized but saying the kegs of mead do not have mead in them is probably not one.
  354. - lol here’s proof the kegs are full anyway
  356. Lmao
  358. - Roland explicitly wills himself out of envenoming, Nyla poison won’t work.
  360. I read the scan and I didn’t see any venom mentioned. I don’t think this is as clear as Ver thinks it is.
  362. - Roland smart. Roland charismatic. Roland would come up with and convince his allies of an effective strategy.
  364. - Even if they don’t listen, Roland just hypnotizes them into doing it anyway
  366. - Snort fast by mount scaling. Athrogate wouldn’t be opposed to carrying someone else while riding.
  368. - Corv’s team is still anti-synergy and Talan freaks Raizo and June out.
  370. - June prefers incap, so she wouldn’t cooperate with Raizo, who would just kill everyone.
  372. - Raizo’s stealth sucks, norman humans can see him and 2/3rds of Ver’s team has superhuman sight.
  374. - Talan is a liability who has no reaction speeds, charges in on his own, and dies.
  376. - Raizo’s chain thing gets rusted to pieces by Athrogate and then he dies.
  378. - Nyla can’t land a hit with her slow tongue
  380. - Roland gets his guns and wins, or the enemy focuses down Roland and die when Nanashi & Athrogate murder them while they’re distracted.
  382. **Corv:**
  384. - Why would Roland even think of the pig plan? Where is the proof of Roland’s tactical genius? All that is presented is him not standing too close to his allies in combat.
  386. - Ver has not shown Roland coming up with a plan.
  388. He hasn’t!
  390. - There are still obvious flaws with this plan. It keeps both Athrogate’s hands full and it leaves his allies in awkward positions to open a fight in.
  392. - Funnee picture hehe.
  394. But in all seriousness, yes, this demonstrates the issues with the pig plan pretty well. Nobody is going to be able to fight right away coming out of this position and it is very likely the height issue makes Athro carrying them uncomfortable at best and outright harmful at worst.
  396. - Ver didn’t actually show hypnosis working through the language barrier.
  398. - Ver didn’t show him willing to use it on an ally.
  400. - It seems pretty slow from the scans and would waste valuable time, which lets Corv’s people get to ranged spawn first and set up.
  402. - The plan working requires too many intricacies going right. Nanashi might actually just punch him in the face if he tries hypnosis and even if it works on him, Athrogate might decide he doesn’t like his ally mindraping his other ally.
  404. - Assuming all goes well and they do get to ranged spawn all riding the boar, what happens then? When do they dismount?
  406. - If they dismount before ranged spawn and make it there on foot, then they either have to slow down so Roland & Nanashi can keep up on foot or Athrogate charges in alone and gets 1v3’d
  408. - If they just keep moving into ranged spawn, they probably run into Corv’s team who get there around the same time because Nyla & Talan fast. All three of Ver’s teams are disadvantaged by their starting positions meaning Corv’s team has the initiative opening the fight.
  410. - If they rapidly dismount via tuck and roll, Nanashi and Roland need feats for jumping off a moving mount at 50mph and being okay with that.
  412. - If they dismount slowly/carefully that gives Corv’s guys time to set up ambush at ranged spawn.
  414. - There is literally no scenario where this goes well for them.
  416. - Corv’s team has a much more straightforward and likely course of action.
  418. - Talan sprints off as forward attacker. June tells Raizo to get on and they ride in after at fast horse speeds.
  420. - Raizo would hitch a ride because it’d be dumb not to.
  422. - Raizo is an agile ninja who could totally dismount without June slowing down.
  424. - Ver’s plan requires weird hypnosis and cajoling to even get his people to agree to it. Corv’s plan is completely natural for everyone involved.
  426. - If Ver claims Corv’s team would be shaken/incohesive because monstrous appearances of Talan and Nyla would freak each other out, same applies to a dwarf on a literal hell boar for Roland and Nanashi.
  428. - Numbers for speed feats are overrated. VIsually fast.
  430. - Mount scaling for Snort is bad and dumb and the feat is unclear.
  432. Yeah I kinda agree.
  434. - Raizo is not invisible it would be dumb to assume June can’t actually see him to ask him to get on Nyla.
  436. - Fight is in a town, there are lots of avenues to approach for an ambush.
  438. - Talan uses stealth against multiple opponents IC.
  440. - Talan was argued to charge straight because he could see the opponent in previous rounds, and in this one, all he knows is where they will be. Ergo he goes and hangs out at ranged spawn waiting for them to show.
  442. - Disingenuous to say Nanashi drew a sword around a kid so he’s done with his trauma. His trauma specifically motivated him to draw his sword to *protect* that kid.
  444. - Fight with Luo was life and death and Nanashi refused to draw on him the first time.
  446. - Nanashi is strong but not stronger than Talan.
  448. - Athrogate explicitly caught Drizzt off guard with his unorthodox fighting so speed scaling isn’t flawless there.
  450. - Numbers don’t matter lol just look at the feats
  452. - Raizo dodge good and we know that because here’s a gif of him dodging lots of ninjas good.
  454. - Roland is fast but only fast at guns. Scientifically speaking, people with practiced reactions are specifically faster at those practiced reactions. IE: running when you hear a starting pistol. For Roland, quickdrawing.
  456. - Wyrm scaling is still bad because CR doesn’t translate to “physical toughness.” Maybe one kind of Wyrm is faster/stronger/more magical than the other.
  458. - Ozunu has a special anti-chain sword probably because the chainsword wraps around a different sword just fine.
  460. - If Raizo loses the chain sword that means he’s using shurikens which is even worse for Ver’s team.
  462. - His normal swords are also really dangerous.
  464. - Drizzt seems to get conveniently faster depending on the tier. Fake speed.
  466. - Distance still matters for Nanashi arrow scaling.
  468. - Why trust the wind calc for Roland? Why is Chain’s calc trustworthy?
  470. - Okay cool mead casks are full. You still can’t compare hammer through casks w/ bullet through casks because physics.
  472. - Even if Roland can resist the poison, which is unclear from feats, it seems like it’d take him a while, during which time Nyla would just hit him again.
  474. #Result: Corv Win
  476. Ver had some strong arguments here. Roland absolutely mogs if he reaches guns. Athrogate is damn scary and basically murders anybody here one on one. Unfortunately he chose to double down on an argument that took advantage of neither of his strongest points. Corv is 100% right that there are significant issues with the pig plan Verlux proposes, including the logistic issues of Athrogate’s height, the weight issue, and the fact it puts all three members of his team in non-combat ready positions.
  477. Talan proooobably charges straight at them instead of waiting around, I don’t entirely buy Corv’s argument he would be patient and sit around in the town planning an ambush. Talan also probably dies in a 1v3. However, because of the position Verlux is arguing his team in, Talan for sure manages to grapple and kill at least one person on Ver’s team before going down, and if that’s Athrogate, then Ver basically loses then and there.
  478. Nanashi, I’m sorry to say it, is just a bad pick. As funny as mogging Connor with nonlethal was, a character who abjectly refuses to go lethal in 9/10 situations AND relies primarily on his sword to be any good is just a walking contradiction and Corv did a great job tearing into it. Nanashi is basically little better than a distraction here and loses against any of Corv’s team, leaving Ver with basically two characters to win with. And, as I’ve already said, it’s very likely Talan takes out one of them early here.
  479. After Talan is dealt with, Ver’s team is left to pick themselves up and depending on whether Athrogate is still alive, that means running into the rest of Corv’s team in town or getting ambushed by them from prepared positions. If all three of Ver’s team made it into town together, his argument that Roland makes this victory for him either way would convince me, but they don’t and so his guys ultimately lose more times than not.
  481. This has been a really awesome experience for me and I want to thank both of you guys so much for participating. I hope everyone had fun and I really look forward to running in more tourneys and possibly hosting them as well. Good luck to Corv against Team Hulk!
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