
TeahcerAnon - NN - 04

Jun 23rd, 2013
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  1. >The final bell had rung for the class as you sruvey the room, out of the 20 students you had, you counted only 17.
  2. >A few empty seats here and there, obviously not everyone would be there on time as you tsk a bit, wondering when the late-comers would arrive as you check over your day plan.
  3. >Considering it was your first day, you might as well make it easy, introduce yourself, have you students do so in turn, and then assign their first homework bits.
  4. >You're TeacherAnon
  5. >and you've just about to open the flood-gate to your new teaching job at Euqestria High.
  6. >The day before you had been introduced to your class, and seeing a wide range of colourful faces made it quite interesting to see how they'd take you.
  7. >That same night, you had been out with fellow teachers, and from what you gathered, things were pretty relaxed here.
  8. >The last teacher of the class you were taking over, Mr. BookRead had ran his class smoothly, the students were quiet intelligent with their work assignments and you didn't really point out much in the way of 'bad students'.
  9. >That however could change, you being 'fresh meat' to these wolves as you tap your ruler on the board.
  10. 'Alright class, as you may know, my name is Mr. Anonymous, I'll be your Home-Room teacher for the remainder of this semester and hope that you all can do your best to make this class both fun and interesting. If you will noticed, I posted a few things on the board just so you guys get a heads-up about how things work here.'
  11. >You eye the students, several you've seen before are already present, Pinkie included.
  12. >You couldn't see the normal coloured kid anywhere, perhaps he'd be one of the tardy students...shame really, but also it would be quiet helpful as you turn to the door and see three students attempt to sneak inside.
  13. The first was a fair skinned kid with blue hair, a white shirt with a shield and lighting bolt underneath a black jacket and matching pants.
  14. >The second was the Normal kid, orange jacket, massive belt buckle, and a toque atop almost purple coloured hair.
  15. >The last one to enter was a very... ineresting.
  16. >She was blue skinned, wearing track shorts under a pink short shkirt with a blue jacket atop a white t-shirt with a rainbow coloured lighting bolt.
  17. >Similar to her rainbow coloured hair.
  18. >Rainbow...
  19. >Coloured...
  20. >Hair...
  21. >What is this, the 70's?
  22. >You let them sneak about a few seconds before you cough, clearing your throat.
  23. 'Rule number 1: Be on time.' you tap the board with your meter stick 'It seems some of you have yet to understand the proper aspect of diligence. You three!' You point the stick at them 'Names, on the double.'
  24. >The three pause mid creep before sighing, turning slowly.
  25. "I'm Brad" the blue hair kid said.
  26. "Norman..." The Normal kid said.
  27. "Rainbow dash..." the girl said.
  28. >You cross your arms, hrrming a bit.
  29. 'So, whats your excuse for being late then?' you demand as they look amongst themselves, Brad looks down, then back.
  30. "Its my fault sir... I wanted to show Norman here some new moves in soccer, but we got caught up with Rainbow dash in a pick-up game..."
  31. >The others nod in agreement.
  32. >You mull over them, giving them each a stern look
  33. ' three are prime examples of what NOT to do in this class. Now I commend you on your attempt at sneaking, but I cannot allow you to continue bad habits such as tardiness.'
  34. >Some snickers in the crowd as you look over each one of them.
  35. 'However, this being the first day of my lectures with you, I'll let it slide, get to your seats, don't be late again.'
  36. "y-yes sir!" they all said, quickly dashing to their designated seating spots.
  37. 'By the way.' you add, turning back to the board 'who won?'
  38. "Who won?" You hear Norman ask.
  39. 'Yes, in your pick-up game?'
  40. "Well... Rainbow Dash, she's one of the fastest players in our team."
  41. "Norman, geeze, don't need to tell him that!"
  42. 'Nothing wrong with being good at sports RD, if that's okay to call you that, just be sure to get your priorities straight, class comes first, sports second.'
  43. >You can hear a few kids chuckle, the names of the kids popping up among it as they looked at the three delinquents.
  44. 'Which leads me to Rule number 2: Be respectful. That means be kind to your classmates, and be kind to me. In turn, I will do my utmost to be kind to all of you and help you through the semester. We're not enemies here, we're friends, allies even, we're trying to help everyone succeed.'
  45. >Looking amongst those voices of snickers, you see a tan skinned girl with red and yellow hair like a blazing inferno, giving a scornful look at Norman as you eye her.
  46. >She grinned, talking amongst some other girls as you make a mental note of her.
  47. >You cross your arms as you give a confident grin. 'Look to the person to your left, and to your right, they will be your friend and associate in this class. You will help them as much as they help you. You don't have to be friends, but you have to be willing to share work, to share ideas, and to share knowledge with them.'
  48. >The students did so, looking left and right before you see Derp raising a hand.
  49. 'Yes Derpy?'
  50. "W-hwta about above and below you?"
  51. >The class let out a giggle as you smirk, shaking your head.
  52. 'I wouldn't worry too much, focus more on your left and right rather than above and below, easier to share work.
  53. "A-and what if you only have one to your right?" she added, seeing as she was at the end of her row.
  54. 'Same deal, just focus to your person to your right and they to you. That, and I'll be sure to help you if you really need it.'
  55. >You could see a faint blush on her cheeks. "Y-yes sir..T-thank you."
  56. >Nodding, you point to your last rule on the board.
  57. 'Finally, be sure to hand your assignments in ON TIME, I cannot stress this enough that your grades demand your utmost attention, so as soon as you get your assignment, be sure to get it done before the due date.' you huff as a hand is raised.
  58. 'Yes, name and question please?' you asked as a orange skinned girl wearing something out of a western movie, stood up.
  59. "Ah, sorry sir" she said rather formal as she removed her large cowboy hat, holding it between both hands "...mah names AppleJack, and ah just wanted ta know if there would be some sorta leeway for student who mah not be able ta get assignments in on time."
  60. 'What do you mean AppleJack?' you ask.
  61. "Well, yah see, mah family an ah work onna farm, and sometimes we gotta work extra hard fer harvest, and ah was wondering if there was something ya'll can do bout extensions?"
  62. >You smile 'Oh, that won't be a problem at all! If you need an extension, be sure to let me know a week before the deadline and then we can work something out.'
  63. >AJ smiled, giving a curt bow "Ah t-thank yah Sir, nice ta know you're able ta make some leeway."
  64. 'You said it yourself you work on a farm, I can respect the need of extra time especially considering the seasons you work, and please, no sir, just call me Anon, we don't need to be so formal here.'
  65. >AJ looked down a bit "ah yes s- ah mean Anon...sir.."
  66. >You look about the class as you nod 'There you have it, three simple rules, easy to follow right? Now then, lets start with getting the first assignment out of the way alright?'
  68. >There was a communal moan from a few students as you crack open your lecture guide, seeing the first assignment printed there.
  69. >Students had to research a famous writer from a list they create on the board. Some were already noted in the book such as H. P. Lovecraft, Edmund Burke, Edgar Allan Poe and so forth.
  70. >Simple enough, you exhale a bit, turning back to the board as you start writing.
  71. 'Alright, the name of this class is Fictional Literature, we'll be discussing and understanding the concepts of fiction and how to properly write it. You're assignments will revolve around the development of your own peice of fiction-'
  72. >There was a sudden plink as something knocked against your head, causing you to stop and blink a few times....hrmm, maybe just a bug as you continue writing.
  73. 'What your first assignment will be is to research a famous writer in fiction-'
  74. >Another plink as you stop, this time that didn't feel like a bug as you look back and down, seeing...two...paper airplanes at your feet.
  75. 'Oh...well look what we got here.' You pick them up, looking them over as you unfold them and make them straight, placing them on your desk before you turn back to the board and start writing some of the names, sticking with two as you turn around.
  76. >Just as a third one plinks against your face.
  77. >You blink a few times before looking down at the third plane, looking up to see the culprit as none other than Rainbow Dash, one of the kids who snuck in.
  78. >You sigh... if she's going to be a problem, then you're nipping it right there as you pick it up.
  79. 'Your craftsmanship is impressive, but you lack subtly in your throws miss Rainbow, the first two were commendable, but I caught your third, so I have to ask you to stay behind after class.'
  80. >A riot of laughter erupted as the snickering girls from before look at her.
  81. "Well, it seems RainbowDash has ended up crashing and burning!" the inferno haired girl said as you tap your desk with your ruler.
  82. 'Settle down everyone, let's not have to make it a group stay in.'
  83. >Everyone shuts up.
  84. >So bawss.
  85. >RD looks peeved, obviously not expecting you to turn as she has an embarrassed looking blush radiates across her face.
  86. 'Now then...we'll split off into teams of two, pick one author of fiction and both you and your partner will write a 2 page summary on who that author is, what they wrote, and how it impacted the way we see fiction today or if it had any importance in the development of literature.' You point to the board 'I have two examples here, can anyone else give me some more?'
  87. >Students would raise hands, call out names even, you started developing a list and the names of authors, from H.G Wells to Hemingway, to C. S. Lewis and Lewis Carroll.
  88. >Eventually, one student mentions J.R.R Tolken, and the class begins to break into a debate on that author.
  89. >For a moment, an argument began to break out about the authors two books, the Hobbit, and the Lord of the Rings.
  90. "Why would you say the Hobbit is better?" One kid bantered as two others looked back.
  91. "Because the story was far more entertaining than the Lord of the Rings!"
  92. "But Lord of the rings had the biggest battles!"
  93. "Not all books are about battles, The Hobbit was a story of adventure ad brotherhood!"
  94. "So was LOTR!"
  95. >They went back and forth for awhile until someone spoke about Gandalf.
  96. "Gandfal was made better in the Lord of the Rings, he's the BEST wizard ever!"
  97. "Whose...gandfal?" A purple kid asked as you look to see its the same girl who protected Norman the first day you were here.
  98. >She looked sweet and all, but her expression of curiosity was...interesting.
  99. "You mean you don't know!?" Norman said in suprise "someone into magic and stuff dosen't know the best wizard of our time?"
  100. "Best wizard?" The purple kid said.
  101. "Yeah, he defeated a Balrog!"
  102. "Whats a balrog?"
  103. >There was a collective gasp from the students at Pruples question.
  104. >As much as you wanted to hear the end of this, you weren't willing to spend all day on it as you tap the desk.
  105. 'Alright children, settle down now, we an discuss protagnosists and meta-bosses later, right now I want you to focus on the task at hand.'
  106. >everyone settles a bit, lookng at you with attention for once.
  107. 'Now, we were talking about writers, personlly i more open to you using anyone withnin your century, but if you want to go back to older writer, try to keep it short.'
  108. >Students were scibbling notes for a moment before another rose their hand.
  109. "So, how we going to do this sort of thing?" spoke Brad "I mean, if we gottas do this in pairs, how do we tackle this thing?"
  110. >You smirk "Simple really, you and your partner will be working on it together, you both have to write it. There are two ways you can do it: collab@ research and write together, or each one of you does a single pay review, obviously if you want to get higher markers..." you cough a bit "you want to work to make something together."
  111. >murmurs erupted from the class as you see many faces smirk and plot their ideas, aside from a confused purple starin rigt at you.
  112. >You could see she had a question, but you weren't sure if she was willing to ask it before she rose her hand.
  113. 'Yes, name and question.'
  114. "uhm...oh...Twilight sparkle sir."
  115. There was a group of snickers from about the room as you try to locate the perpetrator of the rude students, unble to see them amidts the others as you huff/
  116. 'Yes Twilight, what is it?'
  117. "Uhm... is it permissable to look at wizards who wrote books?"
  118. >you blink a few times.
  119. >was she serious? That or very creative s yyou pounder, wondering f that was a stupid idea or one you could go with.
  120. 'Wizards who wrote books? Well I'm sure many fictional ones had, but i'm not sure.'
  121. "But...the one I know isn't fictional, he was a real pony!"
  122. 'A pony....wait wait, you mean to tell me this wizard you a horse.'
  123. "not a horse, a pony."
  124. 'Horses are the same as ponies, ponies are just smaller.'
  125. "But its NOT Horses, its Pony!"
  126. >You pause for a moment as you let a sigh ' is this pony of yours able to do magic and stuff?'
  127. "Oh yes! He's written several encyclopedias on magical incantation and various others on the properties of them!"
  128. >Was this for real? She was able to actually admit he wrote stuff...
  129. >now you might not be on her wave lenght... but you sure as hell don't remember any wizards who were ponies...
  130. "Well, Twilight, I don't mind if you want to tell stories about your pet pony who can do magic, but he isn't a real writer, which is what the assignments says to research.'
  131. >She got flustered real quick as she stood up "He is a real writer, I read many books he did."
  132. 'Really? Well then, why don't you bring one tomorrow and show me?' you retort 'I'll gladly allow it if he has a book I can see.'
  133. >She went red, looking away "I...don't have them anymore."
  134. >Awe, bad feels as you let out a sigh, looking away for a moement before turning back to her.
  135. 'How bout we do this... write a sensible essay and provide a breif description, written or drawn, of this pony friend of yours, and I'll count it as viable, hopefully our partner will be down for that?"
  136. >She turned to Norman, pulling him up beside her.
  137. "I'm sure he will, I've told Norman about him."
  138. "You have?"
  139. >She kicked his leg.
  140. "Ow....uh yeah...yeah."
  141. >You smirk a bit.
  142. 'Alright then, good luck you two.'
  144. Your class ended as the bell rang, shame you only had an hour with them before they filed out, leaving you alone...for the moment...with Rainbow dash
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