

Apr 17th, 2018
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  1. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. # (Ban Skript)
  3. # Credit: 70sOn7
  4. #
  5. # Do not claim this, as it is public and made by me.
  6. #
  7. # Commands:
  8. #
  9. # /ban - Bans a player
  10. # /ac - Shows all AntiCheat Related options
  11. #
  12. #
  13. #
  14. # Dependencies:
  15. #
  16. # Skript
  17. # (https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/skript)
  18. #
  19. #
  20. #
  21. # Contact Me:
  22. #
  23. # Something wrong? Contact me via discord, 70sOn7#9245
  24. # Also I would love suggestions on other things to do!
  25. #
  26. # [This Part Affects Nothing]
  27. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. # Customization Options
  31. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. # Customize these as these are the main essentials you'll use for this!
  33. #
  34. #<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  35. options:
  36. servername: ServerNameHere
  37. command: BanCommand
  38. command2: BanCommand2
  39. banpermission: BanPermission
  40. command3: BlackListCommand
  42. version: 1.1
  43. #<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  44. #
  45. # Put your server name where it says "ServerNameHere"
  46. # Put the command to ban people where it says "BanCommand"
  47. # Put another command to ban people where "BanCommand2" If you just want one command. Leave it blank!
  48. # Put your permission you want for the command in "BanPermission" place
  49. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. on join:
  52. set {_ver} to text from URL "https://pastebin.com/raw/dgtXejHS"
  53. if "%{_ver}%" is not equal to "%{@version}%":
  54. send ""
  55. send "&e(Ban Skript)"
  56. send " &7By: 70sOn7"
  57. send " &7Current Version: {@version}"
  58. send " &7Newest Version: &aAvailable"
  59. send " &7Link: <link:https://pastebin.com/dgtXejHS>&bhttps://pastebin.com/raw/dgtXejHS<reset>"
  60. send ""
  63. command /{@command} [<offlineplayer>] [<number>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  64. aliases: {@command2}
  65. trigger:
  66. if player has permission "{@banpermission}":
  67. if arg-1 is not set:
  68. send "&e/ban (Player) (Integer) (Time Amount) (Reason)"
  69. send " &7Ex: /ban Timmy103 3 Days Disrespect"
  70. stop
  71. if arg-2 is not set:
  72. send "&e/ban (Player) (Integer) (Time Amount) (Reason)"
  73. send " &7Ex: /ban Timmy103 3 Days Disrespect"
  74. stop
  75. if arg-3 is not set:
  76. send "&e/ban (Player) (Integer) (Time Amount) (Reason)"
  77. send " &7Ex: /ban Timmy103 3 Days Disrespect"
  78. stop
  79. if arg-4 is not set:
  80. send "&e/ban (Player) (Integer) (Time Amount) (Reason)"
  81. send " &7Ex: /ban Timmy103 3 Days Disrespect"
  82. stop
  83. if command sender is console:
  84. set {pec} to "CONSOLE"
  85. if command sender is player:
  86. set {pec} to player
  87. if arg-3 is "s" or "second" or "seconds":
  88. set {tn.%arg-1%} to arg 2
  89. set {bd.%arg-1%} to now
  90. broadcast "&e%{pec}% &7has banned &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-4% &e[%arg-2% SECONDS]"
  91. kick arg-1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl% &eReason: &7%arg-4%%nl% &eBan Date: %{bd.%arg-1%}%%nl%&e Durration: &e%arg-2% SECONDS"
  92. ban arg-1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl% &eReason: &7%arg-4%%nl% &eBan Date: %{bd.%arg-1%}%%nl%&e Durration: &e%arg-2% SECONDS"
  93. add arg 1 to {bps::*}
  94. if arg-3 is "m" or "minute" or "minutes":
  95. set {tn.%arg-1%} to arg 2 * 60
  96. set {bd.%arg-1%} to now
  97. broadcast "&e%{pec}% &7has banned &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-4% &e[%arg-2% MINUTES]"
  98. kick arg 1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl% &eReason: &7%arg-4%%nl% &eBan Date: %{bd.%arg-1%}%%nl%&e Durration: &e%arg-2% MINUTES"
  99. ban arg 1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl% &eReason: &7%arg-4%%nl% &eBan Date: %{bd.%arg-1%}%%nl%&e Durration: &e%arg-2% MINUTES"
  100. add arg 1 to {bps::*}
  101. if arg-3 is "h" or "hour" or "hours":
  102. set {tn.%arg-1%} to arg 2 * 3600
  103. set {bd.%arg-1%} to now
  104. broadcast "&e%{pec}% &7has banned &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-4% &e[%arg-2% HOURS]"
  105. kick arg 1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl% &eReason: &7%arg-4%%nl% &eBan Date: %{bd.%arg-1%}%%nl%&e Durration: &e%arg-2% HOURS"
  107. ban arg 1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl% &eReason: &7%arg-4%%nl% &eBan Date: %{bd.%arg-1%}%%nl%&e Durration: &e%arg-2% HOURS"
  108. add arg 1 to {bps::*}
  109. if arg-3 is "d" or "day" or "days":
  110. set {tn.%arg-1%} to arg 2 * 86400
  111. set {bd.%arg-1%} to now
  112. broadcast "&e%{pec}% &7has banned &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-4% &e[%arg-2% DAYS]"
  113. ban arg 1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl% &eReason: &7%arg-4%%nl% &eBan Date: %{bd.%arg-1%}%%nl%&e Durration: &e%arg-2% DAYS"
  114. kick arg 1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl% &eReason: &7%arg-4%%nl% &eBan Date: %{bd.%arg-1%}%%nl%&e Durration: &e%arg-2% DAYS"
  115. add arg 1 to {bps::*}
  116. if arg-3 is "w" or "week" or "weeks":
  117. set {tn.%arg-1%} to arg 2 * 604800
  118. set {bd.%arg-1%} to now
  119. broadcast "&e%{pec}% &7has banned &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-4% &e[%arg-2% WEEKS]"
  120. ban arg 1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl% &eReason: &7%arg-4%%nl% &eBan Date: %{bd.%arg-1%}%%nl%&e Durration: &e%arg-2% WEEKS"
  121. kick arg 1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl% &eReason: &7%arg-4%%nl% &eBan Date: %{bd.%arg-1%}%%nl%&e Durration: &e%arg-2% WEEKS"
  122. add arg 1 to {bps::*}
  123. else:
  124. send "&cSorry, &7You dont have permission for this command!"
  126. every second:
  127. loop {bps::*}:
  128. remove 1 from {tn.%loop-value%}
  129. if {tn.%loop-value%} is 0:
  130. remove loop-value from {bps::*}
  131. unban loop-value
  133. command /ban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  134. permission: server.ban
  135. trigger:
  136. if arg-1 is not set:
  137. send "&e/ban (Player) (Reason)"
  138. stop
  139. if arg-1 is set:
  140. if arg-2 is not set:
  141. broadcast "&e%player% &7has banned &e%arg-1%"
  142. ban arg 1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl%"
  143. kick arg 1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl%"
  144. stop
  145. if arg-2 is set:
  146. broadcast "&e%player% &7has banned &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-2%"
  147. ban arg 1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl% &eReason: &7%arg-2%"
  148. kick arg 1 due to "&eBanned from {@servername}!%nl%%nl% &eReason: &7%arg-2%"
  149. stop
  151. command /kick [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  152. permission: server.kick
  153. trigger:
  154. if arg-1 is not set:
  155. send "&e/ban (Player) (Reason)"
  156. stop
  157. if arg-1 is set:
  158. if arg-2 is not set:
  159. broadcast "&e%player% &7has kicked &e%arg-1%"
  160. kick arg 1 due to "&eKicked from {@servername}!%nl%%nl%"
  161. stop
  162. if arg-2 is set:
  163. broadcast "&e%player% &7has kicked &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-2%"
  164. kick arg 1 due to "&eKicked from {@servername}!%nl%%nl% &eReason: &7%arg-2%"
  165. stop
  167. command /mute [<offlineplayer>] [<number>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  168. trigger:
  169. if player has permission "server.warn":
  170. if arg-1 is not set:
  171. send "&e/mute (Player) (Integer) (Time Amount) (Reason)"
  172. send " &7Ex: /mute Timmy103 3 Days Disrespect"
  173. stop
  174. if arg-2 is not set:
  175. send "&e/mute (Player) (Integer) (Time Amount) (Reason)"
  176. send " &7Ex: /mute Timmy103 3 Days Disrespect"
  177. stop
  178. if arg-3 is not set:
  179. send "&e/mute (Player) (Integer) (Time Amount) (Reason)"
  180. send " &7Ex: /mute Timmy103 3 Days Disrespect"
  181. stop
  182. if arg-4 is not set:
  183. send "&e/mute (Player) (Integer) (Time Amount) (Reason)"
  184. send " &7Ex: /mute Timmy103 3 Days Disrespect"
  185. stop
  186. if arg-3 is "s" or "sec" or "second" or "seconds":
  187. set {tm.%arg-1%} to arg 2
  188. set {im.%arg-1%} to true
  189. broadcast "&e%player% &7muted &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-4% &e[%arg-2% SECONDS]"
  190. add arg 1 to {bpm::*}
  191. if arg-3 is "m" or "min" or "minute" or "minutes":
  192. set {tm.%arg-1%} to arg 2 * 60
  193. set {im.%arg-1%} to true
  194. broadcast "&e%player% &7muted &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-4% &e[%arg-2% MINUTES]"
  195. add arg 1 to {bpm::*}
  196. if arg-3 is "h" or "hour" or "hours":
  197. set {tm.%arg-1%} to arg 2 * 3600
  198. set {bd.%arg-1%} to now
  199. broadcast "&e%player% &7muted &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-4% &e[%arg-2% HOURS]"
  200. add arg 1 to {bpm::*}
  201. if arg-3 is "d" or "day" or "days":
  202. set {tm.%arg-1%} to arg 2 * 86400
  203. set {im.%arg-1%} to true
  204. broadcast "&e%player% &7muted &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-4% &e[%arg-2% DAYS]"
  205. add arg 1 to {bpm::*}
  206. if arg-3 is "w" or "week" or "weeks":
  207. set {tm.%arg-1%} to arg 2 * 604800
  208. set {im.%arg-1%} to true
  209. broadcast "&e%player% &7muted &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-4% &e[%arg-2% WEEKS]"
  210. add arg 1 to {bpm::*}
  211. else:
  212. send "You don't have the required permission to use this command"
  214. every second:
  215. loop {bpm::*}:
  216. remove 1 from {tm.%loop-value%}
  217. if {tm.%loop-value%} is 0:
  218. remove loop-value from {bpm::*}
  219. delete {im.%loop-value%}
  220. send "&e[MUTE] &7Your have been &eunmuted!" to loop-value
  222. on chat:
  223. if {im.%player%} is true:
  224. send "&cYou are currently muted!"
  225. cancel event
  227. command /warn [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  228. permission: server.warn
  229. trigger:
  230. if arg-1 is not set:
  231. send "&e/warn (Player) (Reason)"
  232. stop
  233. if arg-2 is not set:
  234. send "&e/warn (Player) (Reason)"
  235. stop
  236. if arg-1 is set:
  237. if arg-2 is set:
  238. add 1 to {warns.%arg-1%}
  239. broadcast "&e%player% &7warned &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-2% &e[%{warns.%arg-1%}%/3]"
  240. if {warns.%arg-1%} is 3:
  241. broadcast "&e%arg-1% &7has automaticly muted for &eTo Many Warns!"
  242. set {im.%arg-1%} to true
  243. set {tm.%arg-1%} to 1800
  244. set {warns.%arg-1%} to 0
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