

May 29th, 2018
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  1. Let's make a game!
  2. Settings
  3. building cost increase:100%
  4. building cost refund:100%
  5. desc:This is a stock market game! Some shares cost thousands of dollars, so be careful!
  6. Buttons
  7. *stockButton
  8. on click:yield 1 cent
  9. on click:yield 1 damage
  10. on click:yield 1 orb
  11. name:Stock Button
  12. *prestige
  13. on click:yield 1e12 dollars
  14. on click:yield 1e9 damage
  15. on click:yield 1e15 orbs
  16. name:Prestige 1
  17. cost:1e16 orbs
  18. *prestige2
  19. on click:yield 1e21 dollars
  20. on click:yield 1e15 damage
  21. on click:yield 1e24 orbs
  22. cost:1e27 orbs
  23. name:Prestige 2
  24. *prestige3
  25. on click:yield 1e40 dollars
  26. on click:yield 1e30 damage
  27. on click:yield 1e63 orbs
  28. cost:1e70 orbs
  29. name:Prestige 3
  30. *moonLaunch
  31. name:Moon Launch
  32. on click:yield 1 moonCent
  33. on click:yield 1e100 orbs
  34. on click:yield 1e50 dollars
  35. on click:yield 1e63 damage
  36. cost:1e93 orbs
  37. Resources
  38. *cent|cents
  39. name:Cent|Cents
  40. *dollar|dollars
  41. name:Dollar|Dollars
  42. *orb|orbs
  43. name:Orb|Orbs
  44. *damage
  45. name:Damage
  46. *moonCent|moonCents
  47. name:Moon Cent|Moon Cents
  48. *stars
  49. name:Stars
  50. *corpses
  51. name:Corpses
  52. Buildings
  53. *3DPrint
  54. name:3D Printing
  55. cost:25 cents
  56. on tick:yield 3 cents
  57. on tick:yield 1 orb
  58. on tick:yield 0.01 damage
  59. *tacos
  60. name:Tacos
  61. cost:99 cents
  62. on tick:yield 50 cents
  63. on tick:yield 5 orbs
  64. on tick:yield 1 dollar
  65. on tick:yield 0.1 damage
  66. *kidStock
  67. name:Kid Stock
  68. cost:60 dollars
  69. on tick:yield 2500 cents
  70. on tick:yield 50 orbs
  71. on tick:yield 10 dollars
  72. on tick:yield 1 damage
  73. *corpseFactory
  74. name:Corpse Factory
  75. cost:1e5 cents
  76. on tick:yield 500 orbs
  77. on tick:yield 50 dollars
  78. on tick:yield 2 corpses
  79. on tick:yield 1 damage
  80. *eBay
  81. name:ebay
  82. cost:120 dollars
  83. on tick:yield 1e5 cents
  84. on tick:yield 100 dollars
  85. on tick:yield 1e4 orbs
  86. on tick:yield 5 damage
  87. on tick:yield 0.1 corpses
  88. *amazon
  89. name:Amazon
  90. cost:1000 dollars
  91. on tick:yield 1e9 cents
  92. on tick:yield 1e6 dollars
  93. on tick:yield 1e8 orbs
  94. on tick:yield 1e4 damage
  95. on tick:yield 100 corpses
  96. on tick:yield 0.01 stars
  97. *goldStar
  98. name:Gold Star!
  99. cost:1 star
  100. on tick:yield 10 amazons
  101. *company
  102. name:Your Company!
  103. cost:1e12 cents
  104. on tick:yield 1e12 cents
  105. on tick:yield 1e10 dollars
  106. on tick:yield 1e14 orbs
  107. on tick:yield 1e7 damage
  108. on tick:yield 1e5 corpses
  109. on tick:yield 1e4 stars
  110. *prestigeBuild
  111. name:Build Prestige!
  112. cost:1e12 dollars
  113. on tick:yield 1e14 cents
  114. on tick:yield 1e11 dollars
  115. on tick:yield 1e8 damage
  116. on tick:yield 1e16 orbs
  117. on tick:yield 1e6 corpses
  118. on tick:yield 1e5 stars
  119. *spaceX
  120. name:SpaceX
  121. cost:1e10 damage
  122. on tick:yield 1e17 cents
  123. on tick:yield 1e14 dollars
  124. on tick:yield 1e11 damage
  125. on tick:yield 1e20 orbs
  126. on tick:yield 1e9 corpses
  127. on tick:yield 1e8 stars
  128. *stockFactory
  129. name:Stock Factory
  130. cost:1e9 stars
  131. on tick:yield 3 spaceX
  132. *platinumStar
  133. cost:1e11 stars
  134. on tick:yield 1e11 stars
  135. *corpseUpgrade
  136. cost:1e10 corpses
  137. passive:multiply yield of corpses by 10
  138. *bfdi
  139. name:BFDI
  140. cost:1e22 orbs
  141. on tick:yield 1e17 dollars
  142. on tick:yield 1e21 cents
  143. on tick:yield 1e14 damage
  144. on tick:yield 1e24 orbs
  145. on tick:yield 1e13 corpses
  146. on tick:yield 1e15 stars
  147. *buildPrestige2
  148. name:Build Prestige 2!
  149. cost:1e20 dollars
  150. on tick:yield 1e20 dollars
  151. on tick:yield 1e24 cents
  152. on tick:yield 1e14 damage
  153. on tick:yield 1e27 orbs
  154. on tick:yield 1e15 corpses
  155. on tick:yield 1e16 stars
  156. *surfacing
  157. name:Surfacing
  158. cost:1e27 cents
  159. on tick:yield 1e24 dollars
  160. on tick:yield 1e30 cents
  161. on tick:yield 1e18 damage
  162. on tick:yield 1e33 orbs
  163. on tick:yield 1e17 corpses
  164. on tick:yield 1e21 stars
  165. *ascent
  166. name:Ascent
  167. cost:1e35 orbs
  168. on tick:yield 1e27 dollars
  169. on tick:yield 1e32 cents
  170. on tick:yield 1e22 damage
  171. on tick:yield 1e36 orbs
  172. on tick:yield 1e18 corpses
  173. on tick:yield 1e23 stars
  174. *ideology
  175. name:Ideology
  176. cost:1e39 orbs
  177. on tick:yield 1e30 dollars
  178. on tick:yield 1e36 cents
  179. on tick:yield 1e22 damage
  180. on tick:yield 1e40 orbs
  181. on tick:yield 1e24 corpses
  182. on tick:yield 1e26 stars
  183. *bloodBath
  184. name:Bloodbath
  185. cost:1e27 corpses
  186. passive:multiply production of corpses by 1e4
  187. on tick:yield 1e33 dollars
  188. on tick:yield 1e39 cents
  189. on tick:yield 1e25 damage
  190. on tick:yield 1e45 orbs
  191. on tick:yield 1e31 corpses
  192. on tick:yield 1e33 stars
  193. *vigintillionOrbs
  194. name:Vigintillion Orbs
  195. cost:1e48 orbs
  196. on tick:yield 1e45 dollars
  197. on tick:yield 1e50 cents
  198. on tick:yield 1e27 damage
  199. on tick:yield 1e63 orbs
  200. on tick:yield 1e38 corpses
  201. on tick:yield 1e46 stars
  202. *buildPrestige3
  203. name:Build Prestige 3!
  204. cost:1e66 orbs
  205. on tick:yield 1e45 dollars
  206. on tick:yield 1e70 orbs
  207. *buildmoon
  208. name:Build Moon!
  209. cost:1e73 orbs
  210. on tick:yield 1e50 dollars
  211. on tick:yield 1e90 orbs
  212. *moonShoes
  213. name:Moon Shoes
  214. cost:25 moonCents
  215. cost:1e103 orbs
  216. on tick:yield 10 moonCents
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