
cutie cutes

Apr 14th, 2015
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  1. 21:29:43 ** You have joined #hereticbar *
  2. 21:30:00 <CarlKindle> ((stupid thing keeps overheating and shutting down))
  3. 21:45:57 ** Majorfreakingcupcake has left * connection closed
  4. 22:00:06 ** InkDream46 has left * timed out
  5. 22:03:23 ** GhostlyInsomniac has joined *
  6. 22:03:52 <CarlKindle> ((i am here))
  7. 22:03:59 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Aw hello Carl :3 ))
  8. 22:05:03 <CarlKindle> ((we could do either Sigdad and Carl cute or Ezzel and Azia angst since it's just the two of us? i still dont plan to sleep for 2 hours))
  9. 22:05:36 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( how about Carl Sigdad angst? ))
  10. 22:05:43 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( little bit of angst mostly cute ))
  11. 22:05:44 <CarlKindle> ((ooo yes))
  12. 22:05:55 <CarlKindle> ((angst leading to cute))
  13. 22:06:08 <CarlKindle> ((or vive versa))
  14. 22:08:10 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *in his room, looking a little haggard*
  15. 22:08:44 <CarlKindle> Carl: *returns from the Clayton ball, seeming to be relived to be out of that enviorment*
  16. 22:09:06 <CarlKindle> Carl: *Goes into their room and*....Are you o-okay, Brother?
  17. 22:11:12 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *out of uniform, he just looks small, even if his arms are fit and sinewy* ... <I just had a nightmare's all.>
  18. 22:12:19 <CarlKindle> Carl: D: *sits down near him*...Would talk about the nightmare...?
  19. 22:15:29 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *trembles a little* <I just... keep expecting to close my eyes and when I open them again i'll be back in Utryka... or the Home or Whitecliff... that's what they're called you know, all over. They're all called Whitecliff.>
  20. 22:16:43 <CarlKindle> Carl: Not like..our Whitecliff?
  21. 22:17:44 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *wringing his hands* <I've never been to Gristol. Until now.>
  22. 22:18:19 <CarlKindle> Carl: *nods*
  23. 22:19:20 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *rubs his eye, he seems flushed* <Once... once, an alarm woke me up, and I looked outside, and I saw a man fleeing from the courtyard of the grounds with a little boy in his arms. A father I think.>
  24. 22:20:13 <CarlKindle> Carl: He was taking back his son?
  25. 22:20:26 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <I hope so.>
  26. 22:20:43 <CarlKindle> Carl:...They g-got away?
  27. 22:21:21 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <...No. No they... they didn't.>
  28. 22:21:41 <CarlKindle> Carl:...Oh
  29. 22:21:47 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <The kid came back a week later, and another week later they put him down.>
  30. 22:22:00 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <Wasn't Overseer material.>
  31. 22:22:22 <CarlKindle> CarL:...... Void.
  32. 22:22:55 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *looks at him* *frustrated* <W-Well they do that in Gristol, too!>
  33. 22:23:01 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <They kill kids all the time!>
  34. 22:23:25 <CarlKindle> Carl: *finches* I-...*frowns and nods*
  35. 22:26:24 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *crying a little, but looks a little mad* <Gristolians... you think we're all savages in Tyvia... you think we're all like wild dogs but you do the exact same things!>
  36. 22:27:01 <CarlKindle> Carl: We do...
  37. 22:28:01 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <It wasn't all bad! Barrowes Home was supposed to help people! You just brand them and throw them in the dirt!> *wiping his face* <It was fine before Lord Nicodemus began fiddling with it!>
  38. 22:28:11 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <I... I hate him so much!>
  39. 22:29:13 <CarlKindle> Carl: *He somehow doubted the Home actually did any real 'helping'* I don't b--blame you for that.
  40. 22:29:50 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *sniffs* *rubs his eyes*
  41. 22:30:24 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <I... I just wish... that someone had come to try and take me from there...>
  42. 22:31:42 ** InkDream46 has joined *
  43. 22:32:07 <CarlKindle> Carl: I co--couldn't imagine...I would not know how that would feel...not like that...
  44. 22:32:10 <CarlKindle> ((heyo))
  45. 22:32:24 <InkDream46> {{ Oh so Kat is a lady by inheirtence, but not by her step-father's inheirtence. Daniel's still alive. Okay. }}
  46. 22:32:56 <InkDream46> {{ And unless one of what's-her-face's servants found out and gossiped, Arius and co wouldn't know. }}
  47. 22:33:15 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *has calmed down, gently rubbing his fingers together in a nervous tick*
  48. 22:33:16 <CarlKindle> ((so no crazy gossiping))
  49. 22:33:24 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <I never knew my parents.>
  50. 22:33:50 <InkDream46> {{ If Kat confronts one of the Cromwells about it... depending on who she goes to there may be a fuss. }}
  51. 22:34:28 <CarlKindle> Carl: There...a w--worse things then t-t-that...not knowing,,
  52. 22:35:35 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <I know... but...> *rubs his face* <I was told that my mother gave me up, as a baby, and I was raised by the Abbey.>
  53. 22:36:05 <CarlKindle> Carl: Gave you-....*momentary flashback*
  54. 22:36:15 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *sighs* <Sometimes... I wish I could ask her why.>
  55. 22:37:38 <CarlKindle> She begged with the Overseer..he couldn't see the face but it was a voice he had heard many times....Ask him to take the boy, he would be safe there. The Overseer insisted the opposite. His life would be so much worse..that is assuming he survived the trials....
  56. 22:38:17 <CarlKindle> Carl:....*shakes his head* What d--did you say...?.I'm sorry I didn't understand,,,
  57. 22:40:10 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <I just... wish I could ask my mother why she gave me to the Abbey...>
  58. 22:40:30 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <I heard a lot of stories but... none of them were very nice.>
  59. 22:41:17 <CarlKindle> Carl: *quitely* ....Maybe she t--though you'd be safe. There are w--worse things in the world...or at least she believed that.
  60. 22:43:46 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <Do you really think so...?>
  61. 22:44:53 <CarlKindle> Carl: *nods*
  62. 22:45:46 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: ... *smiles*
  63. 22:45:47 <CarlKindle> Carl: I'm s--sure many do...she would t-think you'd always have f-f-food..a bed... and an education...
  64. 22:46:04 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *slowly hugs him around the waist*
  65. 22:46:37 <CarlKindle> Carl: *stands there for a moment before resting his head on Sigdad's shoulder*
  66. 22:47:45 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *smiling broadly* <Thank you, Carl... Brother Kindle... Carl?>
  67. 22:48:03 <CarlKindle> Carl: Carl.
  68. 22:48:24 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: Carl.
  69. 22:48:34 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *smiles*
  70. 22:49:28 <CarlKindle> Carl: You will be okay.
  71. 22:52:23 <CarlKindle> Carl: *back rub because he doesn't know what to do with long hugs*
  72. 22:52:57 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *smiles* *pulls back* I... am apologize.
  73. 22:53:19 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *rubs the back of his neck* Nervous.
  74. 22:53:29 <CarlKindle> Carl: It's o-okay. Don't worry.
  75. 22:54:00 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *blushes and covers his face*
  76. 22:54:22 <CarlKindle> Carl: What?
  77. 22:54:29 <CarlKindle> Carl you o-okay?
  78. 22:55:39 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <I am still learning Gristolian I am sorry...>
  79. 22:56:28 <CarlKindle> Carl: You're d-doing well. Better then my Tyvian.
  80. 22:57:38 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <No! Your Tyvian is wonderful..>
  81. 22:58:07 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <I must seem so dumb. I am twenty years old but I am a nervous wreck...>
  82. 22:58:48 <CarlKindle> Carl: It's fine. You have..lots of stuff. Bad thing...
  83. 23:00:24 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <H-How old did you say you were?>
  84. 23:00:59 <CarlKindle> Carl: 18
  85. 23:01:29 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <R-Really?>
  86. 23:02:13 <CarlKindle> Carl: Almost 19
  87. 23:03:01 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <Wow...> *smiles* <You are so mature.>
  88. 23:03:22 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <You must have had to deal with a lot...>
  89. 23:03:29 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: <You're inspiring.>
  90. 23:03:36 <CarlKindle> Carl: heh Do not let Fabela hear you say that
  91. 23:03:49 <CarlKindle> Carl: I...have..but thank you
  92. 23:05:09 <GhostlyInsomniac> Sigdad: *has cheered up very much* <Thank you.>
  93. 23:06:18 <CarlKindle> Carl: You seem b-better now
  94. 23:09:15 <CarlKindle> Carl: I'm g--glad. *smiles*
  95. 23:15:14 <InkDream46> {{ " Lady Catherine herself says that, in point of
  96. 23:15:14 <InkDream46> true beauty, Miss de Bourgh is far superior to the handsomest of her sex, because there is
  97. 23:15:14 <InkDream46> that in her features which marks the young lady of distinguished birth." tbh sounds like something Lea would say. }}
  98. 23:15:25 <InkDream46> {{ damned pdf. }}
  99. 23:15:47 <CarlKindle> ((oh lea)
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