
In which The Boss messages ZT

Jul 31st, 2016
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  1. <zoroastrianTextuary> ==START==
  2. <The_Boss> Hello, stranger.
  3. <zoroastrianTextuary> greetings, Adanne.
  4. <zoroastrianTextuary> wait
  5. <The_Boss> I do not think I know who you are... you appeared rather suddenly the other day.
  6. <The_Boss> Adanne?
  7. <zoroastrianTextuary> The Boss**
  8. <zoroastrianTextuary> ...ignore that....
  9. <The_Boss> Heh, there you go
  10. <zoroastrianTextuary> ((that was IC))
  11. <zoroastrianTextuary> ((not an actual typo))
  12. <The_Boss> ((I figured lol)
  13. <The_Boss> So... who are you?
  14. <zoroastrianTextuary> i am not sure what to call myself.
  15. <zoroastrianTextuary> call me Zogg. it seems like a fine name.
  16. <The_Boss> I can understand that. I lost my name a long time ago.
  17. <zoroastrianTextuary> oh, that explains it.
  18. <zoroastrianTextuary> i can help you find it once more.
  19. <The_Boss> Don't.
  20. <The_Boss> It is in the past, tied to what I did before
  21. <zoroastrianTextuary> i shall respect your wishes, then.
  22. <The_Boss> Thank you. Names are given, titles are earned anyways. I am prouder of being the boss anyways heh
  23. <The_Boss> (nice double anyways, me. ugh)
  24. <zoroastrianTextuary> the boss of whom?
  25. <The_Boss> It depends. I used to be Mother Wolf and was the commander of a small organization known as The Pack. That was the first position I was referred to as the boss of.
  26. <zoroastrianTextuary> ((crap, be back in 10 minutes))
  27. <The_Boss> (okie dokie)
  28. <zoroastrianTextuary> ((chaotic neutral i see))
  29. <The_Boss> (no love for anything or qualms on getting it done... I'd say thats about right.)
  30. <zoroastrianTextuary> ((shit that was 18 minutes))
  31. <zoroastrianTextuary> interesting. go on.
  32. <The_Boss> (oh like I was counting)
  33. <The_Boss> Currently, I do freelance wetwork
  34. <The_Boss> Sometimes it is as simple as removing an unwanted pest from someone's property
  35. <The_Boss> Other times, it is leading guerrilla forces against whatever they ask me too
  36. <The_Boss> My job is many things but it certainly not boring or predicable
  37. <zoroastrianTextuary> hmm.
  38. <zoroastrianTextuary> i don't have much of a "job", per se.
  39. <The_Boss> Are you young?
  40. <zoroastrianTextuary> i have lived through approximately 12 Earth-Sol revolutions.
  41. <The_Boss> A lot of the humans I encounter do not have jobs at that age
  42. <zoroastrianTextuary> true.
  43. <The_Boss> Last time I checked
  44. <The_Boss> I am about 20 or so Earth years
  45. <zoroastrianTextuary> 20...?
  46. <The_Boss> Yes.
  47. <zoroastrianTextuary> many of the previous players were never more than 18....
  48. <The_Boss> Soon, I will be claimed into the ranks of the Alternian army.
  49. <The_Boss> They did seem young. I expected as much.
  50. <The_Boss> Perhaps that is why I have an unyielding disdain for some of them
  51. <zoroastrianTextuary> unyielding disdain? a bit harsh, in my opinion.
  52. <zoroastrianTextuary> you'll all have to learn to get along very soon.
  53. <The_Boss> I could do that. I have worked with worse
  54. <The_Boss> Are you hiring me?
  55. <zoroastrianTextuary> me specifically? no.
  56. <The_Boss> Very well.
  57. <zoroastrianTextuary> let's just say that there are some entities that you wouldn't want to meet, and in order to escape them, you'll have to work together.
  58. <The_Boss> I was going to say that if you are asking me to kill one of your peers, I do not perform assassinations on children.
  59. <The_Boss> The army? Well, I thought I was the only one to be ordered to join
  60. <The_Boss> The rest are on Earth, which I do not believe demands such
  61. <The_Boss> And the Empress is the only one I could imagine that you mean by "entity"
  62. <zoroastrianTextuary> said entities are practically impossible to defeat directly. it took a team of ten gods, just to take down two.
  63. <zoroastrianTextuary> and that was while they were in a weakened form.
  64. <The_Boss> If you know more, tell me
  65. <zoroastrianTextuary> i do know more, but nothing else that can be revealed until the day comes.
  66. <The_Boss> I do not like surprise information in a life-or-death situation
  67. <The_Boss> Why are you withholding this informatino
  68. <zoroastrianTextuary> if i reveal the information now, the day shall be hastened.
  69. <The_Boss> What is this day exactly
  70. <zoroastrianTextuary> the day the universe meets its end.
  71. <The_Boss> You claim to know the events that will trigger an Armageddon-class event but you refrain from sharing them
  72. <The_Boss> You must understand my doubts in your validity
  73. <The_Boss> I do not think you are trying to pull a joke on me, but you could be over reacting
  74. <zoroastrianTextuary> maybe i could. maybe they'll just pass on over.
  75. <The_Boss> Is your safety in jeopardy if I continue to press you for answers?
  76. <The_Boss> If you are correct and serious, this is something I would need to prepare for immediantly
  77. <zoroastrianTextuary> this isn't an event you can prepare for.
  78. <The_Boss> So why tell me about it at all then?
  79. <zoroastrianTextuary> realms outside this universe are governed by a vastly different set of laws.
  80. <The_Boss> If I can not know the details nor do anything about it, why tell me at all?
  81. <The_Boss> And you know this how?
  82. <zoroastrianTextuary> the books given to me have given me the required foresight.
  83. <The_Boss> Where could I find a copy of these titles
  84. <zoroastrianTextuary> some are books you've probably hear of.
  85. <zoroastrianTextuary> Also Sprach Zarathustra, by Friedrich Nietzsche.
  86. <zoroastrianTextuary> various texts originating from many religious systems, both human and alternian.
  87. <zoroastrianTextuary> many are common textbooks for lessons learned in a traditional education system.
  88. <zoroastrianTextuary> the texts in question i refer to are not as common.
  89. <zoroastrianTextuary> the Book of the Void is the one most cited.
  90. <The_Boss> So this is a theory
  91. <zoroastrianTextuary> technically, it is a theory. from our perspective, events i refer to have not happened yet, and since neither of us have access to any form of time travel as of now, neither of us can witness the events that will unfold without waiting for them.
  92. <The_Boss> I am sorry then I cannot believe in what you say unless I can identify the causes and stages of your doomsday
  93. <zoroastrianTextuary> i'll tell you what i can.
  94. <The_Boss> You mentioned entities. Who and what are they?
  95. <zoroastrianTextuary> i cannot speak of their names, as that would summon them.
  96. <The_Boss> you are communicating via text not speech
  97. <zoroastrianTextuary> this counts as speaking.
  98. <zoroastrianTextuary> technically.
  99. <zoroastrianTextuary> to them.
  100. <The_Boss> I suppose
  101. <The_Boss> What are the signs of what you talking about coming to pass and what actions would you recommend
  102. <zoroastrianTextuary> once, i was correcting MS when he said Cthulhu, for surely he meant Flut--
  103. <zoroastrianTextuary> i am not making that mistake again. the point is, it didn't end well.
  104. <The_Boss> So you did summon one
  105. <The_Boss> And what of the result
  106. <zoroastrianTextuary> the signs? you'll know it when you see it. society will begin to degrade around you. mass bloodshed will commence, parents slaying and eating their children, and self-immolating after.
  107. <The_Boss> This sounds like what I have seen in more poor regions of Alternia.
  108. <The_Boss> This is impossible on a large scale, just as peace is
  109. <zoroastrianTextuary> merely witnessing said extra-dimensional beings will drive even the most peaceful person to insanity.
  110. <The_Boss> Then how are you not insane
  111. <The_Boss> Your statements contradict
  112. <zoroastrianTextuary> rituals have been put in place to protect my mental faculties.
  113. <zoroastrianTextuary> i can only hope they have worked.
  114. <zoroastrianTextuary> as for what actions i would recommend, clear out an open space within your dwelling. this will come in very important.
  115. <The_Boss> Then share them to the masses
  116. <zoroastrianTextuary> said rituals have been prepared over generations. we don't have generations.
  117. <zoroastrianTextuary> we probably don't even have years.
  118. <zoroastrianTextuary> or sweeps.
  119. <The_Boss> So what is anyone to do in this
  120. <The_Boss> Assuming you aren't joking around
  121. <zoroastrianTextuary> you, and the other seven i have talked to, will play a very important role in this.
  122. <The_Boss> How so.
  123. <zoroastrianTextuary> you are the ones that shall escape the hell created by said beings, and rise towards the light of Skaia.
  124. <The_Boss> I refuse to join if I can not save the remaining members of The Dogs of War.
  125. <The_Boss> I will not leave them to a hell if I am to escape to some sort of paradise.
  126. <zoroastrianTextuary> you can save them, but in the new realm, they might be inherently doomed to die.
  127. <The_Boss> And you think that is the terms of my current form of employment
  128. <The_Boss> (*is not. -_-)
  129. <zoroastrianTextuary> ...well then.
  130. <The_Boss> There are only two of them now. I am sure they will be fine
  131. <zoroastrianTextuary> you can save them. make sure they are within your dwelling at the time of the armageddon event.
  132. <The_Boss> If this is to come to pass at all.
  133. <The_Boss> Understood. This will prove to be challenging but that is for me to deal with
  134. <The_Boss> How have the others responded to this?
  135. <zoroastrianTextuary> with a wide range of responses.
  136. <The_Boss> I feel foolish myself to have chosen to believe you at all.
  137. <zoroastrianTextuary> some do not understand the gravity of this situation, and seem quite...excited.
  138. <The_Boss> Perhaps, this is something I want
  139. <The_Boss> There is a part of me that would want to be left behind
  140. <zoroastrianTextuary> some are scared. one in particular has lashed out at me numerous times.
  141. <The_Boss> You can state names. I do not share this sort of information
  142. <zoroastrianTextuary> i do not wish to share this information.
  143. <zoroastrianTextuary> you may have seen them, anyway.
  144. <The_Boss> I have not met any of the people in the chat
  145. <The_Boss> Face to face
  146. <zoroastrianTextuary> i meant you may have seen their reactions to my information.
  147. <zoroastrianTextuary> in the chat.
  148. <The_Boss> I suppose it doesnt matter
  149. <zoroastrianTextuary> one person in particular told me in a private message that i should probably tone it down.
  150. <zoroastrianTextuary> i promised him i would, but you seem ready to hear it.
  151. <The_Boss> I just hope they will be ready in time
  152. <The_Boss> If it is to happen
  153. <The_Boss> I will be. But I have always been.
  154. * missedSolstice ( has joined
  155. <zoroastrianTextuary> i supposed there's not much left to tell you.
  156. <zoroastrianTextuary> teamwork will be important.
  157. <The_Boss> I can see to that
  158. <zoroastrianTextuary> fighting won't be required, but will be helpful.
  159. <The_Boss> Understood.
  160. <zoroastrianTextuary> puzzle-solving will play a big part.
  161. <The_Boss> Will you be present during this scenario?
  162. <zoroastrianTextuary> i am not sure what will happen to me.
  163. <zoroastrianTextuary> i shall attempt to save myself, but it is highly unlikely my attempts will work.
  164. <The_Boss> So you plan to save the lives of 8 random strangers but not your own?
  165. <zoroastrianTextuary> you're not as random as you think.
  166. <The_Boss> I am flattered, but I think your knowledge of the situation is more valuable in this event than any of ours
  167. <zoroastrianTextuary> your predecessors and the epic of their trials were recorded in the books i hold. your names were also recorded in these books.
  168. <The_Boss> Curious.
  169. <zoroastrianTextuary> well, that's all i have to say for now.
  170. <zoroastrianTextuary> good luck with the trials ahead.
  171. <The_Boss> And to you
  172. <The_Boss> Zogg?
  173. <zoroastrianTextuary> yes. not my true name, but it shall due.
  174. <zoroastrianTextuary> do*
  175. <The_Boss> Do not throw away your life. I feel we will still need you.
  176. <zoroastrianTextuary> i'll try not to.
  177. <zoroastrianTextuary> goodbye, Boss.
  178. <The_Boss> Farewell.
  179. * zoroastrianTextuary has ceased messaging theBoss
  180. <zoroastrianTextuary> ==END==
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