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Proof of the discrimination in London City sl

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Aug 8th, 2020
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  1. [08:50] Angel Fencer (ender.leven) is online.
  2. [08:50] !:
  3. Click to read: ═[ London City Blog ]═
  5. Help to keep this community a safe and fun environment. Please let our support team know if you encounter sex pests, poachers, phishing, mass invites, or actions of others that is likely to spoil enjoyment of other residents. Thank you.
  6. [08:51] Oishi (oishislbot): hello
  7. [08:51] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Hello Oishi.
  8. [08:51] Angel Fencer (ender.leven) is offline.
  9. [08:52] julianne.japan (iamjules1): i wan boyfrine
  10. [08:52] julianne.japan (iamjules1): i want boyfriend
  11. [08:53] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): lol
  12. [08:53] Torric Rodas: I luv ewe long time
  13. [08:53] Vhelvet Himura (reio1682): ☆:**:. мυнαн-αнα .:**:.☆
  14. [08:53] Oishi (oishislbot): okay i am back
  15. [08:53] Oishi (oishislbot): woah lagging like loco here
  16. [08:53] Torric Rodas: only if yer puter is 20 yrs old
  17. [08:53] julianne.japan (iamjules1): im new
  18. [08:53] julianne.japan (iamjules1): im 19
  19. [08:54] Nancy Braveheart (xxxnancy.braveheart): Julianne ? No you don't want a boyfriend just yet
  20. [08:54] Oishi (oishislbot): lag is slowly stoping
  21. [08:54] Nancy Braveheart (xxxnancy.braveheart): You are new
  22. [08:54] Oishi (oishislbot): no i been here a while
  23. [08:54] julianne.japan (iamjules1): yes i do want a boyfriend
  24. [08:55] julianne.japan (iamjules1): yesssssss
  25. [08:55] Oishi (oishislbot): just didnt play here much
  26. [08:55] julianne.japan (iamjules1): true true
  27. [08:55] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): You're better off staying single.
  28. [08:55] Oishi (oishislbot): so any old sl folks here
  29. [08:55] julianne.japan (iamjules1): right
  30. [08:55] julianne.japan (iamjules1): haha why
  31. [08:55] Oishi (oishislbot) whispers: if so ever heared of the second life green lanterns?
  32. [08:56] Nancy Braveheart (xxxnancy.braveheart): It's not waht you think it's like, Jullianne
  33. [08:56] Oishi (oishislbot): i used to be a member of it
  34. [08:56] julianne.japan (iamjules1): i can dointhat
  35. [08:56] Oishi (oishislbot): :)
  36. [08:56] julianne.japan (iamjules1): i wanna be a wife
  37. [08:56] Duck™ (duckduckimatruck): They will only alt up and pork the next one they find
  38. [08:56] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): WHY?!
  39. [08:57] Oishi (oishislbot): julianna please go to a dating sim
  40. [08:57] Oishi (oishislbot): not here
  41. [08:57] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Yes Duck lol
  42. [08:57] julianne.japan (iamjules1): lmao
  43. [08:57] Oishi (oishislbot): altho its moderate
  44. [08:57] Nancy Braveheart (xxxnancy.braveheart): Let some guy come to you. And go from that ?
  45. [08:57] Oishi (oishislbot): so i dont think its bannable XD
  46. [08:57] Oishi (oishislbot): not by LL
  47. [08:58] simay4sl: hiiii
  48. [08:58] Second Life: Entering god mode, level 250
  49. [08:58] Duck™ (duckduckimatruck): asking for a bf is not bannable
  50. [08:59] scottsthot: hiiii everyone x
  51. [08:59] Oishi (oishislbot): hi
  52. [08:59] scottsthot: how's your dayyy
  53. [08:59] Torric Rodas: try beating that McQueen
  54. [09:00] Torric Rodas: she must be on the toilet again
  55. [09:00] Nancy Braveheart (xxxnancy.braveheart): Getting a little crowded here
  56. [09:00] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): No I was typing something
  57. [09:01] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): I had the highscore last time
  58. [09:01] Ozgott: can someone send me some stores landmarks, if possible
  59. [09:01] simay4sl: can someone send me some lindens, if possible
  60. [09:01] Nancy Braveheart (xxxnancy.braveheart): Hello Oishi, Hows you
  61. [09:01] Torric Rodas: we have 70 stores here in london city
  62. [09:02] Torric Rodas: just walk down the road
  63. [09:02] Ozgott: thanks
  64. [09:02] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Please don't ask for money
  65. [09:03] simay4sl: im just kidding
  66. [09:03] Billy Arentire: yeah, don't be askin for money unless oyu are really good in bed and willing to put out
  67. [09:03] simay4sl: i am good in bed
  68. [09:03] simay4sl: lol
  69. [09:03] Duck™ (duckduckimatruck): Sorry Billy
  70. [09:03] Billy Arentire: mhm
  71. [09:03] Billy Arentire: says you
  72. [09:03] simay4sl: but ill be bad to you
  73. [09:03] Duck™ (duckduckimatruck): oh
  74. [09:04] Billy Arentire: first, no need to apologize Duck, I know you don't swing my way
  75. [09:04] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Which is why you'll stay poor then
  76. [09:04] Billy Arentire: second, sims is 165 days old and should know better than to beg for money
  77. [09:04] Torric Rodas: not even after half a lemonade shandy like most straight men?
  78. [09:04] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Yes
  79. [09:04] Duck™ (duckduckimatruck): I dont Billy, but there are plenty who do
  80. [09:04] Duck™ (duckduckimatruck): so you'll be fine :-)
  81. [09:04] Billy Arentire: I know, Ive had most of them
  82. [09:04] Torric Rodas: I can cope with "I must of been drunk" if it makes you feel better
  83. [09:05] Torric Rodas: are you off the toilet yet coffee?
  84. [09:05] Duck™ (duckduckimatruck): I cant even recall the last female I had in SL
  85. [09:05] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): I wasn't on the toilet
  86. [09:05] Torric Rodas: oh
  87. [09:05] Billy Arentire: cope? I don't even want to have conversation
  88. [09:05] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Oh no duck
  89. [09:06] Duck™ (duckduckimatruck): was years ago
  90. [09:06] Billy Arentire: oh crikey, sima is a female av.......blrugh
  91. [09:06] Torric Rodas: well coffee is up for a bit of bump and grind Duck. And she'll put you up in the zed bed afterwards
  92. [09:06] Duck™ (duckduckimatruck): lol
  93. [09:06] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Don't be rude
  94. [09:06] Torric Rodas: so I had this idea....
  95. [09:06] Duck™ (duckduckimatruck): it would only ruin our friendship
  96. [09:06] Torric Rodas: we build a church ....
  97. [09:06] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): ok..
  98. [09:06] Oishi (oishislbot): hi hello torric
  99. [09:07] Oishi (oishislbot): nice to meet you
  100. [09:07] Duck™ (duckduckimatruck): and it is by choice by the way
  101. [09:07] Torric Rodas: but it has a phantom floor... and when they walk into the church they fall through it into a pit of animesh lions
  102. [09:07] Duck™ (duckduckimatruck): I do get the occasional offer of poseball fun times
  103. [09:07] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Nope, don't like that idea.
  104. [09:07] Oishi (oishislbot) whispers: ave
  105. [09:07] Torric Rodas: why not?
  106. [09:07] Billy Arentire: and I know where to get the lions
  107. [09:07] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Because Church isn't meant to be like that.
  108. [09:07] Oishi (oishislbot): need to enable my gestures
  109. [09:07] Oishi (oishislbot): XD
  110. [09:08] Torric Rodas: pfft. killjoy
  111. [09:08] Billy Arentire: it isn't meant to be, but sometimes it is
  112. [09:08] Oishi (oishislbot): there
  113. [09:08] Billy Arentire: you ever been to a Southern baptist church?
  114. [09:08] Oishi (oishislbot): sorry my avi is ughly ik
  115. [09:08] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): At the end of the day, this is your gaff, so you do what you like lol
  116. [09:08] Oishi (oishislbot): i nerver payed a dime for it
  117. [09:08] Oishi (oishislbot): so i aint mad
  118. [09:08] Billy Arentire: poor Coffee Queen. Plase stop picking on her
  119. [09:08] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): lol
  120. [09:09] Torric Rodas: well we need a church.. maybe next to the elise banx care home for the criminally insane?
  121. [09:09] Billy Arentire: we all have different belief systems, no ones is right or wrong
  122. [09:09] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): You had that Church before.
  123. [09:09] Billy Arentire: lets focus on the naughtiness instead
  124. [09:09] Torric Rodas: yeah but it burnt down when I entered
  125. [09:09] Oishi (oishislbot): wait billy is torric's bf/gf right?
  126. [09:09] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Have one of them places of worship that is open to all faiths.
  127. [09:09] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Like they do in hospitals, like a chapel
  128. [09:09] Billy Arentire: things you have any mesh underpants Duck?
  129. [09:09] Oishi (oishislbot): i seen him on the sandbox area's owner list
  130. [09:10] Torric Rodas: yeah coffee
  131. [09:10] Oishi (oishislbot): coffee is best
  132. [09:10] Torric Rodas: she's not as green as she is cabbage looking that one
  133. [09:10] Billy Arentire: who?
  134. [09:10] Duck™ (duckduckimatruck): I am trying to give them up Billy
  135. [09:10] Torric Rodas: this ruth
  136. [09:10] Billy Arentire: isn't interested in anything pink polkadot has to say
  137. [09:10] Billy Arentire: give them to me Duck
  138. [09:10] scottsthot is online.
  139. [09:10] Billy Arentire: but before you do, lets havbe you model them
  140. [09:10] Oishi (oishislbot): yay someone friended me
  141. [09:11] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Oishi, may I ask you a question?
  142. [09:11] Oishi (oishislbot): yes?
  143. [09:11] Oishi (oishislbot): oh gosh darn irl
  144. [09:11] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Why are you over 2000 days old and got a newbie avatar?
  145. [09:11] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): oh right.
  146. [09:11] Billy Arentire: cuz its a troll
  147. [09:11] Billy Arentire: trollllllllllllllllll
  148. [09:11] Oishi (oishislbot): no
  149. [09:11] Billy Arentire: trrrrrrooooooollllllllllllll
  150. [09:11] Oishi (oishislbot): i just nerver worked on it
  151. [09:11] Billy Arentire: !
  152. [09:11] Billy Arentire: mhm
  153. [09:11] Billy Arentire: yeah
  154. [09:11] Billy Arentire: sure
  155. [09:12] Billy Arentire: and Im the fucking Queen of Sheba
  156. [09:12] Torric Rodas: in 7 years you never worked on it. this is someone I'd like to get to know. Energized
  157. [09:12] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): You can get a free mesh on in the freebie store there you know.
  158. [09:12] Oishi (oishislbot): i am also an member of the second life lanterns
  159. [09:12] Billy Arentire: why is this creepy child lookin up my shorts
  160. [09:12] Oishi (oishislbot): this might be not my main account as i am here to do some work
  161. [09:12] Vhelvet Himura (reio1682): you are a light source Oishi?
  162. [09:13] Billy Arentire: then get on with it
  163. [09:13] Oishi (oishislbot): yes
  164. [09:13] Oishi (oishislbot): well not an actual lantern
  165. [09:13] Oishi (oishislbot): but part of there defence group
  166. [09:13] Oishi (oishislbot): i remember meeting them on there sandbox 5 years ago
  167. [09:13] Torric Rodas: its prolly an alt of that guy who had his dick removed and went nuts
  168. [09:13] Billy Arentire: oh honey, you need to work on your act
  169. [09:13] Torric Rodas: kota?
  170. [09:13] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): Oh yes
  171. [09:14] Torric Rodas: it was into the laterns
  172. [09:14] Avatar Voter 0.07 shouts: Billy Arentire has started a vote to decide if oishislbot is an interesting person (thumb up) or a bore (thumb down)!
  173. [09:14] Second Life: Now leaving god mode, level 250
  174. [09:14] Billy Arentire: that 4k day old Candian noob is watching with interest I think
  175. [09:15] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): lol
  176. [09:15] Avatar Voter 0.07 shouts: The majority has spoken, oishislbot! You're hereby declared... A BORE!!!
  178. [09:15] Avatar Voter 0.07: Since you've really hit it off, oishislbot, here's a complimentary shower of love...
  179. [09:15] Torric Rodas: heh
  180. [09:15] Avatar Voter 0.07: ... and now, results in hand... you were voted off.
  181. [09:15] Coffee Queen (coffeequeen68): LOL
  182. [09:15] Second Life: You have been ejected from this land.
  183. [09:15] Second Life: You have been banned for 60 minutes
  184. [09:15] Second Life: The region you have entered is running a different simulator version.
  185. Current simulator: Second Life Server 2020-07-29T00:01:10.545722
  186. Previous simulator: Second Life Server 2020-07-10T18:46:54.544832
  187. [09:15] Second Life: Teleport completed from London City Gateway (0,12,23)
  188. [09:15] Second Life: The region you have entered is running a different simulator version.
  189. Current simulator: Second Life Server 2020-07-10T18:46:54.544832
  190. Previous simulator: Second Life Server 2020-07-29T00:01:10.545722
  191. [09:18] Second Life: Teleport completed from Sarahs Field (134,186,62)
  192. [09:19] Second Life: Cannot enter parcel, you have been banned.
  193. [09:19] Janice (dovelinejanice): Hello Vhelvet
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