

Jun 19th, 2016
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  1. [b]The DDT4 Finals between [url=""]The Power Trip (Joanna & Pillman)[/url] and [url=""]Kaientai DIAMOND(Super Dragon and Shigeki Sato)[/url][/b] started with Dragon and Pillman exchanging kicks, with both men ducking whatever the other tried, from dropkicks to wheel kicks to roundhouses. Pillman eventually hit his target with a kick to the leg, following up with a combination that ended with an attempted roundhouse kick. Dragon was able to avoid the roundhouse and hooked in Pillman for a German suplex. However, Dragon wasn't done yet. He flipped over, grabbed Pillman's arms in a double chickenwing, and hit a Tiger suplex, before trying to follow up with a Dragon suplex. However, an elbow from Pillman drove Dragon back, and Pillman regained the offensive, lighting Dragon up with chops before hitting a series of 3 vertical suplexes and going to the ropes. Pillman did his best Jericho voice as he shouted "AW YEAH, BAYBAY" and springboarded off the ropes for a Lionsault. Dragon got the knees up, though, and went to the ropes for a springboard of his own, aiming for a springboard stomp right to Pillman's head. Pillman rolled out of the way just in time, and Dragon's knees slammed right into the mat as Pillman tagged in Joanna.
  3. Joanna held court on the incapacitated Dragon, working him over with limb stomps and even going for a Camel Clutch as Sato watched from ringside, a look of deep concern on his face. Joanna eventually released the Camel Clutch, tossed Dragon into the ropes, and tossed him up on the rebound for a pop-up powerbomb, but Dragon reversed, hitting Joanna with a huricanrana on the way down before hobbling into Sato's corner for the hot tag. Joanna was just about exhausted by this point in the night, so Sato's offense didn't get much resistance. His hot tag sequence finished up with an attempted Tornado DDT in a neutral corner, but Joanna was able to keep Sato aloft long enough to stagger to Pillman's corner and tag him in before taking Sato to the mat with a Northern Lights Suplex. Pillman waited on the outside for Sato to recover, and went for an Air Pillman once he did, but Sato caught him in midair, hooking him into a stunning Crossface! Pillman tried to wrench his way out, but Sato just kept the hold on. Thinking quick, Pillman bridged back, [b]just barely getting Sato's shoulders on the mat for 3 to retain the titles and win DDT4.[/b]
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