

Oct 29th, 2020
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  1. DATA BLOCK-------------
  2. sortAbil=a1
  3. comment(s)=HeroArchMage
  4. auto=_
  5. abilList=AInv,ACam
  6. heroAbilList=AHbz,AHwe,A003,AEsf,A00P
  7. InBeta=1
  8. sortBalance=a1
  9. sort2=uher
  10. level=5
  11. =FALSE
  12. type=_
  13. goldcost=425
  14. lumbercost=100
  15. goldRep=425
  16. lumberRep=100
  17. fmade=-
  18. fused=5
  19. bountydice=8
  20. bountysides=3
  21. bountyplus=30
  22. lumberbountydice=0
  23. lumberbountysides=0
  24. lumberbountyplus=0
  25. stockMax=3
  26. stockRegen=30
  27. stockStart=0
  28. HP=100
  29. realHP=450
  30. regenHP=0.25
  31. regenType=always
  32. manaN=0
  33. realM=285
  34. mana0=100
  35. regenMana=5.00
  36. def=0
  37. defUp=0
  38. realdef=3.1
  39. defType=hero
  40. spd=315
  41. minSpd=0
  42. maxSpd=0
  43. bldtm=55
  44. reptm=55
  45. sight=1800
  46. nsight=800
  47. STR=14
  48. INT=24
  49. AGI=17
  50. STRplus=1.8
  51. INTplus=3.2
  52. AGIplus=1
  53. abilTest=6
  54. Primary=INT
  55. upgrades=_
  56. tilesets=*
  57. nbrandom=-
  58. isbldg=0
  59. preventPlace=_
  60. requirePlace=_
  61. repulse=0
  62. repulseParam=0
  63. repulseGroup=0
  64. repulsePrio=0
  65. collision=32
  66. sort=a1
  67. race=human
  68. prio=9
  69. threat=1
  70. valid=1
  71. deathType=2
  72. death=2.8
  73. canSleep=0
  74. cargoSize=1
  75. movetp=foot
  76. moveHeight=0
  77. moveFloor=0
  78. turnRate=0.5
  79. propWin=60
  80. orientInterp=4
  81. formation=2
  82. targType=ground
  83. pathTex=_
  84. fatLOS=0
  85. points=100
  86. buffType=_
  87. buffRadius=-
  88. nameCount=1
  89. canFlee=1
  90. requireWaterRadius=0
  91. isBuildOn=0
  92. canBuildOn=0
  93. version=0
  94. sortUI=a1
  95. file=units\human\HeroArchMage\HeroArchMage
  96. fileVerFlags=0
  97. unitSound=HeroArchMage
  98. tilesetSpecific=0
  99. name=archmage
  100. unitClass=HHero02
  101. special=0
  102. campaign=0
  103. inEditor=1
  104. hiddenInEditor=0
  105. hostilePal=-
  106. dropItems=1
  107. nbmmIcon=-
  108. useClickHelper=0
  109. hideHeroBar=0
  110. hideHeroMinimap=0
  111. hideHeroDeathMsg=0
  112. hideOnMinimap=0
  113. blend=0.15
  114. scale=1.5
  115. scaleBull=1
  116. maxPitch=45
  117. maxRoll=10
  118. elevPts=-
  119. elevRad=30
  120. fogRad=0
  121. walk=260
  122. run=260
  123. selZ=0
  124. weap1=_
  125. weap2=_
  126. teamColor=-1
  127. customTeamColor=0
  128. armor=Flesh
  129. modelScale=1
  130. red=255
  131. green=255
  132. blue=255
  133. unitShadow=Shadow
  134. buildingShadow=_
  135. shadowW=190
  136. shadowH=190
  137. shadowX=75
  138. shadowY=75
  139. shadowOnWater=1
  140. selCircOnWater=0
  141. occH=0
  142. sortWeap=a1
  143. weapsOn=1
  144. acquire=600
  145. minRange=-
  146. castpt=0.3
  147. castbsw=2.4
  148. launchX=15
  149. launchY=0
  150. launchZ=66
  151. launchSwimZ=0
  152. impactZ=60
  153. impactSwimZ=0
  154. weapType1=_
  155. targs1=ground,structure,item,debris,air,ward
  156. showUI1=1
  157. rangeN1=600
  158. RngTst=-
  159. RngBuff1=250
  160. atkType1=hero
  161. weapTp1=missile
  162. cool1=2.13
  163. mincool1=-
  164. dice1=2
  165. sides1=4
  166. dmgplus1=0
  167. dmgUp1=-
  168. mindmg1=2
  169. avgdmg1=5
  170. maxdmg1=8
  171. dmgpt1=0.55
  172. backSw1=0.85
  173. Farea1= -
  174. Harea1= -
  175. Qarea1= -
  176. Hfact1=-
  177. Qfact1=-
  178. splashTargs1=_
  179. targCount1=1
  180. damageLoss1=0
  181. spillDist1=0
  182. spillRadius1=0
  183. DmgUpg=-
  184. dmod1=-
  185. DPS=2.34741784037559
  186. weapType2=_
  187. targs2=ground,structure,debris,air,item,ward
  188. showUI2=1
  189. rangeN2=500
  190. RngTst2=-
  191. RngBuff2=250
  192. atkType2=hero
  193. weapTp2=missile
  194. cool2=2.13
  195. mincool2=-
  196. dice2=2
  197. sides2=4
  198. dmgplus2=0
  199. dmgUp2=-
  200. mindmg2=2
  201. avgdmg2=5
  202. maxdmg2=8
  203. dmgpt2=0.55
  204. backSw2=0.85
  205. Farea2=-
  206. Harea2=-
  207. Qarea2=-
  208. Hfact2=-
  209. Qfact2=-
  210. splashTargs2=_
  211. targCount2=1
  212. damageLoss2=0
  213. spillDist2=0
  214. spillRadius2=0
  215. Name=Archmage
  216. Propernames=Antonida
  217. Tip=
  218. Hotkey=
  219. Ubertip=
  220. Revivetip=
  221. Awakentip=
  222. Art=ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNHeroArchMage.blp
  223. Buttonpos=0,2
  224. Requires=
  225. Requires1=hkee
  226. Requires2=hcas
  227. Specialart=Objects\Spawnmodels\Human\HumanLargeDeathExplode\HumanLargeDeathExplode.mdl
  228. Attachmentanimprops=medium
  229. ScoreScreenIcon=UI\Glues\ScoreScreen\scorescreen-hero-archmage.blp
  230. Missileart=Abilities\Weapons\FireBallMissile\FireBallMissile.mdl
  231. Missilearc=0.15
  232. Missilespeed=900
  233. MissileHoming=1
  234. LoopingSoundFadeIn=512
  235. LoopingSoundFadeOut=512
  236. Requirescount=3
  237. MovementSoundLabel=HumanHeroArchMageMovement
  238. [Hbl
  239. Traceback (most recent call last):
  240. File "", line 98, in <module>
  241. monsterData = dict(line.split('=') for line in x.split("\n"))
  242. ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #236 has length 1; 2 is required
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