
Eric and Jonsi

Oct 12th, 2015
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  2. 18:20 Eric-Dalgaard A Scaninadivan forest, the middle of winter, the year Hrm-a-hrm-drm. Most animals were asleep and the ones who weren't were hunted down. Somewhere near the forest and sea lived a small village, morning the lost of a grand viking named Bjorn. The forest was calm and nearly frozen in time, but he arrows stuck into the trees shown site of a hunter.
  3. 18:20 Eric-Dalgaard Be it Man or Beast, or something in the middle, they should fear who was in the forest with them
  4. 18:21 *** Bud joined #Pleasedontlookatus
  5. 18:25 Jonsi A paid of hooves crunched their way through the forest. Although by their sound, one would assume they belonged to a deer or other ungulate, they belonged to a creature whose nature straddled the line between beast and human. It carried a low-slung bag with few possessions, although their value might have eclipsed that of the land he walked on, had he the desire to part with it. The wind blew across the thick fur that both Jonsi
  6. 18:25 Jonsi sported and wore. The air was still, but it was a stillness that could be shattered at any moment. Still, Jonsi feared nothing.
  7. 18:28 Jonsi Between clearings, he spotted arrows lodged into the hardy bark of the local trees. They were far from what Jonsi was used to. Some part of him feared he might be a target for those arrows. He gripped his furs tight as he walked onward to his destination.
  8. 18:36 Eric-Dalgaard *FFFFFIT* An Arrow nearly hitting Jonsi's head lodged itself in a tree next to him. The shooter not far behind, he was tall and big, his body covered in fur but shines under it show armor, a small bag on his side held berries and a much larger one on his back had the foot of a doe sticking out. he was getting another arrow ready
  9. 18:40 Jonsi looked behind to see a hunter in pursuit. Of course, the hunter was close by. Jonsi tied his sack to his shoulder and ducked into a thicket, hoping he could lose the hunter. If it came down to it, he could use his ability...but that would not be the greatest boon for a day of mourning...
  10. 18:40 Jonsi *but a death
  11. 18:46 Eric-Dalgaard The large man followed, his voice being heard as he screamed <You shall be my dinner yet goat!>
  12. 18:49 Jonsi The booming voice of the hunter echoed throughout the forest. Jonsi shook his head, careful not to get his horns stuck in any shrubbery as he moved forward. It had been a while since he had a good chase. Normally, he was the one doing the chasing. He will not be this brute's dinner, at least not before he can enjoy one of those legendary Viking feasts.
  13. 18:54 Eric-Dalgaard got another arrow ready, he was nearly out of breath, it has been a long day of hunting. He fired
  14. 18:57 Jonsi heard the familiar twang of the arrow released from the bow. He struck his hand out and the once-calm forest was struck with a gale. He leaned to the left as the arrow curved just past the top of his curled hair, embedding itself in a nearby tree trunk. Jonsi held his hands outward. <I am no goat, human! Use your words, not your arrows!>
  15. 19:01 Eric-Dalgaard stopped, he now got a clear view of Jonsi, he was no goat as he said. He got another arrow ready <What are you beast? You speak like a man yet have the legs of a goat. Are you Loki playing with my mind?>
  16. 19:04 Jonsi <Far from it, proud hunter. I bear no malice to your mind. Now, if you put down your weapon, I will tell you my story.>
  17. 19:08 Eric-Dalgaard stared for a few seconds, he could kill the strange creature here and now, but placed the Arrow back, keeping his free hand near a knife on his side <Speak, before I change my mind>
  18. 19:12 Jonsi smiled, the wind blowing more gently between them now. <I am but a man from a nation far from here, on my way to see a friend off to his final rest. I thought for a second that you'd deliver me there, too.> Jonsi glanced down to see the knife holstered at the hunter's side. He forced a smile. <Now, let's hear your story.>
  19. 19:15 Eric-Dalgaard <I am known as Eric the Everliving. But here in my home village I am Eric Dalgaard. I am hunting for the sjaund. One of our finest has died in battle, now Valhalla awaits him>
  20. 19:20 Jonsi wondered if Eric would live up to his title. If so, he would have company. <Well met, Eric. Pardon my lack of introduction; I am known by many names, but Jonsi is the one I carry as of late. Tell me -- do you seek the sjaund held in Bjorn's honor?>
  21. 19:22 Eric-Dalgaard was taken back. <Yes, Bjorn was a great man. I knew he traveled and meet many strange people but. I never expected something like you>
  22. 19:25 Jonsi grinned. <Well, "strange" is a kinder word than most used to describe me.>
  23. 19:31 Eric-Dalgaard <Normally I would leave you in this cold. But something about you...Come, we shall go to my home, it is getting dark, and the wolves will come. I am low on arrows and from the look of you...>
  24. 19:35 Jonsi brushed the twigs and such out of his hair. <Thank you, Eric. I was not looking forward to building a fire out here.>
  25. 19:49 Eric-Dalgaard About an hour passed as they made their way to the village, most stared at Jonsi, others got ready to kill him. But with him being around Eric, they all quickly changed their minds. The inside of Ercs home was nice. Weapons and shields hanged on the wall, a small fire in the middle, the large brown mass of fur breathing slowly near the fire.
  26. 19:54 Jonsi expected the ambivalent response from the other humans. But, he could not change who he was, and he didn't expect to be able to change them. Even then, Eric's mere presence seemed to command respect. As he entered Eric's home, he welcomed the heat radiating from the fire in the center of the room. <Ah, fire. Friend to humans and beasts all the same.> As he warmed his hands, Jonsi almost jumped when he saw the large lump s
  27. 20:01 Eric-Dalgaard "Do not mind Odinson. Just let him rest and eat and he'll leave you alone.> He tossed a peice of meat to the brown bear, it eating the part of deer in seconds
  28. 20:14 Eric-Dalgaard sat down, his armor and fur clothing was gone, he was in a kyrtill and pants
  29. 20:14 Jonsi was not sure whether to marvel or be terrified at Odinson's voracity.
  30. 20:15 Jonsi sat himself down, removing the bulk of his furs and leaving himself fairly bare, but for a light vest.
  31. 20:16 Jonsi <The people in the village seem to have a great deal of respect for you, Eric.>
  32. 20:16 Jonsi <I wish I could say the same...?
  33. 20:16 Jonsi *>
  34. 20:16 Jonsi <I don't seem to fit in anywhere. Not for the longest time.>
  35. 20:24 Eric-Dalgaard <I am one of the strongest here, the greatest hunter. Having a pet bear helps, as does being the chief.> He offers some berries to Jonsi <We all have a home somewhere, sooner or later you hsall find yours>
  36. 20:31 Jonsi takes the berries and begins to sample them. Their tart taste made Jonsi shiver more than the cold ever did. <I used to have a home. It is long gone.> Jonsi sighs.
  37. 20:35 Eric-Dalgaard <I see...I'm sorry for your loss. Tell me if you can, how did it happen?>
  38. 20:39 Jonsi <Humans much like yours destroyed my home. I fled deeper into the forest, on a night almost as cold as this one. Though there was no snow on the ground, I felt as if my insides had iced over.>
  39. 20:39 Jonsi <I thought I was going to die that night. But, I had a vision.>
  40. 20:42 Jonsi <Boreas, him who controls the north wind, appeared to me. I felt my anger at the humans combine with his devouring winds. Soon, he was gone, and I found that I could wield that which had opposed me.>
  41. 20:43 Jonsi <Suffice to say, that was not the first of my encounters with the wind.>
  42. 20:43 Jonsi <But, that was a long time ago.>
  43. 20:45 Jonsi <Humans have scorned my whole life and existence. But people like you are a gift that I cherish.>
  44. 20:48 Eric-Dalgaard <You must of been a child. No one should go through the death of their home>
  45. 20:50 Jonsi <I was too young to have witnessed it. The encounter aged me in an instant. I try not to think about it too much, anymore. I have had so much more happen to me.>
  46. 21:00 Eric-Dalgaard petted Odinson <Life shall get better, maybe one day we shal ride in valhalla with Bjorn>
  47. 21:03 Jonsi <I would be honored, Eric.> Jonsi went to pet Odinson, being ginger with his touch. <Tomorrow, we shall give Bjorn a good send-off.>
  48. 21:05 Eric-Dalgaard <That we shall. A drink before we slumber?>
  49. 21:07 Jonsi <Gladly. Let's hope that no one tries to outdrink me tomorrow. I may not have your mighty body, but I have a mightier stomach.>
  50. 21:11 Eric-Dalgaard <Hahaha, I doubt that>
  51. 21:12 Eric-Dalgaard gets up, coming back with two horns of mead
  52. 21:16 Jonsi licked his lips. <Never doubt a horned man when it comes to drinking.>
  53. 21:17 Eric-Dalgaard hands him a hore <To Bjorn, may he dine in the halls of Valhalla!>
  54. 21:17 Jonsi raises his horn. <To Bjorn.>
  55. 21:17 Jonsi begins to down his drink
  56. 21:17 Eric-Dalgaard does the same
  57. 21:27 Eric-Dalgaard It was the next day, the sun shined high in the sky but everyone still felt cold. Bjorn layed in his boat, his earthly posestions being loaded onto it by family. Eric watched on, bow and arrow in hand. <He would b proud you came all this way Jonsi>
  58. 21:33 Jonsi stood next to Eric, among the crowd of people who had gathered for the funeral. Jonsi's generous fur warmed much of his body, but the air had a distinct chill. Jonsi looked up at the titantic Eric, whose face was stoic and somber. <It is the least I could do for a friend.>
  59. 21:37 Eric-Dalgaard walked up near the boat, trying to push it out to sea but needing a little extra force
  60. 21:38 Jonsi approached the boat and started to help. He dug his hooves into the dirt to give him more leverage.
  61. 21:38 Eric-Dalgaard The help was just enough as the boat floated out to sea
  62. 21:40 Jonsi watched the boat float outwards. He helped it along, sending a warm, strong gust to push it further out.
  63. 21:42 Eric-Dalgaard <Bjorn was a good man, a great husband and father, and an irreplaceable friend. He never backed down, nor never gave up. May he ride with valkyries to the gates of valhalla!>
  64. 21:43 Eric-Dalgaard lit an arrow on fire, sending it flying towards the boat. He watches as the boat slowly burns
  65. 21:45 Jonsi watches the boat burn
  66. 21:47 Jonsi takes out his pan-pipes and plays a mournful tune
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