
Theodore x Katherine x Azure

Jun 11th, 2016
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  1. <DarnellJermaine> -stolen-
  2. * Spacesquatch (Mibbit@12.9.omp.hy) has joined
  3. * WhisperLily ( has joined
  4. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore slid down on the ground next to Kate, "The ground's good too, I suppose"
  5. <WhisperLily> (is it my turn or hers?)
  6. <DarnellJermaine> (I think spacesquatches)
  7. <Spacesquatch> "Why wouldn't you sit down" Kate seems honestly confused
  8. * Lena` ( has joined
  9. * Lena has quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Lena`!
  10. * Lena` is now known as Lena
  11. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Lena
  12. <WhisperLily> Azure eyes the ground, and the pair. She sits down, and places her arms over her knees holding her pink dress down. The echo of music softly comes from her far ear.
  13. <DarnellJermaine> "Well, generally people prefer the comfort of the couch. But I can feel this" he says, offering another stupidly large smile. Then- he picks up music, "Oi, where's that sound comin' from?"
  14. <Spacesquatch> "I think it's her" She suspiciously eyes Azure
  15. <WhisperLily> She bops her head as the music plays. She hears them mention her. "oh...I am bother you...I ummm can turn it down I guess."
  16. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore nods, "Uhh... where's it comin from? You got headphones on turned up loud or somethin?"
  17. <Spacesquatch> Kate gets up, and swings her arms. It's clear this is going nowhere fast.
  18. <WhisperLily> "I umm...yeah...have headphones in my other ear...the music helps keep me calm." she smiles nervously.
  19. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore gets up real quick, doing a quick stretch and offering a hand to pull Azure up, "I think Kate's got the right idea here- this isn't stimulating enough. You guys like sparring?" a grin forms on his face, "I like to see peoples' powers- if that's ok with you two" he asks, suddenly an eager glint appearing in his eyes.
  20. <Spacesquatch> A grin forms on Kate's face. "I want to see if you're as strong as you look. But, I don't think your ceiling is high enough..."
  21. <WhisperLily> "I...umm don't fight." she says nervously. "I...can heal though..." she says bashfully blushing.
  22. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore offers a smile, "That's ok, love. Why don't you come with us? You can patch our reckless asses up when we're done" he chuckles at that. He turns once more to Kate, "Don't worry- whatever you've got hidden our gym can take it. The roofs are over 50ft high- we should be fine" he says, walking towards the door and gesturing for them to follow. "It's been a while since I've had a good spar with D- I'm glad
  23. <DarnellJermaine> you're up for it Kate"
  24. <Spacesquatch> "Pssht. Some of the people I've meet would eat you alive"
  25. <WhisperLily> "Well that is not cool." Azure frowns. "you don't see me going to go eat people." she says as she grabs Theo's hand and pulls herself up. "I...shouldn't use my powers,,," she shook her head. "I...can heal you though." she nods. "I will do that much for you guys there."
  26. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore smiles at Azure as they walk down to the gymnasium. "So, where are you from?" he asks her politely as he reaches the gymnasium door and holds it open for the two girls. Mum and Dad taught him manners!
  27. <WhisperLily> (didn't they already answer this?)
  28. <DarnellJermaine> (sorry I can't remember- I'll ask something else)
  29. <DarnellJermaine> "So what kind of music do ya like?"
  30. <Spacesquatch> Kate ignores the question, and stretches for a moment before staring down Theo. "Ready?"
  31. * You are now known as Goldy
  32. * You are now known as DarnellJershamed
  33. <WhisperLily> "I love all kinds of care for some battle music as you guys spar?" she grinned.
  34. <DarnellJershamed> Theo looked a bit happy at her, and whispered a song request, "Could you play this for me? It's kinda my theme..." after he gives his request, he looks- as if he's standing completely normal. He secretly readies Stalwart and makes a 'Come On' motion with his hand to Kate, "Alright love, let's see whatcha got!"
  35. <WhisperLily> She pulls it up the song on her phone and gives it a listen, she pulls a violin out of her bag and assembles it. She begins to make an amazing violin version of this song! It sounds kind of epic how it is a mix of classical and alt rock.
  36. <Spacesquatch> "Well then" Kate smiles, and massive fangs, no, almost tusks erupt from her cheeks. Her entire body contorts, her skin reddening, no, thinning as an unbelievable muscle mass swells, and she grows to the height of a low basket ball hoop.
  37. <DarnellJershamed> Theo's eyes go wide as he watches her grow and grow and-oi what the blood- what? No fair! He stares in disbelief for a moment, but shakes it off quickly. Well, he was the 'Brit That Don't Quit' for a reason. He offers a cocky grin- much to cocky for their size difference, and once again makes the motion. "Oi, that form's impressive and all- but that's assuming you can even hit me love" he says, feigning
  38. <DarnellJershamed> confidence.
  39. <Spacesquatch> Kate tears towards Theo, her speed not inhibited by her massive form. Her hands almost touch the ground, and it's clear she's coming in for a tackle!
  40. * You are now known as DarnellJermaine
  41. <DarnellJermaine> Oh shit- she's fast- too fast! There's no way he's getting away from this... it's gonna hurt like shit. He grits his teeth and trusts in Stalwart- determined to get a hit in before getting bumrushed by a behemoth. He clenches his right fist, and slams it for her head in an uppercut just as she runs into him- taking the full brunt of her attack in the hopes of landing his own!
  42. <Spacesquatch> Kate clenches her teeth, and grabs hold of him, trying to take him with her as she rolls from the force of the punch. The muscles ripple beneath her skin, every exquisite detail visible as she snarls.
  43. <DarnellJermaine> Stalwart holds pretty while- but eventually the full force of the giantess seems to knock him off his feet enough for her to take him down with her, "Aaaargh!" he lets out a yelp, got in her force, as attempts to use his fist to pound against her body.
  44. <Spacesquatch> An invisible force pounding on her body, Kate, tries to roll on top and pin Theodore, her eyes flashing. Despite her animistic apprentice, the edges of her mouth have curved into a smile.
  45. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore easily gets slammed to the ground- coughing up a spurt of blood. Oh god- did he break something? It didn't matter- this was a fight. A grin formed across his face, "That's the spirit! I like the cut of your gib, love!" he shouts, attempting to free himself from her grip and crawl onto her back the best he can.
  46. <Spacesquatch> Theo on her back, Kate pushes off the ground, flying 6 feet into the air in an attempt to throw him off.
  47. <DarnellJermaine> What the heck was this girl? Theo knew exactly what she was- his new sparring partner. He nearly went flying if not for Stalwart. Rather than immediately falling off and breaking every bone in his body, he slides down her back and manages to make it to her shoulder, holding on for dear life.
  48. <Spacesquatch> Kate lands and rolls, throwing Theo off. Her wild tumble is accelerated by the fact that she shrinks back her original stature. Finally rolling head first for the last time, she looks over, bruised, but grinning like an idiot.
  49. <DarnellJermaine> Theo is surprised by the ingenuity of her transformation and tumble- actually losing his grip with Stalwart? He lays on his back, ass up, before quickly righting himself. Theo looks /fucked/ up, but he's grinning ear to ear. "Kate- do you have a cell phone? You have /got/ to be my new sparring partner" he laughs a bit, glad to be defeated by someone as strong as her. "Maybe one day I'll be able to square up if
  50. <DarnellJermaine> we practice enough~"
  51. <WhisperLily> As the music reaches crescendo their true emotions will peak and the urge to sing or dance rises!
  52. <Spacesquatch> "Hell, I'd be happy." She pauses. "But I doubt it! I can't even do half the things I'm supposed to. I can't even fly!"
  53. <DarnellJermaine> He wipes the sweat and patches of blood from his face, "Fly? You mean you're supposed to do that ANY fly? What the heck!" he says with a hearty laugh. He pulls out his cell phone to exchange numbers with the girl (assuming she has a phone) before turning to Azure, "Oi, thanks for the music love- really got my spirit moving!" he seemed to genuinely mean this, "Now err... you mentioned healing. Mind patching me
  54. <DarnellJermaine> up?" he asks, a bit embarrassed at the vast amount of damage his body had taken.
  55. <Spacesquatch> "More arms! More heads! Illusions! Flight!" Kate cracks her fists with anticipation in the background
  56. <WhisperLily> She switches up the melody....and for some reason Theo will feel his injuries starting to heal, his pain subside. And his happiness increase. He will be subject to express his true feelings too the longer she plays, but he will feel really good.
  57. <WhisperLily> As will Kate.
  58. <DarnellJermaine> "W-woah.... thanks" he says, looking up at Azure playing the tone. He feels his wounds start to close- his heart beat start to slow. "Hey, come over here, I'd like your number too if you don't mind" he says, shaking his phone in his hand.
  59. <Spacesquatch> Kate cackles to her self at the thought of becoming a true Rakshava. It appears that at the moment, her goals are a simple as that.
  60. <WhisperLily> She doesn't stop singing, or playing. She approaches Theo, and the song begins to come to its conclusion. As she finishes she takes a deep breath..."Sorry...I...ummm yeah...I have a phone."
  61. <DarnellJermaine> He smiles and quickly exchanges numbers with her before finally getting off his ass and dusting himself off. "You seem rather pleased with yourself" he says teasingly to Kate, walking up to her with Azure in tow. "I must say; out of all the weird people I've met at this school, I've never seen /anything/ like that. You're really something." he laughs a bit, seemingly happy to get his ass whooped, before
  62. <DarnellJermaine> continuing, "Remind me not to get on your bad side"
  63. <Spacesquatch> "Of course!" She scribbles down her phone number on his hand. "If you really made me angry, I'd try to eat you" She says as if it weren't remarkable, but natural.
  64. <WhisperLily> Azure puts her bow and violin away. " sorry...I should go..." she said a bit panicked
  65. <DarnellJermaine> "What? What's wrong love, you feeling alright?" he asks, a bit concerned. "I'm sure she's not serious about the whole eating thing~" he kinda thinks she is- but that's not the point
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