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Apr 25th, 2017
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  1. League of Champions takes place in Bandle City during the battle of The Horde and The Scourge. The war first started when the leader of The Horde, Gavid, crossed the line and lost all of his ethics. Gavid, also known as Groot the root champion, had no respect for any minions or fellow champions living within the walls of Jinae. Groot would violently attack his minions for small crimes and sometimes just for pleasure. He also believed that the minions did not deserve to be treated like champions, which is why he used them as slaves. The minions did in fact have feelings, which is why they spoke up when they were abused. When the minions started to rebel, Groot recognized he needed to destroy any rebel or he would face the consequences. Groot rallied the best champions he could find and told them to meet him in the dining room of his castle. He choose Champions because of their mythical abilities compared to minions. These particular champions were also primary suspects for leading the rebellion against Groot. Garen, Boaty, Enza, and Omen all obeyed and rallied in the dining room. Without any warning Groot stormed into the dining room with his fellow rulers Ivan and Coldzera to kill the other champions. “You all are going to pay for going behind my back,” screamed Groot.
  2. Garen drew his great sword in defense as Coldzera the bird flew straight at him as fast as a millennium falcon. Coldzera hit Garen dead center in the chest, which instantly knocked the wind out of Garen. Boaty and Enza both rushed at Groot while Omen was shooting his bow. Ivan was quick to stop Boaty and Enza by spearing them through the chest like a kabob. The last champion apart of the rebellion was quick to die when Groot used his mighty strength to make the walls collapse between Omen. In the end the only injury besides the dead rebels was a bow to Groot’s shoulder, which was quickly removed and healed by his wife Soraka.
  3. This is when the champion Denino knew he had to stop Groot. Denino started a secret rebellion apart from the other dead champions, which he called The Scourge. Denino relocated all the minions who were not currently slaves to a place called Bandle City. The city was meant to be a safe zone from the horrible leader Groot. After the years more champions and minions seeked refuge in Bandle City, and it began to become chaotic. Denino did not have enough supplies and champions to lead the city with him, which is why he had to confront Groot.
  4. Denino traveled across a large bridge that overlooked an acid lake with his four best champions Grez the wholesome lizard, Cogmaw the Toxic Frog, Sentry the Golem, and Ao Shin the Wind Bender. As they marched across the bridge to the gate castle The Horde’s main champions sprung into defensive mode to protect the castle. Denino left his men behind and explained the The Horde that he only wanted to speak to Groot. Groot did not even need to come out behind the gates because of the champions natural voices that were able to speak over thousands of seas and still be heard. “Groot, do you really want this for our fellow minions and champions?” said Denino. Groot viciously replied shouting “You’re a traitor Denino and a COMMIE!” It was clear the two had two different political viewpoints on how minions should be treated, which is why this war started. Groot ordered his champions to shoot down at Denino, which Ao Shin quickly created a barrier to protect him. Groot, Cogmaw, Sentry, and Ao Shin all hopped on Grez’s back and quickly slithered away to safety.
  5. It was clear Denino would not get anywhere with the dictator Groot. Denino went to an old Sorcerer named Doublelift for solutions. “Ah, Denino my good friend, so you would like to know how to really defeat Groot?” said the Sorcerer.
  6. “Yes, please tell me Doublelift, I know we haven’t talked for centuries since the fight we had, but I really do need help.”
  7. “I’ll help you, but only because I care about the safety of the minions.” said the Sorcerer.
  8. “You must gather four fellow champions and hundreds of minions, which I will not help you unless they are voluntarily chosen. I will need your warriors and Groot’s warriors to meet at the old rift.”
  9. Denino quickly interupted as he knew what the rift was, an unforgivable battle arena for the best of warriors. “BUT I CAN’T FIGHT THEM!” he screamed.
  10. “Shut up Denino. Your only option is to give into Groot’s dictatorship or to free the minions and fight him with your warriors.”
  11. The conversation ended there as Denino knew what he had to do.
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