
Farting Girls Peeyew

Oct 15th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Pokemon's Farting Bianca deserves a director's cut so we now go immediately to Bianca farting about on a Steenee on the countryside for it was by the train area of the Anville Town, with there being plenty of visitors from the Alola region including a pair of trial captain girls who were being quite horny over what they were watching. The thing about such a farty brap queen is that they seemingly had a never ending amount of flatus in them; and when it comes to that you can't help but just go about with yourself! And as to how 1 could come across such a magnificent feature well there's more to a giant land mass than the sum of its parts, in this case being the bum of its farts!
  3. (Pic of context:
  5. "Ahhh... I don't know it I want to -FART- stop!" Bianca admitted for she was becoming quite horny over her ever so powerfully pungent poots, having 1 of her hands on her face. "This is way too -BLORT- good and I just love it! My -PRRRT- oven is baking tonight baby!"
  7. "How long has she been doing this?" 1 of the NPC girls asked out of curiosity.
  9. "I don't really know," Lana admitted while happily peeing herself for she was getting wet from watching this kinky session. "But something about this is making me really giddy in pee!"
  11. "Ha I can see where you're coming from!" Mallow laughed for she was also farting due to being in joy over seeing another fellow flatulent female ripping ass in a giant niffy fashion like her. "I'm getting so much lessons from this musty making!"
  13. "Ooh you better believe it!" Bianca said to the lasses watching her for she was becoming sweaty from rubbing her smelly butt cheeks on the fruit Pokemon she was sitting her fart factory on. "If there's 1 thing you can -FRUMP- take away from this it's how fun it is to -PROOT- share your flatulence with someone!"
  15. Steenee was crying for there was no reason for it to be receiving this kind of stinky treatment but what was the extra factor that made this more of a pain was the simple fact that Bianca's cheeks were drenched in sweat; no doubt her flatulence had a play in her being like this but moreso the fact that Bianca actually ran all the way here fueled by her flatulent release. And that was enough to make tears form in Steenee's eyes for she struggled to get out from underneath; even her grass type attacks weren't doing her favors.
  17. "Are you gonna bring up the reason why you brought a wild Steenee all the way from Alola to here?" Lana asked while adjusting her soaked in pee pants.
  19. Mallow playfully stuck out her tongue while casually fanning her own methane. "Oh it's simple; I think it's a good Pokemon to have if you want your farts to be really appreciated!"
  21. "She doesn't look like she's appreciating the work that lass down there is putting in her stink." A young NPC boy admitted with his shorts feeling tight from getting aroused by the scene for which was enfolding before him.
  23. "All in a day's work!" Bianca reassured to the people and Pokemon watching her from the bridge overlooking the train tracks for which herself and the gassed up Steenee were nearby, getting a whiff of the sweat she made in combination with her toots as she gawked. "Eww; I think I might have found the thing to make my tooty booty more smelly!"
  25. Eventually Steenee got enough strength in her to unleash a flurry of Magical Leaves that sent Bianca into the air, with her rushing off while Bianca came crashing back down. Bianca's stomach grumbled for she gasped in shock, with the people watching being curious as to what was happening.
  27. "Uh oh stinky; I gotta take a doodie break!" Bianca whimpered while trembling, seeing the Steenee head into the forest surrounding the trains. "But I can't just let her go!"
  29. 1 leap is all it took for Bianca, using her smelly steam to propel her forward while trying her best to not unleash the mud pie in her that was desperate to come out. The trial captains glanced at each other while the others weren't sure what to do.
  31. "Should we follow her to let her know that there aren't any bathrooms here?" Lana explained that in turn was 1 of the many reasons she was urinating herself.
  33. Mallow thought about it while brushing her green hair and continuing to puff up her smelly overalls with her toots. "It would be good but I think the people reading this want to see what happens!"
  35. Suddenly Bianca felt a huge rumble in her and proceeded to let out a huge poop that was so big it caused the buildings around to collapse, with the countryside feeling much more like the outer country by virtue that the air had a strong stink of shit that would make even your typical sewer depressed in comparison. Bianca wasn't sure if she was going overboard on this pocket monster that she was determined to catch but sometimes farting alone won't make do and she couldn't find a bathroom before encountering this capsule creature so she did what she had to do. If 1 were to describe what has happened it would lead to no one believing them for the amount of dung that was all about was just an astonishing sight. It was too much to put in mere words as to the absolute literal shit that was plastered all about the area.
  37. "Phew... I'm sweating like I just got out of a sauna!" Bianca said to herself while wiping her forehead. "Maybe I should get some diapers just in case I have an incident like this, but first... is the Pokemon I took a doodoo on even okay?"
  39. Bianca looked down to see that she completely knocked out the poor Steenee in such a fashion that they couldn't get up. Bianca blinked and returned to farting while pulling out a Pokeball and capturing the Steenee, being surprised that it took her this much to even get it. Getting up and seeing that she left a huge amount of 'baked brownies' from overdoing it, and that in turn her dress was a smeared mess, an incredibly embarrassed Bianca slowly made her way back to the main area of Anville, with Mallow laughing and Lana being speechless for the others had fled, all of them hiding in the trains for several of the train cars were destroyed in the process.
  41. "I've never seen anyone let out something so majestic!" Mallow bellowed in joyful laughter while farting about with every laugh she had.
  43. Bianca smiled while holding her hands together in an adorable fashion. "Sometimes you just gotta learn to all out you know!"
  45. "M-my goodness, you left quite the mess over there!" Lana chimed for her eyes got adorably big in that typical exaggerated anime manner.
  47. Bianca playfully stuck her tongue out while waving her hand about, her stinky cacophony being heard all throughout the countryside. "Oh sometimes you just can't help yourself and you have to relief yourself! I gotta say it's been pretty good to not have to worry about keeping those baked goods in!"
  49. The trio of girls all had a good laugh and just continued on their way, wondering where their stinky adventure would take them next.
  51. "Golly do I just feel the need to have her up in my cheeks!" Bianca chimed for she summoned the Steenee she had just caught and placed it in her butt cheeks, feeling all the sweat she accumulated going down as she stuck her tongue out. "That's better!"
  53. "Oh man you're turning me on!" Mallow laughed while rubbing her vagina for she was being turned on seeing 1 of her favorite Pokemon being given the stink treatment by this gassy girl she took a liking to. "You really know how to make a gal happy!"
  55. "Absolutely right you are!" Lana added for she had placed on new underwear for her to soak by virtue of having her old pair left on the grass. "I can't tell you how happy I was to see such a performance!"
  57. "Well it's all in the-" Bianca stated upon feeling a huge deep grumble in her gut, making her eyes widen while she was wiggling her hips. "Oh dear, I think I might have to make a poopie."
  59. Taking in a deep breath while bending forward, Bianca's sweaty sloppy sharts on her newly captured Steenee took quite a turn for she had to use the bathroom but there was no toilet for her to find so she did what she had to and unloaded a big doodoo on the fruity Pokemon, with Mallow and Lana both surprised at how huge it was! The amount of poop pouring out of Bianca's rear was like the lava pouring out of an active volcano that had just erupted; its hot messy content just wouldn't stop no matter how much the source tried to hold back. Luckily Bianca was a fan of this poopy conjunction of hers for the very feeling of unloading her dump truck made her so relieved!
  61. "Whowie that is a lot of chocolate I'm seeing!" Mallow exclaimed with her leaning in closely for she was quite surprised at the enormous dung being poured out of Bianca's dump truck.
  63. Lana began sweating excessively for she was getting incredibly horny over witnessing this mud pie explosion emerging out of Bianca. "Wowie is right; I didn't know you could just explode out like this!"
  65. Having folded her skirt to allow her sweaty butt cheeks the sweet release of her stored brownies, Bianca was sighing of relief for she was enjoying her dump on her Steenee too much, fanning the air in an aroused manner for she couldn't tell when to stop, the plant life around her practically wilting for it was too much of her pooping session to handle. With it ending on a high pitched squeak, Bianca temporarily halted her flatulence for she was content from making a huge mountain of doodie that basically left her Steenee buried within.
  67. "Phoowie I made a really big mole hill!" Bianca exclaimed while placing on a new skirt to make completely dirty from her potent fart gas. "Good thing I didn't let that in a potty; I don't think it would handle it!"
  69. Mallow and Lana both had their jaws dropped for both of them had soaked themselves by virtue of cooming to what they had witnessed, with the trio of girls realizing that the Steenee was stuck within the poo pile, pulling her out and cleaning off the chunks of Bianca's poop. Steenee slowly woke up, quickly having the sudden realization of what had happened and panicking for she attempted to flee into the trees, only to see them having fallen and being trapped within the dung due to Bianca shitting. Bianca couldn't help but laugh for she snatched up Steenee and stuffed her into her chest, proceeding to fart again while heading back towards Anville to take the train back to the city alongside her new girl friends for she was quite content with having taken the Hershey highway to let loose all of her content that she had building up within her the entire time.
  71. "I sure am impressed!" Mallow admitted while picking her ear for any wax to get rid of. "You definitely know how to leave such big dumps!"
  73. "Yeah it sure was something!" Lana chimed while cleaning out her nose for boogers. "I'm surprised that it was so enormous!"
  75. "Ah it is grand!" Bianca teased while picking her belly button upon still sharing her flatulence. "Well it's always better out than in... you know how that classic saying goes!"
  77. Mallow began sweating by virtue of her being in her arousal state. "I haven't felt this horny since I've seen my soaking gal here do the same!"
  79. Lana playfully rolled her right hand around while her face turned a crimson shade of red. "Oh come now, you're making me blush."
  81. Bianca had a good chortle while continuing to make a stink. "I gotta see if you can make yourself wet from me doing this in different fashions!"
  83. Lana's eyes began to shine. "Don't tempt me; I'll actually go there if you want me to!"
  85. Mallow wrapped her arms around the back of her head in a satisfied manner. "Isn't this conversation great?"
  87. Bianca: Yes it is; and my butt cheeks are agreeing with it!
  88. Lana: This whole thing is making me sweaty. I just love it!
  89. Mallow: Who knew that we could all hit it off so well together? I guess that's why we're participating in a fanny funk farty!
  91. Nearby was a legendary Pokemon that was a bunch of shiny objects known as Diancie that 1 wouldn't expect to find in the Unova region, prompting Bianca to temporarily leave her farty friends for she had a new object to break wind on.
  93. "Ooh that looks like a fun capsule creature to doodie on!" Bianca chimed while rushing off and waving with her farting about. "Don't worry gals; I'll be back!"
  95. Mallow laughed with her hands on her hips. "We don't doubt that but do you have to leave us?"
  97. Lana began bouncing in place for she was in agreement. "Yeah we wanna get in on the action too!"
  99. Enough time passed like the fart gas within her for Bianca managed to catch up to her new target in no time. Rubbing her butt cheeks was making her quite anxious, for Bianca had found a new prime cute Pokemon to be rubbing her smelly rump on. The rather unlucky wild Diancie who was casually going about the area suddenly found herself stumbling into the gassy Pokegirl, unaware of what was lying within the plump cheeks that released such a foul odor.
  101. "Oh dear it appears that this cute critter is quite harder than I thought she would be!" Bianca laughed while beginning to sweat from the combination of such a hard being within her in addition to her continual fart gas passing. "I sure hope she doesn't mind the baked brownies I have been holding in this entire time!"
  103. 'Wait, what do you mean-' Diancie gasped for she couldn't believe what it was that she was hearing. 'You don't mean to tell me-'
  105. Alas it was too late for the Diancie was greeted with the mud pies that you wouldn't want anywhere near your mouth; alas such was the fate of Diancie for she couldn't escape the gross sludge pouring directly out of Bianca, who couldn't find it in her to stop for she was being too turned on by her sudden poot pooping. Bianca enjoyed the feeling of pooping, for it felt like toothpaste going right out of the tube, and you can bet that she was the kind of girl who would make that comparison by virtue of taking fun in thinking about everything within the context of all the gross things that spewed out of the rear that rested in the gut!
  107. 'Eww! This isn't what I deserve! I wish I was home...!' Diancie cried for she wasn't able to use her fairy powers to magically escape this literally poisonous fate that did massive super effective damage to her in light of her being a legendary being.
  109. "Aww yeah baby I've been holding that in for hours!" Bianca laughed for she began fanning the air while laughing. "And peeyew does it really stink; I'm so gonna need new clothing to bear because I'm not wearing any underwear right now! My cheeks are gonna be smeared for a week at least!"
  111. Later on Bianca had returned from her brief stinky detour, having placed a new dress on that was already in the process of getting dirty from her ever so strong flatulence, with her leaving the Diancie to die within her deadly doodoo dump for it was quite a massive pile of shit that was left behind, with plenty of the wild Pokemon being frightened to even approach it for they had never sensed something that smelled so bad it caused the grass around it to wilt for it left a very heated stench that was akin to the most rotten roadkill you could possibly imagine.
  113. Lana had her hands on her face after peeing herself from having drank too much water, 7.8/10. "Oh thank goodness you returned; me and Mallow were just anxious to see you come back!"
  115. Mallow laughed and let out a fart while mashing up some berries together in a bow. "Yeah you should have seen the messes me and Lana made in our clothing; good thing we brought diapers at hand!"
  117. Bianca playfully stuck her tongue out while posing, continuing ever so much to keep on farting that made her cheeks vibrate. "I can definitely see the appeal of that but sometimes it's just better to go all natural you know?"
  119. "Hey that makes me realize something!" Lana admitted with her eyes sparkling, pulling out a fishing rod. "I need to fish!"
  121. So off did Lana dash off to go find somewhere to reel in fish, with Mallow smirking for she looked at Bianca.
  123. "You know speaking of things needing, you know what fun I like to do with flatulence?" Mallow winked with a michevious smirk on her face.
  125. Bianca was quite confused until she felt her plump rear met with another fat set of cheeks, feeling a huge vibration from the fart Mallow did. Bianca giggled an "Ooh!" and responded with a bassy tuba poot, with Mallow laughing while fanning the air. Both of the girls proceeded to rip sloppy sharts on each other for they suddenly peed themselves out of arousal from being turned on by their simultaneous flatulence, with Lana returning with no fish caught, though she was quite speechless as to seeing what was going on for she tugged onto her clothing, already having gotten wet from getting into the water in a vein attempt of catching fish.
  126. -
  127. Later on the trio of fart fetish females found themselves stinking up the train heading back to Nimbasa, with the 3 cute beautiful and sexy smelly girls having the train car to themselves for the poor Steenee was still in Bianca's rancid rump cheeks, with the blonde stinker having summoned her out of the pokeball and stuffed her within the rear to have more of a fruity fragrance within it. Bianca had felt that she had so much fun having a Pokemon within her rancid rump, and playing around with her cheeks like they were stacks of pancakes unloading her not so sweet scent upon the being gave her enlightenment of which she hasn't felt before!
  129. "Boy howdy you sure did a number of her!" Mallow sharted while rubbing her own butt cheeks for she was turned on by the prospect of shitting herself by virtue of seeing what occurred.
  131. "That I did girl!" Bianca laughed while proceeding to poop herself more for she was aroused by her white skirt becoming progressively more brown. "You think she'll mind?"
  133. "I would make sure that she wouldn't go anywhere; just to be safe." Lana admitted while drinking a slushie she got since she felt the need to be wet constantly and the 1 way to do that was to fill yourself up with a urine inducing drink. "You never know when she'll wake up."
  135. The Steenee that was within the smelly grasp of Bianca woke up, stretching herself in an attempt to get out. Bianca felt this and proceeded to let out more sloppy sharts that hit the poor Steenee in the face. Mallow and Lana both took glances to see that the Steenee wasn't going down without a fight for she used Teeter Dance to make her would be trainer dizzy before sending up upward with a razor leaf attack. Bianca screamed upon hitting the top of the train, with the Steenee farting on her face in an odd twist for she used her aromatherapy to make herself feel before before unleashing a grass whistle that began to place the trio of human girls to sleep, proceeding to fart all over. The Steenee had quite enough and was about to give the fartiest girl of the bunch a fart filled fruity taste of her own medicine.
  137. 'You like how that feels don't ya?' The Steenee spoke while fanning the sweet scent emitting from her literal pear shaped hips, trying to hold back the urge of letting loose her own fruit themed turds. 'Well I'm not gonna let you win!'
  139. Eventually Bianca managed to wake up for she was motivated by the flatulent force of another gassy gal ripping ass on her, even if it happened to be a wild Pokemon. Getting up and hugging the stinky Steenee prompted Bianca to resume breaking wind for the train car started to have its paint peel and somehow get several dents within from the pungent poots being made; Mallow's stomach growling and Lana peeing herself woke up both of the other females additionally.
  141. "Ooh I just do love it when a Pokemon embraces the urge to partake in a fruity reeking!" Bianca admitted above her own noisome. "It's just good to partake in this malodorous!"
  143. 'H-hey wait a minute, we can talk-' The Steenee tried to say upon feeling her spine breaking from this musty making mammal girl crushing her.
  145. Mallow couldn't help but laugh while taking in the fetid zephyr that was present. "I have a feeling that this Steenee is going to like being with you once you get friendly enough!"
  147. "Indeed; I would bask in the heavens that are releasing from your fanny!" Lana contributed with her pulling up her pee soaked pants.
  149. Steenee was quick to use a stomp to hit Bianca in the stomach to free herself, which only caused the human to fall right on top of her. Steenee was quick to squeeze out only for Mallow and Lana to both grab her and stuff her inside the brown stained mess that was Bianca's noxious dress. Steenee screamed and used a variety of her grass type moves but it was to no avail for Bianca had to poop out some redolent funk and proceeded to do so on the Steenee, with it being powerful enough to knock her out again. Mallow and Lana watched in for they were taken aback by how arousing this scene was, with Mallow licking her lips and Lana continuing to pee herself, yet both girls were soaking in sweat from anticipation. Bianca looked back and giggled for she was glad that Steenee felt enough like a toilet to go on without feeling bad about her spoiling sharts.
  151. Eventually the train derailed due to having way too much methane within the car, causing the gassy girls to stumble out into the wilderness of Unova for they were still in the part of the country that was close to the train depot that was Anville. After enough time in the present future has passed like the gas within Bianca, the Steenee was able to perform a Giga Drain that sapped enough energy out of Bianca to let her go, prompting the fruit Pokemon to run away and getting the [baked brownies] off of her whilst running.
  153. "Your Steenee just took off!" Mallow gasped in disbelief while profoundly sweating all over her body.
  155. Bianca gasped in shock for her poots became higher pitched to show off how much distress she was in. "Oh no; I gotta go get her back!"
  157. "Yes before she leaves you after all you've done for her!" Lana screamed while peeing her pants and flailing about her arms like an idiot.
  159. Mallow and Lana looked at each other for they wondered what to do now that it was just them.
  161. "So what do you propose we do?"
  163. "I don't know; it's been a while since I had to do some thinking."
  165. Lana's stomach grumbled. "Well I am getting pretty hungry."
  167. Mallow's stomach growling made her nod in agreement. "Yeah I'm famished also. Lemme cook up something special!"
  169. Steenee was panting for she was going through the forest that just so happened to have been nearby, hearing the cries and farts of her new trainer. However Steenee had every reason not to want to head back, for she couldn't handle another smelly situation within the human that had caught her.
  171. 'I gotta find a way to get away from her...!' Steenee panted while brushing through the plants that she took no time to converse with. '...I don't know how I got myself into this situation but I do not wanna be subjected to that nightmare again! Once is enough!'
  173. Steenee was too terrified to take any moment to rest for if Bianca got anywhere close to her that would be it. A Chandelure spewing flames was intrigued by this smelly Steenee and fired a Flamethrower attack at her, with the Steenee barely dodging the hot flames that got onto her from the lingering remains of Bianca's methane, which in turn caused parts of the woods to catch on fire. Bianca noticed the Chandelure and intentionally got her farty butt on fire to make her go faster, which was quite enough to give Steenee a scare. No matter how much she ran, it was clear that she couldn't escape her trainer and that was a horrifying thought in and of itself when your partner was almost as fast. Sweating profoundly Steenee used many powdered based grass type attacks in an attempt of halting Bianca but none of that could stop the farter from catching up.
  175. 'Can't stop... she'll fart on me and use her as her comfort station!' Steenee gasped, briefly pausing for she was trembling at the very thought. 'I think I rather get eaten by creatures that think I'm an actual fruit!'
  176. "Oh Steenee, please don't run away from me!" Bianca cried for she briefly found herself stuck in various vines of which her fart gas blasts were swiftly taking care of. "I promise to leave enough fudge in me for you to taste!"
  178. 'Aiyie! Just leave me alone!' Steenee screamed in horror for tears formed in her crying eyes and prompted her to dash off again, tripping on some leaves beneath her for it was enough to make her heart pound faster than usual.
  180. Bianca slowed down for she was starting to feel fatigue from running, with her flatulence not being enough to propel her forward enough. "Oh poo I feel like I'm not gonna catch up to her... unless...!"
  182. Looking around led Bianca to finding a certain fire Pokemon, making her eyes sparkle for she had an idea.
  184. Continuing throughout the forest that was slowly losing its trees by the sheer force of the flatulence, Steenee stumbled upon the grassy meadow of which she could get a faint view of the skyscrapers of Castelia City in the distance eastward, with her turning around to see that Bianca was nowhere. This seemed to be good for her to take a breather... until the smelly fatass came down from the air upon which she was sent across the air from a fiery explosion caused by her methane within the forest that shook the entire area, with Steenee flailing about in your typical wacky anime style for she ran about in circles until she got a face full of rancid rump cheeks.
  186. 'Eyagh! N-not again! Someone get me outta here!' The Steenee cried for she was panicking about, trying to get out of Bianca's grasp only for her to be pinned down and slammed down upon by the rancid rump for which was pumping out noxious fumes. 'Why me!? I wanna go home!'
  188. Bianca eventually lifted up her dirty skirt and sat her bare butt letting loose flatus onto Steenee, finally happy to have her potty for her dangerously deadly dump. Steenee grabbed a nearby branch and stuck it in Bianca's butt hole, preventing anything from emerging out of it for she sighed. Of course Bianca felt this so she puffed up her face cheeks, her ever so brewing methane building up within to melt the branch, with her sludge pouring out on the Steenee who screamed about for she flailed her leafy arms about trying to get away, with it being to no avail. Bianca continued pouring her baking matter for she was enjoying this too much to stop, with her having her tongue out of her mouth in arousal from how turned on she was from pouring out her cement out of her literal dump truck.
  190. The plump butt cheeks releasing such a large quantity of dung was enough to make 1 sweat in sheer shock of how much a young human girl like Bianca could contain, though it was no surprise that Bianca had enough of an appetite to support such a hearty diet yes. Steenee was learning this the hard way yet again for it wasn't enough pain and humiliation to be farted on by such big masses of smelly meat, it was to be rewarded with fecal matter that was anything but sweet. And all Bianca could do was laugh and take in the enjoyment of unloading her dump truck that she somehow managed to contain for the most part in light of her ever so frequent flatulent release, for it wasn't your ordinary moment to see her releasing her content on something that wasn't a toilet just waiting to be wrecked by her!
  192. Later on Bianca came back to see Mallow and Lana farting, noticing the girls were having a fart off without her while they were waiting about.
  194. (Pic for context:
  196. "O-oh Bianca! You came back!" Lana exclaimed for her seemingly sad face switched up to being happy. "What a relief!"
  198. "You missed out on 1 delicious meal Bianca! I wish you had it with us!" Mallow laughed while feeling her brown stained overalls get puffed from her massive methane. "I made something that can leave a permanent mark on your undies!"
  200. "Sounds exciting!" Bianca chimed with her holding her hands together, wiggling her hips for she was tooting about in glee. "I have been feeling quite a bit empty lately so maybe I can join you in letting loose!"
  202. Enough time has gone by for the trio of girls continued on their ever so stinky walk chatting and farting about while doing the latter moreso, with the Steenee caught by Bianca trying to run away upon emerging out of the Pokeball only for Bianca to fart on her as an arousing punishment. Eventually they came across a little area selling various clothes.
  204. "Ooh I like the way those shorts look!" Lana squealed while having hearts form in her eyes, leaving a little pee in her pants. "I bet I could really soak myself with them!"
  206. "Urine trouble if you think that's the only thing you need to do!" Mallow teased while a bubbly poot emerged from her dirty overalls. "Because I'm gonna cook up a batch in those things!"
  208. "Oh yeah I remember trying on 1 of my girlfriend's shorts!" Bianca cooed while tooting to think, placing 1 of her hands on her cute plump face. "She got so upset when I took a poopie in it but she got over it since I did it out of love for our friendship!"
  210. Mallow and Lana were both shocked by this for they realized that they could take their own friendship to the next level, with that mischievous Steenee emerging from the pokeball and thinking of taking off only to see the shorts before them.
  212. 'I think I'd look good in those.' The Steenee thought while rubbing her face with her hand. 'But should I be concerned with this since the smelly nightmare is right next to me?'
  214. Bianca gasped and released a big toot upon spotting her Pokemon standing right next to her. "Ooh it looks like someone is interested in wearing these too!"
  216. 'H-hey I was just curious that's all!' Steenee yelled while shaking her fruity arms about in place. 'Don't put words, or your gross derriere, in my mouth!"
  218. Bianca felt more sloppy sharts making their way through her buttocks, giggling while feeling the jiggle of her body from the farts' vibrations. "Oho you don't have to be so bashful about it!"
  220. 'Are you kidding me?' Steenee complained and puffed up her face cheeks. 'Just how stupid are you?'
  222. Mallow and Lana glanced at each other and both laughed alongside Bianca, with them purchasing the shorts for they intended to show them off on each other while farting in style. Later on the girls placed on different versions of their iconic clothing, having had a fun time farting enormously for all of them were feeling empty in their gas tanks.
  224. "Ooh am I hungry," Bianca admitted above her stomach growling while wiggling her hips to squeak out a small yet audible poot. "Guess we kinda pushed too much!"
  226. "You're telling me." Lana agreed while stretching her arms about in the air so she could sweat. "I haven't felt this famished since I accidentally didn't bring any food with me on this 1 fishing trip-"
  228. "Oh you should never have to bring that up!" Mallow laughed while lifting her leg to produce a tuba shart. "Just leave it to me to cook us something good!"
  230. Bianca and Lana looked at each other curiously while Mallow laughed; Steenee had somehow not ran away for she felt things might be going a bit better given how starved all of the girls were. So anyway they all had a good feast, but while Bianca was gleefully bouncing rubbing crushing and farting off her smelly butt cheeks without her skirt for whatever reason because she likes the feeling, suddenly she feels another rumble in her tummy and realizes it’s the cooking getting, and if there was 1 feel that marked her needs it's that she REALLY needed to go, especially with her suddenly having meme anime swirls in place of her normal eyes.
  232. "Oh no; I gotta take a doodie!"
  234. "You know there's a porta potty nearby, right?" Lana pointed out while pointing forward.
  236. "Yes but I don't think the stall would survive!" Bianca snapped for her poots were becoming more tuba like, wiggling her entire body about in pain.
  238. Mallow rubbed the back of her head. "You think it's really bad huh?"
  240. Bianca nodded and she glanced at her Steenee who immediately knew where this was going and used a Spore attack on her trainer as a means of escaping while she had the chance, with several Pokemon watching her dash about. Mallow and Lana managed to shake the spore off of them for they looked at each other.
  242. "I'm feeling horny even though that was meant to make me sleepy." Lana admitted while blushing and touching her fingertips together. "You think you could-"
  244. A naughty smile got on Mallow's face, with her gut grumbling. "I thought you wouldn't ask."
  246. So Mallow parked her dump truck onto Lana's face and began blasting out sloppy sharts that left a huge brown stain on her smelly overalls, with Lana making a wet mess in her pants because she was enjoying the plump mass unloading fart gas upon her face. If you thought the main gassy girl was the only farty in this story then you are sorely mistaken my friend for there's a reason these gals are here. Of course it turns out Mallow was getting aroused additionally for she was picking up the scent of Lana's methane who in turn was also breaking wind while being soaked in stink from her sweat and pee, with it causing quite a cacophony of scents because they were really going up and down and all around at the speed of sound on each other in terms of being made happy in their special place. Which brings us up to the main action so to speak.
  248. "Please stop!" Bianca called out for some poop slipped out of her by virtue of her not having on her incredibly dirty dress on for it to slightly hide. "I can't run that much unless I make an accident, and while I like to do that-"
  250. 'Leave me alone you farting freak!' Steenee screamed for she fired off a Solar Beam in an attempt at knocking the human gasbag away, going back to dashing after picking up the sunlight to get some energy right back into her. 'Can't you see all the Pokemon watching us? This is so embarrassing!'
  252. 'Isn't that girl the 1 who took a big fat shit back there?'
  254. 'Yeah and she even took a dump on that poor Pokegirl running for her life.'
  256. 'I'm glad she didn't bother to capture me.' A Joltik said while sneezing out an electrical web.
  258. "W-wait don't go so fast!" Bianca "I don't think I can hold in my doody-"
  260. 'Hold in this!' Steenee screamed for she summoned her sudden strength and stuck a nearby dead tree up her trainer's butt cheeks, with it something holding back the poop for which she needed to let out.
  262. Bianca groaned in pain from the tree being trapped right within her butt hole but this girl was a notorious brap queen and her flatus wouldn't let some overgrown branch stop it, proceeding to bark through the wood and shred it to nothing for the poop plopped right out of her in spite of this.
  264. "Ahh that felt better!" Bianca sighed while placing her hands on her face. "But I still could use a potty, and I'm not feeling the need for the toilet!"
  266. 'Why me?' Steenee whimpered for tears began forming in her eyes upon sticking a nearby branch in the human's arse hole in 1 last vain attempt to save herself from gross humiliation of the dung kind. 'Can't you just stop being you?'
  268. "I ask myself that every day." Bianca thought while her stomach grumbled for the farting gas started to transition into solid doodoo. "But I'm not sure if I remember for whatever night follows!"
  270. Eventually Steenee didn't have enough in her to get away, tripping on the smooth grass beneath her for this allowed Bianca to grab her. Bianca winked while rubbing her butt cheeks, with her disgusting farting leading to the pooping that was about to happen for the branch stuck in her hole was being torn apart by the flatulence like the destroyed wood before it.
  272. Steenee 'Please reconsider what you're going to do-'
  274. "Why would I do that?" Bianca playfully teased. "I've been baking these goodies just for you, and golly I think this might be bigger then the previous batch!"
  276. Steenee's eyes shrunk in the most horrified state that was possible for her. 'Y-you can't be serious! Please don't bury me alive-'
  278. Alas it was too late; Bianca began dumping her garbage truck's contents with no regards for Steenee's well being. The stink caused everything to smell and wilt for the wild PokΓ©mon are in shock of the event that had just occurred in front of them, with that ever so stinky Bianca giggling happily and satisfied for she had buried her incredibly unlucky Steenee in another large pile of shit. It was more amazing that this dangerously deadly dump didn't kill the poor thing considering how destructive Bianca's rotten rump could be! It was like sludge going right through the sewers, with the large mass of disgusting remains just pouring about of this cute girl being quite a sight to see for you can bet people and Pokemon alike wouldn't ever imagine such a sweet being could contain something so foul hiding within her!
  280. Back with the other stinky girls, they were both relaxing on the grass for they had gotten sleepy from making themselves soaked in taking the stink of each other, having played about via farting on each other. Mallow of course had her ever so perfected smile of satisfaction on her face while Lana had the appearance of having been in heaven for she was so coated in sweat that she could drown the area within minutes. Both girls farted together in unison for they woke each other up with their gassy cacophony, waking up just in time to see Bianca casually coming back with poop still dropping out of her cheeks, holding an unconscious Steenee in her arms that still had fecal matter on her.
  282. "Did you have fun?" Mallow asked while stretching her arms. "Because we sure as hell did!"
  284. "Yeah... that was something else." Lana laughed while brushing back her hair. "I didn't think it was possible to get wet so much like that; it felt like a sweet wet dream!"
  286. "You don't have to worry; me and Steenee here had plenty of fun!" Bianca chimed while continuing to poop while standing, glancing back with a giggle. "I didn't think I had so much fudge stored in me!"
  288. "That definitely looks like fudge brownies!" Mallow complimented while inspecting the poop, heartily laughing while farting some more for she had her hands firmly on her thick thighs, swinging her gas containing hips in a side swooshing manner. "It's kinda making me hungry again now that I think about it!"
  290. "Quite so yes." Lana admitted in agreement with her hands on her grumbling belly. "I do feel the sudden urge of needing something in my tummy after that session!"
  292. "Now that's the thing I like to hear!" Bianca chimed.
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