
Weapon soul

Aug 11th, 2019
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  1. Key-Stormbreak3r
  2. Character name- Ichida
  3. Skill or transformation-Weapon Soul
  5. Ichida was handed his grandfathers blades to hold and learn to use them to the best of his ability. Ichida took the time to train with them trying to be as high as his grandfather; however, he grew a secure attachment to these blades. He cherished them with every fiber of his begin. He still couldn't understand the importance of keeping these blades safe, but he wanted to no matter what it might cost. Ichida grandmother told him stories about how his grandpa was a hero and risked his life to save everyone else in the great war. The blades were the last thing of his legacy.
  6. Ichida wasn't strong enough to use the blade to its full potential; however, he started to get a better feel for these blades, making them his own. He manages to give people decent fights, and he used the remaining time to training with his grandmother and learned more about the history of his blades.
  7. Ichida was a pure child that had a sense of justice and didn't like when people were treated wrong or hurt others for no reason. Ichida had to part from his blades in the unfortunate events. The blades he cared for so much were taken from him while he tried to save the people at IHOP.
  9. That was when it hit him, the blades that he loved so much, the same blades that his grandfather used taken from him, and a hole appeared in his chest. He was trying to be a hero like his grandfather, and during the process, he lost everything he owned.
  10. Ichida is upset, but he doesn't regret trying to save the people even if it cost him his blade; however, he has withdrawn from having the blades taken from him
  11. Forcing Ichida to force a contention with a wooden sword that would never be as great as the blades were, but during this time of need, Ichida needed something to cling on. He tried so hard to make amends for losing the weapons that meant the world to his grandmother and redeem himself as a failure.
  12. Ichida cry's a lot from the thought of the blades never being returned and not hold the wooden sword for dear life. He didn't want to lose this and become depressed, not after putting all his faith into it.
  14. Ichida never lost his sense of justice, but he will always remember how he failed his family when they trusted him with such vital relics of the past. Ichida went off hiding into the woods while he practiced with the wooden blade, he'd make this his best friends while confiding everything in this blade.
  15. Ichida looks for sword training but usually turned away, or people don't want to be bothered with him because of his origin. Everything done has been because of the support of grandmother, and friends that also have the same issue.
  16. Ichida puts everything he has into the wooden blade, using it to battle and defend himself he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. He'd become attached to the weapon after losing his own.
  18. Though he didn't forget what removed from him, he'd get them back and bring the thieves to justice and return everything they took that day. He didn't know where he'd gain this strength or courage to hunt them down, but he wouldn't sit back and beat himself up for something he can't change at the moment.
  19. When Ichida fights now, he puts everything he has into each swing and attacks with passion even if the blade looks like a stick. Ichida cherishes the wooden sword. This reason he's able to fight so well with it because after having everything taken from him. He learned that it's not about how a weapon may look, it's about the amount of love and compassion you give the weapon, and it will return that same love.
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