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Aug 1st, 2014
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  1. Sayaka Kumamuro
  2. 3 Refresh
  4. Hope: [ ][ ][ ]
  7. • [+3] Flashy
  8. • [+2] Clever
  9. • [+2] Quick
  10. • [+1] Forceful
  11. • [+1] Sneaky
  12. • [+0] Careful
  14. ASPECTS:
  15. • Leader of the Cheer Squad! [Concept]
  16. • Can Fire Up Anyone [Talent]
  17. • Socially Excellent, Schollarly Okay [School]
  18. • Everyone Deserves Success! [Drive]
  19. • Always A Team Player [Free]
  21. Leader of the Cheer Squad!
  22. Head of the school's cheer squad, Sayaka and team show up wherever they're needed to encourage people on that they can do anything as long as they give it their all! Well to be honest, most of this comes from Sayaka's latent psychic power of psyching herself and others up, but who doesn't say no to a good song, a great dance, and a pat on the back to get them through their day? This has given Sayaka an almost unbearably cheery attitude, compounded with the fact that she may not even understand how dangerous some of the situations she jumps into are due to being so focused on cheering people up.
  24. -> Everyone makes music! - Sayaka gains a +2 bonus when psyching someone else up via Flashy means.
  26. -> Always a Team! - Sayaka has two additional members of the cheer squad who follow her everywhere. Mechanically useless, she can spend a fate point to have one of them do something she commands, elevating them beyond Yes-(wo)man status and background dancers. They have one aspect, one stress box, no consequences, and can use Flashy and Quick approaches at +2. They last a scene before returning to background status.
  28. -> The Cheer Squad Is Here! - Sayaka can invoke her Quick advantage for +3 instead of +2 if she is using it to prepare for, or get someplace to psych someone up
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