

Jan 3rd, 2022
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  1. [03Jan2022 15:54:10.045] [main/INFO] [cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher/MODLAUNCHER]: ModLauncher running: args [--username, coldReactive, --version, forge-39.0.10, --gameDir, C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack, --assetsDir, C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Install\assets, --assetIndex, 1.18, --uuid, ce5432efedf94516a4db7e509e324329, --accessToken, ????????, --clientId, YTNmOWJjNDMtYWFjNy00MzkyLWE0MjctMTM5NGM3ZDRlYzlh, --xuid, 2533274917617044, --userType, msa, --versionType, release, --width, 1024, --height, 768, --launchTarget, forgeclient, --fml.forgeVersion, 39.0.10, --fml.mcVersion, 1.18.1, --fml.forgeGroup, net.minecraftforge, --fml.mcpVersion, 20211210.034407]
  2. [03Jan2022 15:54:10.048] [main/INFO] [cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher/MODLAUNCHER]: ModLauncher 9.0.7+91+master.8569cdf starting: java version 17.0.1 by Microsoft
  3. [03Jan2022 15:54:10.135] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=union:/C:/Users/coldr/curseforge/minecraft/Install/libraries/org/spongepowered/mixin/0.8.5/mixin-0.8.5.jar%2319! Service=ModLauncher Env=CLIENT
  4. [03Jan2022 15:54:10.163] [main/WARN] [net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.FMLConfig/CORE]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\fml.toml is not correct. Correcting
  5. [03Jan2022 15:54:10.167] [main/WARN] [net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.FMLConfig/CORE]: Incorrect key [defaultConfigPath] was corrected from null to defaultconfigs
  6. [03Jan2022 15:54:11.580] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17
  7. [03Jan2022 15:54:11.674] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: Successfully loaded Mixin Connector [shetiphian.core.mixins.MixinConnector]
  8. [03Jan2022 15:54:11.674] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: Successfully loaded Mixin Connector [shetiphian.terraqueous.mixins.MixinConnector]
  9. [03Jan2022 15:54:11.675] [main/INFO] [cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler/MODLAUNCHER]: Launching target 'forgeclient' with arguments [--version, forge-39.0.10, --gameDir, C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack, --assetsDir, C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Install\assets, --uuid, ce5432efedf94516a4db7e509e324329, --username, coldReactive, --assetIndex, 1.18, --accessToken, ????????, --clientId, YTNmOWJjNDMtYWFjNy00MzkyLWE0MjctMTM5NGM3ZDRlYzlh, --xuid, 2533274917617044, --userType, msa, --versionType, release, --width, 1024, --height, 768]
  10. [03Jan2022 15:54:12.058] [main/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.coremod.CoreMod.placebo/COREMODLOG]: Patching ServerResources#<init>
  11. [03Jan2022 15:54:12.333] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: de/maxhenkel/gravestone/events/DeathEvents (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
  12. [03Jan2022 15:54:12.334] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: de/maxhenkel/corpse/events/DeathEvents (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
  13. [15:54:14] [pool-3-thread-1/INFO]: Lazy DFU
  14. [15:54:15] [Render thread/WARN]: Assets URL 'union:/C:/Users/coldr/curseforge/minecraft/Install/libraries/net/minecraft/client/1.18.1-20211210.034407/client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!/assets/.mcassetsroot' uses unexpected schema
  15. [15:54:15] [Render thread/WARN]: Assets URL 'union:/C:/Users/coldr/curseforge/minecraft/Install/libraries/net/minecraft/client/1.18.1-20211210.034407/client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!/data/.mcassetsroot' uses unexpected schema
  16. [03Jan2022 15:54:15.105] [Render thread/INFO] [com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilAuthenticationService/]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
  17. [15:54:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Setting user: coldReactive
  18. [15:54:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Backend library: LWJGL version 3.2.2 SNAPSHOT
  19. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Macaw's Bridges - Biome O' Plenty : Loading ...
  20. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\jeresources.toml is not correct. Correcting
  21. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key itemsPerColumn was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  22. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key itemsPerRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  23. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key diyData was corrected from null to its default, true.
  24. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showDevData was corrected from null to its default, false.
  25. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantsBlacklist was corrected from null to its default, [flimflam, soulBound].
  26. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key hiddenTabs was corrected from null to its default, [].
  27. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key dimensionsBlacklist was corrected from null to its default, [-11].
  28. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key disableLootManagerReloading was corrected from null to its default, false.
  29. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Macaw's Bridges - Biome O' Plenty : Is Charged
  30. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loaded seedfix v1.0 by Justsnoopy30!
  31. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Forge mod loading, version 39.0.10, for MC 1.18.1 with MCP 20211210.034407
  32. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: MinecraftForge v39.0.10 Initialized
  33. [03Jan2022 15:54:16.074] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.coremod.CoreMod.placebo/COREMODLOG]: Patching ServerResources#<init>
  34. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Config field without expected type, will not validate list content (compressBlacklist in net.blay09.mods.craftingtweaks.config.CraftingTweaksConfigData$Common)
  35. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Config field without expected type, will not validate list content (disabledAddons in net.blay09.mods.craftingtweaks.config.CraftingTweaksConfigData$Client)
  36. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Config field without expected type, will not validate list content (leashedDenyList in net.blay09.mods.waystones.config.WaystonesConfigData$Restrictions)
  37. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Config field without expected type, will not validate list content (dimensionalWarpAllowList in net.blay09.mods.waystones.config.WaystonesConfigData$Restrictions)
  38. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Config field without expected type, will not validate list content (dimensionalWarpDenyList in net.blay09.mods.waystones.config.WaystonesConfigData$Restrictions)
  39. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Config field without expected type, will not validate list content (dimensionAllowList in net.blay09.mods.waystones.config.WaystonesConfigData$WorldGen)
  40. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Config field without expected type, will not validate list content (dimensionDenyList in net.blay09.mods.waystones.config.WaystonesConfigData$WorldGen)
  41. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Config field without expected type, will not validate list content (customWaystoneNames in net.blay09.mods.waystones.config.WaystonesConfigData$WorldGen)
  42. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\betterfpsdist-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  43. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Config category was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  44. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Config category.stretch was corrected from null to its default, 2.0.
  45. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered plugin: com.blakebr0.mysticalagriculture.lib.ModCorePlugin
  46. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\appleskin-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  47. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  48. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.showFoodValuesInTooltip was corrected from null to its default, true.
  49. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.showFoodValuesInTooltipAlways was corrected from null to its default, true.
  50. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.showSaturationHudOverlay was corrected from null to its default, true.
  51. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.showFoodValuesHudOverlay was corrected from null to its default, true.
  52. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.showFoodValuesHudOverlayWhenOffhand was corrected from null to its default, true.
  53. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.showFoodExhaustionHudUnderlay was corrected from null to its default, true.
  54. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.showFoodStatsInDebugOverlay was corrected from null to its default, true.
  55. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.showFoodHealthHudOverlay was corrected from null to its default, true.
  56. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.showVanillaAnimationsOverlay was corrected from null to its default, true.
  57. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.maxHudOverlayFlashAlpha was corrected from null to its default, 0.65.
  58. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\lootr-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  59. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered plugin: com.blakebr0.mysticalagradditions.lib.ModCorePlugin
  60. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\autoplant.toml is not correct. Correcting
  61. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key randomise_seed was corrected from null to its default, true.
  62. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key autoplant was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  63. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key autoplant.plantAllSaplings was corrected from null to its default, true.
  64. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key autoplant.extras was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:grass].
  65. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key convert_mineshafts was corrected from null to its default, true.
  66. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key convert_quark was corrected from null to its default, true.
  67. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key convert_wooden_chests was corrected from null to its default, true.
  68. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key convert_trapped_chests was corrected from null to its default, true.
  69. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key report_tables was corrected from null to its default, false.
  70. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key additional_chests was corrected from null to its default, [].
  71. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key additional_trapped_chests was corrected from null to its default, [].
  72. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key dimension_whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  73. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key dimension_blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  74. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key loot_table_blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  75. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key disable_break was corrected from null to its default, false.
  76. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\mysticalagriculture-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  77. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  78. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.inferiumDropChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.2.
  79. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decay_value was corrected from null to its default, 6000.
  80. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.infusionCrystalUses was corrected from null to its default, 1000.
  81. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.growthAcceleratorCooldown was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  82. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.fertilizedEssenceChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.1.
  83. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.secondarySeedDrops was corrected from null to its default, true.
  84. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.witherDropsEssence was corrected from null to its default, true.
  85. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.dragonDropsEssence was corrected from null to its default, true.
  86. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.essenceFarmlandConversion was corrected from null to its default, true.
  87. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.seedCraftingRecipes was corrected from null to its default, false.
  88. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.enchantableSupremiumTools was corrected from null to its default, false.
  89. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.fakePlayerWatering was corrected from null to its default, true.
  90. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decay_loot_tables was corrected from null to its default, [].
  91. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  92. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.souliumOreChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.05.
  93. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decay_modids was corrected from null to its default, [].
  94. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.generateProsperityOre was corrected from null to its default, true.
  95. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.prosperitySpawnRate was corrected from null to its default, 12.
  96. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.prosperitySpawnSize was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  97. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.prosperitySpawnMinY was corrected from null to its default, -60.
  98. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.prosperitySpawnMaxY was corrected from null to its default, 24.
  99. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.prosperityBiomeWhitelist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  100. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.generateInferiumOre was corrected from null to its default, true.
  101. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.inferiumSpawnRate was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  102. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.inferiumSpawnSize was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  103. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.inferiumSpawnMinY was corrected from null to its default, -32.
  104. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.inferiumSpawnMaxY was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  105. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.inferiumBiomeWhitelist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  106. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.generateSoulstone was corrected from null to its default, true.
  107. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.soulstoneSpawnRate was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  108. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.soulstoneSpawnSize was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  109. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decay_dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [].
  110. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.soulstoneSpawnMinY was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  111. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.soulstoneSpawnMaxY was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  112. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.soulstoneBiomeWhitelist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  113. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decay_all was corrected from null to its default, false.
  114. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered condition serializer 'silentgear:not'
  115. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered condition serializer 'silentgear:and'
  116. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered condition serializer 'silentgear:or'
  117. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered condition serializer 'silentgear:gear_type'
  118. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered condition serializer 'silentgear:material_count'
  119. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered condition serializer 'silentgear:material_ratio'
  120. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:simple_trait'
  121. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:damage_type'
  122. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:durability'
  123. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:enchantment'
  124. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:nbt'
  125. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:wielder_effect'
  126. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:stat_modifier'
  127. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:attribute'
  128. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:block_placer'
  129. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:block_filler'
  130. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:synergy'
  131. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:target_effect'
  132. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:bonus_drops'
  133. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:cancel_effects'
  134. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:self_repair'
  135. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgear:stellar'
  136. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Registered serializer 'silentgems:critical_strike'
  137. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\forbidden_arcanus-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  138. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key rendering was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  139. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key rendering.orb_of_temporary_flight was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  140. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key rendering.orb_of_temporary_flight.render was corrected from null to its default, true.
  141. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key rendering.orb_of_temporary_flight.x_position was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  142. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key rendering.orb_of_temporary_flight.y_position was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  143. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\forbidden_arcanus-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  144. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  145. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.ore_whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  146. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.ore_blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  147. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.arcane_crystal was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  148. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.arcane_crystal.generate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  149. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.arcane_crystal.max_vein_size was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  150. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.arcane_crystal.count was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  151. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.arcane_crystal.max_height was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  152. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.runestone was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  153. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.runestone.generate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  154. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.runestone.max_vein_size was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  155. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.runestone.count was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  156. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.runestone.max_height was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  157. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.darkstone was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  158. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.darkstone.generate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  159. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.darkstone.max_vein_size was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  160. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.darkstone.count was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  161. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.darkstone.max_height was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  162. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.arcane_gilded_darkstone was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  163. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.arcane_gilded_darkstone.generate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  164. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.arcane_gilded_darkstone.max_vein_size was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  165. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.arcane_gilded_darkstone.count was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  166. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.arcane_gilded_darkstone.max_height was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  167. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.xpetrified_ore was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  168. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.xpetrified_ore.generate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  169. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.stella_arcanum was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  170. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.stella_arcanum.generate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  171. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.stella_arcanum.max_vein_size was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  172. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.stella_arcanum.count was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  173. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.stella_arcanum.max_height was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  174. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.cherrywood_tree was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  175. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.cherrywood_tree.generate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  176. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.mysterywood_tree was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  177. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.mysterywood_tree.generate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  178. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.edelwood_tree was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  179. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.edelwood_tree.generate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  180. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.yellow_orchid was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  181. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.yellow_orchid.generate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  182. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.petrified_root was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  183. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.petrified_root.generate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  184. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.tree_whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  185. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.tree_blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:the_end].
  186. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.nipa was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  187. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.nipa.generate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  188. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.nipa.spacing was corrected from null to its default, 35.
  189. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.nipa.separation was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  190. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.nipa_whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  191. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world_gen.nipa_blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:the_end].
  192. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  193. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.orb_of_temporary_flight was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  194. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.orb_of_temporary_flight.time was corrected from null to its default, 6000.
  195. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.edelwood_bucket was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  196. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.edelwood_bucket.water_capacity was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  197. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.edelwood_bucket.lava_capacity was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  198. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.edelwood_bucket.milk_capacity was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  199. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.edelwood_bucket.soup_capacity was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  200. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.boom_arrow was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  201. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.boom_arrow.block_damage was corrected from null to its default, false.
  202. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.boom_arrow.explosion_radius was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  203. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.mundabitur_dust was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  204. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.mundabitur_dust.charge_creeper was corrected from null to its default, true.
  205. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.xpetrified_orb was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  206. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.xpetrified_orb.experience_points was corrected from null to its default, 91.
  207. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.eternal_stella was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  208. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key items.eternal_stella.uses was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  209. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key blocks was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  210. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key blocks.stella_arcanum was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  211. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key blocks.stella_arcanum.explode was corrected from null to its default, true.
  212. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key blocks.stella_arcanum.block_damage was corrected from null to its default, true.
  213. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key blocks.stella_arcanum.explosion_radius was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  214. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key blocks.runic_chiseled_polished_darkstone was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  215. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key blocks.runic_chiseled_polished_darkstone.entity_spawn_blocking_radius was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  216. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key blocks.edelwood_ladder was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  217. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key blocks.edelwood_ladder.speed was corrected from null to its default, 0.07.
  218. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  219. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.indestructible was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  220. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.indestructible.repair_item was corrected from null to its default, true.
  221. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key aureal was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  222. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key aureal.corruption was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  223. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key aureal.corruption.disable_consequences was corrected from null to its default, false.
  224. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key aureal.corruption.entity_death_increasement_amount was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  225. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key aureal.corruption.aureal_entity_death_increasement_amount was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  226. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key aureal.corruption.entity_death_increasement_chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.35.
  227. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key aureal.corruption.aureal_entity_death_increasement_chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.42.
  228. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key aureal.corruption.natural_decreasement was corrected from null to its default, true.
  229. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key aureal.corruption.natural_decreasement_time was corrected from null to its default, 6000.
  230. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key aureal.corruption.breeding_decreasement_chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.45.
  231. [15:54:16] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key aureal.aureal_entity_chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.25.
  232. [15:54:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `milk`, expected `forge`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  233. [15:54:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `flowing_milk`, expected `forge`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
  234. [15:54:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered material modifier silentgear:grade
  235. [15:54:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered material modifier silentgear:starcharged
  236. [03Jan2022 15:54:18.401] [Render thread/INFO] [com.mojang.text2speech.NarratorWindows/]: Narrator library for x64 successfully loaded
  237. [15:54:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering model layer quark:crab#main
  238. [15:54:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering model layer quark:shiba#main
  239. [15:54:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering model layer quark:frog#main
  240. [15:54:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering model layer quark:wraith#main
  241. [15:54:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering model layer quark:forgotten_hat#main
  242. [15:54:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering model layer quark:stoneling#main
  243. [15:54:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering model layer quark:toretoise#main
  244. [15:54:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering model layer quark:foxhound#main
  245. [15:54:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering model layer quark:backpack#main
  246. [15:54:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, Mod Resources, quark-emote-pack
  247. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\modnametooltip-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  248. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key formatting was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  249. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key formatting.modNameFormat was corrected from null to its default, blue italic.
  250. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\neat-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  251. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  252. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Max Distance was corrected from null to its default, 24.
  253. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Render with Interface Disabled (F1) was corrected from null to its default, false.
  254. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Height Above Mob was corrected from null to its default, 0.6.
  255. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Draw Background was corrected from null to its default, true.
  256. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Background Padding was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  257. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Background Height was corrected from null to its default, 6.
  258. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Health Bar Height was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  259. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Plate Size was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  260. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Plate Size (Boss) was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  261. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Show Attributes was corrected from null to its default, true.
  262. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Show Armor was corrected from null to its default, true.
  263. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Group Armor (condense 5 iron icons into 1 diamond icon) was corrected from null to its default, true.
  264. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Color Health Bar by Type (instead of health percentage) was corrected from null to its default, false.
  265. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.HP Text Height was corrected from null to its default, 14.
  266. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Show Max HP was corrected from null to its default, true.
  267. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Show Current HP was corrected from null to its default, true.
  268. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Show HP Percentage was corrected from null to its default, true.
  269. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Display on Players was corrected from null to its default, true.
  270. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Display on Bosses was corrected from null to its default, true.
  271. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Only show the health bar for the entity looked at was corrected from null to its default, false.
  272. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Show entities with full health was corrected from null to its default, true.
  273. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Show Debug Info with F3 was corrected from null to its default, true.
  274. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:shulker, minecraft:armor_stand, minecraft:cod, minecraft:salmon, minecraft:pufferfish, minecraft:tropical_fish].
  275. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\cucumber-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  276. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  277. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.tagTooltips was corrected from null to its default, true.
  278. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.nbtTooltips was corrected from null to its default, false.
  279. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\naturescompass-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  280. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  281. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Client.displayWithChatOpen was corrected from null to its default, true.
  282. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Client.fixBiomeNames was corrected from null to its default, true.
  283. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Client.overlayLineOffset was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  284. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Client.overlaySide was corrected from null to its default, LEFT.
  285. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\explorerscompass-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  286. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  287. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Client.displayWithChatOpen was corrected from null to its default, true.
  288. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Client.translateStructureNames was corrected from null to its default, true.
  289. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Client.overlayLineOffset was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  290. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Client.overlaySide was corrected from null to its default, LEFT.
  291. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\jei-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  292. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key advanced was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  293. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key advanced.DebugMode was corrected from null to its default, false.
  294. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key advanced.CenterSearch was corrected from null to its default, false.
  295. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key advanced.LowMemorySlowSearchEnabled was corrected from null to its default, false.
  296. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key advanced.GiveMode was corrected from null to its default, MOUSE_PICKUP.
  297. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key advanced.MaxColumns was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  298. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key advanced.RecipeGuiHeight was corrected from null to its default, 350.
  299. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key colors was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  300. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key colors.SearchColors was corrected from null to its default, [White:EEEEEE, LightBlue:7492cc, Cyan:00EEEE, Blue:2222dd, LapisBlue:25418b, Teal:008080, Yellow:cacb58, GoldenYellow:EED700, Orange:d97634, Pink:D1899D, HotPink:FC0FC0, Magenta:b24bbb, Purple:813eb9, JadedPurple:43324f, EvilPurple:2e1649, Lavender:B57EDC, Indigo:480082, Sand:dbd3a0, Tan:bb9b63, LightBrown:A0522D, Brown:634b33, DarkBrown:3a2d13, LimeGreen:43b239, SlimeGreen:83cb73, Green:008000, DarkGreen:224d22, GrassGreen:548049, Red:963430, BrickRed:b0604b, NetherBrick:2a1516, Redstone:ce3e36, Black:181515, CharcoalGray:464646, IronGray:646464, Gray:808080, Silver:C0C0C0].
  301. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key sorting was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  302. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key sorting.IngredientSortStages was corrected from null to its default, [MOD_NAME, INGREDIENT_TYPE, CREATIVE_MENU, ALPHABETICAL, WEAPON_DAMAGE, TOOL_TYPE, ARMOR, TAG].
  303. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key search was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  304. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key search.ModNameSearchMode was corrected from null to its default, REQUIRE_PREFIX.
  305. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key search.TooltipSearchMode was corrected from null to its default, ENABLED.
  306. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key search.TagSearchMode was corrected from null to its default, REQUIRE_PREFIX.
  307. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key search.CreativeTabSearchMode was corrected from null to its default, DISABLED.
  308. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key search.ColorSearchMode was corrected from null to its default, DISABLED.
  309. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key search.ResourceIdSearchMode was corrected from null to its default, DISABLED.
  310. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key search.SearchAdvancedTooltips was corrected from null to its default, false.
  311. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key modname was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  312. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key modname.ModNameFormat was corrected from null to its default, blue italic.
  313. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\carryon-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  314. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key settings was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  315. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.facePlayer was corrected from null to its default, false.
  316. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.renderArms was corrected from null to its default, true.
  317. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key modeloverrides was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  318. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key modeloverrides.overrides was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:hopper->(block)minecraft:hopper, minecraft:comparator->(block)minecraft:comparator, minecraft:repeater->(block)minecraft:repeater, minecraft:cauldron->(block)minecraft:cauldron, minecraft:brewing_stand->(item)minecraft:brewing_stand, minecraft:flower_pot->(block)minecraft:flower_pot, minecraft:sugar_cane->(block)minecraft:sugar_cane, minecraft:redstone_wire->(item)minecraft:redstone, animania:block_nest->(block)animania:block_nest, animania:cheese_mold;0->(block)animania:cheese_mold;0, animania:cheese_mold;1->(block)animania:cheese_mold;1, animania:cheese_mold;2->(block)animania:cheese_mold;2, animania:cheese_mold;3->(block)animania:cheese_mold;3, animania:cheese_mold;4->(block)animania:cheese_mold;4, animania:cheese_mold;5->(block)animania:cheese_mold;5, animania:cheese_mold;6->(block)animania:cheese_mold;6, animania:cheese_mold;7->(block)animania:cheese_mold;7, animania:cheese_mold;8->(block)animania:cheese_mold;8, animania:cheese_mold;9->(block)animania:cheese_mold;9, animania:cheese_mold;10->(block)animania:cheese_mold;10].
  319. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\shetiphiancore-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  320. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key use_color_blend_mode was corrected from null to its default, true.
  321. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\sophisticatedbackpacks-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  322. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  323. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.sortButtonsPosition was corrected from null to its default, TITLE_LINE_RIGHT.
  324. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.playButtonSound was corrected from null to its default, true.
  325. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\theoneprobe-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  326. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key renderBlacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  327. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key timeout was corrected from null to its default, 300.
  328. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key waitingForServerTimeout was corrected from null to its default, 2000.
  329. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key maxPacketToServer was corrected from null to its default, 20000.
  330. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key probeDistance was corrected from null to its default, 6.0.
  331. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showModName was corrected from null to its default, NORMAL.
  332. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showHarvestLevel was corrected from null to its default, NORMAL.
  333. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showCanBeHarvested was corrected from null to its default, NORMAL.
  334. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showCropPercentage was corrected from null to its default, NORMAL.
  335. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showChestContents was corrected from null to its default, EXTENDED.
  336. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showChestContentsDetailed was corrected from null to its default, EXTENDED.
  337. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showRedstone was corrected from null to its default, NORMAL.
  338. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showMobHealth was corrected from null to its default, NORMAL.
  339. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showMobGrowth was corrected from null to its default, NORMAL.
  340. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showMobPotionEffects was corrected from null to its default, EXTENDED.
  341. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showLeverSetting was corrected from null to its default, NORMAL.
  342. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showTankSetting was corrected from null to its default, EXTENDED.
  343. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showBrewStandSetting was corrected from null to its default, NORMAL.
  344. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showMobSpawnerSetting was corrected from null to its default, NORMAL.
  345. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showAnimalOwnerSetting was corrected from null to its default, EXTENDED.
  346. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showHorseStatSetting was corrected from null to its default, EXTENDED.
  347. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showSilverfish was corrected from null to its default, NOT.
  348. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key boxLeftX was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  349. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key boxRightX was corrected from null to its default, -1.
  350. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key boxTopY was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  351. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key boxBottomY was corrected from null to its default, -1.
  352. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key boxBorderColor was corrected from null to its default, ff999999.
  353. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key boxFillColor was corrected from null to its default, 55006699.
  354. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key boxThickness was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  355. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key boxOffset was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  356. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showLiquids was corrected from null to its default, false.
  357. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key isVisible was corrected from null to its default, true.
  358. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key holdKeyToMakeVisible was corrected from null to its default, false.
  359. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tooltipScale was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  360. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key chestContentsBorderColor was corrected from null to its default, ff006699.
  361. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showBreakProgress was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  362. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key harvestStyleVanilla was corrected from null to its default, true.
  363. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key style was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  364. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key style.Error was corrected from null to its default, red,bold.
  365. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key style.ModName was corrected from null to its default, blue,italic.
  366. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key style.Progress was corrected from null to its default, white.
  367. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key style.Warning was corrected from null to its default, yellow.
  368. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key style.Obsolete was corrected from null to its default, gray,strikethrough.
  369. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key style.Name was corrected from null to its default, white.
  370. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key style.InfoImportant was corrected from null to its default, blue.
  371. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key style.High was corrected from null to its default, gold.
  372. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key style.Ok was corrected from null to its default, green.
  373. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key style.Info was corrected from null to its default, white.
  374. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key style.Label was corrected from null to its default, gray.
  375. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ae2-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  376. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  377. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.disableColoredCableRecipesInJEI was corrected from null to its default, true.
  378. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.showFacadesInJEI was corrected from null to its default, true.
  379. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.enableEffects was corrected from null to its default, true.
  380. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.useTerminalUseLargeFont was corrected from null to its default, false.
  381. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.useColoredCraftingStatus was corrected from null to its default, true.
  382. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.PowerUnit was corrected from null to its default, AE.
  383. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.showDebugGuiOverlays was corrected from null to its default, false.
  384. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.showPlacementPreview was corrected from null to its default, true.
  385. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.terminals was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  386. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.terminals.searchTooltips was corrected from null to its default, YES.
  387. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.terminals.terminalStyle was corrected from null to its default, TALL.
  388. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.terminals.terminalSearchMode was corrected from null to its default, DEFAULT.
  389. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ding.toml is not correct. Correcting
  390. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ding was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  391. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, entity.experience_orb.pickup.
  392. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ding.pitch was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  393. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ding.category was corrected from null to its default, master.
  394. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ding.nameWorld was corrected from null to its default, entity.experience_orb.pickup.
  395. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ding.pitchWorld was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  396. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ding.categoryWorld was corrected from null to its default, master.
  397. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ding.nameResourcesReload was corrected from null to its default, entity.experience_orb.pickup.
  398. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ding.pitchResourcesReload was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  399. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ding.categoryResourcesReload was corrected from null to its default, master.
  400. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ding.playOnLoad was corrected from null to its default, true.
  401. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ding.playOnWorld was corrected from null to its default, false.
  402. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ding.playOnResourcesReload was corrected from null to its default, true.
  403. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\patchouli-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  404. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key disableAdvancementLocking was corrected from null to its default, false.
  405. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key noAdvancementBooks was corrected from null to its default, [].
  406. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key testingMode was corrected from null to its default, false.
  407. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key inventoryButtonBook was corrected from null to its default, .
  408. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key useShiftForQuickLookup was corrected from null to its default, false.
  409. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key textOverflowMode was corrected from null to its default, RESIZE.
  410. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\curios-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  411. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  412. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.renderCurios was corrected from null to its default, true.
  413. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.buttonXOffset was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  414. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.buttonYOffset was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  415. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.creativeButtonXOffset was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  416. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.creativeButtonYOffset was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  417. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.buttonCorner was corrected from null to its default, TOP_LEFT.
  418. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\biomesoplenty\client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  419. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  420. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui.use_world_type was corrected from null to its default, true.
  421. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\oreexcavation-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  422. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  423. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.Mode was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  424. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.Must Hold was corrected from null to its default, true.
  425. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.Use Side Hit was corrected from null to its default, true.
  426. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.Show Outline was corrected from null to its default, true.
  427. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\forge-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  428. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  429. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread was corrected from null to its default, false.
  430. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.experimentalForgeLightPipelineEnabled was corrected from null to its default, false.
  431. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.showLoadWarnings was corrected from null to its default, true.
  432. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment was corrected from null to its default, false.
  433. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.forceSystemNanoTime was corrected from null to its default, false.
  434. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\toughasnails\client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  435. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  436. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui.thirst_left_offset was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  437. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui.thirst_top_offset was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  438. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\mysticalagriculture-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  439. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  440. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.animatedGrowthAccelerators was corrected from null to its default, true.
  441. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\terraqueous-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  442. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui_style was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  443. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui_style.cloud_furnace was corrected from null to its default, DEFAULT.
  444. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui_style.cloud_workbench was corrected from null to its default, DEFAULT.
  445. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui_style.cloud_craftbench was corrected from null to its default, DEFAULT.
  446. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui_style.cloud_craftfurnace was corrected from null to its default, DEFAULT.
  447. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui_style.colorizer was corrected from null to its default, DEFAULT.
  448. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui_style.craftbench was corrected from null to its default, DEFAULT.
  449. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui_style.craftfurnace was corrected from null to its default, DEFAULT.
  450. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui_style.endertable was corrected from null to its default, DEFAULT.
  451. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gui_style.stormforge was corrected from null to its default, DEFAULT.
  452. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key flowerpots was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  453. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key flowerpots.forceSingleCrossRender was corrected from null to its default, [].
  454. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key flowerpots.forceMultiCrossRender was corrected from null to its default, [].
  455. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key flowerpots.forceBlockRender was corrected from null to its default, [].
  456. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key flowerpots.forcePaneRender was corrected from null to its default, [].
  457. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key flowerpots.forceTallRender was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:cactus].
  458. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\tombstone-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  459. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  460. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.show_magic_circle was corrected from null to its default, true.
  461. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.show_enhanced_tooltips was corrected from null to its default, true.
  462. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.highlight was corrected from null to its default, true.
  463. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.skip_respawn_screen was corrected from null to its default, false.
  464. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.show_shadow_step was corrected from null to its default, true.
  465. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.show_shield_particle was corrected from null to its default, true.
  466. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.allow_halloween_ghost was corrected from null to its default, true.
  467. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.date_in_mc_time was corrected from null to its default, false.
  468. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.display_knowledge_message was corrected from null to its default, true.
  469. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.equip_elytra_in_priority was corrected from null to its default, false.
  470. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.show_info_on_enchantment was corrected from null to its default, true.
  471. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.priorize_tool_on_hotbar was corrected from null to its default, false.
  472. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.activate_grave_by_sneaking was corrected from null to its default, true.
  473. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.deny_grave_on_death was corrected from null to its default, false.
  474. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.allow_grave_in_water was corrected from null to its default, true.
  475. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.particle_casting_color was corrected from null to its default, 14937088.
  476. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.text_color_death_date was corrected from null to its default, 2962496.
  477. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.text_color_rip was corrected from null to its default, 2962496.
  478. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.text_color_owner was corrected from null to its default, 5991302.
  479. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.fog_color was corrected from null to its default, 16777215.
  480. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.fog_density was corrected from null to its default, LOW.
  481. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.favorite_grave was corrected from null to its default, grave_simple.
  482. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.favorite_grave_marble was corrected from null to its default, DARK.
  483. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.grave_skin_rule was corrected from null to its default, DEFAULT.
  484. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.grave_spawn_rule was corrected from null to its default, NORMAL.
  485. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.auto_equip_rule was corrected from null to its default, ALWAYS.
  486. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\valhelsia_core-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  487. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cosmetics was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  488. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cosmetics.active_cosmetic_hat was corrected from null to its default, .
  489. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cosmetics.active_cosmetic_back was corrected from null to its default, .
  490. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cosmetics.active_cosmetic_hand was corrected from null to its default, .
  491. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cosmetics.active_cosmetic_face was corrected from null to its default, .
  492. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cosmetics.active_cosmetic_special was corrected from null to its default, .
  493. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\silentgear-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  494. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  495. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.allowEnchantedEffect was corrected from null to its default, false.
  496. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.playKachinkSound was corrected from null to its default, true.
  497. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tooltip was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  498. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tooltip.showMaterialTooltips was corrected from null to its default, true.
  499. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tooltip.showPartTooltips was corrected from null to its default, true.
  500. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tooltip.vanillaStyleTooltips was corrected from null to its default, false.
  501. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tooltip.jeiHints was corrected from null to its default, true.
  502. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\betteradvancements-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  503. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key defaultUncompletedIconColor was corrected from null to its default, #FFFFFF.
  504. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key defaultUncompletedTitleColor was corrected from null to its default, #0489C1.
  505. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key defaultCompletedIconColor was corrected from null to its default, #DBA213.
  506. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key defaultCompletedTitleColor was corrected from null to its default, #DBA213.
  507. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doAdvancementsBackgroundFade was corrected from null to its default, true.
  508. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showDebugCoordinates was corrected from null to its default, false.
  509. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key orderTabsAlphabetically was corrected from null to its default, false.
  510. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key uiScaling was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  511. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key criteriaDetail was corrected from null to its default, Default.
  512. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key criteriaDetailRequiresShift was corrected from null to its default, false.
  513. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key addInventoryButton was corrected from null to its default, false.
  514. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key defaultDrawDirectLines was corrected from null to its default, false.
  515. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key defaultHideLines was corrected from null to its default, false.
  516. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key defaultCompletedLineColor was corrected from null to its default, #FFFFFF.
  517. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key defaultUncompletedLineColor was corrected from null to its default, #FFFFFF.
  518. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\the_bumblezone\client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  519. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key lgbt+ bee rates was corrected from null to its default, 0.02.
  520. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Enable lgbt+ bee renderer was corrected from null to its default, true.
  521. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\productivebees-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  522. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  523. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Client.renderCombsInCentrifuge was corrected from null to its default, true.
  524. [15:54:18] [Worker-Main-5/INFO]: Reloading material model files
  525. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Client.renderBeesInJars was corrected from null to its default, true.
  526. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\cfm-client.toml is not correct. Correcting
  527. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  528. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.drawCollisionShapes was corrected from null to its default, false.
  529. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\jrftl-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  530. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  531. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enableHardMode was corrected from null to its default, false.
  532. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\cucumber-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  533. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  534. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.modTagPriorities was corrected from null to its default, [thermal, mekanism, tconstruct, immersiveengineering, appliedenergistics2].
  535. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\betterbeaconplacement-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  536. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  537. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.breakBeaconBaseBlocks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  538. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.dropReplacedBlockTopBeacon was corrected from null to its default, true.
  539. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\naturescompass-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  540. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  541. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.allowTeleport was corrected from null to its default, true.
  542. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.displayCoordinates was corrected from null to its default, true.
  543. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.radiusModifier was corrected from null to its default, 2500.
  544. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.sampleSpaceModifier was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  545. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.biomeBlacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  546. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.maxSamples was corrected from null to its default, 50000.
  547. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\explorerscompass-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  548. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  549. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.allowTeleport was corrected from null to its default, true.
  550. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.displayCoordinates was corrected from null to its default, true.
  551. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.maxRadius was corrected from null to its default, 5000.
  552. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.structureBlacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  553. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.maxSamples was corrected from null to its default, 50000.
  554. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\toastcontrol-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  555. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  556. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.blocked_toasts was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  557. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.blocked_toasts.advancements was corrected from null to its default, true.
  558. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, true.
  559. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.blocked_toasts.system was corrected from null to its default, false.
  560. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.blocked_toasts.tutorial was corrected from null to its default, true.
  561. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.blocked_toasts.global_vanilla was corrected from null to its default, false.
  562. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.blocked_toasts.global_modded was corrected from null to its default, false.
  563. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, false.
  564. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.blocked_toasts.blocked_classes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  565. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  566. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.force_time was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  567. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.translucent was corrected from null to its default, true.
  568. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.transparent was corrected from null to its default, false.
  569. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.toast_count was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  570. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.x_offset was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  571. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.y_offset was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  572. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.no_slide was corrected from null to its default, false.
  573. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.start_left was corrected from null to its default, false.
  574. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.top_down was corrected from null to its default, false.
  575. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.debug was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  576. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.debug.print_classes was corrected from null to its default, false.
  577. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\jeresources-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  578. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key itemsPerColumn was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  579. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key itemsPerRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  580. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key diyData was corrected from null to its default, true.
  581. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showDevData was corrected from null to its default, false.
  582. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantsBlacklist was corrected from null to its default, [flimflam, soulBound].
  583. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key hiddenTabs was corrected from null to its default, [].
  584. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key dimensionsBlacklist was corrected from null to its default, [-11].
  585. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key disableLootManagerReloading was corrected from null to its default, false.
  586. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\sophisticatedbackpacks-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  587. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  588. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.enabledItems was corrected from null to its default, [].
  589. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.disallowedItems was corrected from null to its default, [].
  590. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.leatherBackpack was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  591. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.leatherBackpack.inventorySlotCount was corrected from null to its default, 27.
  592. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.leatherBackpack.upgradeSlotCount was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  593. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.ironBackpack was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  594. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.ironBackpack.inventorySlotCount was corrected from null to its default, 54.
  595. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.ironBackpack.upgradeSlotCount was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  596. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.goldBackpack was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  597. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.goldBackpack.inventorySlotCount was corrected from null to its default, 81.
  598. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.goldBackpack.upgradeSlotCount was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  599. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.diamondBackpack was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  600. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.diamondBackpack.inventorySlotCount was corrected from null to its default, 108.
  601. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.diamondBackpack.upgradeSlotCount was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  602. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.netheriteBackpack was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  603. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.netheriteBackpack.inventorySlotCount was corrected from null to its default, 120.
  604. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.netheriteBackpack.upgradeSlotCount was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  605. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.compactingUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  606. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.compactingUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  607. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.compactingUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  608. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedCompactingUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  609. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedCompactingUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  610. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedCompactingUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  611. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.depositUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  612. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.depositUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  613. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.depositUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  614. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedDepositUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  615. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedDepositUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  616. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedDepositUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  617. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.feedingUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  618. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.feedingUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  619. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.feedingUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  620. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedFeedingUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  621. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedFeedingUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  622. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedFeedingUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  623. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.filterUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  624. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.filterUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  625. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.filterUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  626. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedFilterUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  627. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedFilterUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  628. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedFilterUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  629. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.magnetUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  630. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.magnetUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  631. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.magnetUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  632. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.magnetUpgrade.magnetRange was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  633. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedMagnetUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  634. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedMagnetUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  635. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedMagnetUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  636. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedMagnetUpgrade.magnetRange was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  637. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.pickupUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  638. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.pickupUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  639. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.pickupUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  640. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedPickupUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  641. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedPickupUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  642. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedPickupUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  643. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.refillUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  644. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.refillUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 6.
  645. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.refillUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  646. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.restockUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  647. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.restockUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  648. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.restockUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  649. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedRestockUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  650. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedRestockUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  651. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedRestockUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  652. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.voidUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  653. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.voidUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  654. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.voidUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  655. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedVoidUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  656. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedVoidUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  657. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.advancedVoidUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  658. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.stackUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  659. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.stackUpgrade.nonStackableItems was corrected from null to its default, [].
  660. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  661. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smeltingSpeedMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  662. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.fuelEfficiencyMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  663. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  664. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.smeltingSpeedMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  665. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.fuelEfficiencyMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  666. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  667. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.smeltingSpeedMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  668. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.fuelEfficiencyMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  669. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmeltingUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  670. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmeltingUpgrade.smeltingSpeedMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  671. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmeltingUpgrade.fuelEfficiencyMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  672. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmeltingUpgrade.inputFilterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  673. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmeltingUpgrade.inputFilterSlotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  674. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmeltingUpgrade.fuelFilterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  675. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmeltingUpgrade.fuelFilterSlotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  676. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmokingUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  677. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmokingUpgrade.smeltingSpeedMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  678. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmokingUpgrade.fuelEfficiencyMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  679. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmokingUpgrade.inputFilterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  680. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmokingUpgrade.inputFilterSlotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  681. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmokingUpgrade.fuelFilterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  682. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoSmokingUpgrade.fuelFilterSlotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  683. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoBlastingUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  684. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoBlastingUpgrade.smeltingSpeedMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  685. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoBlastingUpgrade.fuelEfficiencyMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  686. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoBlastingUpgrade.inputFilterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  687. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoBlastingUpgrade.inputFilterSlotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  688. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoBlastingUpgrade.fuelFilterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  689. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.autoBlastingUpgrade.fuelFilterSlotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  690. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.inceptionUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  691. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.inceptionUpgrade.upgradesUseInventoriesOfBackpacksInBackpack was corrected from null to its default, true.
  692. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.inceptionUpgrade.upgradesInContainedBackpacksAreFunctional was corrected from null to its default, true.
  693. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.toolSwapperUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  694. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.toolSwapperUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  695. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.toolSwapperUpgrade.slotsInRow was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  696. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.tankUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  697. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.tankUpgrade.capacityPerSlotRow was corrected from null to its default, 4000.
  698. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.tankUpgrade.stackMultiplierRatio was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  699. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.tankUpgrade.autoFillDrainContainerCooldown was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  700. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.tankUpgrade.maxInputOutput was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  701. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.tankUpgrade.energyPerSlotRow was corrected from null to its default, 10000.
  702. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.pumpUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  703. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.pumpUpgrade.filterSlots was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  704. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.pumpUpgrade.maxInputOutput was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  705. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.pumpUpgrade.stackMultiplierRatio was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  706. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.xpPumpUpgrade was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  707. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.xpPumpUpgrade.mendingOn was corrected from null to its default, true.
  708. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.xpPumpUpgrade.maxXpPointsPerMending was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  709. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.entityBackpackAdditions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  710. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.entityBackpackAdditions.chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.01.
  711. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.entityBackpackAdditions.addLoot was corrected from null to its default, true.
  712. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.entityBackpackAdditions.buffWithPotionEffects was corrected from null to its default, true.
  713. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.entityBackpackAdditions.buffHealth was corrected from null to its default, true.
  714. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.entityBackpackAdditions.equipWithArmor was corrected from null to its default, true.
  715. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.entityBackpackAdditions.entityLootTableList was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:creeper|minecraft:chests/desert_pyramid, minecraft:drowned|minecraft:chests/shipwreck_treasure, minecraft:enderman|minecraft:chests/end_city_treasure, minecraft:evoker|minecraft:chests/woodland_mansion, minecraft:husk|minecraft:chests/desert_pyramid, minecraft:piglin|minecraft:chests/bastion_bridge, minecraft:piglin_brute|minecraft:chests/bastion_treasure, minecraft:pillager|minecraft:chests/pillager_outpost, minecraft:skeleton|minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon, minecraft:stray|minecraft:chests/igloo_chest, minecraft:vex|minecraft:chests/woodland_mansion, minecraft:vindicator|minecraft:chests/woodland_mansion, minecraft:witch|minecraft:chests/buried_treasure, minecraft:wither_skeleton|minecraft:chests/nether_bridge, minecraft:zombie|minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon, minecraft:zombie_villager|minecraft:chests/village/village_armorer, minecraft:zombified_piglin|minecraft:chests/bastion_other].
  716. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.entityBackpackAdditions.discBlockList was corrected from null to its default, [botania:record_gaia_1, botania:record_gaia_2].
  717. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.entityBackpackAdditions.playJukebox was corrected from null to its default, true.
  718. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.smeltingUpgrade.smokingUpgrade.blastingUpgrade.chestLootEnabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  719. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\advancementplaques-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  720. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  721. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  722. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.on_top was corrected from null to its default, true.
  723. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.distance was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  724. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.hide_waila was corrected from null to its default, false.
  725. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.tasks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  726. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.goals was corrected from null to its default, true.
  727. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.challenges was corrected from null to its default, true.
  728. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.title_color was corrected from null to its default, 4281541120.
  729. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.name_color was corrected from null to its default, 4294967295.
  730. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.duration_options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  731. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.duration_options.task_effect_fadein was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  732. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.duration_options.task_effect_fadeout was corrected from null to its default, 1.5.
  733. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.duration_options.task_duration was corrected from null to its default, 7.0.
  734. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.duration_options.goal_effect_fadein was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  735. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.duration_options.goal_effect_fadeout was corrected from null to its default, 1.5.
  736. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.duration_options.goal_duration was corrected from null to its default, 7.0.
  737. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.duration_options.challenge_effect_fadein was corrected from null to its default, 1.25.
  738. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.duration_options.challenge_effect_fadeout was corrected from null to its default, 1.5.
  739. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.duration_options.challenge_duration was corrected from null to its default, 7.0.
  740. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.functionality_options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  741. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.functionality_options.whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  742. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.functionality_options.mute_tasks was corrected from null to its default, false.
  743. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.functionality_options.mute_goals was corrected from null to its default, false.
  744. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.functionality_options.mute_challenges was corrected from null to its default, false.
  745. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\sereneseasons\fertility.toml is not correct. Correcting
  746. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  747. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.seasonal_crops was corrected from null to its default, true.
  748. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.crop_tooltips was corrected from null to its default, true.
  749. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.out_of_season_crop_behavior was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  750. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.underground_fertility_level was corrected from null to its default, 48.
  751. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\sereneseasons\seasons.toml is not correct. Correcting
  752. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key weather_settings was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  753. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key weather_settings.generate_snow_ice was corrected from null to its default, true.
  754. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key weather_settings.change_weather_frequency was corrected from null to its default, true.
  755. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\theoneprobe-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  756. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key loggingThrowableTimeout was corrected from null to its default, 20000.
  757. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key needsProbe was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  758. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key extendedInMain was corrected from null to its default, false.
  759. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key supportBaubles was corrected from null to its default, true.
  760. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key spawnNote was corrected from null to its default, true.
  761. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showCollarColor was corrected from null to its default, true.
  762. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showRF was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  763. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showTank was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  764. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key rfFormat was corrected from null to its default, COMPACT.
  765. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tankFormat was corrected from null to its default, COMPACT.
  766. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showDebugInfo was corrected from null to its default, true.
  767. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key compactEqualStacks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  768. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key rfbarFilledColor was corrected from null to its default, ffdd0000.
  769. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key rfbarAlternateFilledColor was corrected from null to its default, ff430000.
  770. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key rfbarBorderColor was corrected from null to its default, ff555555.
  771. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tankbarFilledColor was corrected from null to its default, ff0000dd.
  772. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tankbarAlternateFilledColor was corrected from null to its default, ff000043.
  773. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tankbarBorderColor was corrected from null to its default, ff555555.
  774. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showItemDetailThresshold was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  775. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showSmallChestContentsWithoutSneaking was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  776. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showContentsWithoutSneaking was corrected from null to its default, [storagedrawers:basicdrawers, storagedrawersextra:extra_drawers].
  777. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key dontShowContentsUnlessSneaking was corrected from null to its default, [].
  778. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key dontSendNBT was corrected from null to its default, [].
  779. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tooltypeTags was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:mineable/axe=Axe, minecraft:mineable/pickaxe=Pickaxe, minecraft:mineable/shovel=Shovel, minecraft:mineable/hoe=Hoe].
  780. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key harvestabilityTags was corrected from null to its default, [forge:needs_wood_tool=Wood, forge:needs_gold_tool=Gold, minecraft:needs_stone_tool=Stone, minecraft:needs_iron_tool=Iron, minecraft:needs_diamond_tool=Diamond, forge:needs_netherite_tool=Netherite].
  781. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\craftingtweaks-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  782. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  783. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.compressAnywhere was corrected from null to its default, false.
  784. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.compressBlacklist was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:sandstone, minecraft:iron_trapdoor].
  785. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  786. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.hideButtons was corrected from null to its default, false.
  787. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.rightClickCraftsStack was corrected from null to its default, true.
  788. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.hideButtonTooltips was corrected from null to its default, false.
  789. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.hideVanillaCraftingGuide was corrected from null to its default, false.
  790. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.craftingTweaksMode was corrected from null to its default, DEFAULT.
  791. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.disabledAddons was corrected from null to its default, [].
  792. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\mysticalagradditions-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  793. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  794. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.witheringSoulChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.35.
  795. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.dragonScalesAmount was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  796. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.fertilizableTier6Crops was corrected from null to its default, false.
  797. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General.essenceAppleDuration was corrected from null to its default, 180.
  798. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  799. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.generateNetherProsperityOre was corrected from null to its default, true.
  800. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.netherProsperitySpawnRate was corrected from null to its default, 12.
  801. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.netherProsperitySpawnSize was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  802. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.netherProsperitySpawnMinY was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  803. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.netherProsperitySpawnMaxY was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  804. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.generateNetherInferiumOre was corrected from null to its default, true.
  805. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.netherInferiumSpawnRate was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  806. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.netherInferiumSpawnSize was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  807. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.netherInferiumSpawnMinY was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  808. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.netherInferiumSpawnMaxY was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  809. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.generateEndProsperityOre was corrected from null to its default, true.
  810. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.endProsperitySpawnRate was corrected from null to its default, 12.
  811. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.endProsperitySpawnSize was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  812. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.endProsperitySpawnMinY was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  813. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.endProsperitySpawnMaxY was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  814. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.generateEndInferiumOre was corrected from null to its default, true.
  815. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.endInferiumSpawnRate was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  816. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.endInferiumSpawnSize was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  817. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.endInferiumSpawnMinY was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  818. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key World.endInferiumSpawnMaxY was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  819. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\cookingforblockheads-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  820. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cowJarEnabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  821. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cowJarMilkPerTick was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  822. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key compressedCowJarMilkMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 9.0.
  823. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key sinkRequiresWater was corrected from null to its default, false.
  824. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key largeCounters was corrected from null to its default, false.
  825. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key disallowOvenAutomation was corrected from null to its default, false.
  826. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ovenFuelTimeMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 0.33000001311302185.
  827. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ovenCookTimeMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  828. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key ovenRequiresCookingOil was corrected from null to its default, false.
  829. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key showIngredientIcon was corrected from null to its default, true.
  830. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\waystones-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  831. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  832. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost.inverseXpCost was corrected from null to its default, false.
  833. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost.blocksPerXpLevel was corrected from null to its default, 1000.
  834. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost.minimumBaseXpCost was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  835. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost.maximumBaseXpCost was corrected from null to its default, 3.0.
  836. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost.xpCostPerLeashed was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  837. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost.dimensionalWarpXpCost was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  838. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost.globalWaystoneXpCostMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  839. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost.warpStoneXpCostMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  840. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost.waystoneXpCostMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  841. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost.sharestoneXpCostMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  842. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost.portstoneXpCostMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  843. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost.warpPlateXpCostMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  844. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key xpCost.inventoryButtonXpCostMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  845. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key restrictions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  846. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key restrictions.restrictToCreative was corrected from null to its default, false.
  847. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key restrictions.restrictRenameToOwner was corrected from null to its default, false.
  848. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key restrictions.generatedWaystonesUnbreakable was corrected from null to its default, false.
  849. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key restrictions.transportLeashed was corrected from null to its default, true.
  850. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key restrictions.transportLeashedDimensional was corrected from null to its default, true.
  851. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key restrictions.leashedDenyList was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:wither].
  852. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key restrictions.dimensionalWarp was corrected from null to its default, ALLOW.
  853. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key restrictions.dimensionalWarpAllowList was corrected from null to its default, [].
  854. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key restrictions.dimensionalWarpDenyList was corrected from null to its default, [].
  855. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key restrictions.allowWaystoneToWaystoneTeleport was corrected from null to its default, true.
  856. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key restrictions.globalWaystoneSetupRequiresCreativeMode was corrected from null to its default, true.
  857. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cooldowns was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  858. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cooldowns.globalWaystoneCooldownMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  859. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cooldowns.warpStoneCooldown was corrected from null to its default, 300.
  860. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cooldowns.warpStoneUseTime was corrected from null to its default, 32.
  861. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cooldowns.warpPlateUseTime was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  862. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cooldowns.scrollUseTime was corrected from null to its default, 32.
  863. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key cooldowns.inventoryButtonCooldown was corrected from null to its default, 300.
  864. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key inventoryButton was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  865. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key inventoryButton.inventoryButton was corrected from null to its default, .
  866. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key inventoryButton.warpButtonX was corrected from null to its default, 58.
  867. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key inventoryButton.warpButtonY was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  868. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key inventoryButton.creativeWarpButtonX was corrected from null to its default, 88.
  869. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key inventoryButton.creativeWarpButtonY was corrected from null to its default, 33.
  870. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  871. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.worldGenStyle was corrected from null to its default, BIOME.
  872. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.frequency was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  873. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.dimensionAllowList was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld, minecraft:the_nether, minecraft:the_end].
  874. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.dimensionDenyList was corrected from null to its default, [].
  875. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.nameGenerationMode was corrected from null to its default, PRESET_FIRST.
  876. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.customWaystoneNames was corrected from null to its default, [].
  877. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.spawnInVillages was corrected from null to its default, true.
  878. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.forceSpawnInVillages was corrected from null to its default, false.
  879. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  880. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.disableTextGlow was corrected from null to its default, false.
  881. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.disableParticles was corrected from null to its default, false.
  882. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key compatibility was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  883. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key compatibility.displayWaystonesOnJourneyMap was corrected from null to its default, true.
  884. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ae2-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  885. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  886. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.unsupportedDeveloperTools was corrected from null to its default, false.
  887. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.matterCannonBlockDamage was corrected from null to its default, true.
  888. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.tinyTntBlockDamage was corrected from null to its default, true.
  889. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.serverOpsIgnoreSecurity was corrected from null to its default, true.
  890. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.channels was corrected from null to its default, DEFAULT.
  891. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.pathfindingStepsPerTick was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  892. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  893. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.formationPlaneEntityLimit was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  894. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key facades was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  895. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key facades.allowBlockEntities was corrected from null to its default, false.
  896. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key craftingCPU was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  897. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key craftingCPU.craftingCalculationTimePerTick was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  898. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key crafting was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  899. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key crafting.inWorldSingularity was corrected from null to its default, true.
  900. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key crafting.inWorldFluix was corrected from null to its default, true.
  901. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key crafting.inWorldCrystalGrowth was corrected from null to its default, true.
  902. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key crafting.disassemblyCrafting was corrected from null to its default, true.
  903. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key spatialio was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  904. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key spatialio.spatialPowerMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1250.0.
  905. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key spatialio.spatialPowerExponent was corrected from null to its default, 1.35.
  906. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key logging was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  907. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key logging.securityAuditLog was corrected from null to its default, false.
  908. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key logging.blockUpdateLog was corrected from null to its default, false.
  909. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key logging.packetLog was corrected from null to its default, false.
  910. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key logging.craftingLog was corrected from null to its default, false.
  911. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key logging.debugLog was corrected from null to its default, false.
  912. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key logging.chunkLoggerTrace was corrected from null to its default, false.
  913. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key battery was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  914. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key battery.chargerChargeRate was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  915. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key battery.wirelessTerminal was corrected from null to its default, 1600000.
  916. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key battery.chargedStaff was corrected from null to its default, 8000.
  917. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key battery.entropyManipulator was corrected from null to its default, 200000.
  918. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key battery.portableCell was corrected from null to its default, 20000.
  919. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key battery.colorApplicator was corrected from null to its default, 20000.
  920. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key battery.matterCannon was corrected from null to its default, 200000.
  921. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  922. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.generateMeteorites was corrected from null to its default, true.
  923. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.meteoriteBiomeBlacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  924. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.spawnPressesInMeteorites was corrected from null to its default, true.
  925. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.generateQuartzOre was corrected from null to its default, true.
  926. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.quartzOresPerCluster was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  927. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.quartzOresClusterAmount was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  928. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key worldGen.quartzOresBiomeBlacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  929. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key wireless was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  930. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key wireless.wirelessBaseCost was corrected from null to its default, 8.0.
  931. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key wireless.wirelessCostMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  932. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key wireless.wirelessBaseRange was corrected from null to its default, 16.0.
  933. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key wireless.wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  934. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key wireless.wirelessBoosterExp was corrected from null to its default, 1.5.
  935. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key wireless.wirelessHighWirelessCount was corrected from null to its default, 64.0.
  936. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key wireless.wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  937. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  938. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.allowDisassembly was corrected from null to its default, true.
  939. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.PowerRatios was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  940. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.PowerRatios.ForgeEnergy was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  941. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.PowerRatios.UsageMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  942. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.Condenser was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  943. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.Condenser.MatterBalls was corrected from null to its default, 256.
  944. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.Condenser.Singularity was corrected from null to its default, 256000.
  945. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  946. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.InterfaceMin was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  947. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.InterfaceMax was corrected from null to its default, 120.
  948. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.ImportBusMin was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  949. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.ImportBusMax was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  950. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.ExportBusMin was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  951. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.ExportBusMax was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  952. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.AnnihilationPlaneMin was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  953. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.AnnihilationPlaneMax was corrected from null to its default, 120.
  954. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.METunnelMin was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  955. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.METunnelMax was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  956. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.InscriberMin was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  957. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.InscriberMax was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  958. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.ChargerMin was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  959. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.ChargerMax was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  960. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.IOPortMin was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  961. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.IOPortMax was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  962. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.VibrationChamberMin was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  963. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.VibrationChamberMax was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  964. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.StorageBusMin was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  965. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.StorageBusMax was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  966. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.ItemTunnelMin was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  967. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.ItemTunnelMax was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  968. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.LightTunnelMin was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  969. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.tickRates.LightTunnelMax was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  970. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.inWorldCrystalGrowth was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  971. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.inWorldCrystalGrowth.improvedFluidTag was corrected from null to its default, .
  972. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key PortableCells.inWorldCrystalGrowth.improvedFluidMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 2.0.
  973. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\biomesoplenty\generation.toml is not correct. Correcting
  974. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  975. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key overworld.use_bop_nether was corrected from null to its default, true.
  976. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key overworld.large_biomes was corrected from null to its default, false.
  977. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key overworld.amplified was corrected from null to its default, false.
  978. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\collective-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  979. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Collective was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  980. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Collective.transferItemsBetweenReplacedEntities was corrected from null to its default, true.
  981. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Collective.loopsAmountUsedToGetAllEntityDrops was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  982. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Collective.findABlockcheckAroundEntitiesDelayMs was corrected from null to its default, 30000.
  983. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Collective.enableAntiRepostingCheck was corrected from null to its default, true.
  984. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Collective.enablePatronPets was corrected from null to its default, true.
  985. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\legendarytooltips-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  986. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  987. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  988. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.name_separator was corrected from null to its default, true.
  989. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.borders_match_rarity was corrected from null to its default, true.
  990. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.tooltip_shadow was corrected from null to its default, true.
  991. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.shine_effect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  992. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.centered_title was corrected from null to its default, true.
  993. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.visual_options.enforce_minimum_width was corrected from null to its default, false.
  994. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  995. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level0_entries was corrected from null to its default, [!epic, !rare].
  996. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level1_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  997. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level2_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  998. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level3_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  999. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level4_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1000. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level5_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1001. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level6_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1002. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level7_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1003. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level8_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1004. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level9_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1005. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level10_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1006. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level11_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1007. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level12_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1008. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level13_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1009. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level14_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1010. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.definitions.level15_entries was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1011. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.priorities was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1012. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.priorities.priorities was corrected from null to its default, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15].
  1013. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1014. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level0_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1015. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level0_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1016. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level0_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1017. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level1_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1018. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level1_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1019. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level1_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1020. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level2_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1021. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level2_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1022. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level2_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1023. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level3_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1024. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level3_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1025. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level3_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1026. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level4_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1027. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level4_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1028. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level4_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1029. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level5_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1030. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level5_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1031. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level5_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1032. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level6_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1033. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level6_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1034. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level6_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1035. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level7_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1036. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level7_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1037. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level7_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1038. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level8_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1039. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level8_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1040. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level8_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1041. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level9_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1042. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level9_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1043. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level9_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1044. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level10_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1045. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level10_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1046. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level10_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1047. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level11_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1048. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level11_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1049. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level11_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1050. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level12_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1051. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level12_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1052. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level12_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1053. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level13_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1054. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level13_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1055. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level13_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1056. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level14_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1057. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level14_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1058. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level14_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1059. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level15_start_color was corrected from null to its default, -6723294.
  1060. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level15_end_color was corrected from null to its default, -10864099.
  1061. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.colors.level15_bg_color was corrected from null to its default, -266991104.
  1062. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\oreexcavation-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1063. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1064. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Limit was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1065. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Speed was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  1066. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Range was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  1067. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Ehxaustion was corrected from null to its default, 0.1.
  1068. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Experience was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1069. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Open Hand was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1070. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Invert Tool Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1071. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Invert Block Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1072. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Ignore Tool was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1073. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Alt Tools was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1074. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Only Standard Types was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1075. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.TPS Guard was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1076. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Auto Pickup was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1077. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Allow Shapes was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1078. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Max Undos was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  1079. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Undo Replaceables was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1080. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Game Stage was corrected from null to its default, .
  1081. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Tool Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1082. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.Block Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1083. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\forge-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1084. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1085. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.defaultWorldType was corrected from null to its default, default.
  1086. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\toughasnails\thirst.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1087. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1088. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.exhaustion_threshold was corrected from null to its default, 8.0.
  1089. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key drink_options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1090. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key drink_options.hand_drinking_thirst was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1091. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key drink_options.hand_drinking_hydration was corrected from null to its default, 0.1.
  1092. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key biome_options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1093. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key biome_options.biome_water_entries was corrected from null to its default, [SimpleConfig:{location=minecraft:swamp, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=minecraft:swamp_hills, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=minecraft:mushroom_fields, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=minecraft:mushroom_field_shore, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:bayou, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:bayou_mangrove, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:burnt_forest, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:deep_bayou, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:dense_marsh, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:fungal_field, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:fungal_jungle, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:highland_moor, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:jade_cliffs, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:marsh, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:muskeg, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:ominous_mire, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:ominous_woods, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:rainforest, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:rainforest_cliffs, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:rainforest_floodplain, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:shroomy_wetland, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:tundra_bog, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:volcanic_plains, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:volcano, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:wasteland, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:wetland, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:wetland_forest, type=DIRTY}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:alps, type=PURIFIED}, SimpleConfig:{location=biomesoplenty:rainbow_hills, type=PURIFIED}].
  1094. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\toughasnails\temperature.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1095. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1096. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extremity_damage_delay was corrected from null to its default, 200.
  1097. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key altitude was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1098. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key altitude.temperature_drop_altitude was corrected from null to its default, 96.
  1099. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key altitude.temperature_rise_altitude was corrected from null to its default, 32.
  1100. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key altitude.environmental_modifier_altitude was corrected from null to its default, 55.
  1101. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key blocks was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1102. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key blocks.near_block_range was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1103. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key immersion was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1104. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key immersion.on_fire_temperature_change was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1105. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key immersion.powdered_snow_temperature_change was corrected from null to its default, -2.
  1106. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key immersion.wet_temperature_change was corrected from null to its default, -1.
  1107. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key immersion.snow_temperature_change was corrected from null to its default, -1.
  1108. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key time was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1109. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key time.night_temperature_change was corrected from null to its default, -1.
  1110. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key time.night_hot_temperature_change was corrected from null to its default, -2.
  1111. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\harvest-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1112. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1113. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1114. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.whitelist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1115. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.consumeSeed was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1116. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key common.netherwart was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1117. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\naturesaura-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1118. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1119. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.additionalBotanistPickaxeConversions was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1120. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.auraTypeOverrides was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1121. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.additionalOres was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1122. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.oreExceptions was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1123. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.additionalProjectiles was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1124. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.fieldCreatorRange was corrected from null to its default, 24.
  1125. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.auraToRFRatio was corrected from null to its default, 0.05.
  1126. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.maxAnimalsAroundPowder was corrected from null to its default, 200.
  1127. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1128. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features.rfConverter was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1129. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features.chunkLoader was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1130. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features.grassDieEffect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1131. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features.netherDecayEffect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1132. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features.plantBoostEffect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1133. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features.cacheRechargeEffect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1134. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features.explosionEffect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1135. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features.breathlessEffect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1136. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features.angerEffect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1137. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features.animalEffect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1138. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features.oreEffect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1139. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features.auraBlooms was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1140. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key features.netherGrassEffect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1141. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1142. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.particleAmount was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  1143. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.respectVanillaParticleSettings was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1144. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.excessParticleAmount was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  1145. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.auraBarLocation was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1146. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.cacheBarLocation was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1147. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.debugText was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1148. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.debugLevel was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1149. [15:54:18] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.renderItemsOnPlayer was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1150. [15:54:18] [Worker-Main-5/INFO]: Reloading part model files
  1151. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\pixelpowers.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1152. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key paintings was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1153. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key paintings.mlp_themed was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1154. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key paintings.mlp_oc was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1155. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\terraqueous.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1156. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Trickster Bloom Effects was corrected from null to its default, [effect[minecraft:speed];time[30-60];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:slowness];time[10-20];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:haste];time[60-120];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:mining_fatigue];time[60-120];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:strength];time[60-120];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:jump_boost];time[60-120];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:nausea];time[10];level[0], effect[minecraft:regeneration];time[10-30];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:resistance];time[60-120];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:fire_resistance];time[150-300];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:water_breathing];time[150-300];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:invisibility];time[60-300];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:blindness];time[30-60];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:night_vision];time[60-120];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:hunger];time[10-30];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:weakness];time[10-20];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:poison];time[5-10];level[0], effect[minecraft:wither];time[3-5];level[0], effect[minecraft:absorption];time[30-60];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:saturation];time[15-30];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:glowing];time[30-60];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:levitation];time[2-3];level[0], effect[minecraft:luck];time[30-60];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:unluck];time[20-40];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:slow_falling];time[15-30];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:conduit_power];time[90-180];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:dolphins_grace];time[30-60];level[0-1], effect[minecraft:hero_of_the_village];time[120];level[2-4]].
  1157. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1158. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.branch was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1159. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.branch.drop_attempts was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1160. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.branch.drop_chance was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1161. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.branch.drop_amount was corrected from null to its default, -2.
  1162. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.branch.whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:stick#1-3].
  1163. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.branch.blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1164. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.stone was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1165. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.stone.drop_attempts was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1166. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.stone.drop_chance was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1167. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.stone.drop_amount was corrected from null to its default, -2.
  1168. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.stone.whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [tag|forge:dusts#1, terraqueous:gravel_lump#1].
  1169. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.stone.blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [tag|forge:dusts/burnium, tag|forge:dusts/endimium].
  1170. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.bone was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1171. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.bone.drop_attempts was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1172. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.bone.drop_chance was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1173. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.bone.drop_amount was corrected from null to its default, -2.
  1174. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.bone.whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [tag|forge:bones#1, minecraft:bone_meal#1-3].
  1175. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.bone.blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1176. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.sandstone was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1177. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.sandstone.drop_attempts was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1178. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.sandstone.drop_chance was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1179. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.sandstone.drop_amount was corrected from null to its default, -2.
  1180. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.sandstone.whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [tag|forge:dusts#1, terraqueous:sandstone_lump#1].
  1181. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.sandstone.blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [tag|forge:dusts/burnium, tag|forge:dusts/endimium].
  1182. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.red_sandstone was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1183. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.red_sandstone.drop_attempts was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1184. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.red_sandstone.drop_chance was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1185. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.red_sandstone.drop_amount was corrected from null to its default, -2.
  1186. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.red_sandstone.whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [tag|forge:dusts#1, terraqueous:red_sandstone_lump#1].
  1187. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.red_sandstone.blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [tag|forge:dusts/burnium, tag|forge:dusts/endimium].
  1188. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.endimium was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1189. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.endimium.drop_attempts was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1190. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.endimium.drop_chance was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1191. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.endimium.drop_amount was corrected from null to its default, -3.
  1192. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.endimium.whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [tag|forge:gems/endimium#1-4, tag|forge:dusts/endimium#1-4].
  1193. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.endimium.blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1194. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.burnium was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1195. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.burnium.drop_attempts was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1196. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.burnium.drop_chance was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1197. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.burnium.drop_amount was corrected from null to its default, -3.
  1198. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.burnium.whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [tag|forge:gems/burnium#1-4, tag|forge:dusts/burnium#1-4].
  1199. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key doodads.burnium.blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1200. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1201. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.flowersRequireShears was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1202. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_grow was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1203. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_grow.flower_normal was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  1204. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_grow.flower_rain was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  1205. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_grow.grass_normal was corrected from null to its default, 95.
  1206. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_grow.grass_rain was corrected from null to its default, 75.
  1207. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_grow.pineapple_normal was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1208. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_grow.pineapple_rain was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  1209. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_grow.cactus_day was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1210. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_grow.cactus_night was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1211. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_spread was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1212. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_spread.flower_normal was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  1213. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_spread.flower_rain was corrected from null to its default, 18.
  1214. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_spread.grass_normal was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  1215. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_spread.grass_rain was corrected from null to its default, 18.
  1216. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_spread.grapevine_normal was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  1217. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_spread.grapevine_rain was corrected from null to its default, 13.
  1218. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_spread.lifevine_normal was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  1219. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_spread.lifevine_rain was corrected from null to its default, 13.
  1220. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_spread.deathvine_normal was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  1221. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.plant_spread.deathvine_rain was corrected from null to its default, 13.
  1222. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.fruit_grow was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1223. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.fruit_grow.pineapple_normal was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1224. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.fruit_grow.pineapple_rain was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1225. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.fruit_grow.cactus_day was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1226. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.fruit_grow.cactus_night was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1227. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.fruit_grow.grapevine_normal was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1228. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.fruit_grow.grapevine_rain was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1229. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.fruit_grow.lifevine_normal was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1230. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.fruit_grow.lifevine_rain was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1231. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.fruit_grow.deathvine_normal was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1232. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key plants.fruit_grow.deathvine_rain was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1233. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1234. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruitStaysOnTrees was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1235. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.sapling_grow was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1236. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  1237. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.sapling_grow.cherry was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  1238. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  1239. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.sapling_grow.pear was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  1240. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.sapling_grow.peach was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  1241. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  1242. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.sapling_grow.lemon was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  1243. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.sapling_grow.plum was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  1244. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.sapling_grow.coconut was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  1245. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.sapling_grow.banana was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  1246. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.sapling_grow.mulberry was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  1247. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.flower_grow was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1248. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  1249. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.flower_grow.cherry was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  1250. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  1251. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.flower_grow.pear was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  1252. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.flower_grow.peach was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  1253. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  1254. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.flower_grow.lemon was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  1255. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.flower_grow.plum was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  1256. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.flower_grow.banana was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  1257. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.flower_grow.mulberry was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  1258. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_grow was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1259. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1260. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_grow.cherry was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1261. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1262. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_grow.pear was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  1263. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_grow.peach was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1264. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  1265. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_grow.lemon was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  1266. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_grow.plum was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1267. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_grow.coconut was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  1268. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_grow.banana was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  1269. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_grow.mulberry was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1270. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_fall was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1271. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  1272. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_fall.cherry was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  1273. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  1274. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_fall.pear was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  1275. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_fall.peach was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  1276. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  1277. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_fall.lemon was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1278. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_fall.plum was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  1279. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_fall.coconut was corrected from null to its default, 70.
  1280. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key trees.fruit_fall.mulberry was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  1281. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key stormforge was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1282. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key stormforge.permissions was corrected from null to its default, EVERYONE.
  1283. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key stormforge.smeltingTimeMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 2.0.
  1284. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key stormforge.ticksPerRepairPoint was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  1285. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key stormforge.powerPerTickBase was corrected from null to its default, 32.
  1286. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key stormforge.powerMultiplierFU was corrected from null to its default, 4.0.
  1287. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key stormforge.powerMultiplierIF was corrected from null to its default, 4.0.
  1288. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key stormforge.powerMultiplierJ was corrected from null to its default, 10.0.
  1289. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key water_pearl was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1290. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key water_pearl.give_water_breathing was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1291. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key water_pearl.world_interaction was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1292. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key water_pearl.use_in_machines was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1293. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1294. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.glassshards_from_block was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1295. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.glassshards_from_potion_bottle was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1296. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.chickens_moult was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1297. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.add_hay_ai_tasks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1298. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.burnium_reacts_to_water was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1299. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.planter_infinite_water was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1300. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.special_colorizer_class_mappings was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:glass:*_stained_glass, minecraft:glass_pane:*_stained_glass_pane].
  1301. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.villager was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1302. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.villager.disable_villager_trample was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1303. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.villager.village_gardner_weeds was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1304. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.villager.gardner_whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [tag|minecraft:flowers#10, tag|minecraft:saplings#8, minecraft:emerald#1, minecraft:cactus#6, terraqueous:cactus#6].
  1305. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.villager.gardner_blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:sunflower].
  1306. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1307. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.chests was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1308. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.chests.spawn_bonus_lifefruit was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1309. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.chests.mineshaft_deathfruit was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1310. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.chests.toolsmith_colorizer was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1311. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.chests.dungeon_colorizer was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1312. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.chests.stronghold_strange_scroll was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1313. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.chests.nether_bridge_strange_scroll was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1314. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.chests.dungeon_toon_trotters was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1315. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.mobs was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1316. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.mobs.enable_extra_drops was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1317. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.mobs.blaze_burnium_dust was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1318. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.mobs.blaze_burnium_gem was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1319. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.mobs.enderman_ender_dust was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1320. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.mobs.enderman_endimium_dust was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1321. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.mobs.enderman_endimium_gem was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1322. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.mobs.endermite_ender_dust was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1323. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.mobs.endermite_endimium_dust was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1324. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.mobs.magma_cube_burnium_gem was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1325. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.mobs.piglin_gold_dust was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1326. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.mobs.wither_skeleton_coal_dust was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1327. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.loot_tables.mobs.zombie_leather_scraps was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1328. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1329. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.generate_clouds was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1330. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.generate_doodads was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1331. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.generate_flowers was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1332. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.generate_plants was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1333. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.generate_trees was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1334. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.dimension_blacklist was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1335. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, [randomthings:spectre, compactmachines:compactmachines].
  1336. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.dimension_blacklist.clouds was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1337. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.dimension_blacklist.doodads was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1338. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1339. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.dimension_blacklist.plants was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1340. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.dimension_blacklist.trees was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1341. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1342. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds.height_override was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1343. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds.size_light_minimum was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  1344. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds.size_light_maximum was corrected from null to its default, 32.
  1345. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds.size_dense_minimum was corrected from null to its default, 24.
  1346. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds.size_dense_maximum was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1347. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds.size_storm_minimum was corrected from null to its default, 32.
  1348. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds.size_storm_maximum was corrected from null to its default, 48.
  1349. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds.chance_light was corrected from null to its default, 0.03.
  1350. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds.chance_dense was corrected from null to its default, 0.02.
  1351. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds.chance_storm was corrected from null to its default, 0.01.
  1352. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds.generate_light_clouds was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1353. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds.generate_dense_clouds was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1354. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.clouds.generate_storm_clouds was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1355. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1356. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.attempts_stick was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1357. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.attempts_stone was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  1358. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.attempts_bone was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1359. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.attempts_endimium was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1360. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.attempts_burnium was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1361. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.chance_stick was corrected from null to its default, 0.4.
  1362. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.chance_stone was corrected from null to its default, 0.1.
  1363. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.chance_bone was corrected from null to its default, 0.2.
  1364. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.chance_endimium was corrected from null to its default, 0.3.
  1365. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.chance_burnium was corrected from null to its default, 0.3.
  1366. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.generate_stick was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1367. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.generate_stone was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1368. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.generate_bone was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1369. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.generate_endimium was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1370. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.doodads.generate_burnium was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1371. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1372. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1373. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1374. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1375. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1376. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1377. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1378. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 0.35.
  1379. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 0.35.
  1380. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 0.35.
  1381. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 0.35.
  1382. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 0.35.
  1383. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 0.35.
  1384. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1385. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.plants was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1386. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.plants.attempts_pineapple was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1387. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.plants.attempts_cactus was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1388. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.plants.chance_pineapple was corrected from null to its default, 0.75.
  1389. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.plants.chance_cactus was corrected from null to its default, 0.25.
  1390. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.plants.generate_pineapple was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1391. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.plants.generate_cactus was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1392. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1393. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.attempts_biometype_beach was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1394. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.attempts_biometype_forest was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1395. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.attempts_biometype_hills was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1396. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.attempts_biometype_jungle was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1397. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.attempts_biometype_mountain was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1398. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.attempts_biometype_plains was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1399. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.chance_biometype_beach was corrected from null to its default, 0.02.
  1400. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.chance_biometype_forest was corrected from null to its default, 0.02.
  1401. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.chance_biometype_hills was corrected from null to its default, 0.01.
  1402. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.chance_biometype_jungle was corrected from null to its default, 0.04.
  1403. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.chance_biometype_mountain was corrected from null to its default, 0.015.
  1404. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.chance_biometype_plains was corrected from null to its default, 0.01.
  1405. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.generate_apple was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1406. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.generate_cherry was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1407. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.generate_orange was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1408. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.generate_pear was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1409. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.generate_peach was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1410. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.generate_mango was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1411. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.generate_lemon was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1412. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.generate_plum was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1413. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.generate_coconut was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1414. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.generate_banana was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1415. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.trees.generate_mulberry was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1416. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.structures was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1417. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.structures.desert_village was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1418. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.structures.plains_village was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1419. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.structures.savanna_village was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1420. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.structures.snowy_village was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1421. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.structures.taiga_village was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1422. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.world_gen.structures.pillager_outpost was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1423. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.integration was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1424. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.integration.enableCurios was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1425. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.integration.enableIndustrialForegoing was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1426. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\tombstone-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1427. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1428. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.pvp_unlock_grave was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1429. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.handle_player_death was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1430. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.restore_effects_on_death was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1431. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.log_player_grave was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1432. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.loss_on_death_only_for_abandoned_grave was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1433. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.loss_on_death_only_for_stackable_items was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1434. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.prevent_death_outside_world_border was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1435. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.prevent_death_outside_build_height was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1436. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.allow_to_fill_existing_grave was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1437. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.nerf_ghostly_shape_teleport_with_key was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1438. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.nerf_ghostly_shape_enemy_collision was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1439. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.nerf_ghostly_shape_open_chest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1440. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.nerf_ghostly_shape_break_block was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1441. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.sniffer_range was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  1442. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.chance_mob_on_grave_recovery was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1443. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.pvp_stolen_xp was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  1444. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.knowledge_loss was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1445. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.chance_loss_on_death was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1446. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.percent_loss_on_death was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1447. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.no_grave_location was corrected from null to its default, [0, -300, 0, minecraft:overworld, 20].
  1448. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key alignment was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1449. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key alignment.points_free_soul_receptacle was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  1450. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key alignment.points_plunder_player_grave was corrected from null to its default, -2.
  1451. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key alignment.points_exorcism_zombie_villager was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  1452. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key alignment.points_kill_villager was corrected from null to its default, -3.
  1453. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key alignment.points_kill_raider was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1454. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key alignment.points_tablet_of_cupidity was corrected from null to its default, -2.
  1455. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key alignment.points_pray_of_protection was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1456. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1457. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.teleport_dim was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1458. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.knowledge_reduce_phantom_spawn was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1459. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.allow_beyond_the_grave_damage was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1460. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.fishing_treasure_in_open_water was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1461. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.time_for_phantom_spawn was corrected from null to its default, 72000.
  1462. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cooldown_request_teleport was corrected from null to its default, -1.
  1463. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cooldown_teleport_death was corrected from null to its default, -1.
  1464. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cooldown_teleport_bind was corrected from null to its default, -1.
  1465. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.unhandled_beneficial_effects was corrected from null to its default, [extraalchemy, astralsorcery:potiontimefreeze, xreliquary:flight_potion].
  1466. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.unhandled_harmful_effects was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:nausea].
  1467. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key village_siege was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1468. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key village_siege.handle_village_siege was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1469. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key village_siege.log_siege_state was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1470. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key village_siege.glowing_creature_test was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1471. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key village_siege.allow_creative_players_for_siege was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1472. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key village_siege.undead_wear_helm_in_siege was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1473. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key village_siege.persistent_mob_in_siege was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1474. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key village_siege.shuffle_players_for_siege was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1475. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key village_siege.siege_chance was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  1476. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key village_siege.siege_max_creature was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  1477. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key village_siege.delay_siege_test was corrected from null to its default, 200.
  1478. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1479. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.can_replace_grave_plate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1480. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.lost_tablet_search_outside_world was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1481. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.lost_tablet_modded_structure was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1482. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.allow_grave_gardian was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1483. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.time_soul was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  1484. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.chance_soul was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  1485. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.chance_pray_reward was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1486. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.duration_voodoo_poppet_effects was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  1487. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.lost_tablet_denied_structures was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1488. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.can_recycle_damaged_item was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1489. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.denied_item_to_recycle was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1490. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1491. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.nerf_shadow_step_open_chest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1492. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.nerf_plague_bringer was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1493. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.max_duration_magic_siphon was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  1494. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.duration_plague_bringer was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  1495. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.magic_siphon_on_player_rule was corrected from null to its default, ALLOW.
  1496. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key recovery was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1497. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key recovery.recovery_player_enable was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1498. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key recovery.recovery_familiar_enable was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1499. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key recovery.backup_on_death was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1500. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key recovery.recovery_player_timer was corrected from null to its default, 19.
  1501. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key recovery.recovery_player_max_saves was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  1502. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key loot was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1503. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key loot.chance_voodoo_poppet_on_boss was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  1504. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key loot.chance_random_scroll_on_boss was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  1505. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key loot.chance_familiar_receptacle_on_boss was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  1506. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key loot.chance_soul_receptacle_on_boss was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  1507. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key loot.chance_grave_dust was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  1508. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key loot.undead_boss_life_for_drop was corrected from null to its default, 200.
  1509. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key loot.unhandled_tameable_entities was corrected from null to its default, [].
  1510. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key compatibility was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1511. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key compatibility.curio_auto_equip was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1512. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key compatibility.curio_bundle_support was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1513. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key compatibility.keep_cosmetic_armor was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1514. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key compatibility.preserve_effects_on_return_end_conquered was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1515. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\silentgear-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1516. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1517. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.blueprint was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1518. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.blueprint.typesAllowed was corrected from null to its default, BOTH.
  1519. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.blueprint.spawnWithStarterBlueprints was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1520. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.repairKits was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1521. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.repairKits.capacity was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1522. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.repairKits.capacity.very_crude was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1523. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.repairKits.capacity.crude was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  1524. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.repairKits.capacity.sturdy was corrected from null to its default, 32.
  1525. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.repairKits.capacity.crimson was corrected from null to its default, 48.
  1526. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  1527. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.repairKits.efficiency was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1528. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.repairKits.efficiency.very_crude was corrected from null to its default, 0.30000001192092896.
  1529. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.repairKits.efficiency.crude was corrected from null to its default, 0.3499999940395355.
  1530. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.repairKits.efficiency.sturdy was corrected from null to its default, 0.4000000059604645.
  1531. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.repairKits.efficiency.crimson was corrected from null to its default, 0.44999998807907104.
  1532. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  1533. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.repairKits.efficiency.missing was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1534. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.netherwood_charcoal was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1535. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key item.netherwood_charcoal.burn_time was corrected from null to its default, 2400.
  1536. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key nerfedItems was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1537. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key nerfedItems.enabled was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1538. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key nerfedItems.durabilityMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 0.05.
  1539. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key nerfedItems.harvestSpeedMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  1540. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key nerfedItems.items was corrected from null to its default, [diamond_axe, iron_axe, golden_axe, stone_axe, wooden_axe, diamond_hoe, iron_hoe, golden_hoe, stone_hoe, wooden_hoe, diamond_pickaxe, iron_pickaxe, golden_pickaxe, stone_pickaxe, wooden_pickaxe, diamond_shovel, iron_shovel, golden_shovel, stone_shovel, wooden_shovel, diamond_sword, iron_sword, golden_sword, stone_sword, wooden_sword].
  1541. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key sinew was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1542. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key sinew.dropRate was corrected from null to its default, 0.2.
  1543. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key sinew.dropsFrom was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:cow, minecraft:pig, minecraft:sheep].
  1544. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1545. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.allowLegacyMaterialMixing was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1546. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.allowConversionRecipes was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1547. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.sendBrokenMessage was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1548. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.damageFactorLevels was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  1549. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.breaksPermanently was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1550. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.enchanting was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1551. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.enchanting.allowEnchanting was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1552. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.enchanting.forceRemoveEnchantments was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1553. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.prospector_hammer was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1554. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.prospector_hammer.range was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  1555. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.saw was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1556. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.saw.recursionDepth was corrected from null to its default, 200.
  1557. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.aoeTool was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1558. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.aoeTool.matchMode was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1559. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.aoeTool.matchMode.standard was corrected from null to its default, MODERATE.
  1560. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.aoeTool.matchMode.ores was corrected from null to its default, STRICT.
  1561. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.repairs was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1562. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.repairs.anvilEffectiveness was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  1563. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.repairs.quickEffectiveness was corrected from null to its default, 0.35.
  1564. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.upgrades was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1565. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key gear.upgrades.applyInAnvilOnly was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1566. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key materialGrader was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1567. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key materialGrader.median_grade was corrected from null to its default, C.
  1568. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key materialGrader.standardDeviation was corrected from null to its default, 1.5.
  1569. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key salvager was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1570. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key salvager.partLossRate was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1571. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key salvager.partLossRate.min was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1572. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key salvager.partLossRate.max was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  1573. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key starlightCharger was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1574. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key starlightCharger.chargeRate was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  1575. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key starlightCharger.maxCharge was corrected from null to its default, 1000000.
  1576. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1577. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.azureSilver was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1578. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.azureSilver.count was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1579. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.bort was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1580. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.bort.count was corrected from null to its default, 6.
  1581. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.crimsonIron was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1582. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.crimsonIron.count was corrected from null to its default, 14.
  1583. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.wildFlax was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1584. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.wildFlax.patchCount was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1585. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.wildFlax.tryCount was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  1586. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.wildFluffy was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1587. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.wildFluffy.patchCount was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1588. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.wildFluffy.tryCount was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  1589. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key debug was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1590. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key debug.logging was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1591. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key debug.logging.extraPartAndTraitInfo was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1592. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key debug.logging.stats was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1593. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key debug.logging.modelAndTexture was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1594. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key debug.logging.worldGen was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1595. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key other was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1596. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key other.showWipText was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1597. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\silentgems-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1598. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key block was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1599. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key block.glowrose was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1600. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key block.glowrose.normalLight was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  1601. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key block.glowrose.pottedLight was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  1602. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1603. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1 was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1604. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1605. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1606. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1607. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  1608. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1609. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1610. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, -64.
  1611. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 32.
  1612. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.20000000298023224.
  1613. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1614. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1615. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1616. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1617. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1618. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1619. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1620. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1621. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1622. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1623. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1624. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1625. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1626. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ruby.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1627. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1628. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1629. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1630. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1631. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1632. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1633. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1634. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1635. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1636. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1637. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1638. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1639. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  1640. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 110.
  1641. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1642. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1643. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1644. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1645. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1646. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1647. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1648. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.carnelian.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1649. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1650. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1651. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  1652. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1653. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1654. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, -56.
  1655. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1656. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.20000000298023224.
  1657. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1658. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1659. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1660. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1661. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1662. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1663. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1664. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1665. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1666. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1667. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1668. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1669. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1670. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.topaz.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1671. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1672. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1673. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1674. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1675. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1676. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1677. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1678. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1679. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1680. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1681. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1682. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1683. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  1684. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 110.
  1685. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1686. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1687. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1688. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1689. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1690. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1691. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1692. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.citrine.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1693. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1694. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1695. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1696. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 6.
  1697. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  1698. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, -80.
  1699. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, -32.
  1700. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.800000011920929.
  1701. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1702. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1703. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1704. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1705. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1706. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1707. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1708. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1709. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1710. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  1711. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1712. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  1713. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 72.
  1714. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.heliodor.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1715. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1716. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1717. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1718. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1719. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1720. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1721. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1722. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1723. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1724. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1725. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1726. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1727. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  1728. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 110.
  1729. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1730. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1731. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1732. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1733. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1734. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1735. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1736. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.moldavite.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1737. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1738. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1739. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  1740. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1741. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1742. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, -56.
  1743. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  1744. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.20000000298023224.
  1745. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1746. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1747. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1748. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1749. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1750. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1751. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1752. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1753. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1754. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1755. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1756. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1757. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1758. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.peridot.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1759. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1760. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1761. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1762. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 6.
  1763. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  1764. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, -80.
  1765. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, -32.
  1766. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.800000011920929.
  1767. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1768. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1769. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1770. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1771. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1772. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1773. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1774. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1775. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1776. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  1777. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1778. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  1779. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 72.
  1780. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.turquoise.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1781. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1782. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1783. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1784. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1785. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1786. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1787. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1788. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1789. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1790. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1791. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1792. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1793. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1794. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1795. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1796. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1797. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1798. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  1799. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1800. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  1801. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 72.
  1802. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.kyanite.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1803. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1804. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1805. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  1806. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1807. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1808. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, -80.
  1809. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 32.
  1810. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.20000000298023224.
  1811. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1812. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1813. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1814. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1815. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1816. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1817. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1818. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1819. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1820. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1821. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1822. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1823. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1824. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.sapphire.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1825. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1826. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1827. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1828. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 6.
  1829. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  1830. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, -80.
  1831. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, -32.
  1832. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.800000011920929.
  1833. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1834. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1835. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1836. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1837. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  1838. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 80.
  1839. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1840. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1841. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1842. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1843. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1844. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1845. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1846. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.iolite.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1847. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1848. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1849. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1850. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 6.
  1851. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  1852. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, -80.
  1853. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, -32.
  1854. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.800000011920929.
  1855. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1856. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1857. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1858. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1859. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  1860. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 80.
  1861. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1862. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1863. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1864. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1865. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1866. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1867. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1868. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.alexandrite.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1869. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1870. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1871. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1872. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1873. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1874. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1875. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1876. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1877. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1878. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1879. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1880. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1881. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1882. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1883. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1884. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1885. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1886. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  1887. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1888. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  1889. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 72.
  1890. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.ammolite.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1891. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1892. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1893. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1894. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1895. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1896. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1897. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1898. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1899. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1900. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1901. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1902. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1903. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1904. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1905. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1906. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1907. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1908. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  1909. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1910. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  1911. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 72.
  1912. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.rose_quartz.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1913. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1914. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1915. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1916. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1917. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1918. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1919. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1920. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1921. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1922. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  1923. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1924. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  1925. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, -10.
  1926. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  1927. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1928. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1929. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1930. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1931. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1932. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1933. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1934. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.black_diamond.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1935. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1936. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.overworld was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1937. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.overworld.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1938. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.overworld.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1939. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.overworld.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1940. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.overworld.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1941. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.overworld.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1942. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.overworld.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1943. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_nether was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1944. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_nether.count was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1945. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_nether.size was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1946. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_nether.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1947. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_nether.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  1948. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_nether.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  1949. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_nether.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1950. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_end was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1951. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_end.count was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  1952. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_end.size was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1953. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_end.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  1954. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_end.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, -10.
  1955. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_end.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  1956. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.white_diamond.the_end.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1957. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.silver was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1958. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.silver.count was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  1959. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.silver.size was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  1960. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.silver.rarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1961. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.silver.minHeight was corrected from null to its default, -64.
  1962. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.silver.maxHeight was corrected from null to its default, 36.
  1963. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.18-1.ores.silver.discardChanceOnAirExposure was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  1964. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\the_bumblezone\general.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1965. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Beehemoth Options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1966. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Beehemoth Options.beehemothSpeed was corrected from null to its default, 0.95.
  1967. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Special Bee Spawning Options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1968. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Special Bee Spawning Options.specialBeeSpawning was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1969. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Special Bee Spawning Options.nearbyBeesPerPlayerInBz was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  1970. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General Mechanics Options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1971. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General Mechanics Options.dispensersDropGlassBottles was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1972. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key General Mechanics Options.broodBlocksBeeSpawnCapacity was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  1973. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\the_bumblezone\worldgen.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1974. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Dungeon Options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1975. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Dungeon Options.beeDungeonRarity was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1976. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Dungeon Options.spiderInfestedBeeDungeonRarity was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  1977. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Dungeon Options.spawnerRateSpiderBeeDungeon was corrected from null to its default, 0.2.
  1978. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\the_bumblezone\dimension.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1979. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key The Bumblezone Dimension Options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1980. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key The Bumblezone Dimension Options.fogBrightnessPercentage was corrected from null to its default, 100.0.
  1981. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key The Bumblezone Teleportation Options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1982. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key The Bumblezone Teleportation Options.teleportationMode was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  1983. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key The Bumblezone Teleportation Options.generateBeenest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1984. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key The Bumblezone Teleportation Options.forceExitToOverworld was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1985. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key The Bumblezone Teleportation Options.onlyOverworldHivesTeleports was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1986. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key The Bumblezone Teleportation Options.seaLevelOrHigherExitTeleporting was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1987. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key The Bumblezone Teleportation Options.warnPlayersOfWrongBlockUnderHive was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1988. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key The Bumblezone Teleportation Options.allowTeleportationWithModdedBeehives was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1989. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\the_bumblezone\bee_aggression.toml is not correct. Correcting
  1990. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Wrath of the Hive Options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1991. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Wrath of the Hive Options.Bees Aggression Options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1992. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Wrath of the Hive Options.Bees Aggression Options.allowWrathOfTheHiveOutsideBumblezone was corrected from null to its default, false.
  1993. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Wrath of the Hive Options.Bees Aggression Options.showWrathOfTheHiveParticles was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1994. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Wrath of the Hive Options.Bees Aggression Options.aggressiveBees was corrected from null to its default, true.
  1995. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Wrath of the Hive Options.Bees Aggression Options.aggressionTriggerRadius was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  1996. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Wrath of the Hive Options.Bees Aggression Options.howLongWrathOfTheHiveLasts was corrected from null to its default, 1680.
  1997. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Wrath of the Hive Options.Bees Aggression Options.howLongProtectionOfTheHiveLasts was corrected from null to its default, 1680.
  1998. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Wrath of the Hive Options.Bees Effects Options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  1999. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Wrath of the Hive Options.Bees Effects Options.speedBoostLevel was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  2000. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Wrath of the Hive Options.Bees Effects Options.absorptionBoostLevel was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  2001. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Wrath of the Hive Options.Bees Effects Options.strengthBoostLevel was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  2002. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\the_bumblezone\mod_compatibility.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2003. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2004. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.General Compat Options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2005. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.General Compat Options.allowHoneyFluidTanksFeedingCompat was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2006. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.Pokecube Options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2007. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.Pokecube Options.spawnPokecubeBeePokemon was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2008. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.Pokecube Options.spawnrateOfPokecubeBeePokemon was corrected from null to its default, 0.02.
  2009. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.Productive Bees Options was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2010. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.Productive Bees Options.spawnProductiveBeesBeesMob was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2011. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.Productive Bees Options.spawnrateOfProductiveBeesMobs was corrected from null to its default, 0.03.
  2012. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.Productive Bees Options.spawnProductiveBeesHoneycombVariants was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2013. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.Productive Bees Options.allowedCombsForDungeons was corrected from null to its default, [productivebees:diamond, productivebees:iron, productivebees:coal, productivebees:redstone, productivebees:copper, productivebees:lapis, productivebees:gold, productivebees:emerald, productivebees:obsidian, productivebees:experience, productivebees:magmatic, productivebees:amethyst, productivebees:prismarine, productivebees:crystalline, productivebees:sugarbag, productivebees:glowing, productivebees:frosty, productivebees:slimy, productivebees:silky, productivebees:blazing, productivebees:ender, productivebees:skeletal, productivebees:ghostly, productivebees:zombie].
  2014. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.Productive Bees Options.allowedCombsAsOres was corrected from null to its default, [productivebees:iron, productivebees:redstone, productivebees:copper, productivebees:gold, productivebees:magmatic, productivebees:crystalline, productivebees:glowing, productivebees:blazing, productivebees:skeletal, productivebees:ghostly].
  2015. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.Productive Bees Options.blacklistedBees was corrected from null to its default, [productivebees:diamond, productivebees:iron, productivebees:coal, productivebees:redstone, productivebees:copper, productivebees:lapis, productivebees:gold, productivebees:emerald, productivebees:obsidian, productivebees:experience, productivebees:magmatic, productivebees:amethyst, productivebees:prismarine, productivebees:crystalline, productivebees:sugarbag, productivebees:glowing, productivebees:frosty, productivebees:slimy, productivebees:silky, productivebees:blazing, productivebees:ender, productivebees:skeletal, productivebees:ghostly, productivebees:zombie].
  2016. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.Productive Bees Options.allowHoneyTreatCompat was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2017. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.Productive Bees Options.PBOreHoneycombSpawnRateBeeDungeon was corrected from null to its default, 0.06.
  2018. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Mod Compatibility Options.Productive Bees Options.PBOreHoneycombSpawnRateSpiderBeeDungeon was corrected from null to its default, 0.12.
  2019. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\intangible.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2020. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2021. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2022. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2023. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2024. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2025. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2026. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.base was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  2027. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  2028. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\ignite.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2029. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2030. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2031. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  2032. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2033. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2034. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2035. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  2036. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  2037. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\flare.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2038. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2039. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2040. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  2041. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2042. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2043. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2044. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.damage was corrected from null to its default, 7.0.
  2045. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 3.0.
  2046. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  2047. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\underfoot.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2048. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2049. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2050. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2051. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2052. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2053. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2054. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\bounce.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2055. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2056. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2057. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2058. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2059. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2060. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2061. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2062. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\craft.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2063. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2064. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2065. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2066. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2067. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2068. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2069. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\cold_snap.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2070. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2071. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2072. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2073. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2074. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2075. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2076. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.damage was corrected from null to its default, 6.0.
  2077. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 2.5.
  2078. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2079. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  2080. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\rune.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2081. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2082. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2083. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2084. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2085. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2086. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2087. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\snare.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2088. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2089. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2090. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  2091. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2092. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2093. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2094. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  2095. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  2096. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\slowfall.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2097. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2098. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2099. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2100. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2101. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2102. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2103. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2104. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  2105. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\freeze.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2106. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2107. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2108. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  2109. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2110. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2111. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2112. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2113. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2114. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\split.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2115. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2116. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2117. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  2118. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2119. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2120. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\crush.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2121. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2122. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2123. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2124. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2125. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2126. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2127. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.damage was corrected from null to its default, 3.0.
  2128. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  2129. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\smelt.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2130. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2131. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2132. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  2133. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2134. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2135. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2136. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\summon_decoy.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2137. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2138. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2139. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 200.
  2140. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2141. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2142. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2143. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  2144. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.duration was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2145. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\summon_steed.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2146. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2147. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2148. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  2149. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2150. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2151. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2152. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 120.
  2153. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.duration was corrected from null to its default, 300.
  2154. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\accelerate.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2155. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2156. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2157. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2158. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2159. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2160. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\hex.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2161. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2162. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2163. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  2164. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2165. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2166. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2167. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2168. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  2169. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\summon_vex.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2170. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2171. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2172. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 150.
  2173. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2174. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2175. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2176. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.duration was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  2177. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2178. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\orbit.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2179. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2180. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2181. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2182. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2183. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2184. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2185. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\lightning.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2186. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2187. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2188. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  2189. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2190. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2191. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2192. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.damage was corrected from null to its default, 5.0.
  2193. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 3.0.
  2194. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.wet_bonus was corrected from null to its default, 2.0.
  2195. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\grow.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2196. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2197. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2198. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 70.
  2199. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2200. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2201. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2202. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\dampen.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2203. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2204. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2205. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, -5.
  2206. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2207. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2208. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\touch.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2209. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2210. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2211. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2212. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2213. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2214. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2215. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\sensitive.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2216. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2217. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2218. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2219. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2220. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2221. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\toss.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2222. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2223. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2224. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2225. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2226. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2227. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2228. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\invisibility.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2229. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2230. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2231. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2232. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2233. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2234. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2235. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2236. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  2237. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\firework.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2238. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2239. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2240. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2241. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2242. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2243. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2244. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\extract.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2245. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2246. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2247. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2248. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2249. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2250. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\delay.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2251. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2252. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2253. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  2254. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2255. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2256. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2257. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  2258. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.base_duration was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  2259. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\light.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2260. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2261. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2262. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  2263. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2264. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2265. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2266. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2267. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\duration_down.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2268. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2269. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2270. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  2271. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2272. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2273. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\exchange.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2274. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2275. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2276. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2277. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2278. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2279. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2280. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\place_block.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2281. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2282. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2283. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2284. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2285. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2286. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2287. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\summon_wolves.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2288. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2289. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2290. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  2291. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2292. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2293. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2294. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.duration was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  2295. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  2296. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\conjure_water.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2297. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2298. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2299. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 80.
  2300. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2301. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2302. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2303. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\cut.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2304. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2305. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2306. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  2307. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2308. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2309. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2310. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.damage was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  2311. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  2312. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\harm.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2313. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2314. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2315. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  2316. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2317. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2318. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2319. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.damage was corrected from null to its default, 5.0.
  2320. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 2.0.
  2321. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2322. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2323. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\interact.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2324. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2325. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2326. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2327. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2328. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2329. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2330. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\blink.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2331. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2332. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2333. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2334. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2335. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2336. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2337. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.distance was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  2338. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 3.0.
  2339. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\amplify.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2340. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2341. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2342. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  2343. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2344. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2345. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\phantom_block.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2346. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2347. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2348. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2349. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2350. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2351. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2352. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\fell.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2353. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2354. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2355. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 150.
  2356. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2357. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2358. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2359. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.base_harvest was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2360. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.aoe_bonus was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2361. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\extend_time.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2362. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2363. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2364. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2365. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2366. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2367. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\heal.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2368. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2369. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2370. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2371. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2372. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2373. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2374. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.base_heal was corrected from null to its default, 3.0.
  2375. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 3.0.
  2376. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\evaporate.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2377. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2378. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2379. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2380. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2381. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2382. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2383. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\leap.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2384. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2385. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2386. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  2387. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2388. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2389. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2390. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.knock_up was corrected from null to its default, 1.5.
  2391. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  2392. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\redstone_signal.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2393. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2394. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2395. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  2396. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2397. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2398. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2399. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.base_duration was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2400. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2401. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\pierce.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2402. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2403. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2404. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  2405. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2406. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2407. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\harvest.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2408. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2409. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2410. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2411. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2412. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2413. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2414. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\fortune.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2415. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2416. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2417. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 80.
  2418. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2419. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2420. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\break.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2421. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2422. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2423. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2424. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2425. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2426. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2427. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\linger.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2428. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2429. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2430. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 500.
  2431. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2432. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  2433. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2434. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\pickup.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2435. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2436. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2437. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2438. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2439. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2440. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2441. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\launch.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2442. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2443. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2444. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2445. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2446. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2447. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2448. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.knockup was corrected from null to its default, 0.8.
  2449. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 0.25.
  2450. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\dispel.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2451. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2452. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2453. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2454. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2455. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2456. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2457. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\haste.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2458. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2459. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2460. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2461. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2462. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2463. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2464. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2465. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  2466. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\wind_shear.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2467. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2468. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2469. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2470. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2471. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2472. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2473. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.damage was corrected from null to its default, 5.0.
  2474. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 2.5.
  2475. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.airDamage was corrected from null to its default, 0.75.
  2476. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\ender_inventory.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2477. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2478. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2479. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2480. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2481. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2482. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2483. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\pull.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2484. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2485. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2486. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  2487. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2488. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2489. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2490. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.base_value was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  2491. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  2492. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\explosion.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2493. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2494. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2495. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 200.
  2496. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2497. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2498. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2499. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  2500. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.base was corrected from null to its default, 0.75.
  2501. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.aoe_bonus was corrected from null to its default, 1.5.
  2502. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.damage was corrected from null to its default, 6.0.
  2503. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amp_damage was corrected from null to its default, 2.5.
  2504. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\fangs.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2505. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2506. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2507. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 35.
  2508. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2509. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2510. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2511. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.damage was corrected from null to its default, 6.0.
  2512. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 3.0.
  2513. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\aoe.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2514. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2515. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2516. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 35.
  2517. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2518. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2519. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\gravity.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2520. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2521. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2522. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  2523. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2524. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2525. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2526. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2527. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\self.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2528. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2529. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2530. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2531. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2532. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2533. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2534. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\glide.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2535. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2536. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2537. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  2538. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2539. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2540. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2541. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 180.
  2542. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 120.
  2543. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\aquatic.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2544. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2545. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2546. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  2547. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2548. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2549. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2550. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2551. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  2552. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\projectile.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2553. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2554. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2555. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2556. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2557. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2558. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2559. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\wither.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2560. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2561. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2562. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  2563. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2564. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2565. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2566. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.potion_time was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2567. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.extend_time was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  2568. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau\gust.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2569. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2570. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2571. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.cost was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  2572. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.starter was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2573. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.per_spell_limit was corrected from null to its default, 2147483647.
  2574. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.augment_limits was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2575. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.base_value was corrected from null to its default, 1.5.
  2576. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.amplify was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  2577. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\ars_nouveau-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2578. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2579. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.dimensionBlacklist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2580. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.genTrees was corrected from null to its default, 0.002.
  2581. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.genBerries was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2582. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.spawnBook was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2583. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.carbuncleWeight was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2584. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.sylphWeight was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2585. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.drygmyWeight was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  2586. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.sylphManaCost was corrected from null to its default, 250.
  2587. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.wguardianWeight was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2588. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.wstalkerWeight was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2589. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.whunterWeight was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2590. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.hunterHuntsAnimals was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2591. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.stalkerHuntsAnimals was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2592. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.defenderHuntsAnimals was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2593. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key drygmy_production was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2594. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key drygmy_production.drygmyManaCost was corrected from null to its default, 1000.
  2595. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key drygmy_production.drygmyMaxProgress was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  2596. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key drygmy_production.drygmyUniqueBonus was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  2597. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key drygmy_production.drygmyBaseItems was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  2598. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key drygmy_production.drygmyQuantityCap was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2599. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mana was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2600. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mana.baseRegen was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2601. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mana.baseMax was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  2602. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mana.updateInterval was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2603. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mana.glyphmax was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  2604. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mana.tierMax was corrected from null to its default, 50.
  2605. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mana.manaBoost was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  2606. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mana.manaRegenEnchantment was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  2607. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mana.glyphRegen was corrected from null to its default, 0.33.
  2608. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mana.potionRegen was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2609. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mana.enforceCapOnCast was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2610. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\quark-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  2611. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2612. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Enable 'q' Button was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2613. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.'q' Button on the Right was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2614. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Disable Q Menu Effects was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2615. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Use Anti Overlap was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2616. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Use Piston Logic Replacement was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2617. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Piston Push Limit was corrected from null to its default, 12.
  2618. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Advancement Visibility Depth was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  2619. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Shulker Boxes was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:white_shulker_box, minecraft:orange_shulker_box, minecraft:magenta_shulker_box, minecraft:light_blue_shulker_box, minecraft:yellow_shulker_box, minecraft:lime_shulker_box, minecraft:pink_shulker_box, minecraft:gray_shulker_box, minecraft:light_gray_shulker_box, minecraft:cyan_shulker_box, minecraft:purple_shulker_box, minecraft:blue_shulker_box, minecraft:brown_shulker_box, minecraft:green_shulker_box, minecraft:red_shulker_box, minecraft:black_shulker_box].
  2620. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Interpret Shulker Box Like Blocks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2621. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Enable Worldgen Watchdog was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2622. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Print Screen Classnames was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2623. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Allowed Screens was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2624. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Use Fast Worldgen was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2625. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key general.Enable Network Profiling was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2626. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key categories was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2627. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key categories.Automation was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2628. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key categories.Building was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2629. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key categories.Management was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2630. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key categories.Tools was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2631. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key categories.Tweaks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2632. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key categories.World was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2633. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key categories.Mobs was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2634. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key categories.Client was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2635. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key categories.Experimental was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2636. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key categories.Oddities was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2637. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2638. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.Redstone Randomizer was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2639. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.Pistons Move Tile Entities was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2640. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.Obsidian Plate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2641. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.Metal Buttons was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2642. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.Jukebox Automation was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2643. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.Iron Rod was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2644. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.Gravisand was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2645. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.Feeding Trough was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2646. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.Ender Watcher was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2647. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.Dispensers Place Blocks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2648. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.Chute was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2649. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.Chains Connect Blocks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2650. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.pistons_move_tile_entities was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2651. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.pistons_move_tile_entities.Enable Chests Moving Together was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2652. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.pistons_move_tile_entities.Render Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [psi:programmer, botania:starfield].
  2653. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.pistons_move_tile_entities.Movement Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:spawner, integrateddynamics:cable, randomthings:blockbreaker, minecraft:ender_chest, minecraft:enchanting_table, minecraft:trapped_chest, quark:spruce_trapped_chest, quark:birch_trapped_chest, quark:jungle_trapped_chest, quark:acacia_trapped_chest, quark:dark_oak_trapped_chest, endergetic:bolloom_bud].
  2654. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.pistons_move_tile_entities.Delayed Update List was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:dispenser, minecraft:dropper].
  2655. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.metal_buttons was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2656. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.metal_buttons.Enable Iron was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2657. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.metal_buttons.Enable Gold was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2658. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.feeding_trough was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2659. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.feeding_trough.Cooldown was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2660. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.feeding_trough.Max Animals was corrected from null to its default, 32.
  2661. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.feeding_trough.Love Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.333333333.
  2662. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.feeding_trough.Range was corrected from null to its default, 10.0.
  2663. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.dispensers_place_blocks was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2664. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key automation.dispensers_place_blocks.Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:water, minecraft:lava, minecraft:fire].
  2665. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2666. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Wooden Posts was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2667. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Vertical Slabs was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2668. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Variant Ladders was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2669. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Variant Furnaces was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2670. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Variant Chests was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2671. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Variant Bookshelves was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2672. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Thatch was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2673. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Sturdy Stone was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2674. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Stools was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2675. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Soul Sandstone was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2676. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Shingles was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2677. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Shear Vines was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2678. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Rope was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2679. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Oriental Palette was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2680. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Nether Brick Fence Gate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2681. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.More Stone Variants was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2682. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.More Potted Plants was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2683. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.More Brick Types was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2684. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Midori was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2685. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Leaf Carpet was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2686. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Industrial Palette was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2687. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Hedges was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2688. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Grate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2689. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Gold Bars was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2690. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Glass Item Frame was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2691. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Framed Glass was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2692. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Duskbound Blocks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2693. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Compressed Blocks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2694. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.Celebratory Lamps was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2695. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.variant_ladders was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2696. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.variant_ladders.Change Names was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2697. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.variant_chests was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2698. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.variant_chests.Replace Worldgen Chests was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2699. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.variant_chests.Enable Reverting Wooden Chests was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2700. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.variant_chests.Structure Chests was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:village_plains=quark:oak_chest, minecraft:igloo=quark:spruce_chest, minecraft:village_snowy=quark:spruce_chest, minecraft:village_taiga=quark:spruce_chest, minecraft:desert_pyramid=quark:birch_chest, minecraft:jungle_pyramid=quark:jungle_chest, minecraft:village_desert=quark:jungle_chest, minecraft:village_savanna=quark:acacia_chest, minecraft:mansion=quark:dark_oak_chest, minecraft:pillager_outpost=quark:dark_oak_chest, minecraft:ruined_portal=quark:crimson_chest, minecraft:bastion_remnant=quark:crimson_chest, minecraft:fortress=quark:nether_brick_chest, minecraft:endcity=quark:purpur_chest].
  2701. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.variant_bookshelves was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2702. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.variant_bookshelves.Change Names was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2703. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.thatch was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2704. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.thatch.Fall Damage Multiplier was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  2705. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.rope was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2706. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.rope.Force Enable Move Tile Entities was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2707. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.rope.Enable Dispenser Behavior was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2708. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.oriental_palette was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2709. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.oriental_palette.Enable Paper Blocks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2710. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.oriental_palette.Enable Bamboo Mats was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2711. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.more_stone_variants was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2712. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.more_stone_variants.Enable Bricks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2713. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.more_stone_variants.Enable Chiseled Bricks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2714. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.more_stone_variants.Enable Pillar was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2715. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.more_brick_types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2716. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.more_brick_types.Enable Blue Nether Bricks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2717. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.more_brick_types.Enable Sandstone Bricks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2718. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.more_brick_types.Enable Cobblestone Bricks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2719. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.more_brick_types.Enable Blackstone Bricks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2720. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.more_brick_types.Enable Dirt Bricks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2721. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.more_brick_types.Enable Netherrack Bricks was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2722. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.industrial_palette was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2723. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.industrial_palette.Enable Iron Plates was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2724. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.industrial_palette.Enable Iron Ladder was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2725. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.gold_bars was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2726. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.gold_bars.Generate In Nether Fortress was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2727. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.glass_item_frame was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2728. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.glass_item_frame.Glass Item Frames Update Maps was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2729. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2730. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Charcoal Block and Blaze Lantern Stay On Fire Forever was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2731. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Charcoal Block Fuel Time was corrected from null to its default, 16000.
  2732. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Blaze Lantern Fuel Time was corrected from null to its default, 24000.
  2733. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Stick Block Fuel Time was corrected from null to its default, 900.
  2734. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Bamboo Bundle Fuel Time was corrected from null to its default, 500.
  2735. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Charcoal Block was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2736. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Sugar Cane Block was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2737. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Bamboo Block was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2738. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Cactus Block was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2739. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Chorus Fruit Block was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2740. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Stick Block was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2741. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Apple Crate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2742. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Golden Apple Crate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2743. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Potato Crate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2744. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Carrot Crate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2745. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Beetroot Crate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2746. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Cocoa Bean Sack was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2747. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Nether Wart Sack was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2748. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Gunpowder Sack was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2749. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Berry Sack was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2750. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Glow Berry Sack was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2751. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Blaze Lantern was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2752. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Bonded Leather was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2753. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.compressed_blocks.Enable Bonded Rabbit Hide was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2754. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.celebratory_lamps was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2755. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key building.celebratory_lamps.Light Level was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  2756. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2757. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.Item Sharing was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2758. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.Inventory Sorting was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2759. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.Hotbar Changer was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2760. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.Expanded Item Interactions was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2761. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.Easy Transfering was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2762. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.Chests In Boats was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2763. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.item_sharing was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2764. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.item_sharing.Render Items In Chat was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2765. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.inventory_sorting was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2766. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.inventory_sorting.Enable Player Inventory was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2767. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.inventory_sorting.Enable Player Inventory In Chests was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2768. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.inventory_sorting.Enable Chests was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2769. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.inventory_sorting.Satisfying Click was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2770. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.expanded_item_interactions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2771. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.expanded_item_interactions.Enable Armor Interaction was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2772. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.expanded_item_interactions.Enable Shulker Box Interaction was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2773. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.expanded_item_interactions.Enable Lava Interaction was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2774. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.easy_transfering was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2775. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key management.easy_transfering.Enable Shift Lock was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2776. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2777. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Trowel was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2778. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Slime In A Bucket was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2779. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Seed Pouch was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2780. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Pickarang was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2781. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Pathfinder Maps was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2782. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Endermosh Music Disc was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2783. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Color Runes was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2784. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Camera was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2785. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Bundle Recipe was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2786. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Bottled Cloud was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2787. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Beacon Redirection was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2788. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Ancient Tomes was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2789. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Ambient Discs was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2790. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.Abacus was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2791. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.trowel was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2792. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.trowel.Trowel Max Durability was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  2793. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.seed_pouch was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2794. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.seed_pouch.Max Items was corrected from null to its default, 640.
  2795. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.seed_pouch.Show All Variants In Creative was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2796. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.seed_pouch.Shift Range was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  2797. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pickarang was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2798. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pickarang.Timeout was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  2799. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pickarang.Harvest Level was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  2800. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pickarang.Netherite Harvest Level was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  2801. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pickarang.Durability was corrected from null to its default, 800.
  2802. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pickarang.Netherite Durability was corrected from null to its default, 1040.
  2803. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pickarang.Max Hardness was corrected from null to its default, 20.0.
  2804. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pickarang.Never Use Heart Of Diamond was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2805. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pickarang.No Cooldown was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2806. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pathfinder_maps was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2807. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pathfinder_maps.Customs was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2808. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pathfinder_maps.Search Radius was corrected from null to its default, 6400.
  2809. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pathfinder_maps.Search Distance Increment was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  2810. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.pathfinder_maps.Xp From Trade was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2811. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.endermosh_music_disc was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2812. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.endermosh_music_disc.Play Endermosh During Enderdragon Fight was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2813. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.endermosh_music_disc.Add To End City Loot was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2814. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.endermosh_music_disc.Loot Weight was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2815. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.endermosh_music_disc.Loot Quality was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  2816. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.color_runes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2817. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.color_runes.Dungeon Weight was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2818. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.color_runes.Nether Fortress Weight was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  2819. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.color_runes.Jungle Temple Weight was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  2820. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.color_runes.Desert Temple Weight was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  2821. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.color_runes.Item Quality was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  2822. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.color_runes.Apply Cost was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2823. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.bottled_cloud was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2824. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.bottled_cloud.Cloud Level Bottom was corrected from null to its default, 191.
  2825. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.bottled_cloud.Cloud Level Top was corrected from null to its default, 196.
  2826. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ancient_tomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2827. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ancient_tomes.Dungeon Weight was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  2828. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ancient_tomes.Library Weight was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2829. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ancient_tomes.Bastion Weight was corrected from null to its default, 25.
  2830. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ancient_tomes.Woodland Mansion Weight was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  2831. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ancient_tomes.Nether Fortress Weight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  2832. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ancient_tomes.Underwater Ruin Weight was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  2833. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ancient_tomes.Monster Box Weight was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2834. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ancient_tomes.Item Quality was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  2835. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ancient_tomes.Normal Upgrade Cost was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2836. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ancient_tomes.Limit Break Upgrade Cost was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2837. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ancient_tomes.Valid Enchantments was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:feather_falling, minecraft:thorns, minecraft:sharpness, minecraft:smite, minecraft:bane_of_arthropods, minecraft:knockback, minecraft:fire_aspect, minecraft:looting, minecraft:sweeping, minecraft:efficiency, minecraft:unbreaking, minecraft:fortune, minecraft:power, minecraft:punch, minecraft:luck_of_the_sea, minecraft:lure, minecraft:loyalty, minecraft:riptide, minecraft:impaling, minecraft:piercing].
  2838. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ambient_discs was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2839. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tools.ambient_discs.Drop On Spider Kill was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2840. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2841. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Villagers Follow Emeralds was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2842. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Utility Recipes was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2843. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Snow Golem Player Heads was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2844. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Simple Harvest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2845. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Sign Editing was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2846. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Replace Scaffolding was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2847. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Reacharound Placing was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2848. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Poison Potato Usage was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2849. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Pat The Dogs was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2850. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Note Block Mob Sounds was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2851. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.More Banner Layers was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2852. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Lock Rotation was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2853. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Hoe Harvesting was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2854. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Glass Shard was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2855. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Enhanced Ladders was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2856. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Emotes was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2857. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Dragon Scales was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2858. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Double Door Opening was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2859. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Compasses Work Everywhere was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2860. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Campfires Boost Elytra was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2861. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Better Elytra Rocket was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2862. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Automatic Recipe Unlock was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2863. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Armed Armor Stands was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2864. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.Skull Pikes was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2865. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.utility_recipes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2866. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.utility_recipes.Dye Any Wool was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2867. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.utility_recipes.Better Stone Tool Crafting was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2868. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.utility_recipes.Enable Dispenser was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2869. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.utility_recipes.Enable Repeater was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2870. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.utility_recipes.Enable Minecarts was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2871. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.utility_recipes.Logs To Chests was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2872. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.utility_recipes.Coral To Dye was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2873. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.utility_recipes.Bent Recipes was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2874. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.utility_recipes.Compostable Toxins was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2875. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.utility_recipes.Effective Dragon Breath was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2876. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.utility_recipes.Torches Burn was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2877. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.utility_recipes.Bone Meal Utility was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2878. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.simple_harvest was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2879. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.simple_harvest.Empty Hand Harvest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2880. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.simple_harvest.Harvesting Costs Durability was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2881. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.simple_harvest.Do Harvesting Search was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2882. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.simple_harvest.Harvestable Blocks was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:wheat[age=7], minecraft:carrots[age=7], minecraft:potatoes[age=7], minecraft:beetroots[age=3], minecraft:nether_wart[age=3], minecraft:cocoa[age=2,facing=north],minecraft:cocoa[age=0,facing=north], minecraft:cocoa[age=2,facing=south],minecraft:cocoa[age=0,facing=south], minecraft:cocoa[age=2,facing=east],minecraft:cocoa[age=0,facing=east], minecraft:cocoa[age=2,facing=west],minecraft:cocoa[age=0,facing=west]].
  2883. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.sign_editing was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2884. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.sign_editing.Requires Empty Hand was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2885. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.replace_scaffolding was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2886. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.replace_scaffolding.Max Bounces was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  2887. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.reacharound_placing was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2888. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.reacharound_placing.Leniency was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  2889. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.reacharound_placing.Whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2890. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.reacharound_placing.Display was corrected from null to its default, [ ].
  2891. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.reacharound_placing.Display Horizontal was corrected from null to its default, < >.
  2892. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.poison_potato_usage was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2893. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.poison_potato_usage.Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.1.
  2894. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.poison_potato_usage.Poison Effect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2895. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.pat_the_dogs was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2896. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.pat_the_dogs.Dogs Want Love was corrected from null to its default, -1.
  2897. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.more_banner_layers was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2898. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.more_banner_layers.Layer Limit was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  2899. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.hoe_harvesting was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2900. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.hoe_harvesting.Hoes Can Have Fortune was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2901. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.enhanced_ladders was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2902. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.enhanced_ladders.Fall Speed was corrected from null to its default, -0.2.
  2903. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.enhanced_ladders.Allow Freestanding was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2904. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.enhanced_ladders.Allow Dropping Down was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2905. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.enhanced_ladders.Allow Sliding was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2906. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.enhanced_ladders.Allow Inventory Sneak was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2907. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.emotes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2908. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.emotes.Enabled Emotes was corrected from null to its default, [no, yes, wave, salute, cheer, clap, think, point, shrug, headbang, weep, facepalm].
  2909. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.emotes.Custom Emotes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2910. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.emotes.Custom Emote Debug was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2911. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.compasses_work_everywhere was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2912. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.compasses_work_everywhere.Enable Compass Nerf was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2913. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.compasses_work_everywhere.Enable Clock Nerf was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2914. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.compasses_work_everywhere.Enable Nether was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2915. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.compasses_work_everywhere.Enable End was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2916. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.campfires_boost_elytra was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2917. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.campfires_boost_elytra.Boost Strength was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  2918. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.campfires_boost_elytra.Max Speed was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  2919. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.automatic_recipe_unlock was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2920. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.automatic_recipe_unlock.Ignored Recipes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2921. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.automatic_recipe_unlock.Force Limited Crafting was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2922. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.automatic_recipe_unlock.Disable Recipe Book was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2923. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.skull_pikes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2924. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key tweaks.skull_pikes.Pike Range was corrected from null to its default, 5.0.
  2925. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2926. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.Spiral Spires was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2927. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.Permafrost was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2928. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.New Stone Types was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2929. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.Nether Obsidian Spikes was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2930. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.Monster Box was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2931. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.Fairy Rings was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2932. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.Corundum was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2933. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.Chorus Vegetation was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2934. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.Blossom Trees was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2935. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.Big Stone Clusters was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2936. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.Big Dungeon was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2937. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2938. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2939. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2940. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:the_end].
  2941. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2942. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2943. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2944. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2945. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2946. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:end_highlands].
  2947. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2948. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.Rarity was corrected from null to its default, 200.
  2949. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.Radius was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  2950. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.Myalite Conduit Distance was corrected from null to its default, 24.
  2951. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.spiral_spires.Renewable Myalite was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2952. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2953. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2954. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2955. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2956. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  2957. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2958. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2959. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [].
  2960. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2961. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2962. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:frozen_peaks].
  2963. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2964. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.Rarity was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  2965. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.Min Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 105.
  2966. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.Max Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 140.
  2967. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.Horizontal Size was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  2968. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.Vertical Size was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  2969. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.Horizontal Variation was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  2970. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.permafrost.generation_settings.Vertical Variation was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  2971. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2972. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.Enable Limestone was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2973. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.Enable Jasper was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2974. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.Enable Shale was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2975. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.Enable Myalite was corrected from null to its default, true.
  2976. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2977. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2978. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2979. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  2980. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone.oregen_lower was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2981. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone.oregen_lower.Min Height was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  2982. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone.oregen_lower.Max Height was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  2983. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone.oregen_lower.Cluster Size was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  2984. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone.oregen_lower.Cluster Count was corrected from null to its default, 2.0.
  2985. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone.oregen_upper was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2986. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone.oregen_upper.Min Height was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  2987. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone.oregen_upper.Max Height was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  2988. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone.oregen_upper.Cluster Size was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  2989. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.limestone.oregen_upper.Cluster Count was corrected from null to its default, 0.1666666.
  2990. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2991. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2992. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  2993. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  2994. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper.oregen_lower was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  2995. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper.oregen_lower.Min Height was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  2996. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper.oregen_lower.Max Height was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  2997. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper.oregen_lower.Cluster Size was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  2998. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper.oregen_lower.Cluster Count was corrected from null to its default, 2.0.
  2999. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper.oregen_upper was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3000. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper.oregen_upper.Min Height was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  3001. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper.oregen_upper.Max Height was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  3002. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper.oregen_upper.Cluster Size was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  3003. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.jasper.oregen_upper.Cluster Count was corrected from null to its default, 0.1666666.
  3004. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3005. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3006. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3007. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3008. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale.oregen_lower was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3009. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale.oregen_lower.Min Height was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  3010. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale.oregen_lower.Max Height was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  3011. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale.oregen_lower.Cluster Size was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  3012. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale.oregen_lower.Cluster Count was corrected from null to its default, 2.0.
  3013. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale.oregen_upper was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3014. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale.oregen_upper.Min Height was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  3015. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale.oregen_upper.Max Height was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  3016. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale.oregen_upper.Cluster Size was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  3017. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.shale.oregen_upper.Cluster Count was corrected from null to its default, 0.1666666.
  3018. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3019. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3020. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3021. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:the_end].
  3022. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite.oregen_lower was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3023. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite.oregen_lower.Min Height was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  3024. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite.oregen_lower.Max Height was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  3025. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite.oregen_lower.Cluster Size was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  3026. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite.oregen_lower.Cluster Count was corrected from null to its default, 2.0.
  3027. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite.oregen_upper was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3028. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite.oregen_upper.Min Height was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  3029. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite.oregen_upper.Max Height was corrected from null to its default, 128.
  3030. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite.oregen_upper.Cluster Size was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  3031. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.new_stone_types.myalite.oregen_upper.Cluster Count was corrected from null to its default, 0.1666666.
  3032. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.nether_obsidian_spikes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3033. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.nether_obsidian_spikes.Chance Per Chunk was corrected from null to its default, 0.1.
  3034. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.nether_obsidian_spikes.Big Spike Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.03.
  3035. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.nether_obsidian_spikes.Tries Per Chunk was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  3036. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.nether_obsidian_spikes.Big Spike Spawners was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3037. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.nether_obsidian_spikes.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3038. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.nether_obsidian_spikes.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3039. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.nether_obsidian_spikes.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:the_nether].
  3040. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.monster_box was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3041. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.monster_box.Chance Per Chunk was corrected from null to its default, 0.2.
  3042. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.monster_box.Min Y was corrected from null to its default, -50.
  3043. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.monster_box.Max Y was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  3044. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.monster_box.Min Mob Count was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  3045. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.monster_box.Max Mob Count was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  3046. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.monster_box.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3047. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.monster_box.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3048. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.monster_box.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3049. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.monster_box.Enable Extra Loot Table was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3050. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.monster_box.Search Range was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  3051. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.fairy_rings was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3052. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.fairy_rings.Forest Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.00625.
  3053. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.fairy_rings.Plains Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.0025.
  3054. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.fairy_rings.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3055. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.fairy_rings.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3056. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.fairy_rings.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3057. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.fairy_rings.Ores was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:emerald_ore, minecraft:diamond_ore].
  3058. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3059. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.Crystal Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.16.
  3060. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.Crystal Cluster Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.2.
  3061. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.Crystal Cluster On Sides Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.6.
  3062. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.Double Crystal Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.2.
  3063. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.Cave Crystal Growth Chance was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  3064. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.Crystals Craft Runes was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3065. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.Enable Collateral Movement was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3066. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3067. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3068. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3069. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3070. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3071. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings.biomes.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [ocean].
  3072. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3073. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings.Rarity was corrected from null to its default, 400.
  3074. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings.Min Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  3075. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings.Max Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 64.
  3076. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings.Horizontal Size was corrected from null to its default, 72.
  3077. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings.Vertical Size was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  3078. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings.Horizontal Variation was corrected from null to its default, 22.
  3079. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.corundum.generation_settings.Vertical Variation was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  3080. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.chorus_vegetation was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3081. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.chorus_vegetation.Rarity was corrected from null to its default, 150.
  3082. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.chorus_vegetation.Radius was corrected from null to its default, 7.
  3083. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.chorus_vegetation.Chunk Attempts was corrected from null to its default, 120.
  3084. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.chorus_vegetation.Highlands Chance was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  3085. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.chorus_vegetation.Midlands Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.2.
  3086. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.chorus_vegetation.Other End Biomes Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  3087. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.chorus_vegetation.Passive Teleport Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.2.
  3088. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.chorus_vegetation.Endermite Spawn Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.01.
  3089. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.chorus_vegetation.Teleport Duplication Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.01.
  3090. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3091. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3092. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3093. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3094. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3095. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3096. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3097. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Types was corrected from null to its default, [snowy].
  3098. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3099. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3100. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3101. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3102. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 200.
  3103. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.lavender was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3104. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.lavender.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3105. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.lavender.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3106. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.lavender.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3107. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.lavender.biome_config was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3108. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.lavender.biome_config.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3109. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.lavender.biome_config.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [swamp].
  3110. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.lavender.biome_config.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3111. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.lavender.biome_config.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3112. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.lavender.biome_config.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3113. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.lavender.biome_config.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3114. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.lavender.Rarity was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  3115. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3116. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3117. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3118. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3119. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3120. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3121. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Types was corrected from null to its default, [savanna].
  3122. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3123. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3124. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3125. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3126. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  3127. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3128. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3129. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3130. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3131. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3132. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3133. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Types was corrected from null to its default, [mountain].
  3134. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3135. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3136. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3137. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3138. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  3139. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.yellow was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3140. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.yellow.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3141. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.yellow.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3142. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.yellow.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3143. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.yellow.biome_config was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3144. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.yellow.biome_config.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3145. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.yellow.biome_config.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [plains].
  3146. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.yellow.biome_config.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3147. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.yellow.biome_config.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3148. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.yellow.biome_config.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3149. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.yellow.biome_config.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3150. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.yellow.Rarity was corrected from null to its default, 200.
  3151. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3152. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3153. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3154. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3155. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3156. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3157. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Types was corrected from null to its default, [mesa].
  3158. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3159. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3160. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3161. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3162. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  3163. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.blossom_trees.Drop Leaf Particles was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3164. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3165. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3166. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.Enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3167. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3168. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3169. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3170. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3171. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3172. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [mountain].
  3173. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3174. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3175. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3176. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3177. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.Rarity was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  3178. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.Min Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  3179. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.Max Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 80.
  3180. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.Horizontal Size was corrected from null to its default, 14.
  3181. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.Vertical Size was corrected from null to its default, 14.
  3182. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.Horizontal Variation was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  3183. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.calcite.Vertical Variation was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  3184. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3185. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.Enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3186. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3187. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3188. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3189. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3190. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3191. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [swamp, ocean].
  3192. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3193. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3194. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3195. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3196. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.Rarity was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  3197. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.Min Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  3198. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.Max Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 80.
  3199. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.Horizontal Size was corrected from null to its default, 14.
  3200. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.Vertical Size was corrected from null to its default, 14.
  3201. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.Horizontal Variation was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  3202. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.limestone.Vertical Variation was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  3203. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3204. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.Enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3205. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3206. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3207. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3208. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3209. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3210. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [mesa, sandy].
  3211. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3212. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3213. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3214. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3215. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.Rarity was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  3216. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.Min Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  3217. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.Max Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 80.
  3218. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.Horizontal Size was corrected from null to its default, 14.
  3219. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.Vertical Size was corrected from null to its default, 14.
  3220. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.Horizontal Variation was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  3221. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.jasper.Vertical Variation was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  3222. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3223. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.Enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3224. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3225. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3226. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3227. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3228. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3229. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [snowy].
  3230. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3231. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3232. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3233. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3234. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.Rarity was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  3235. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.Min Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  3236. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.Max Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 80.
  3237. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.Horizontal Size was corrected from null to its default, 14.
  3238. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.Vertical Size was corrected from null to its default, 14.
  3239. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.Horizontal Variation was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  3240. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.shale.Vertical Variation was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  3241. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3242. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.Generate In Air was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3243. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.Enabled was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3244. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3245. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3246. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:the_end].
  3247. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3248. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3249. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3250. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3251. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3252. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:end_highlands].
  3253. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3254. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.Rarity was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  3255. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.Min Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 58.
  3256. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.Max Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 62.
  3257. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.Horizontal Size was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  3258. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.Vertical Size was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  3259. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.Horizontal Variation was corrected from null to its default, 6.
  3260. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.myalite.Vertical Variation was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  3261. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_stone_clusters.Blocks To Replace was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:stone, minecraft:andesite, minecraft:diorite, minecraft:granite, minecraft:netherrack|minecraft:the_nether, minecraft:end_stone|minecraft:the_end, quark:marble, quark:limestone, quark:jasper, quark:slate].
  3262. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3263. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.Spawn Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.1.
  3264. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.Loot Table was corrected from null to its default, minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon.
  3265. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.Max Rooms was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  3266. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.Min Start Y was corrected from null to its default, -10.
  3267. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.Max Start Y was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  3268. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.Chest Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  3269. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.Average Distance was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  3270. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.Minimum Distance was corrected from null to its default, 11.
  3271. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.biome_config was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3272. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.biome_config.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3273. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.biome_config.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [ocean, beach, nether, end].
  3274. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.biome_config.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3275. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.biome_config.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3276. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.biome_config.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3277. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key world.big_dungeon.biome_config.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3278. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3279. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.Wraith was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3280. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.Toretoise was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3281. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.Stonelings was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3282. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.Shiba was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3283. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.Frogs was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3284. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.Foxhound was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3285. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.Forgotten was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3286. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.Crabs was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3287. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3288. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.Wraith Sounds was corrected from null to its default, [entity.sheep.ambient|entity.sheep.hurt|entity.sheep.death, entity.cow.ambient|entity.cow.hurt|entity.cow.death, entity.pig.ambient|entity.pig.hurt|entity.pig.death, entity.chicken.ambient|entity.chicken.hurt|entity.chicken.death,||,||, entity.wolf.ambient|entity.wolf.hurt|entity.wolf.death, entity.villager.ambient|entity.villager.hurt|entity.villager.death, entity.polar_bear.ambient|entity.polar_bear.hurt|entity.polar_bear.death, entity.zombie.ambient|entity.zombie.hurt|entity.zombie.death, entity.skeleton.ambient|entity.skeleton.hurt|entity.skeleton.death, entity.spider.ambient|entity.spider.hurt|entity.spider.death, |entity.creeper.hurt|entity.creeper.death, entity.endermen.ambient|entity.endermen.hurt|entity.endermen.death, entity.zombie_pig.ambient|entity.zombie_pig.hurt|entity.zombie_pig.death, entity.witch.ambient|entity.witch.hurt|entity.witch.death, entity.blaze.ambient|entity.blaze.hurt|entity.blaze.death, entity.llama.ambient|entity.llama.hurt|entity.llama.death, |quark:entity.stoneling.cry|quark:entity.stoneling.die, quark:entity.frog.idle|quark:entity.frog.hurt|quark:entity.frog.die].
  3289. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.spawn_config was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3290. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.spawn_config.Max Cost was corrected from null to its default, 0.7.
  3291. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.spawn_config.Spawn Cost was corrected from null to its default, 0.15.
  3292. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.spawn_config.Spawn Weight was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  3293. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.spawn_config.Min Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  3294. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.spawn_config.Max Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  3295. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.spawn_config.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3296. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.spawn_config.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3297. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.spawn_config.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3298. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.spawn_config.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3299. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.spawn_config.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3300. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:soul_sand_valley].
  3301. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.wraith.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3302. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3303. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.Max Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  3304. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.Cooldown Ticks was corrected from null to its default, 1200.
  3305. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.Foods was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:glow_berries].
  3306. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.Regrow Chance was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  3307. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3308. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3309. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3310. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.spawn_config was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3311. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.spawn_config.Spawn Weight was corrected from null to its default, 120.
  3312. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.spawn_config.Min Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  3313. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.spawn_config.Max Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  3314. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.spawn_config.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3315. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.spawn_config.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3316. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.spawn_config.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [void, nether, end].
  3317. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.spawn_config.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3318. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.spawn_config.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3319. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3320. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.toretoise.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3321. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3322. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.Max Y Level was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  3323. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.dimensions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3324. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.dimensions.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3325. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.dimensions.Dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  3326. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.spawn_config was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3327. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.spawn_config.Spawn Weight was corrected from null to its default, 80.
  3328. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.spawn_config.Min Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  3329. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.spawn_config.Max Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  3330. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.spawn_config.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3331. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.spawn_config.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3332. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.spawn_config.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [void, nether, end].
  3333. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.spawn_config.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3334. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.spawn_config.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3335. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3336. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3337. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.Enable Diamond Heart was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3338. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.Cautious Stonelings was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3339. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.stonelings.Tamable Stonelings was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3340. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.shiba was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3341. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.shiba.spawn_config was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3342. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.shiba.spawn_config.Spawn Weight was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  3343. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.shiba.spawn_config.Min Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  3344. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.shiba.spawn_config.Max Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  3345. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.shiba.spawn_config.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3346. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.shiba.spawn_config.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3347. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.shiba.spawn_config.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [mountain].
  3348. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.shiba.spawn_config.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3349. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.shiba.spawn_config.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3350. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.shiba.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3351. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.shiba.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3352. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3353. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs.spawn_config was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3354. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs.spawn_config.Spawn Weight was corrected from null to its default, 40.
  3355. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs.spawn_config.Min Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  3356. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs.spawn_config.Max Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  3357. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs.spawn_config.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3358. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs.spawn_config.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3359. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs.spawn_config.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [swamp].
  3360. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs.spawn_config.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3361. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs.spawn_config.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3362. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3363. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3364. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs.Enable Brewing was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3365. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.frogs.Enable Big Funny was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3366. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3367. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.Tame Chance was corrected from null to its default, 0.05.
  3368. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.spawn_config was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3369. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.spawn_config.Spawn Weight was corrected from null to its default, 30.
  3370. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.spawn_config.Min Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  3371. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.spawn_config.Max Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  3372. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.spawn_config.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3373. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.spawn_config.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3374. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.spawn_config.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3375. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.spawn_config.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3376. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.spawn_config.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3377. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:nether_wastes, minecraft:basalt_deltas].
  3378. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3379. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3380. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.Max Cost was corrected from null to its default, 0.7.
  3381. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.Spawn Cost was corrected from null to its default, 0.15.
  3382. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.Spawn Weight was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  3383. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.Min Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  3384. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.Max Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  3385. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3386. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3387. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3388. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3389. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3390. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:soul_sand_valley].
  3391. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.foxhound.lesser_spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3392. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.forgotten was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3393. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.forgotten.Forgotten Spawn Rate was corrected from null to its default, 0.05.
  3394. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.forgotten.Max Height For Spawn was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  3395. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.crabs was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3396. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.crabs.spawn_config was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3397. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.crabs.spawn_config.Spawn Weight was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  3398. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.crabs.spawn_config.Min Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  3399. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.crabs.spawn_config.Max Group Size was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  3400. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.crabs.spawn_config.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3401. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.crabs.spawn_config.biomes.types was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3402. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.crabs.spawn_config.biomes.types.Biome Types was corrected from null to its default, [beach].
  3403. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.crabs.spawn_config.biomes.types.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3404. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.crabs.spawn_config.biomes.biomes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3405. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.crabs.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Biomes was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3406. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.crabs.spawn_config.biomes.biomes.Is Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3407. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mobs.crabs.Enable Brewing was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3408. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3409. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.Variant Animal Textures was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3410. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.Usage Ticker was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3411. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.Microcrafting Helper was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3412. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.Improved Tooltips was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3413. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.Greener Grass was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3414. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.Chest Searching was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3415. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.Back Button Keybind was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3416. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.Auto Walk Keybind was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3417. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.variant_animal_textures was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3418. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.variant_animal_textures.Enable Cow was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3419. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.variant_animal_textures.Enable Pig was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3420. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.variant_animal_textures.Enable Chicken was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3421. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.variant_animal_textures.Enable Shiny Rabbit was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3422. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.variant_animal_textures.Enable Shiny Llama was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3423. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.variant_animal_textures.Enable Shiny Dolphin was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3424. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.variant_animal_textures.Enable L G B T Bees was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3425. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.variant_animal_textures.Every Bee Is L G B T was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3426. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.variant_animal_textures.Shiny Animal Chance was corrected from null to its default, 2048.
  3427. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.usage_ticker was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3428. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.usage_ticker.Invert was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3429. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.usage_ticker.Shift Left was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  3430. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.usage_ticker.Shift Right was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  3431. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.usage_ticker.Enable Main Hand was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3432. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.usage_ticker.Enable Off Hand was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3433. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.usage_ticker.Enable Armor was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3434. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3435. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips.Attribute Tooltips was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3436. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips.Food Tooltips was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3437. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips.Shulker Tooltips was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3438. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips.Map Tooltips was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3439. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips.Enchanting Tooltips was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3440. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips.Shulker Box Use Colors was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3441. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips.Shulker Box Require Shift was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3442. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips.Map Require Shift was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3443. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips.Show Saturation was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3444. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips.Food Compression Threshold was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  3445. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips.Food Divisor was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  3446. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips.Enchanting Stacks was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:diamond_sword, minecraft:diamond_pickaxe, minecraft:diamond_shovel, minecraft:diamond_axe, minecraft:diamond_hoe, minecraft:diamond_helmet, minecraft:diamond_chestplate, minecraft:diamond_leggings, minecraft:diamond_boots, minecraft:shears, minecraft:bow, minecraft:fishing_rod, minecraft:crossbow, minecraft:trident, minecraft:elytra, quark:pickarang].
  3447. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.improved_tooltips.Enchanting Additional Stacks was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3448. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.greener_grass was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3449. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.greener_grass.Affect Leaves was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3450. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.greener_grass.Block List was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:large_fern, minecraft:tall_grass, minecraft:grass_block, minecraft:fern, minecraft:grass, minecraft:potted_fern, minecraft:sugar_cane, environmental:giant_tall_grass, valhelsia_structures:grass_block].
  3451. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.greener_grass.Leaves List was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:spruce_leaves, minecraft:birch_leaves, minecraft:oak_leaves, minecraft:jungle_leaves, minecraft:acacia_leaves, minecraft:dark_oak_leaves, atmospheric:rosewood_leaves, atmospheric:morado_leaves, atmospheric:yucca_leaves, autumnity:maple_leaves, environmental:willow_leaves, environmental:hanging_willow_leaves, minecraft:vine].
  3452. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.greener_grass.color_matrix was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3453. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.greener_grass.color_matrix.R was corrected from null to its default, [0.89, 0.0, 0.0].
  3454. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.greener_grass.color_matrix.G was corrected from null to its default, [0.0, 1.11, 0.0].
  3455. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.greener_grass.color_matrix.B was corrected from null to its default, [0.0, 0.0, 0.89].
  3456. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.auto_walk_keybind was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3457. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.auto_walk_keybind.Draw Hud was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3458. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key client.auto_walk_keybind.Hud Height was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  3459. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3460. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.Overlay Shader was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3461. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.Narrator Readout was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3462. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.Game Nerfs was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3463. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.Adjustable Chat was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3464. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.overlay_shader was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3465. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.overlay_shader.Shader was corrected from null to its default, none.
  3466. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.game_nerfs was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3467. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.game_nerfs.Nerf Mending was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3468. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.game_nerfs.Nerf Villager Discount was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3469. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.game_nerfs.Disable Iron Farms was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3470. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.game_nerfs.Disable Ice Roads was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3471. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.game_nerfs.Disable Wool Drops was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3472. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.adjustable_chat was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3473. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.adjustable_chat.Horizontal Shift was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  3474. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key experimental.adjustable_chat.Vertical Shift was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  3475. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3476. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.Totem Of Holding was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3477. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.Pipes was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3478. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.Matrix Enchanting was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3479. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.Magnets was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3480. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.Crate was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3481. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.Backpack was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3482. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.totem_of_holding was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3483. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.totem_of_holding.Dark Souls Mode was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3484. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.totem_of_holding.Spawn Totem on PVP Kill was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3485. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.totem_of_holding.Destroy Lost Items was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3486. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.totem_of_holding.Allow Anyone To Collect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3487. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.totem_of_holding.Enable Soul Compass was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3488. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.pipes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3489. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.pipes.Pipe Speed was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  3490. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.pipes.Max Pipe Items was corrected from null to its default, 16.
  3491. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.pipes.Do Pipes Whoosh was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3492. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3493. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Max Bookshelves was corrected from null to its default, 15.
  3494. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Piece Price Scale was corrected from null to its default, 9.
  3495. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Book Enchantability was corrected from null to its default, 12.
  3496. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Base Max Piece Count was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  3497. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Base Max Piece Count Book was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  3498. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Min Level Cutoff was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  3499. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Charge Per Lapis was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  3500. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Min Level Scale Factor was corrected from null to its default, 1.2.
  3501. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Min Level Scale Factor Book was corrected from null to its default, 2.0.
  3502. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Dupe Multiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.4.
  3503. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Incompatible Multiplier was corrected from null to its default, 0.0.
  3504. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Allow Books was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3505. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Allow Treasures was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3506. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Show Tooltip was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3507. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Normalize Rarity was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3508. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Allow Underwater Enchanting was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3509. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Disallowed Enchantments was corrected from null to its default, [].
  3510. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Influences List was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:unbreaking, minecraft:fire_protection, minecraft:knockback,minecraft:punch, minecraft:feather_falling, minecraft:looting,minecraft:fortune,minecraft:luck_of_the_sea, minecraft:blast_protection, minecraft:silk_touch,minecraft:channeling, minecraft:bane_of_arthropods, minecraft:protection, minecraft:respiration,minecraft:loyalty,minecraft:infinity, minecraft:sweeping,minecraft:multishot, minecraft:efficiency,minecraft:sharpness,minecraft:lure,minecraft:power,minecraft:impaling,minecraft:quick_charge, minecraft:aqua_affinity,minecraft:depth_strider,minecraft:riptide, minecraft:thorns,minecraft:piercing, minecraft:fire_aspect,minecraft:flame, minecraft:smite,minecraft:projectile_protection].
  3511. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Allow Influencing was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3512. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Influence Max was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  3513. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Influence Power was corrected from null to its default, 0.125.
  3514. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.matrix_enchanting.Automatically Convert was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3515. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.magnets was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3516. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.magnets.Magnetic Derivation List was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:iron_ingot, minecraft:copper_ingot, minecraft:exposed_copper, minecraft:weathered_copper, minecraft:oxidized_copper].
  3517. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.magnets.Magnetic Whitelist was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:chipped_anvil, minecraft:damaged_anvil].
  3518. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.magnets.Magnetic Blacklist was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:tripwire_hook].
  3519. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.crate was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3520. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.crate.Max Items was corrected from null to its default, 640.
  3521. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.backpack was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3522. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.backpack.Super Op Mode was corrected from null to its default, false.
  3523. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.backpack.Enable Ravager Hide was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3524. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.backpack.Items In Backpack Tick was corrected from null to its default, true.
  3525. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.backpack.Base Ravager Hide Drop was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  3526. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key oddities.backpack.Extra Chance Per Looting was corrected from null to its default, 0.5.
  3527. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Redstone Randomizer
  3528. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Pistons Move Tile Entities
  3529. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Obsidian Plate
  3530. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Metal Buttons
  3531. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Jukebox Automation
  3532. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Iron Rod
  3533. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Gravisand
  3534. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Feeding Trough
  3535. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Ender Watcher
  3536. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Dispensers Place Blocks
  3537. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Chute
  3538. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Chains Connect Blocks
  3539. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Wooden Posts
  3540. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Vertical Slabs
  3541. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Variant Ladders
  3542. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Variant Furnaces
  3543. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Variant Chests
  3544. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Variant Bookshelves
  3545. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Thatch
  3546. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Sturdy Stone
  3547. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Stools
  3548. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Soul Sandstone
  3549. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Shingles
  3550. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Shear Vines
  3551. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Rope
  3552. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Oriental Palette
  3553. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Nether Brick Fence Gate
  3554. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module More Stone Variants
  3555. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module More Potted Plants
  3556. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module More Brick Types
  3557. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Midori
  3558. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Leaf Carpet
  3559. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Industrial Palette
  3560. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Hedges
  3561. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Grate
  3562. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Gold Bars
  3563. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Glass Item Frame
  3564. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Framed Glass
  3565. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Duskbound Blocks
  3566. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Compressed Blocks
  3567. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Celebratory Lamps
  3568. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Item Sharing
  3569. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Inventory Sorting
  3570. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Hotbar Changer
  3571. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Expanded Item Interactions
  3572. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Easy Transfering
  3573. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Chests In Boats
  3574. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Trowel
  3575. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Slime In A Bucket
  3576. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Seed Pouch
  3577. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Pickarang
  3578. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Pathfinder Maps
  3579. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Endermosh Music Disc
  3580. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Color Runes
  3581. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Camera
  3582. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Bundle Recipe
  3583. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Bottled Cloud
  3584. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Beacon Redirection
  3585. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Ancient Tomes
  3586. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Ambient Discs
  3587. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Abacus
  3588. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Villagers Follow Emeralds
  3589. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Utility Recipes
  3590. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Snow Golem Player Heads
  3591. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Simple Harvest
  3592. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Sign Editing
  3593. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Replace Scaffolding
  3594. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Reacharound Placing
  3595. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Poison Potato Usage
  3596. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Pat The Dogs
  3597. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Note Block Mob Sounds
  3598. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module More Banner Layers
  3599. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Lock Rotation
  3600. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Hoe Harvesting
  3601. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Glass Shard
  3602. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Enhanced Ladders
  3603. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Emotes
  3604. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Dragon Scales
  3605. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Double Door Opening
  3606. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Compasses Work Everywhere
  3607. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Campfires Boost Elytra
  3608. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Better Elytra Rocket
  3609. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Automatic Recipe Unlock
  3610. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Armed Armor Stands
  3611. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Skull Pikes
  3612. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Spiral Spires
  3613. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Permafrost
  3614. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module New Stone Types
  3615. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Nether Obsidian Spikes
  3616. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Monster Box
  3617. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Fairy Rings
  3618. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Corundum
  3619. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Chorus Vegetation
  3620. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Blossom Trees
  3621. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Big Stone Clusters
  3622. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Big Dungeon
  3623. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Wraith
  3624. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Toretoise
  3625. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Stonelings
  3626. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Shiba
  3627. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Frogs
  3628. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Foxhound
  3629. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Forgotten
  3630. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Crabs
  3631. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Variant Animal Textures
  3632. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Usage Ticker
  3633. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Microcrafting Helper
  3634. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Improved Tooltips
  3635. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Greener Grass
  3636. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Chest Searching
  3637. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Back Button Keybind
  3638. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Auto Walk Keybind
  3639. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Overlay Shader
  3640. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Narrator Readout
  3641. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Game Nerfs
  3642. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Adjustable Chat
  3643. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Totem Of Holding
  3644. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Pipes
  3645. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Matrix Enchanting
  3646. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Magnets
  3647. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Crate
  3648. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/INFO]: Loading Module Backpack
  3649. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\cfm-common.toml is not correct. Correcting
  3650. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mail was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  3651. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mail.maxMailQueue was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  3652. [15:54:19] [modloading-worker-0/WARN]: Incorrect key mail.pullMailInterval was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  3653. [15:54:19] [Worker-Main-11/INFO]: betterfpsdist mod initialized
  3654. [15:54:19] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Loading compat module for mod patchouli
  3655. [15:54:19] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Loading compat module for mod curios
  3656. [03Jan2022 15:54:19.437] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [clumps] Starting version check at
  3657. [15:54:19] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: -- Nature's Aura Fake Player Information --
  3658. [15:54:19] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: Name: [Minecraft]
  3659. [15:54:19] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: UUID: 41C82C87-7AfB-4024-BA57-13D2C99CAE77
  3660. [15:54:19] [Worker-Main-2/INFO]: -------------------------------------------
  3661. [15:54:19] [Worker-Main-9/INFO]: Loading Xaero's World Map - Stage 1/2
  3662. [15:54:19] [Placebo Patreon Trail Loader/INFO]: Loading patreon trails data...
  3663. [15:54:19] [Placebo Patreon Wing Loader/INFO]: Loading patreon wing data...
  3664. [15:54:19] [Worker-Main-5/INFO]: Loading Xaero's Minimap - Stage 1/2
  3665. [15:54:19] [Placebo Patreon Trail Loader/INFO]: Loaded 8 patreon trails.
  3666. [15:54:19] [Placebo Patreon Wing Loader/INFO]: Loaded 8 patreon wings.
  3667. [03Jan2022 15:54:19.996] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [clumps] Found status: BETA Current: 8.0.4 Target: null
  3668. [03Jan2022 15:54:19.996] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [forge] Starting version check at
  3669. [03Jan2022 15:54:20.232] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [forge] Found status: BETA Current: 39.0.10 Target: 39.0.10
  3670. [03Jan2022 15:54:20.232] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [advancementplaques] Starting version check at
  3671. [15:54:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Xaero's Minimap - Stage 2/2
  3672. [15:54:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Xaero's World Map - Stage 2/2
  3673. [15:54:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Xaero's WorldMap Mod: Xaero's minimap found!
  3674. [03Jan2022 15:54:21.070] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [advancementplaques] Found status: UP_TO_DATE Current: 1.4.2 Target: null
  3675. [03Jan2022 15:54:21.072] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [mcwbridges] Starting version check at
  3676. [03Jan2022 15:54:21.208] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [mcwbridges] Found status: UP_TO_DATE Current: 2.0.1 Target: null
  3677. [03Jan2022 15:54:21.208] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [silentlib] Starting version check at
  3678. [03Jan2022 15:54:21.236] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [silentlib] Found status: BETA Current: 6.0.0 Target: null
  3679. [03Jan2022 15:54:21.236] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [silentgear] Starting version check at
  3680. [03Jan2022 15:54:21.262] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [silentgear] Found status: UP_TO_DATE Current: 2.8.2 Target: null
  3681. [03Jan2022 15:54:21.262] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [iceberg] Starting version check at
  3682. [03Jan2022 15:54:21.575] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [iceberg] Found status: UP_TO_DATE Current: 1.0.33 Target: null
  3683. [03Jan2022 15:54:21.575] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [legendarytooltips] Starting version check at
  3684. [03Jan2022 15:54:22.028] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [legendarytooltips] Found status: AHEAD Current: 1.2.0} Target: null
  3685. [03Jan2022 15:54:22.028] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [tombstone] Starting version check at
  3686. [03Jan2022 15:54:22.053] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [tombstone] Found status: BETA Current: 7.3.2 Target: null
  3687. [03Jan2022 15:54:22.054] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [cfm] Starting version check at
  3688. [03Jan2022 15:54:22.335] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [cfm] Found status: BETA Current: 7.0.0-pre27 Target: 7.0.0-pre27
  3689. [03Jan2022 15:54:22.335] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [autoplant] Starting version check at
  3690. [03Jan2022 15:54:22.365] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [autoplant] Found status: BETA Current: 1.18-0.1.0 Target: null
  3691. [03Jan2022 15:54:22.365] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [productivebees] Starting version check at
  3692. [03Jan2022 15:54:22.390] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [productivebees] Found status: BETA Current: 1.18.1- Target: null
  3693. [03Jan2022 15:54:22.390] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [silentgems] Starting version check at
  3694. [03Jan2022 15:54:22.415] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [silentgems] Found status: UP_TO_DATE Current: 4.2.1 Target: null
  3695. [03Jan2022 15:54:22.415] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [fastleafdecay] Starting version check at
  3696. [03Jan2022 15:54:22.862] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.VersionChecker/]: [fastleafdecay] Found status: AHEAD Current: 27.2 Target: null
  3697. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json: ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json
  3698. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=18'
  3699. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=19'
  3700. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=30'
  3701. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=31'
  3702. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=8'
  3703. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=10'
  3704. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=7'
  3705. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=11'
  3706. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=6'
  3707. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=12'
  3708. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=5'
  3709. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=13'
  3710. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=14'
  3711. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=15'
  3712. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=16'
  3713. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=9'
  3714. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=17'
  3715. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=29'
  3716. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=4'
  3717. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=3'
  3718. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=2'
  3719. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=1'
  3720. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=20'
  3721. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=21'
  3722. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=22'
  3723. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=23'
  3724. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=24'
  3725. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=25'
  3726. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=26'
  3727. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=27'
  3728. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/glyph_press.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:glyph_press#stage=28'
  3729. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: ars_nouveau:blockstates/imbuement_chamber.json: ars_nouveau:blockstates/imbuement_chamber.json
  3730. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/imbuement_chamber.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:imbuement_chamber#'
  3731. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json: ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json
  3732. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=0'
  3733. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=2'
  3734. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=1'
  3735. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=4'
  3736. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=3'
  3737. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=6'
  3738. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=13'
  3739. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=5'
  3740. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=12'
  3741. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=8'
  3742. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=15'
  3743. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=7'
  3744. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=14'
  3745. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=9'
  3746. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=11'
  3747. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/redstone_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:redstone_air#power=10'
  3748. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: ars_nouveau:blockstates/intangible_air.json: ars_nouveau:blockstates/intangible_air.json
  3749. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/intangible_air.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:intangible_air#'
  3750. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: ars_nouveau:blockstates/ritual_brazier.json: ars_nouveau:blockstates/ritual_brazier.json
  3751. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/ritual_brazier.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:ritual_brazier#lit=false'
  3752. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/ritual_brazier.json' missing model for variant: 'ars_nouveau:ritual_brazier#lit=true'
  3753. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/sconce.json' in resourcepack: 'Mod Resources' for variant: 'facing=down': Unknown value: 'down' for blockstate property: 'facing' [north, south, west, east]
  3754. [15:54:28] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ars_nouveau:blockstates/sconce.json' in resourcepack: 'Mod Resources' for variant: 'facing=up': Unknown value: 'up' for blockstate property: 'facing' [north, south, west, east]
  3755. [15:54:29] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to load model: 'ars_nouveau:block/light_block/light_spell_block1' referenced from: ars_nouveau:light_block#inventory: ars_nouveau:models/block/light_block/light_spell_block1.json
  3756. [15:54:29] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to load model: 'ars_nouveau:portal#inventory' referenced from: ars_nouveau:portal#inventory: ars_nouveau:models/item/portal.json
  3757. [15:54:35] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: Textures for fragment model
  3758. [15:54:35] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: - silentgear:item/fragment/wood
  3759. [15:54:35] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: - silentgear:item/fragment/cloth
  3760. [15:54:35] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: - silentgear:item/fragment/metal
  3761. [15:54:35] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: - silentgear:item/fragment/dust
  3762. [15:54:35] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: - silentgear:item/error
  3763. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #missing in silentgear:block/material_grader_on
  3764. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #down in ars_nouveau:block/relay_deposit
  3765. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #up in ars_nouveau:block/relay_deposit
  3766. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #north in ars_nouveau:block/relay_deposit
  3767. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #south in ars_nouveau:block/relay_deposit
  3768. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #west in ars_nouveau:block/relay_deposit
  3769. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #east in ars_nouveau:block/relay_deposit
  3770. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #down in ars_nouveau:block/arcane_core
  3771. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #up in ars_nouveau:block/arcane_core
  3772. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #north in ars_nouveau:block/arcane_core
  3773. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #south in ars_nouveau:block/arcane_core
  3774. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #west in ars_nouveau:block/arcane_core
  3775. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #east in ars_nouveau:block/arcane_core
  3776. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #missing in silentgear:block/gear_smithing_table
  3777. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #missing in silentgear:block/material_grader
  3778. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #missing in silentgear:item/gear_smithing_table
  3779. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #down in ars_nouveau:block/enchanting_apparatus
  3780. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #up in ars_nouveau:block/enchanting_apparatus
  3781. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #north in ars_nouveau:block/enchanting_apparatus
  3782. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #south in ars_nouveau:block/enchanting_apparatus
  3783. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #west in ars_nouveau:block/enchanting_apparatus
  3784. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #east in ars_nouveau:block/enchanting_apparatus
  3785. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #missingno in ars_nouveau:item/light_block
  3786. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #down in ars_nouveau:block/empty
  3787. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #up in ars_nouveau:block/empty
  3788. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #north in ars_nouveau:block/empty
  3789. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #south in ars_nouveau:block/empty
  3790. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #west in ars_nouveau:block/empty
  3791. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #east in ars_nouveau:block/empty
  3792. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-7/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #missing in silentgear:item/material_grader
  3793. [15:54:40] [Worker-Main-3/ERROR]: Using missing texture, unable to load ars_nouveau:textures/blocks/ars_nouveau_gold.png : ars_nouveau:textures/blocks/ars_nouveau_gold.png
  3794. [15:54:41] [Worker-Main-4/ERROR]: Using missing texture, unable to load ars_nouveau:textures/blocks/active_outer.png : ars_nouveau:textures/blocks/active_outer.png
  3795. [15:54:41] [Worker-Main-9/ERROR]: Using missing texture, unable to load ars_nouveau:textures/blocks/active_middle.png : ars_nouveau:textures/blocks/active_middle.png
  3796. [15:54:41] [Worker-Main-5/ERROR]: Using missing texture, unable to load ars_nouveau:textures/blocks/active_inner.png : ars_nouveau:textures/blocks/active_inner.png
  3797. [15:54:41] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: Integration TOP
  3798. [15:54:41] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Serene Seasons detected. Enabling season modifier.
  3799. [15:54:49] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenAL initialized on device OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  3800. [15:54:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Sound engine started
  3801. [15:54:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 2048x2048x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png-atlas
  3802. [15:54:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x512x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/signs.png-atlas
  3803. [15:54:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x512x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/banner_patterns.png-atlas
  3804. [15:54:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x512x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/shield_patterns.png-atlas
  3805. [15:54:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/chest.png-atlas
  3806. [15:54:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/beds.png-atlas
  3807. [15:54:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png-atlas
  3808. [15:54:55] [Render thread/INFO]: Model replacement took 2 ms
  3809. [15:54:55] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader forbidden_arcanus:rendertype_entity_fullbright_cutout could not find sampler named Sampler1 in the specified shader program.
  3810. [15:54:55] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader forbidden_arcanus:rendertype_entity_fullbright_cutout could not find sampler named Sampler2 in the specified shader program.
  3811. [15:54:55] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader forbidden_arcanus:rendertype_entity_fullbright_cutout could not find uniform named FogColor in the specified shader program.
  3812. [15:54:55] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader forbidden_arcanus:rendertype_entity_fullbright_translucent could not find sampler named Sampler1 in the specified shader program.
  3813. [15:54:55] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader forbidden_arcanus:rendertype_entity_fullbright_translucent could not find sampler named Sampler2 in the specified shader program.
  3814. [15:54:55] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader forbidden_arcanus:rendertype_entity_fullbright_translucent could not find uniform named FogColor in the specified shader program.
  3815. [15:54:56] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/particles.png-atlas
  3816. [15:54:56] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/paintings.png-atlas
  3817. [15:54:56] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/mob_effects.png-atlas
  3818. [15:54:56] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x128x0 jei:textures/atlas/gui.png-atlas
  3819. [15:54:56] [Render thread/INFO]: BookContentResourceListenerLoader preloaded 383 jsons
  3820. [15:54:56] [Render thread/INFO]: Not reloading resource pack-based books as client world is missing
  3821. [15:55:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Attempt 1...
  3822. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: # Ore Configs
  3823. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: ## Overworld
  3824. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Total veins per chunk: 9.0
  3825. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Average vein size: 7.0
  3826. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Ruby
  3827. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 4 veins of size 8 in 1/2 of chunks (avg 2.000 per chunk)
  3828. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights -64 to 32
  3829. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Topaz
  3830. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 4 veins of size 8 in 1/2 of chunks (avg 2.000 per chunk)
  3831. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights -56 to 40
  3832. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Heliodor
  3833. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 1 veins of size 6 in 1/4 of chunks (avg 0.250 per chunk)
  3834. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights -80 to -32
  3835. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Peridot
  3836. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 4 veins of size 8 in 1/2 of chunks (avg 2.000 per chunk)
  3837. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights -56 to 40
  3838. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Turquoise
  3839. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 1 veins of size 6 in 1/4 of chunks (avg 0.250 per chunk)
  3840. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights -80 to -32
  3841. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Sapphire
  3842. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 4 veins of size 8 in 1/2 of chunks (avg 2.000 per chunk)
  3843. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights -80 to 32
  3844. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Iolite
  3845. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 1 veins of size 6 in 1/4 of chunks (avg 0.250 per chunk)
  3846. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights -80 to -32
  3847. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Alexandrite
  3848. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 1 veins of size 6 in 1/4 of chunks (avg 0.250 per chunk)
  3849. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights -80 to -32
  3850. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: ## The Nether
  3851. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Total veins per chunk: 11.0
  3852. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Average vein size: 8.0
  3853. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Carnelian
  3854. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 2 veins of size 8
  3855. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights 25 to 110
  3856. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Citrine
  3857. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 2 veins of size 8
  3858. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights 25 to 110
  3859. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Moldavite
  3860. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 2 veins of size 8
  3861. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights 25 to 110
  3862. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Iolite
  3863. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 2 veins of size 8
  3864. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights 20 to 80
  3865. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Alexandrite
  3866. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 2 veins of size 8
  3867. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights 20 to 80
  3868. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Black Diamond
  3869. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 3 veins of size 8 in 1/3 of chunks (avg 1.000 per chunk)
  3870. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights -10 to 60
  3871. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: ## The End
  3872. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Total veins per chunk: 11.0
  3873. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Average vein size: 8.833333333333334
  3874. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Heliodor
  3875. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 2 veins of size 9
  3876. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights 16 to 72
  3877. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Turquoise
  3878. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 2 veins of size 9
  3879. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights 16 to 72
  3880. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Kyanite
  3881. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 2 veins of size 9
  3882. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights 16 to 72
  3883. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Ammolite
  3884. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 2 veins of size 9
  3885. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights 16 to 72
  3886. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - Rose Quartz
  3887. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 2 veins of size 9
  3888. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights 16 to 72
  3889. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - White Diamond
  3890. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - 3 veins of size 8 in 1/3 of chunks (avg 1.000 per chunk)
  3891. [15:55:19] [Render thread/INFO]: - at heights -10 to 60
  3892. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3893. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3894. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3895. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3896. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3897. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3898. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3899. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3900. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3901. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3902. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3903. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3904. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3905. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3906. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3907. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3908. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3909. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3910. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3911. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3912. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3913. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3914. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3915. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3916. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3917. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3918. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3919. [15:55:19] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  3920. [15:55:20] [Render thread/ERROR]: Adding duplicate key 'ResourceKey[minecraft:dimension / minecraft:the_nether]' to registry
  3921. [15:55:48] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  3922. [15:55:48] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  3923. [15:55:48] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, destination] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  3924. [15:55:48] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  3925. [15:55:48] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets, location] and [teleport, targets, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  3926. [15:55:48] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, supermartijn642configlib-1.0.9-mc1.18.jar, Cucumber-1.18.1-5.0.2.jar, jei-1.18.1-, modnametooltip-1.18.1-1.18.0.jar, Neat 1.8-29.jar, waystones-forge-1.18.1-9.0.1.jar, FastSuite-1.18.1-3.0.0.jar, Clumps-forge-1.18.1-8.0.4.jar, XaerosWorldMap_1.19.0_Forge_1.18.jar, JRFTL [1.18]-1.4.jar, cookingforblockheads-forge-1.18-11.0.0.jar, Placebo-1.18.1-6.0.3.jar, NaturesCompass-1.18.1-1.9.4-forge.jar, SereneSeasons-1.18.1-, feature_nbt_deadlock_be_gone_forge-1.0.0+1.18.1.jar, macawsbridgesbop-1.18.1-1.0.jar, sophisticatedbackpacks-1.18.1-, lazydfu-1.0-1.18+.jar, ExplorersCompass-1.18.1-1.1.2-forge.jar, betterbeaconplacement_1.18.1-1.5.jar, balm-2.4.0+0.jar, ToastControl-1.18.1-6.0.0.jar, carryon-1.18.1-, JustEnoughResources-1.18.1-, ninjaphenix-container-library-1.2.10+1.18.jar, forge-1.18.1-39.0.10-universal.jar, shetiphiancore-1.18-3.10.0.jar, Terralith_v2.0.8_~_Fabric+Forge.jar, MysticalAgriculture-1.18.1-5.0.1.jar, MysticalAgradditions-1.18.1-5.0.2.jar, AdvancementPlaques-1.18.1-1.4.2.jar, craftingtweaks-forge-1.18.1-14.0.2.jar, mcw-bridges-2.0.1-mc1.18.1.jar, theoneprobe-1.18-5.0.2.jar, appliedenergistics2-10.0.0-beta.3.jar, MouseTweaks-forge-mc1.18-2.21.jar, Compressium-1.4.0-build.4+mc1.18.jar, silent-lib-1.18-6.0.0.jar, BiomesOPlenty-1.18.1-, silent-gear-1.18.1-2.8.2.jar, supermartijn642corelib-1.0.15a-mc1.18.jar, Ding-1.18-1.3.0.jar, spark-forge.jar, betterfpsdist-1.18-1.1.jar, Iceberg-1.18.1-1.0.33.jar, curios-forge-1.18.1-, Patchouli-1.18.1-63.jar, LegendaryTooltips-1.18.1-1.2.0.jar, Xaeros_Minimap_21.23.0_Forge_1.18.jar, collective-1.18.1-3.8.jar, FastWorkbench-1.18.1-6.0.0.jar, polymorph-forge-1.18.1-0.35.jar, AutoRegLib-1.7-52.jar, Quark-3.0-334.jar, OreExcavation-1.10.159.jar, ToughAsNails-1.18.1-, harvest-1.18.1-1.1.jar, tombstone-7.3.2-1.18.jar, expandedstorage-7.3.6+1.18.jar, NaturesAura-35.4.jar, FastFurnace-1.18.1-6.0.1.jar, furniture-7.0.0-pre27-1.18.1.jar, appleskin-forge-mc1.18-2.2.0.jar, lootr-1.18-, ferritecore-4.0.0-forge.jar, autoplant-1.18-0.1.0.jar, productivebees-1.18.1-, chunkloaders-1.1.7b-mc1.18.jar, the_bumblezone_forge-4.1.1+1.18.1.jar, silents-gems-1.18.1-4.2.1.jar, terraqueous-1.18-1.9.0.jar, FastLeafDecay-27.2.jar, valhelsia_core-1.18.1-0.3.0.jar, forbidden_arcanus-1.18.1-2.0.0.jar, geckolib-1.18-forge-3.0.3.jar, ars_nouveau-1.18.1-2.0.2.jar, BetterAdvancements-1.18.1-
  3927. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/aluminum_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  3928. [15:55:49] [Render thread/ERROR]: Parsing error loading recipe productivebees:centrifuge/ars_nouveau/honeycomb_arcane
  3929. Unknown item tag 'forge:gems/mana'
  3930. at$valueFromJson$10( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3931. at net.minecraft.tags.TagContainer.m_144458_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3932. at ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3933. at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.VanillaIngredientSerializer.parse( ~[forge-1.18.1-39.0.10-universal.jar%23133!:?]
  3934. at net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.getIngredient( ~[forge-1.18.1-39.0.10-universal.jar%23133!:?]
  3935. at ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3936. at cy.jdkdigital.productivebees.recipe.CentrifugeRecipe$Serializer.lambda$fromJson$0( ~[productivebees-1.18.1-!:1.18.1-]
  3937. at java.lang.Iterable.forEach( ~[?:?]
  3938. at cy.jdkdigital.productivebees.recipe.CentrifugeRecipe$Serializer.fromJson( ~[productivebees-1.18.1-!:1.18.1-]
  3939. at cy.jdkdigital.productivebees.recipe.CentrifugeRecipe$Serializer.m_6729_( ~[productivebees-1.18.1-!:1.18.1-]
  3940. at ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3941. at ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3942. at shadows.fastsuite.AuxRecipeManager.m_5787_( ~[FastSuite-1.18.1-3.0.0.jar%2377!:3.0.0]
  3943. at shadows.fastsuite.AuxRecipeManager.m_5787_( ~[FastSuite-1.18.1-3.0.0.jar%2377!:3.0.0]
  3944. at net.minecraft.server.packs.resources.SimplePreparableReloadListener.m_10789_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3945. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniAccept.tryFire( ~[?:?]
  3946. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ ~[?:?]
  3947. at net.minecraft.server.packs.resources.SimpleReloadInstance.m_143940_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3948. at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.m_6367_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3949. at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantBlockableEventLoop.m_6367_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3950. at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.m_7245_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3951. at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.m_18701_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3952. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.m_91190_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3953. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.doLoadLevel( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3954. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.m_91202_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3955. at net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.worldselection.CreateWorldScreen.m_100972_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3956. at net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.worldselection.CreateWorldScreen.lambda$init$13( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3957. at net.minecraft.client.gui.components.Button.m_5691_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3958. at net.minecraft.client.gui.components.AbstractButton.m_5716_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3959. at net.minecraft.client.gui.components.AbstractWidget.m_6375_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3960. at ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3961. at net.minecraft.client.MouseHandler.lambda$onPress$0( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3962. at net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen.m_96579_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3963. at net.minecraft.client.MouseHandler.m_91530_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3964. at net.minecraft.client.MouseHandler.m_168091_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3965. at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.execute( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3966. at net.minecraft.client.MouseHandler.m_91565_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3967. at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.callback( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.2.2.jar%2348!:build 10]
  3968. at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method) ~[lwjgl-3.2.2.jar%2344!:build 10]
  3969. at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwPollEvents( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.2.2.jar%2348!:build 10]
  3970. at ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3971. at com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.Window.m_85435_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3972. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.m_91383_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3973. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.m_91374_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3974. at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  3975. at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
  3976. at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:?]
  3977. at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:?]
  3978. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:?]
  3979. at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.targets.CommonClientLaunchHandler.lambda$launchService$0( ~[fmlloader-1.18.1-39.0.10.jar%2323!:?]
  3980. at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.launch( [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  3981. at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  3982. at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  3983. at [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  3984. at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.main( [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  3985. at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept( [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  3986. at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept( [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  3987. at cpw.mods.bootstraplauncher.BootstrapLauncher.main( [bootstraplauncher-0.1.17.jar:?]
  3988. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/constantan_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  3989. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/tungsten_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  3990. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/mithril_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  3991. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/tin_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  3992. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/iridium_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  3993. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/zinc_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  3994. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/bronze_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  3995. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/invar_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  3996. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/niter as it's serializer returned null
  3997. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/chrome_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  3998. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/electrum_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  3999. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/gems/apatite as it's serializer returned null
  4000. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/brass_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  4001. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/saltpeter as it's serializer returned null
  4002. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/steel_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  4003. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/titanium_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  4004. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/rubber as it's serializer returned null
  4005. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/platinum_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  4006. [15:55:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/sulfur as it's serializer returned null
  4007. [15:55:50] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/lead_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  4008. [15:55:50] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/graphite_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  4009. [15:55:50] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/uranium_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  4010. [15:55:50] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipping loading recipe mysticalagriculture:essence/common/nickel_ingot as it's serializer returned null
  4011. [15:55:50] [Render thread/ERROR]: Parsing error loading recipe productivebees:ars_nouveau/arcane_bee
  4012. Missing pedestalItems, expected to find a JsonArray
  4013. at net.minecraft.util.GsonHelper.m_13933_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4014. at com.hollingsworth.arsnouveau.api.enchanting_apparatus.EnchantingApparatusRecipe$Serializer.fromJson( ~[ars_nouveau-1.18.1-2.0.2.jar%2355!:2.0.2]
  4015. at com.hollingsworth.arsnouveau.api.enchanting_apparatus.EnchantingApparatusRecipe$Serializer.m_6729_( ~[ars_nouveau-1.18.1-2.0.2.jar%2355!:2.0.2]
  4016. at ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4017. at ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4018. at shadows.fastsuite.AuxRecipeManager.m_5787_( ~[FastSuite-1.18.1-3.0.0.jar%2377!:3.0.0]
  4019. at shadows.fastsuite.AuxRecipeManager.m_5787_( ~[FastSuite-1.18.1-3.0.0.jar%2377!:3.0.0]
  4020. at net.minecraft.server.packs.resources.SimplePreparableReloadListener.m_10789_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4021. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniAccept.tryFire( ~[?:?]
  4022. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ ~[?:?]
  4023. at net.minecraft.server.packs.resources.SimpleReloadInstance.m_143940_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4024. at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.m_6367_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4025. at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantBlockableEventLoop.m_6367_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4026. at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.m_7245_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4027. at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.m_18701_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4028. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.m_91190_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4029. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.doLoadLevel( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4030. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.m_91202_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4031. at net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.worldselection.CreateWorldScreen.m_100972_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4032. at net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.worldselection.CreateWorldScreen.lambda$init$13( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4033. at net.minecraft.client.gui.components.Button.m_5691_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4034. at net.minecraft.client.gui.components.AbstractButton.m_5716_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4035. at net.minecraft.client.gui.components.AbstractWidget.m_6375_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4036. at ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4037. at net.minecraft.client.MouseHandler.lambda$onPress$0( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4038. at net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen.m_96579_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4039. at net.minecraft.client.MouseHandler.m_91530_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4040. at net.minecraft.client.MouseHandler.m_168091_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4041. at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.execute( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4042. at net.minecraft.client.MouseHandler.m_91565_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4043. at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.callback( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.2.2.jar%2348!:build 10]
  4044. at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method) ~[lwjgl-3.2.2.jar%2344!:build 10]
  4045. at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwPollEvents( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.2.2.jar%2348!:build 10]
  4046. at ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4047. at com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.Window.m_85435_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4048. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.m_91383_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4049. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.m_91374_( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4050. at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( ~[client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar%23129!:?]
  4051. at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
  4052. at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:?]
  4053. at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:?]
  4054. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:?]
  4055. at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.targets.CommonClientLaunchHandler.lambda$launchService$0( ~[fmlloader-1.18.1-39.0.10.jar%2323!:?]
  4056. at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.launch( [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  4057. at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  4058. at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  4059. at [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  4060. at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.main( [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  4061. at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept( [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  4062. at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept( [modlauncher-9.0.7.jar%235!:?]
  4063. at cpw.mods.bootstraplauncher.BootstrapLauncher.main( [bootstraplauncher-0.1.17.jar:?]
  4064. [15:55:50] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 40 recipes
  4065. [15:55:50] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, Mod Resources, quark-emote-pack
  4066. [15:55:50] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/chests/ruined_portal' into 'minecraft:chests/ruined_portal'
  4067. [15:55:50] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/chests/bastion_bridge' into 'minecraft:chests/bastion_bridge'
  4068. [15:55:50] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/chests/bastion_treasure' into 'minecraft:chests/bastion_treasure'
  4069. [15:55:50] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/chests/nether_bridge' into 'minecraft:chests/nether_bridge'
  4070. [15:55:50] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/entities/spider' into 'minecraft:entities/spider'
  4071. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/entities/cave_spider' into 'minecraft:entities/cave_spider'
  4072. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/chests/bastion_other' into 'minecraft:chests/bastion_other'
  4073. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered 0 additional loot tables.
  4074. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 3555 advancements
  4075. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered 0 additional recipes.
  4076. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading trait files
  4077. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered 74 traits
  4078. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading part files
  4079. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered part serializer 'silentgear:compound_part'
  4080. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered part serializer 'silentgear:misc_upgrade'
  4081. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered 44 parts
  4082. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading material files
  4083. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered material serializer 'silentgear:standard'
  4084. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered material serializer 'silentgear:compound'
  4085. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered material serializer 'silentgear:custom_compound'
  4086. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered material serializer 'silentgear:crafted'
  4087. [15:55:51] [Render thread/WARN]: Material 'silentgear:high_carbon_steel' has no model in the data file. This may be an outdated data pack or mod.
  4088. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipped loading 26 material(s), as their conditions were not met. This is usually NOT an error!
  4089. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Skipped materials: silentgear:aluminum, silentgear:aluminum_steel, silentgear:bismuth, silentgear:bismuth_brass, silentgear:bismuth_steel, silentgear:brass, silentgear:bronze, silentgear:compressed_iron, silentgear:electrum, silentgear:enderium, silentgear:invar, silentgear:lead, silentgear:lumium, silentgear:nickel, silentgear:osmium, silentgear:platinum, silentgear:redstone_alloy, silentgear:refined_glowstone, silentgear:refined_iron, silentgear:refined_obsidian, silentgear:signalum, silentgear:steel, silentgear:tin, silentgear:titanium, silentgear:uranium, silentgear:zinc
  4090. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded cucumber-tags.json in 0 ms
  4091. [15:55:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Successfully processed 7140 recipes into the AuxRecipeManager.
  4092. [15:55:54] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered biome provider for datapack
  4093. [15:55:54] [Render thread/INFO]: Merged generation settings with datapack
  4094. [15:55:54] [Render thread/ERROR]: Adding duplicate key 'ResourceKey[minecraft:dimension / minecraft:the_nether]' to registry
  4095. [03Jan2022 15:55:57.967] [Render thread/INFO] [com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilAuthenticationService/]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
  4096. [15:55:57] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.18.1
  4097. [15:55:57] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
  4098. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\saves\New World\serverconfig\carryon-server.toml is not correct. Correcting
  4099. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4100. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.maxDistance was corrected from null to its default, 2.5.
  4101. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.maxEntityWidth was corrected from null to its default, 1.5.
  4102. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.maxEntityHeight was corrected from null to its default, 2.0.
  4103. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.blockSlownessMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  4104. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.entitySlownessMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  4105. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.maxEntityStackLimit was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  4106. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.heavyTiles was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4107. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.pickupAllBlocks was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4108. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.slownessInCreative was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4109. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.pickupHostileMobs was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4110. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.heavyEntities was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4111. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.allowBabies was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4112. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.useWhitelistBlocks was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4113. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.useWhitelistEntities was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4114. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.useWhitelistStacking was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4115. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.hitWhileCarrying was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4116. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.dropCarriedWhenHit was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4117. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.useScripts was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4118. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key settings.stackableEntities was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4119. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key blacklist was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4120. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key blacklist.forbiddenTiles was corrected from null to its default, [#forge:immovable, #forge:relocation_not_supported, minecraft:end_portal, minecraft:end_gateway, minecraft:tall_grass, minecraft:large_fern, minecraft:peony, minecraft:rose_bush, minecraft:lilac, minecraft:sunflower, minecraft:*_bed, minecraft:oak_door, minecraft:iron_door, minecraft:spruce_door, minecraft:birch_door, minecraft:jungle_door, minecraft:acacia_door, minecraft:dark_oak_door, minecraft:waterlily, minecraft:cake, minecraft:nether_portal, minecraft:tall_seagrass, animania:block_trough, animania:block_invisiblock, colossalchests:*, ic2:*, bigreactors:*, forestry:*, tconstruct:*, rustic:*, botania:*, astralsorcery:*, quark:colored_bed_*, immersiveengineering:*, embers:block_furnace, embers:ember_bore, embers:ember_activator, embers:mixer, embers:heat_coil, embers:large_tank, embers:crystal_cell, embers:alchemy_pedestal, embers:boiler, embers:combustor, embers:catalzyer, embers:field_chart, embers:inferno_forge, storagedrawers:framingtable, skyresources:*, lootbags:*, exsartagine:*, aquamunda:tank, opencomputers:*, malisisdoors:*, industrialforegoing:*, minecolonies:*, thaumcraft:pillar*, thaumcraft:infernal_furnace, thaumcraft:placeholder*, thaumcraft:infusion_matrix, thaumcraft:golem_builder, thaumcraft:thaumatorium*, magneticraft:oil_heater, magneticraft:solar_panel, magneticraft:steam_engine, magneticraft:shelving_unit, magneticraft:grinder, magneticraft:sieve, magneticraft:solar_tower, magneticraft:solar_mirror, magneticraft:container, magneticraft:pumpjack, magneticraft:solar_panel, magneticraft:refinery, magneticraft:oil_heater, magneticraft:hydraulic_press, magneticraft:multiblock_gap, refinedstorage:*, mcmultipart:*, enderstorage:*, betterstorage:*, practicallogistics2:*, wearablebackpacks:*, rftools:screen, rftools:creative_screen, create:*, magic_doorknob:*, iceandfire:*, ftbquests:*, waystones:*].
  4121. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key blacklist.forbiddenEntities was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:end_crystal, minecraft:ender_dragon, minecraft:ghast, minecraft:shulker, minecraft:leash_knot, minecraft:armor_stand, minecraft:item_frame, minecraft:painting, minecraft:shulker_bullet, animania:hamster, animania:ferret*, animania:hedgehog*, animania:cart, animania:wagon, mynko:*, pixelmon:*, mocreatures:*, quark:totem, vehicle:*].
  4122. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key blacklist.forbiddenStacking was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:horse].
  4123. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key whitelist was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4124. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key whitelist.allowedEntities was corrected from null to its default, [].
  4125. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key whitelist.allowedBlocks was corrected from null to its default, [].
  4126. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key whitelist.allowedStacking was corrected from null to its default, [].
  4127. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key custom_pickup_conditions was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4128. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key custom_pickup_conditions.customPickupConditionsBlocks was corrected from null to its default, [].
  4129. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key custom_pickup_conditions.customPickupConditionsEntities was corrected from null to its default, [].
  4130. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\saves\New World\serverconfig\sereneseasons-server.toml is not correct. Correcting
  4131. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key time_settings was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4132. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key time_settings.day_duration was corrected from null to its default, 24000.
  4133. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key time_settings.sub_season_duration was corrected from null to its default, 8.
  4134. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key time_settings.starting_sub_season was corrected from null to its default, 1.
  4135. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key time_settings.progress_season_while_offline was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4136. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key aesthetic_settings was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4137. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key aesthetic_settings.change_grass_color was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4138. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key aesthetic_settings.change_foliage_color was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4139. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key aesthetic_settings.change_birch_color was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4140. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key dimension_settings was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4141. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key dimension_settings.whitelisted_dimensions was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:overworld].
  4142. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key biome_settings was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4143. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key biome_settings.blacklisted_biomes was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:ocean, minecraft:deep_ocean, minecraft:frozen_ocean, minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean, minecraft:cold_ocean, minecraft:deep_cold_ocean, minecraft:lukewarm_ocean, minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean, minecraft:warm_ocean, minecraft:river, minecraft:the_void].
  4144. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key biome_settings.tropical_biomes was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft:swamp, minecraft:warm_ocean].
  4145. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\saves\New World\serverconfig\curios-server.toml is not correct. Correcting
  4146. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key curiosSettings was corrected from null to its default, [].
  4147. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\saves\New World\serverconfig\forge-server.toml is not correct. Correcting
  4148. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key server was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4149. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key server.removeErroringBlockEntities was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4150. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key server.fullBoundingBoxLadders was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4151. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key server.zombieBaseSummonChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.1.
  4152. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key server.zombieBabyChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.05.
  4153. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key server.treatEmptyTagsAsAir was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4154. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key server.fixAdvancementLoading was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4155. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key server.permissionHandler was corrected from null to its default, forge:default_handler.
  4156. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\saves\New World\serverconfig\toughasnails-server.toml is not correct. Correcting
  4157. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key toggles was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4158. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key toggles.enable_thirst was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4159. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key toggles.enable_hand_drinking was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4160. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key toggles.enable_temperature was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4161. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\saves\New World\serverconfig\fastleafdecay-server.toml is not correct. Correcting
  4162. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key MinimumDecayTime was corrected from null to its default, 4.
  4163. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key MaximumDecayTime was corrected from null to its default, 11.
  4164. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\config\tombstone-server.toml is not correct. Correcting
  4165. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4166. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.xp_loss was corrected from null to its default, 80.
  4167. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key player_death.decay_time was corrected from null to its default, -1.
  4168. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key general was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4169. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key general.ghostly_shape_duration was corrected from null to its default, 120.
  4170. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key general.chance_enchanted_grave_key was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  4171. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key general.familiar_receptacle_required_level was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  4172. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key general.scroll_duration was corrected from null to its default, 12000.
  4173. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key general.perk_progression_scale was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  4174. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key general.scroll_of_knowledge_loss was corrected from null to its default, 0.
  4175. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4176. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.nerf_shadow_step_force_sneak was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4177. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.enable_enchantment_shadow_step was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4178. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.enable_enchantment_soulbound was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4179. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.enable_enchantment_magic_siphon was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4180. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.enable_enchantment_plague_bringer was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4181. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.enable_enchantment_curse_of_bones was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4182. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.enable_enchantment_blessing was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4183. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.enable_enchantment_frostbite was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4184. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.soulbound_enchanting_table was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4185. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.shadow_step_enchanting_table was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4186. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.magic_siphon_enchanting_table was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4187. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.plague_bringer_enchanting_table was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4188. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.curse_of_bones_enchanting_table was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4189. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.blessing_enchanting_table was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4190. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.frostbite_enchanting_table was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4191. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.plague_bringer_combining_magic_siphon was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4192. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.frostbite_combining_fire_aspect was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4193. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.max_level_shadow_step was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  4194. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.max_level_magic_siphon was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  4195. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.max_level_plague_bringer was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  4196. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.max_level_curse_of_bones was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  4197. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key enchantments.max_level_frostbite was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  4198. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4199. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.tablet_max_use was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  4200. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.tablet_cooldown was corrected from null to its default, 300.
  4201. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.unbreakable_decorative_grave was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4202. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.cooldown_to_pray was corrected from null to its default, 3.
  4203. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key decorative_grave.cooldown_reset_perk was corrected from null to its default, 120.
  4204. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4205. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_voodoo_poppet was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4206. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_familiar_receptacle was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4207. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_book_of_disenchantment was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4208. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_scroll_of_preservation was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4209. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_grave_key was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4210. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_scroll_of_knowledge was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4211. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_tablet_of_recall was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4212. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_tablet_of_home was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4213. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_tablet_of_assistance was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4214. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_tablet_of_cupidity was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4215. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_scroll_of_unstable_intangibility was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4216. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_scroll_of_feather_fall was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4217. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_scroll_of_purification was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4218. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_scroll_of_true_sight was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4219. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_lost_tablet was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4220. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_scroll_of_reach was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4221. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_scroll_of_lightning_resistance was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4222. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_scroll_of_frost_resistance was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4223. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_scroll_of_aquatic_life was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4224. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_dust_of_vanishing was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4225. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_dust_of_frost was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4226. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_enchanted_bundle was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4227. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_book_of_recycling was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4228. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_book_of_repairing was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4229. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key allowedMagicItems.allow_book_of_magic_impregnation was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4230. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key loot was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4231. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key loot.chance_loot_lost_tablet was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  4232. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key compatibility was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4233. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key compatibility.astral_sorcery_ignore_enchantment_bonus was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4234. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key compatibility.fix_anvil_custom_name was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4235. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key compatibility.fix_repair_cost_zero was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4236. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\saves\New World\serverconfig\productivebees-server.toml is not correct. Correcting
  4237. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4238. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.hiveTickRate was corrected from null to its default, 1500.
  4239. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.timeInHive was corrected from null to its default, 4800.
  4240. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.centrifugeProcessingTime was corrected from null to its default, 300.
  4241. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.centrifugePoweredProcessingTime was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  4242. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.centrifugePowerUse was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  4243. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.incubatorProcessingTime was corrected from null to its default, 3600.
  4244. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.incubatorPowerUse was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  4245. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.incubatorTreatUse was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  4246. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.generatorPowerGen was corrected from null to its default, 60.
  4247. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.generatorHoneyUse was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  4248. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.preferredTagSource was corrected from null to its default, [minecraft, productivebees, thermal, tconstruct, immersiveengineering, create, mekanism, silents_mechanisms].
  4249. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.numberOfBeesPerBomb was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  4250. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.nestLocatorDistance was corrected from null to its default, 100.
  4251. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.nestSpawnCooldown was corrected from null to its default, 24000.
  4252. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key General.centrifugeHopperMode was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4253. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bees was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4254. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bees.spawnUndeadBees was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4255. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bees.spawnUndeadBeesChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.05.
  4256. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bees.sugarbagBeeChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.02.
  4257. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bees.cupidBeeAnimalsPerPollination was corrected from null to its default, 5.
  4258. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bees.cupidBeeAnimalDensity was corrected from null to its default, 20.
  4259. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bees.cuckooSpawnCount was corrected from null to its default, 2.
  4260. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bees.fishingBeeChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.05.
  4261. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bee attributes was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4262. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bee attributes.ticks was corrected from null to its default, 2337.
  4263. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bee attributes.damageChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.1.
  4264. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bee attributes.toleranceChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.1.
  4265. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bee attributes.behaviorChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.1.
  4266. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bee attributes.geneExtractChance was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  4267. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Bee attributes.typeGenePurity was corrected from null to its default, 33.
  4268. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4269. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:oak_wood_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4270. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:spruce_wood_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4271. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:dark_oak_wood_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4272. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:birch_wood_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4273. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:jungle_wood_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4274. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:acacia_wood_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4275. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:stone_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4276. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:coarse_dirt_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4277. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:sand_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4278. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:snow_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4279. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:gravel_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4280. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:sugar_cane_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4281. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:slimy_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4282. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:glowstone_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4283. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:soul_sand_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4284. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:nether_quartz_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4285. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:nether_gold_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4286. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:nether_brick_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4287. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:end_stone_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4288. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:obsidian_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4289. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:bumble_bee_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4290. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Worldgen.enable_productivebees:sugarbag_nest was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4291. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Hive Upgrades was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4292. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Hive Upgrades.timeBonus was corrected from null to its default, 0.2.
  4293. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Hive Upgrades.combBlockTimeModifier was corrected from null to its default, 1.0.
  4294. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Hive Upgrades.productivityMultiplier was corrected from null to its default, 1.4.
  4295. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Hive Upgrades.breedingChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.05.
  4296. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Hive Upgrades.breedingMaxNearbyEntities was corrected from null to its default, 10.
  4297. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key Hive Upgrades.samplerChance was corrected from null to its default, 0.05.
  4298. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Configuration file C:\Users\coldr\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\coldReactive's Custom Pack\saves\New World\serverconfig\jei-server.toml is not correct. Correcting
  4299. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key cheat mode was corrected from null to its default, SimpleCommentedConfig:{}.
  4300. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key cheat mode.enableCheatModeForOp was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4301. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key cheat mode.enableCheatModeForCreative was corrected from null to its default, true.
  4302. [15:55:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Incorrect key cheat mode.enableCheatModeForGive was corrected from null to its default, false.
  4303. [15:55:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading Teams Data
  4304. [15:55:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Importing Scoreboard Teams
  4305. [15:55:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Finished Loading Teams Data
  4306. [15:56:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
  4307. [15:56:02] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  4308. [15:56:02] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  4309. [15:56:03] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  4310. [15:56:03] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 1%
  4311. [15:56:04] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 3%
  4312. [15:56:04] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 5%
  4313. [15:56:05] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 6%
  4314. [15:56:05] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 9%
  4315. [15:56:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 13%
  4316. [15:56:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 15%
  4317. [15:56:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 17%
  4318. [15:56:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 21%
  4319. [15:56:08] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 22%
  4320. [15:56:08] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 22%
  4321. [15:56:09] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 25%
  4322. [15:56:09] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 27%
  4323. [15:56:10] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 30%
  4324. [15:56:10] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 34%
  4325. [15:56:11] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 37%
  4326. [15:56:11] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 41%
  4327. [15:56:12] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 44%
  4328. [15:56:12] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 47%
  4329. [15:56:13] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 51%
  4330. [15:56:13] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 55%
  4331. [15:56:14] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 57%
  4332. [15:56:14] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 61%
  4333. [15:56:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 65%
  4334. [15:56:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 68%
  4335. [15:56:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 71%
  4336. [15:56:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 75%
  4337. [15:56:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 78%
  4338. [15:56:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 83%
  4339. [15:56:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 84%
  4340. [15:56:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 86%
  4341. [15:56:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 89%
  4342. [15:56:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 93%
  4343. [15:56:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Successfully initialized permission handler forge:default_handler
  4344. [15:56:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 99%
  4345. [15:56:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 18033 ms
  4346. [15:56:20] [Server thread/WARN]: defineId called for: class from interface com.hollingsworth.arsnouveau.common.entity.IFollowingSummon
  4347. [15:56:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Traits loaded: 74
  4348. [15:56:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Parts loaded: 44
  4349. [15:56:20] [Server thread/INFO]: - Compound: 40
  4350. [15:56:20] [Server thread/INFO]: - Simple: 4
  4351. [15:56:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Materials loaded: 118
  4352. [15:56:20] [Server thread/INFO]: - Standard: 112
  4353. [15:56:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending reload packet to clients
  4354. [15:56:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 12, from 10
  4355. [15:56:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing simulation distance to 12, from 0
  4356. [15:56:20] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO]: Received 124 soul info objects from server
  4357. [15:56:20] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO]: Read 74 traits from server
  4358. [15:56:20] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO]: Read 44 parts from server
  4359. [15:56:20] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO]: Read 118 materials from server
  4360. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO]: Connected to a modded server.
  4361. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4362. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4363. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4364. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4365. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4366. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4367. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4368. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4369. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4370. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4371. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4372. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4373. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4374. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4375. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4376. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4377. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4378. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4379. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4380. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4381. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4382. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4383. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4384. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4385. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4386. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4387. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4388. [15:56:21] [Netty Local Client IO #0/ERROR]: Error adding element: Value must be positive: 0
  4389. [15:56:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.server.PlayerAdvancements@49901e25
  4390. [15:56:21] [Server thread/INFO]: coldReactive[local:E:cc52c310] logged in with entity id 334 at (8.5, 74.0, -196.5)
  4391. [15:56:21] [Server thread/INFO]: coldReactive joined the game
  4392. [15:56:21] [Render thread/INFO]: Successfully processed 7140 recipes into the AuxRecipeManager.
  4393. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: cfm:grill_cooking/minecraft:cooked_beef_from_grill_cooking
  4394. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/earth
  4395. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/air
  4396. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/squid
  4397. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/coal
  4398. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/stone
  4399. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/health_boost_iii
  4400. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/speed_iii
  4401. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/turtle
  4402. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/gunpowder
  4403. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/sulfur
  4404. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/rabbit_hide
  4405. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/dragon_egg
  4406. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/beef
  4407. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/rabbit
  4408. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/honey
  4409. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/tilling_aoe_iii
  4410. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/creeper
  4411. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/prismarine
  4412. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/experience
  4413. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/titanium
  4414. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/speed_ii
  4415. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/nether_star
  4416. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/attack_aoe_iii
  4417. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/dye
  4418. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/deepslate
  4419. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/strength_iii
  4420. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/tilling_aoe_i
  4421. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/tilling_aoe_ii
  4422. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/apatite
  4423. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/productivebees:mysticalagriculture/prudentium_bee
  4424. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/coral
  4425. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/leather
  4426. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: cfm:freezer_solidify/minecraft:ice_from_freezing
  4427. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/fish
  4428. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/pathing_aoe_ii
  4429. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/water_breathing
  4430. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/jump_boost_i
  4431. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/obsidian
  4432. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/amethyst
  4433. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/nature
  4434. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/aluminum
  4435. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/lapis_lazuli
  4436. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/fire_resistance
  4437. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/pathing_aoe_iv
  4438. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/coal
  4439. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/silver
  4440. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/ghast_tear
  4441. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/jump_boost_iii
  4442. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/deepslate
  4443. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/end
  4444. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/diamond
  4445. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/enderman
  4446. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/nether_quartz
  4447. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/wood
  4448. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/mining_aoe_iv
  4449. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/strength_ii
  4450. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/enderman
  4451. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/dirt
  4452. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/fluix
  4453. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/bone
  4454. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/chicken
  4455. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/nether_star
  4456. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/air
  4457. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/zombie_head
  4458. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/gold
  4459. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/arrow
  4460. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/nature
  4461. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: cfm:grill_cooking/minecraft:cooked_porkchop_from_grill_cooking
  4462. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/ender_pearl
  4463. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/productivebees:mysticalagriculture/imperium_bee
  4464. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:hostile_soulium_dagger
  4465. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/certus_quartz
  4466. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/poison_resistance
  4467. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/ruby
  4468. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/pathing_aoe_i
  4469. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/salmon
  4470. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/pig
  4471. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/wither_skeleton
  4472. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/bronze
  4473. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/squid
  4474. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/creeper
  4475. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/wither_skeleton_skull
  4476. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/rubber
  4477. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/productivebees:mysticalagriculture/tertium_bee
  4478. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/creeper_head
  4479. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/sheep
  4480. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/nether
  4481. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/nether
  4482. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/health_boost_ii
  4483. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/spider_eye
  4484. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/fire
  4485. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/coral
  4486. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/spider
  4487. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/ice
  4488. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/wood
  4489. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/amethyst
  4490. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/string
  4491. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/rabbit
  4492. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/netherite
  4493. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/chicken
  4494. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/certus_quartz
  4495. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/rabbit
  4496. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/nether_quartz
  4497. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/sheep
  4498. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: silentgear:pressing/silentgear:pressing/material/sheet_metal
  4499. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/stone
  4500. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/cow
  4501. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/honey
  4502. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/fluix
  4503. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/slime
  4504. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/attack_aoe_ii
  4505. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/blaze
  4506. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/invar
  4507. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/turtle
  4508. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/cod
  4509. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/skeleton_skull
  4510. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/productivebees:mysticalagriculture/supremium_bee
  4511. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/zombie
  4512. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/constantan
  4513. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/mining_aoe_iii
  4514. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/redstone
  4515. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/glowstone
  4516. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/brass
  4517. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/iron
  4518. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/tropical_fish
  4519. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/water
  4520. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/gold
  4521. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/slime
  4522. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/slime_ball
  4523. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/egg
  4524. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/fish
  4525. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/sky_stone
  4526. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/mining_fatigue_resistance
  4527. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/porkchop
  4528. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/copper
  4529. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/prismarine
  4530. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:passive_soulium_dagger
  4531. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/night_vision
  4532. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/jump_boost_ii
  4533. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/dragon_egg
  4534. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/sapphire
  4535. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/diamond
  4536. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/fire
  4537. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/no_fall_damage
  4538. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/obsidian
  4539. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/graphite
  4540. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: cfm:grill_cooking/minecraft:cooked_cod_from_grill_cooking
  4541. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/uranium
  4542. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/platinum
  4543. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/tilling_aoe_iv
  4544. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/silicon
  4545. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/rabbit_foot
  4546. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/spider
  4547. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/mithril
  4548. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: cfm:grill_cooking/minecraft:cooked_mutton_from_grill_cooking
  4549. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/silver
  4550. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/lapis_lazuli
  4551. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/experience
  4552. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/feather
  4553. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/iron
  4554. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/zombie
  4555. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/health_boost_v
  4556. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/absorption_iii
  4557. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/zinc
  4558. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/wither_skeleton
  4559. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/silicon
  4560. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/pathing_aoe_iii
  4561. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/tin
  4562. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/dye
  4563. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/tungsten
  4564. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/ruby
  4565. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/mining_aoe_i
  4566. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/strength_i
  4567. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/nickel
  4568. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/pig
  4569. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/absorption_ii
  4570. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/step_assist
  4571. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/wool
  4572. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/cow
  4573. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/glowstone
  4574. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/water
  4575. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: cfm:grill_cooking/minecraft:cooked_salmon_from_grill_cooking
  4576. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/blaze
  4577. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/saltpeter
  4578. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/dirt
  4579. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/flight
  4580. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/chicken
  4581. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: cfm:grill_cooking/minecraft:cooked_rabbit_from_grill_cooking
  4582. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/absorption_i
  4583. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/speed_i
  4584. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/sapphire
  4585. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/absorption_v
  4586. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/iridium
  4587. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/productivebees:mysticalagriculture/inferium_bee
  4588. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/ghast
  4589. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/skeleton
  4590. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/health_boost_iv
  4591. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/inferium
  4592. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/ice
  4593. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/blaze_rod
  4594. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/ink_sac
  4595. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/mining_aoe_ii
  4596. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/rotten_flesh
  4597. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/pufferfish
  4598. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: cfm:grill_cooking/minecraft:baked_potato_from_grill_cooking
  4599. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/coal
  4600. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/electrum
  4601. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/emerald
  4602. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: cfm:grill_cooking/minecraft:dried_kelp_from_grill_cooking
  4603. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: cfm:grill_cooking/minecraft:cooked_chicken_from_grill_cooking
  4604. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/scute
  4605. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/skeleton
  4606. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/absorption_iv
  4607. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/wither_resistance
  4608. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/end
  4609. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/redstone
  4610. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: cfm:freezer_solidify/minecraft:blue_ice_from_freezing
  4611. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: cfm:freezer_solidify/minecraft:packed_ice_from_freezing
  4612. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/steel
  4613. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/chrome
  4614. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/earth
  4615. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/productivebees:mysticalagriculture/insanium_bee
  4616. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/ghast
  4617. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/copper
  4618. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/emerald
  4619. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:reprocessor/mysticalagriculture:seed/reprocessor/lead
  4620. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/sky_stone
  4621. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:soul_extraction/mysticalagriculture:souls/mutton
  4622. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:seed/infusion/netherite
  4623. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/health_boost_i
  4624. [15:56:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown recipe category: mysticalagriculture:infusion/mysticalagriculture:augment/attack_aoe_i
  4625. [15:56:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Starting JEI...
  4626. [15:56:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Building ingredient list...
  4627. [15:56:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Building ingredient list took 3.709 ms
  4628. [15:56:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Building ingredient filter...
  4629. [15:56:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Building ingredient filter took 470.8 ms
  4630. [15:56:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Building bookmarks...
  4631. [15:56:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Building bookmarks took 539.4 ?s
  4632. [15:56:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, supermartijn642configlib-1.0.9-mc1.18.jar, Cucumber-1.18.1-5.0.2.jar, jei-1.18.1-, modnametooltip-1.18.1-1.18.0.jar, Neat 1.8-29.jar, waystones-forge-1.18.1-9.0.1.jar, FastSuite-1.18.1-3.0.0.jar, Clumps-forge-1.18.1-8.0.4.jar, XaerosWorldMap_1.19.0_Forge_1.18.jar, JRFTL [1.18]-1.4.jar, cookingforblockheads-forge-1.18-11.0.0.jar, Placebo-1.18.1-6.0.3.jar, NaturesCompass-1.18.1-1.9.4-forge.jar, SereneSeasons-1.18.1-, feature_nbt_deadlock_be_gone_forge-1.0.0+1.18.1.jar, macawsbridgesbop-1.18.1-1.0.jar, sophisticatedbackpacks-1.18.1-, lazydfu-1.0-1.18+.jar, ExplorersCompass-1.18.1-1.1.2-forge.jar, betterbeaconplacement_1.18.1-1.5.jar, balm-2.4.0+0.jar, ToastControl-1.18.1-6.0.0.jar, carryon-1.18.1-, JustEnoughResources-1.18.1-, ninjaphenix-container-library-1.2.10+1.18.jar, forge-1.18.1-39.0.10-universal.jar, shetiphiancore-1.18-3.10.0.jar, Terralith_v2.0.8_~_Fabric+Forge.jar, MysticalAgriculture-1.18.1-5.0.1.jar, MysticalAgradditions-1.18.1-5.0.2.jar, AdvancementPlaques-1.18.1-1.4.2.jar, craftingtweaks-forge-1.18.1-14.0.2.jar, client-1.18.1-20211210.034407-srg.jar, mcw-bridges-2.0.1-mc1.18.1.jar, theoneprobe-1.18-5.0.2.jar, appliedenergistics2-10.0.0-beta.3.jar, MouseTweaks-forge-mc1.18-2.21.jar, Compressium-1.4.0-build.4+mc1.18.jar, silent-lib-1.18-6.0.0.jar, BiomesOPlenty-1.18.1-, silent-gear-1.18.1-2.8.2.jar, supermartijn642corelib-1.0.15a-mc1.18.jar, Ding-1.18-1.3.0.jar, spark-forge.jar, betterfpsdist-1.18-1.1.jar, Iceberg-1.18.1-1.0.33.jar, curios-forge-1.18.1-, Patchouli-1.18.1-63.jar, LegendaryTooltips-1.18.1-1.2.0.jar, Xaeros_Minimap_21.23.0_Forge_1.18.jar, collective-1.18.1-3.8.jar, FastWorkbench-1.18.1-6.0.0.jar, polymorph-forge-1.18.1-0.35.jar, AutoRegLib-1.7-52.jar, Quark-3.0-334.jar, OreExcavation-1.10.159.jar, ToughAsNails-1.18.1-, harvest-1.18.1-1.1.jar, tombstone-7.3.2-1.18.jar, expandedstorage-7.3.6+1.18.jar, NaturesAura-35.4.jar, FastFurnace-1.18.1-6.0.1.jar, furniture-7.0.0-pre27-1.18.1.jar, appleskin-forge-mc1.18-2.2.0.jar, lootr-1.18-, ferritecore-4.0.0-forge.jar, autoplant-1.18-0.1.0.jar, productivebees-1.18.1-, chunkloaders-1.1.7b-mc1.18.jar, the_bumblezone_forge-4.1.1+1.18.1.jar, silents-gems-1.18.1-4.2.1.jar, terraqueous-1.18-1.9.0.jar, FastLeafDecay-27.2.jar, valhelsia_core-1.18.1-0.3.0.jar, forbidden_arcanus-1.18.1-2.0.0.jar, geckolib-1.18-forge-3.0.3.jar, ars_nouveau-1.18.1-2.0.2.jar, BetterAdvancements-1.18.1-
  4633. [15:56:24] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/chests/bastion_treasure' into 'minecraft:chests/bastion_treasure'
  4634. [15:56:24] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/chests/ruined_portal' into 'minecraft:chests/ruined_portal'
  4635. [15:56:24] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/chests/nether_bridge' into 'minecraft:chests/nether_bridge'
  4636. [15:56:24] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/entities/cave_spider' into 'minecraft:entities/cave_spider'
  4637. [15:56:24] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/entities/spider' into 'minecraft:entities/spider'
  4638. [15:56:24] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/chests/bastion_bridge' into 'minecraft:chests/bastion_bridge'
  4639. [15:56:24] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting loot table 'silentgear:inject/chests/bastion_other' into 'minecraft:chests/bastion_other'
  4640. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/lime}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/lime
  4641. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/guardian}.pools[3].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/guardian
  4642. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/evoker}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/evoker
  4643. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/llama}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/llama
  4644. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/trader_llama}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/trader_llama
  4645. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/wolf}.pools[0].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/wolf
  4646. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/pig}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/pig
  4647. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/nether_bridge}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called silentgear:inject/chests/nether_bridge
  4648. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/wither_skeleton}.pools[3].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/wither_skeleton
  4649. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/spider}.pools[3].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/spider
  4650. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/green}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/green
  4651. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/zombie_horse}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/zombie_horse
  4652. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/shulker}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/shulker
  4653. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/nether_bridge}.pools[3].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraqueous:inject/chests/nether_bridge_strange_scroll
  4654. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/zombie_villager}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/zombie_villager
  4655. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/bastion_treasure}.pools[3].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called silentgear:inject/chests/bastion_treasure
  4656. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/black}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/black
  4657. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/skeleton}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/skeleton
  4658. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/brown}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/brown
  4659. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/yellow}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/yellow
  4660. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/spider}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called silentgear:inject/entities/spider
  4661. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/blaze}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/blaze
  4662. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/gray}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/gray
  4663. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/bastion_treasure}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called sophisticatedbackpacks:inject/chests/bastion_treasure
  4664. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/magma_cube}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/magma_cube
  4665. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/husk}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/husk
  4666. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/enderman}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/enderman
  4667. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/magenta}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/magenta
  4668. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/elder_guardian}.pools[4].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/elder_guardian
  4669. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/polar_bear}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/polar_bear
  4670. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/panda}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/panda
  4671. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/stronghold_library}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraqueous:inject/chests/stronghold_strange_scroll
  4672. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/woodland_mansion}.pools[3].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called sophisticatedbackpacks:inject/chests/woodland_mansion
  4673. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/villager}.pools[0].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/villager
  4674. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/mule}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/mule
  4675. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/village/village_toolsmith}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraqueous:inject/chests/toolsmith_colorizer
  4676. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/donkey}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/donkey
  4677. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/abandoned_mineshaft}.pools[3].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called sophisticatedbackpacks:inject/chests/abandoned_mineshaft
  4678. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/shipwreck_treasure}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called sophisticatedbackpacks:inject/chests/shipwreck_treasure
  4679. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/orange}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/orange
  4680. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/blue}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/blue
  4681. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/nether_bridge}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called sophisticatedbackpacks:inject/chests/nether_bridge
  4682. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/abandoned_mineshaft}.pools[4].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraqueous:inject/chests/mineshaft_deathfruit
  4683. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/red}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/red
  4684. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/drowned}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/drowned
  4685. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/end_city_treasure}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called sophisticatedbackpacks:inject/chests/end_city_treasure
  4686. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/dolphin}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/dolphin
  4687. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/wither}.pools[0].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/wither
  4688. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/ocelot}.pools[0].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/ocelot
  4689. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/snow_golem}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/snow_golem
  4690. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/cave_spider}.pools[3].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/cave_spider
  4691. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/illusioner}.pools[0].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/illusioner
  4692. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/mooshroom}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/mooshroom
  4693. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/cave_spider}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called silentgear:inject/entities/cave_spider
  4694. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/light_gray}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/light_gray
  4695. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/cow}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/cow
  4696. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/pillager}.pools[0].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/pillager
  4697. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/white}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/white
  4698. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/slime}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/slime
  4699. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/spawn_bonus_chest}.pools[4].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraqueous:inject/chests/spawn_bonus_lifefruit
  4700. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/ender_dragon}.pools[0].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/ender_dragon
  4701. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/bat}.pools[0].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/bat
  4702. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/creeper}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/creeper
  4703. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/light_blue}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/light_blue
  4704. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/player}.pools[0].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/player
  4705. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/cyan}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/cyan
  4706. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/vex}.pools[0].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/vex
  4707. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/ravager}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/ravager
  4708. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/vindicator}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/vindicator
  4709. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/squid}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/squid
  4710. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/zombie}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/zombie
  4711. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/ruined_portal}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called silentgear:inject/chests/ruined_portal
  4712. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/turtle}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/turtle
  4713. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/desert_pyramid}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called sophisticatedbackpacks:inject/chests/desert_pyramid
  4714. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/purple}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/purple
  4715. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/ghast}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/ghast
  4716. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/bastion_other}.pools[3].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called silentgear:inject/chests/bastion_other
  4717. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/bastion_bridge}.pools[3].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called silentgear:inject/chests/bastion_bridge
  4718. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/cat}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/cat
  4719. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/witch}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/witch
  4720. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon}.pools[4].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraqueous:inject/chests/dungeon_colorizer
  4721. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon}.pools[3].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called sophisticatedbackpacks:inject/chests/simple_dungeon
  4722. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/skeleton_horse}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/skeleton_horse
  4723. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/fox}.pools[0].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/fox
  4724. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/wandering_trader}.pools[0].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/wandering_trader
  4725. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/stray}.pools[3].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/stray
  4726. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/phantom}.pools[1].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/phantom
  4727. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/sheep/pink}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/sheep/pink
  4728. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/chicken}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/chicken
  4729. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon}.pools[5].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraqueous:inject/chests/dungeon_toon_trotters
  4730. [15:56:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/iron_golem}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called terraheads:inject/minecraft/iron_golem
  4731. [15:56:24] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered 0 additional loot tables.
  4732. [15:56:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Added recipe manager plugin: class appeng.integration.modules.jei.FacadeRegistryPlugin
  4733. [15:56:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Building recipe registry...
  4734. [15:56:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Building recipe registry took 4.362 ms
  4735. [15:56:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Building runtime...
  4736. [15:56:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Building runtime took 19.79 ms
  4737. [15:56:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Ingredients are being removed at runtime: 9
  4738. [15:56:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Ingredients are being added at runtime: 1
  4739. [15:56:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Starting JEI took 3.847 s
  4740. [15:56:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 3158 advancements
  4741. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Recipe mysticalagriculture:air_essence (of type minecraft:crafting) not found
  4742. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:ender
  4743. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:crystalline
  4744. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:zombie
  4745. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:withered
  4746. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:skeletal
  4747. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:redstone
  4748. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:obsidian
  4749. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:netherite
  4750. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:lapis
  4751. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:iron
  4752. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:gold
  4753. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:experience
  4754. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:emerald
  4755. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:diamond
  4756. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:creeper
  4757. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:coal
  4758. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:blazing
  4759. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:chocolate
  4760. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:chocolate
  4761. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tea
  4762. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tea
  4763. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:aluminum
  4764. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:aluminum
  4765. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:bismuth
  4766. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:bismuth
  4767. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:brass
  4768. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:brass
  4769. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:bronze
  4770. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:bronze
  4771. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:constantan
  4772. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:constantan
  4773. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:copper
  4774. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:copper
  4775. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:electrum
  4776. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:electrum
  4777. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:enderium
  4778. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:enderium
  4779. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:invar
  4780. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:invar
  4781. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:lead
  4782. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:lead
  4783. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:lumium
  4784. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:lumium
  4785. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:nickel
  4786. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:nickel
  4787. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:osmium
  4788. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:osmium
  4789. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:platinum
  4790. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:platinum
  4791. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:radioactive
  4792. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:radioactive
  4793. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:signalum
  4794. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:signalum
  4795. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:silver
  4796. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:silver
  4797. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:steel
  4798. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:steel
  4799. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tin
  4800. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tin
  4801. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:titanium
  4802. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:titanium
  4803. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tungsten
  4804. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tungsten
  4805. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:zinc
  4806. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:zinc
  4807. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:prosperity
  4808. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:prosperity
  4809. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:soulium
  4810. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:soulium
  4811. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:inferium
  4812. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:inferium
  4813. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:prudentium
  4814. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:prudentium
  4815. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tertium
  4816. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tertium
  4817. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:imperium
  4818. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:imperium
  4819. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:supremium
  4820. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:supremium
  4821. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:insanium
  4822. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:insanium
  4823. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:agate
  4824. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:agate
  4825. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:alexandrite
  4826. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:alexandrite
  4827. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:amber
  4828. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:amber
  4829. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:amethyst
  4830. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:amethyst
  4831. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:ametrine
  4832. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:ametrine
  4833. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:ammolite
  4834. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:ammolite
  4835. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:apatite
  4836. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:apatite
  4837. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:aquamarine
  4838. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:aquamarine
  4839. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:benitoite
  4840. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:benitoite
  4841. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:black_diamond
  4842. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:black_diamond
  4843. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:black_opal
  4844. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:black_opal
  4845. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:carnelian
  4846. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:carnelian
  4847. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:cats_eye
  4848. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:cats_eye
  4849. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:chrysoprase
  4850. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:chrysoprase
  4851. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:cinnabar
  4852. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:cinnabar
  4853. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:citrine
  4854. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:citrine
  4855. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:coral
  4856. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:coral
  4857. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:euclase
  4858. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:euclase
  4859. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:fluorite
  4860. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:fluorite
  4861. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:garnet
  4862. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:garnet
  4863. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:green_sapphire
  4864. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:green_sapphire
  4865. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:heliodor
  4866. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:heliodor
  4867. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:iolite
  4868. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:iolite
  4869. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:jade
  4870. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:jade
  4871. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:jasper
  4872. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:jasper
  4873. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:kunzite
  4874. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:kunzite
  4875. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:kyanite
  4876. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:kyanite
  4877. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:lepidolite
  4878. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:lepidolite
  4879. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:malachite
  4880. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:malachite
  4881. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:moldavite
  4882. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:moldavite
  4883. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:moonstone
  4884. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:moonstone
  4885. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:morganite
  4886. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:morganite
  4887. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:onyx
  4888. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:onyx
  4889. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:opal
  4890. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:opal
  4891. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:pearl
  4892. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:pearl
  4893. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:peridot
  4894. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:peridot
  4895. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:phosphophyllite
  4896. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:phosphophyllite
  4897. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:pyrope
  4898. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:pyrope
  4899. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:rose_quartz
  4900. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:rose_quartz
  4901. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:ruby
  4902. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:ruby
  4903. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:sapphire
  4904. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:sapphire
  4905. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:sodalite
  4906. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:sodalite
  4907. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:spinel
  4908. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:spinel
  4909. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:sunstone
  4910. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:sunstone
  4911. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tanzanite
  4912. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tanzanite
  4913. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tektite
  4914. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tektite
  4915. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:topaz
  4916. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:topaz
  4917. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tourmaline
  4918. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:tourmaline
  4919. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:turquoise
  4920. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:turquoise
  4921. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:yellow_diamond
  4922. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:yellow_diamond
  4923. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:zircon
  4924. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:zircon
  4925. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:silicon
  4926. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:silicon
  4927. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:plastic
  4928. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:plastic
  4929. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:ender_biotite
  4930. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:ender_biotite
  4931. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:spacial
  4932. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:spacial
  4933. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:niter
  4934. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:niter
  4935. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:sulfur
  4936. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:sulfur
  4937. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:arcane
  4938. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:arcane
  4939. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:starmetal
  4940. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:starmetal
  4941. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:bloody
  4942. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:bloody
  4943. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:pink_slimy
  4944. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:pink_slimy
  4945. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:menril
  4946. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:menril
  4947. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:uraninite
  4948. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:uraninite
  4949. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:allthemodium
  4950. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:allthemodium
  4951. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:vibranium
  4952. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:vibranium
  4953. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:unobtainium
  4954. [15:56:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Queried for unknown config flag: productivebees:unobtainium
  4955. [15:56:26] [Render thread/INFO]: BookContentResourceListenerLoader: Files found in 502.6 ?s
  4956. [15:56:26] [Render thread/INFO]: BookContentResourceListenerLoader: Files found in 479.2 ?s
  4957. [15:56:26] [Render thread/INFO]: BookContentResourceListenerLoader: Files found in 438.6 ?s
  4958. [15:58:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 3160 advancements
  4959. [15:59:12] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 3160 advancements
  4960. [15:59:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 3160 advancements
  4961. [15:59:35] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 3160 advancements
  4962. [16:01:05] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Activated Waystone: Krzerure
  4963. [16:01:41] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 3160 advancements
  4964. [16:02:11] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 3160 advancements
  4965. [16:02:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
  4966. [16:02:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[New World]'/minecraft:overworld
  4967. [16:02:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[New World]'/minecraft:the_nether
  4968. [16:02:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[New World]'/minecraft:the_end
  4969. [16:02:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[New World]'/ae2:spatial_storage
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