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Nov 24th, 2017
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  1. #=====================================================================================
  2. #= = ShotEmDown v 1.0 = = = ShotEmDown v 1.0 = =
  3. #= = created by: kickme = = = created by: kickme = =
  4. #= = ONLY for spigot 1.12.x = = = ONLY for spigot 1.12.x = =
  5. #= SUPPORT: (my private e-mail) =
  6. #=====================================================================================
  7. #= = Permissions = = = Commands = =
  8. #= = - ShotEmDown.teleport = = - /sedarena sed.arena.* =
  9. #= = - = = - /sedhelp =
  10. #= = - ShotEmDown.changeGamemode = = - /sedplayers sed.players.* =
  11. #= = - ShotEmDown. = = - /sedsettings(GUI) sed.gui.* =
  12. #= = - ShotEmDown.GUI = = - /sedinfo* =
  13. #= = - ShotEmDown.PickTeam = = - /sedversion sed.version. =
  14. #= = - ShotEmDown.join = = - /sedreload sedreload. =
  15. #= = - ShotEmDown.exit = = - /sedstart sed.start. =
  16. #= = - ShotEmDown.kill.player = = - /sedstop sed.stop =
  17. #= = - ShotEmDown.all.* = = - /sedtoggle sed.toggle =
  18. #= = - = = - /sedholo sed.holo =
  19. #= = - ===========================================
  20. #= = - =
  21. #= = - =
  22. #= = - =
  23. #= = - =
  24. #= = - =
  25. #= = - =
  26. #= = - =
  27. #= = - =
  28. #===========================================
  29. # Do not touch this:
  30. PluginVersion: 1.0
  31. #
  33. # Vault
  34. # Holographic Displays
  35. #
  36. #
  37. # ShotEmDown <> main configuration
  38. # Here you can change settings, edit them as you want
  39. # Plugin is fully customizable,
  40. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  41. # Change this to enable multi-world support:
  42. # Default is "false"
  43. EnableMultiWorld: false
  44. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  45. # Change this to true if you use Original minecraft servers. (MAY NOT WORK FOR 1.12 XDDD)
  46. # Default is "true"
  47. OnlineMode: true
  48. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  49. # BungeeCordSupport::
  50. # Default is "false"
  51. BungeeCord: false
  52. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  53. # This setting allows plugin to teleport players to specific loactions:
  54. # Default is "true"
  55. AllowTeleportation: true
  56. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  57. # If you set it to true, plugin can change player gamemode
  58. # Default is "true"
  59. AllowGamemode: true
  60. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  61. # Be carefully!
  62. # Default is "false"
  63. AllowMySQL: false
  64. MySQL:
  65. Offline: false
  66. Host: localhost
  67. Port: 3306
  68. Database:
  69. User: <username>
  70. Password: <password>
  71. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  72. # Allow players to talk in chat while in Spectator mode:
  73. # Default is "true"
  74. AllowInGameChat: true
  75. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  76. # Allow players to use specific commands, permisions while in game:
  77. # You can add more manually
  78. # Players will be able to use only these commands while joined
  79. # Default is "true"
  80. Permissions:
  81. - ShotEmDown.teleport
  82. -
  83. - ShotEmDown.changeGamemode
  84. - ShotEmDown.kill.player
  85. - essentials.tpa
  86. - essentials.tpaccept
  87. - essentials.msg
  88. - essentials.hat
  89. - essentials.kits.*
  90. - essentials.balance
  91. -
  92. - essentials.ignore
  93. - essentials.suicide
  94. - essentials.invsee
  95. -
  96. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  98. # Build, destroying blocks while joined in game (arena)
  99. AllowBlockBreak: false
  100. AllowBlockPlace: false
  101. AllowItemPick: false
  102. AllowItemDrop: false
  103. AllowItemDropOnDeath: false
  104. AllowItemDropOnFall: false
  105. AllowVoidDeath: false
  106. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  107. # Game-prefix in game
  108. # Default is "true"
  109. EnableGamePreifx: true
  110. Prefix: "&c&ll[&5ShutEmDown&c&l]"
  111. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  112. # Prefixes in game - Only while joined (colors are supported; &2, &5, &c, &a..)
  113. # Enable prefixes:
  114. # Default is "false"
  115. EnableInGamePrefixes: false
  116. #
  117. PrefixesList:
  118. # You can add prefixes manually if you wish
  119. #>
  120. - Survivor: "[CustomizeMe]"
  121. - Requiles "0" kills.
  122. #>
  123. - Assassin: "&2[CustomizeMe1]"
  124. - Requiles "0" kills.
  125. #>
  126. - Spectator: "&2[CustomizeMe2]"
  127. - Requiles "0" kills.
  129. # Disable Fall-damage
  130. # Default is "false"
  131. AntiFallDmg: false
  132. # GameTeams (per single server)
  133. # Default is "true"
  134. EnableTeams: true
  135. MaxTeams: 3
  136. MinTeams: 1
  137. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  138. # Change this to true if you want to add effects to a game (text, firework)
  139. # Change this to true to enable effects.
  140. # Default is "false"
  141. EnableTextInChat: false
  142. # Massanges supports colors!
  143. TextSettings:
  144. # At the end - if player wins:
  145. - "Congratz!"
  146. # At the end - if player loses:
  147. - "Batter luck next time!"
  148. # 1st player Text:
  149. - "example1"
  150. # 2st player Text:
  151. - "example2"
  152. # 3th player Text:
  153. - "example3"
  154. # At the start:
  155. - "default"
  156. FireWorkSettings:
  157. # AT THE START:
  158. # Put the "i" at the end (example: - square:i ) ("i" means interact, "GetPlayerStatus")
  159. # Types: square, BothSideUp, Magic, LeftSide, RightSide, InPlayer.
  160. # Default is "true"
  161. Enable: true
  162. PickFireworkType: square:i
  163. # (s = seconds)
  164. Duration: "4s"
  165. # (Avalible Colors: Blue, Red, Green, Purple, Black, White, Gray, Yellow,)
  166. FireWorkColor:
  167. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  168. # Redwards, prizes
  169. # Set this to true to enable this function
  170. # Default is "true"
  171. GiveItemsOnJoin: true
  172. # Items on join(item id / name):
  173. GiveItemsOnJoinList:
  174. Items:
  175. - "DIAMOND_SWORD"
  176. - ammount: 1
  177. - "IRON_HELMET"
  178. - ammount: 1
  179. - "GOLDEN_APPLE"
  180. - ammount: 3
  181. - "STONE"
  182. - ammount: 32
  183. GiveItemsOnWin:
  184. Items:
  185. - DIAMOND
  186. - ammount: 10
  187. - IRON_INGOT
  188. - ammount: 2
  189. - ConsoleCommands:
  190. 1st Win:
  191. - eco give %player% 100
  192. 2st Win:
  193. - eco give %player% 300
  194. 3st Win:
  195. - eco give %player% 500
  196. # You can customize that : "6" to any other number
  197. 4th - "6" Win:
  198. - eco give %player% 10
  199. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  200. # Announcer (colors are supported!) (s = second)
  201. # Default is "true"
  202. EnableAnnouncer: true
  203. - msg: "&2[&7Warning&2]&cHacking is bannable! &c&lDo not &ccheat, you might get banned!"
  204. - msg: "example1"
  205. - msg: "example2"
  206. - msg: " &6[&3Support&6]&5Visit our webside:&a"
  207. AnnounceDelay: 20s
  208. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  209. # OTHER USEFUL SETTINGS (settings in arena, lobby.)
  210. FeedMaxWhileInGame: false
  211. AutoRespawn: false
  212. DenyLavaDmg: false
  213. Fall-damage: false
  214. WeatherLockInArena: false
  215. DenyMobSpawningInArena: false
  216. AlwaysDay: false
  217. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  218. # Region List (Either enable this or just "create" arena with //wand)
  219. # Default is "false"
  220. UseSedRgSelector: false
  221. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  222. # Enable/Disable automatic game reset
  223. # Default is "false"
  224. Enabled: false
  225. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  226. #What kind of performance would you like to have (low, medium, high)
  227. #
  228. # Low: uses max 20megabytes of ram, smooth
  229. # Medium: uses min 30megamytes of ram, smooth, auto lag remover
  230. # High: uses max 60megabytes of ram, smooth, auto restart, auto lag remover
  231. # Pick (LOW, MEDIUM ,HIGH)
  232. PickMe: MEDIUM
  233. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  234. # This setting enables inBuild LagRemover - script. (Only works on non - BungeeCord servers.)
  235. # This is a small script that removes lag.
  236. # Enable it / disable. Instead of enabling it you can use:
  237. # = LagRemover for bukkit / spigot
  238. # (s - second, m - minute)
  239. # ExecuteaEvery: 120s
  240. # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  241. # EnableGUI
  242. ......
  243. STRING%GETGUI.PL.SED# .....
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