

Jan 14th, 2023
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  1. do local v0=0;local v1;local v2;local v3;local v4;local v5;local v6;local v7;local v8;local v9;local v10;local v11;local v12;local v13;local v14;local v15;while true do if (v0==1) then v5=string.gsub;v6=string.rep;v7=table.concat;v8=table.insert;v0=2;end if (v0==2) then v9=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end;v10=setmetatable;v11=pcall;v12=select;v0=3;end if (v0==4) then v15("LOL!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",v9(),...);break;end if (v0==0) then v1=tonumber;v2=string.byte;v3=string.char;v4=string.sub;v0=1;end if (v0==3) then v13=unpack or table.unpack;v14=tonumber;v15=nil;v15=function(v23,v24,...)local v25=1;local v26;v23=v5(v4(v23,5),"..",function(v37)if (v2(v37,2)==79) then v26=v1(v4(v37,1,1));return "";else local v71=v3(v1(v37,16));if v26 then local v80=0;local v81;while true do if (v80==1) then return v81;end if (v80==0) then v81=v6(v71,v26);v26=nil;v80=1;end end else return v71;end end end);local function v27(v38,v39,v40)if v40 then local v72=(v38/((645 -(603 + 40))^(v39-(1597 -(872 + 724)))))%((255 -(73 + (842 -662)))^(((v40-1) -(v39-((1731 -(1216 + 514)) + 0))) + 1 + 0));return v72-(v72%(3 -2));else local v73=(2 + 0)^(v39-(1 -(918 -(862 + 56))));return (((v38%(v73 + v73))>=v73) and (1 + 0)) or (0 -0);end end local function v28()local v45=v2(v23,v25,v25);v25=v25 + 1;return v45;end local function v29()local v46=0 -0;local v47;local v48;while true do if (v46==(0 + (0 -0))) then v47,v48=v2(v23,v25,v25 + ((121 + 482) -(166 + 435)));v25=v25 + 2;v46=1;end if (v46==(1 + 0)) then return (v48 * (253 + 3)) + v47;end end end local function v30()local v49=0 -0;local v50;local v51;local v52;local v53;while true do if (v49==(1 -0)) then return (v53 * (16777800 -(334 + 250))) + (v52 * 65536) + (v51 * (490 -234)) + v50;end if ((0 -0)==v49) then v50,v51,v52,v53=v2(v23,v25,v25 + 3 + 0);v25=v25 + 3 + 1;v49=1 -0;end end end local function v31()local v54=v30();local v55=v30();return (( -(2 + (106 -(25 + 81))) * v27(v55,81 -49)) + (3 -2)) * (2^(v27(v55,80 -59,1131 -(124 + 976)) -(2470 -1447))) * ((((v27(v55,1 -0,12 + 8) * (2^((2710 -2148) -(397 + 133)))) + v54)/(2^(1819 -(593 + 1174)))) + (1785 -(617 + 1167)));end local function v32(v41)local v56;if  not v41 then local v74=0 + 0;while true do if (v74==(0 + 0)) then v41=v30();if (v41==((0 -0) + 0)) then return "";end break;end end end v56=v4(v23,v25,(v25 + v41) -(1 + 0));v25=v25 + v41;local v57={};for v69=1 + 0, #v56 do v57[v69]=v3(v2(v4(v56,v69,v69)));end return v7(v57);end local v33=v30;local function v34(...)return {...},v12("#",...);end local function v35()local v58=1877 -(100 + 1777);local v59;local v60;local v61;local v62;local v63;local v64;local v65;while true do if (2==v58) then v63=nil;v64=nil;v58=2 + 1;end if (v58==(1402 -(237 + 1164))) then v61=nil;v62=nil;v58=1 + 1;end if (v58==0) then v59=0 + 0;v60=nil;v58=1 -0;end if (3==v58) then v65=nil;while true do local v82=0 + 0;while true do if (v82~=(184 -(142 + 41))) then else if (v59==(330 -(37 + 292))) then v63={v60,v61,nil,v62};v64=v30();v65={};v59=3 -1;end if (v59~=(785 -(719 + 63))) then else local v101=0 + 0;while true do if (v101~=1) then else return v63;end if (v101==0) then local v104=0;while true do if (v104==1) then v101=555 -(48 + 506);break;end if (v104==0) then for v120=1,v30() do v61[v120-(1 + 0)]=v35();end for v122=1,v30() do v62[v122]=v30();end v104=163 -(79 + 83);end end end end end break;end if (v82==0) then if (v59==2) then local v102=0;while true do if ((664 -(101 + 563))==v102) then for v106=1,v64 do local v107=0;local v108;local v109;local v110;local v111;local v112;while true do if (v107~=(652 -(639 + 11))) then else v112=nil;while true do if (v108~=2) then else while true do if (v109~=1) then else v112=nil;while true do if (v110==(0 + 0)) then local v182=0 + 0;local v183;local v184;while true do if (v182==(1 + 0)) then while true do if (v183==0) then v184=0 -0;while true do if (0==v184) then local v221=0;while true do if (v221~=0) then else v111=v28();v112=nil;v221=16 -(10 + 5);end if ((1 + 0)==v221) then v184=1;break;end end end if (v184==(1 -0)) then v110=1305 -(522 + 782);break;end end break;end end break;end if (v182==0) then v183=0;v184=nil;v182=3 -2;end end end if (v110==1) then if (v111==1) then v112=v28()~=(0 -0);elseif (v111==2) then v112=v31();elseif (v111==(4 -1)) then v112=v32();end v65[v106]=v112;break;end end break;end if (v109==(0 + 0)) then local v172=1768 -(1329 + 439);while true do if (v172==(2 -1)) then v109=1 + 0;break;end if (v172==(0 -0)) then local v186=0;while true do if (v186~=0) then else v110=0 -0;v111=nil;v186=1390 -(272 + 1117);end if (v186~=1) then else v172=1;break;end end end end end end break;end if (v108==0) then v109=0;v110=nil;v108=1455 -(623 + 831);end if (v108==(3 -2)) then v111=nil;v112=nil;v108=2;end end break;end if (v107~=(0 + 0)) then else v108=276 -(128 + 148);v109=nil;v107=1 -0;end if (v107~=(1 + 0)) then else v110=nil;v111=nil;v107=2;end end end v63[3]=v28();v102=1;end if (1~=v102) then else for v113=1 + 0,v30() do local v114=1446 -(144 + 1302);local v115;local v116;local v117;while true do if (v114~=(1 + 0)) then else v117=nil;while true do if (v115==1) then while true do if (v116~=(1320 -(43 + 1277))) then else v117=v28();if (v27(v117,1 -0,1)==0) then local v174=0 + 0;local v175;local v176;local v177;local v178;local v179;while true do if (v174==2) then v179=nil;while true do if (v175~=2) then else while true do if (v176==(1668 -(328 + 1337))) then if (v27(v178,3,3)==1) then v179[4]=v65[v179[18 -14]];end v60[v113]=v179;break;end if (v176==(0 + 0)) then local v214=1416 -(849 + 567);local v215;while true do if (v214~=0) then else v215=0 -0;while true do if (v215~=(1674 -(866 + 808))) then else local v230=0;local v231;while true do if (0~=v230) then else v231=0;while true do if (v231~=(0 -0)) then else local v238=0 + 0;while true do if (v238~=1) then else v231=901 -(501 + 399);break;end if (v238==0) then v177=v27(v117,2 + 0,3 -0);v178=v27(v117,7 -3,6);v238=1 -0;end end end if ((1 -0)==v231) then v215=1 -0;break;end end break;end end end if (v215==1) then v176=1;break;end end break;end end end if ((380 -(95 + 284))~=v176) then else local v216=0 + 0;local v217;while true do if (v216==(0 + 0)) then v217=0;while true do if (v217~=0) then else local v232=0;local v233;while true do if (v232==(0 -0)) then v233=0 + 0;while true do if ((1711 -(1709 + 2))==v233) then local v239=0;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v239) then v179={v29(),v29(),nil,nil};if (v177==(0 -0)) then local v240=0 -0;local v241;local v242;while true do if (v240==0) then v241=0 -0;v242=nil;v240=1;end if ((263 -(207 + 55))==v240) then while true do if (v241==0) then v242=1631 -(259 + 1372);while true do if (v242==0) then v179[3 -0]=v29();v179[5 -1]=v29();break;end end break;end end break;end end elseif (v177==1) then v179[3]=v30();elseif (v177==(4 -2)) then v179[3]=v30() -((3 -1)^(443 -(355 + 72)));elseif (v177~=3) then else local v245=0;local v246;while true do if (v245==(0 + 0)) then v246=0;while true do if (0==v246) then v179[3]=v30() -((4 -2)^16);v179[4]=v29();break;end end break;end end end v239=1;end if (v239~=1) then else v233=1;break;end end end if ((2 -1)~=v233) then else v217=1 -0;break;end end break;end end end if (v217==(1523 -(18 + 1504))) then v176=117 -(33 + 82);break;end end break;end end end if (v176==2) then local v218=0 -0;local v219;local v220;while true do if ((1891 -(1337 + 554))~=v218) then else v219=0;v220=nil;v218=3 -2;end if (v218==1) then while true do if (v219==0) then v220=0 -0;while true do if (v220~=1) then else v176=3;break;end if ((685 -(672 + 13))==v220) then if (v27(v178,1,1160 -(120 + 1039))~=(1 -0)) then else v179[1 + 1]=v65[v179[4 -2]];end if (v27(v178,653 -(611 + 40),2)==(413 -(24 + 388))) then v179[8 -5]=v65[v179[3]];end v220=1;end end break;end end break;end end end end break;end if (v175~=0) then else v176=733 -(239 + 494);v177=nil;v175=1;end if (v175==(1048 -(230 + 817))) then v178=nil;v179=nil;v175=2;end end break;end if (0==v174) then v175=0;v176=nil;v174=1 + 0;end if (v174==(77 -(12 + 64))) then v177=nil;v178=nil;v174=2;end end end break;end end break;end if (v115~=(526 -(253 + 273))) then else v116=24 -(23 + 1);v117=nil;v115=1;end end break;end if (v114==(1325 -(245 + 1080))) then v115=0 -0;v116=nil;v114=1979 -(710 + 1268);end end end v59=1147 -(555 + 589);break;end end end if (v59~=(0 -0)) then else v60={};v61={};v62={};v59=859 -(771 + 87);end v82=1;end end end break;end end end local function v36(v42,v43,v44)local v66=v42[1];local v67=v42[2];local v68=v42[3];return function(...)local v75=1;local v76= -1;local v77={...};local v78=v12("#",...) -1;local function v79()local v83=v66;local v84=v67;local v85=v68;local v86=v34;local v87={};local v88={};local v89={};for v94=79 -(56 + 23),v78 do if ((3214>(3733 -2117)) and (v94>=v85)) then v87[v94-v85]=v77[v94 + (139 -(74 + 64))];else v89[v94]=v77[v94 + ((602 + 177) -(384 + 394))];end end local v90=(v78-v85) + 1;local v91;local v92;while true do local v95=0;local v96;while true do if ((v95==((456 + 205) -(536 + 125))) or ((2424 -(579 + 637))>(3407 + 479))) then v96=0 + 0;while true do if (((4561 -(822 + (885 -(737 + 26))))<(3965 -(7 + 243))) and (v96==(0 + 0))) then local v103=0;while true do if (((1161 + 1222)<(2887 + 1111)) and (v103==(1 + 0))) then v96=1 + 0;break;end if ((v103==(0 -0)) or ((4970 -(194 + 542))<(3001 + 168))) then v91=v83[v75];v92=v91[1 + 0];v103=1 -0;end end end if (((9671 -6524)>=(4796 -(583 + 1113))) and ((1 + 0)==v96)) then if (((1043 + 327)<=(10316 -7194)) and (v92<=(43 -34))) then if ((v92<=(19 -15)) or ((5307 -(172 + 898))==(1932 -1282))) then if ((v92<=1) or (((649 -185) + (1721 -(1181 + 384)))>(3944 -(494 + 774)))) then if ((v92>(0 -0)) or (4002<(8619 -4988))) then v75=v91[840 -(740 + 97)];elseif ((v89[v91[1 + 1]]==v91[4]) or ((1456 -(39 + (1065 -542)))>=(4370 -3397))) then v75=v75 + (1 -0);else v75=v91[2 + 1 + 0];end elseif (((3941 -((98 -50) + 477))<=(15178 -10683)) and (v92<=2)) then v89[v91[2 + 0]]=v91[1 + 0 + 2];elseif (((5417 -(522 + 213))>(228 -50)) and (v92>3)) then local v142=0;local v143;local v144;local v145;local v146;local v147;while true do if ((v142==(1381 -(546 + 436 + (1264 -(568 + 298))))) or ((2061 + 2350)<(5221 -(10586 -7275)))) then v145=nil;v146=nil;v142=2;end if (((430 + 2520)==(4586 -(71 + 1565))) and (v142==((258 + 48) -(216 + 88)))) then v147=nil;while true do if ((1213<(20228 -15270)) and (v143==(0 -0))) then local v194=(0 -0) -0;while true do if (((19238 -14311)>=(5265 -(915 + 178))) and (v194==(1830 -((3312 -2061) + 578)))) then v143=1 + 0;break;end if (((4053 -(606 + 1075))>=(175 + 32)) and (v194==(0 -0))) then v144=v91[1839 -(36 + 1801)];v145,v146=v86(v89[v144](v89[v144 + (835 -(351 + (2137 -(1366 + 288))))]));v194=1;end end end if ((((2540 -(266 + 307)) -554)<(6457 -(970 + 528))) and (v143==(1311 -(113 + 1196)))) then for v203=v144,v76 do local v204=0 + 0 + 0;local v205;while true do if ((((4563 -3555) -(254 + 401))<1188) and (v204==(1514 -(936 + 578)))) then v205=0 + (0 -0);while true do if ((667<(756 + 78 + 2683)) and (v205==(1034 -(1029 + 5)))) then v147=v147 + 1 + 0;v89[v203]=v145[v147];break;end end break;end end end break;end if ((((8198 -(767 + 688)) -(2246 + 2504))==(1728 + 265)) and (v143==(1 -(0 -0)))) then local v195=0 -0;while true do if ((v195==(1 -(1423 -(446 + 977)))) or ((3868 + 516)==((6505 -(149 + 1238)) -(142 + 905 + 483)))) then v143=2;break;end if ((v195==(0 + 0)) or ((3643 -(69 + 197 + 1719))==((2922 -(1707 + 207)) -(151 + 819)))) then v76=(v146 + v144) -(1050 -(508 + 541));v147=0;v195=1 + 0;end end end end break;end if ((v142==(1171 -(249 + 922))) or ((2820 -(37 + (691 -437)))==((1465 -(494 + 918)) + 104 + 17))) then v143=0;v144=nil;v142=1;end end else local v148=0 + 0;local v149;local v150;while true do if (((4716 -(283 + 56))<(4122 + 602)) and (((0 + 0) -0)==v148)) then v149=0;v150=nil;v148=1506 -(1418 + 87);end if (((12058 -8147)>=(79 -38)) and (v148==(140 -(33 + 45 + 61)))) then while true do if ((v149==0) or ((1278 + 1539)==(141 -41))) then v150=v91[145 -((1471 -(199 + 1247)) + (1793 -(1654 + 21)))];v89[v150]=v89[v150](v13(v89,v150 + 1 + (0 -0),v91[1428 -(889 + 536)]));break;end end break;end end end elseif ((v92<=(3 + 0 + (369 -(160 + 206)))) or (((7576 -(1422 + 78)) -(1346 + (839 -626)))<=547)) then if (((22668 -17711)>=(4983 -(72 + 1485))) and (v92==5)) then do return;end else for v139=v91[7 -5],v91[(10 -6) -1] do v89[v139]=nil;end end elseif ((v92<=(1498 -(138 + (2091 -(395 + 343))))) or ((41 -(11 + 4))==(3507 + (1985 -(668 + 270))))) then v89[v91[1 + (265 -(193 + 71))]]={};elseif ((v92>(2 + 6)) or ((21333 -17018)==3229)) then if (((12845 -9013)<4932) and v89[v91[536 -(523 + 11)]]) then v75=v75 + (1797 -(248 + 1548));else v75=v91[1287 -((851 -(526 + 254)) + 1213)];end else local v151=0 -(0 + 0);local v152;local v153;while true do if ((2658==(3706 -(225 + (1819 -(574 + 422))))) and (v151==(1 -(885 -(9 + 876))))) then while true do if ((v152==(0 + 0)) or ((2764 -(1092 + 225))==((865 + 19721) -15966))) then v153=v91[1491 -(611 + 878)];v89[v153](v13(v89,v153 + 1 + 0,v76));break;end end break;end if ((v151==(337 -(140 + 197))) or ((9469 -4886)==((4495 -(1094 + 830)) -1440))) then v152=0 + 0;v153=nil;v151=1 + (0 -0);end end end elseif ((2712<4344) and (v92<=(37 -23))) then if (((4932 -1319)==(10127 -6514)) and (v92<=((403 + 145) -(87 + 450)))) then if ((v92>(1 + 9)) or ((4629 -(7 + 614))>=(16514 -12113))) then local v128=0;local v129;local v130;local v131;while true do if ((v128==((3265 -2331) -(396 + 167 + 370))) or ((1091 -(4 + 24))<=((2102 -(925 + 256)) -215))) then v131=nil;while true do if ((v129==(498 -(312 + 185))) or ((4275 -((4385 -2903) + 145))==(436 + 35))) then while true do if (((79 + 23)<1611) and (v130==(0 -0))) then v131=v91[833 -(179 + (1070 -(224 + 194)))];v89[v131](v89[v131 + 1]);break;end end break;end if ((v129==0) or (1226>=(13883 -9031))) then local v187=0 -0;while true do if (((70 + 366 + 749)<=(6085 -(943 + 766))) and (v187==(0 -(1684 -(786 + 898))))) then v130=1725 -(1162 + 563);v131=nil;v187=1;end if (((1 + 0)==v187) or ((1174 + (2255 -1015))>((2474 + 1707) -(237 + 45)))) then v129=1 -0;break;end end end end break;end if ((v128==(1965 -(82 + 492 + 1391))) or ((3108 + 1371)==3203)) then v129=(0 -0) + 0 + 0;v130=nil;v128=1;end end elseif (((814 + 1555)<((8670 -(987 + 385)) -4253)) and (v91[6 -4]==v89[v91[6 -2]])) then v75=v75 + (2 -1);else v75=v91[790 -(483 + 304)];end elseif ((v92<=(12 + 0)) or ((5209 -1747)<((2800 -(1251 + 408)) + (214 -113)))) then local v132=0 -0;local v133;local v134;while true do if (((1 + 0)==v132) or ((4323 + 486)==(978 -(12 + 128)))) then while true do if (((4744 -(376 + (4089 -2657)))<3237) and (v133==(0 -0))) then v134=v91[2 + 0];v89[v134]=v89[v134](v89[v134 + 1 + 0]);break;end end break;end if ((v132==(0 + 0 + 0)) or ((4864 -(759 + 171))==(913 + 1292))) then v133=0 + 0;v134=nil;v132=1182 -(1008 + 173);end end elseif ((v92>(6 + 7)) or ((893 + 1448)>=(14882 -11337))) then local v155=0;local v156;local v157;local v158;local v159;while true do if (((2312 + 396)<(3926 -(110 + 537))) and (v155==(429 -(164 + 265)))) then v156=0 + (916 -(580 + 336));v157=nil;v155=1 + 0;end if ((v155==(2 -1)) or (2233<=1151)) then v158=nil;v159=nil;v155=746 -((1254 -(1060 + 43)) + 593);end if (((1377 + 454)<=(8692 -5148)) and ((803 -(386 + 415))==v155)) then while true do if ((v156==1) or (4921==1418)) then v159=nil;while true do if ((v157==(0 -0)) or ((5129 -(824 + 123))==(5656 -2383))) then local v208=(386 -(262 + 124)) + 0;local v209;while true do if ((v208==0) or (((3505 -1002) -(209 + 468))==(11432 -7189))) then v209=0 + 0;while true do if ((v209==(767 -((2382 -(77 + 1893)) + 354))) or ((1020 + 112 + 1491)==(1903 -(7 + 717)))) then v157=1;break;end if ((v209==(0 -(0 + 0))) or ((2883 -(467 + 785))>=(5989 -(663 + 1090)))) then v158=v91[1 + 1 + 0];v159=v89[v91[3]];v209=2 -1;end end break;end end end if ((v157==((705 -430) -(115 + 159))) or ((682 + (1662 -1094))>(793 + (7773 -5891)))) then v89[v158 + 1 + 0]=v159;v89[v158]=v159[v91[7 -3]];break;end end break;end if ((v156==(301 -(233 + (1632 -(639 + 925))))) or ((1532 -585)>((2135 -(631 + 117)) + 1632))) then local v199=0 -0;while true do if ((((2 -1) + (0 -0))==v199) or ((1544 -(818 + 301))>2971)) then v156=(1444 -(1004 + 439)) + 0;break;end if (((2427 + 1541)<=((21171 -13337) -3397)) and (v199==(379 -(169 + (650 -440))))) then v157=0 -0;v158=nil;v199=1;end end end end break;end end else v89[v91[1 + 1 + 0]]();end elseif (((20 + 331 + 33)<=(2914 + 510)) and (v92<=17)) then if ((v92<=(56 -41)) or ((95 + (12973 -9057))<=(1831 -977))) then v89[v91[(2 + 0) -0]]=v44[v91[5 -2]];elseif (((2058 + 595 + 1582)>3764) and (v92==(16 + 0))) then local v160=0;local v161;local v162;while true do if (((9763 -(7904 -(1644 + 177)))<=3832) and (v160==(0 + (0 -0)))) then v161=0;v162=nil;v160=1 + 0;end if (((1227 -(9 + 2 + 1215))==v160) or (((9751 -6694) -1509)>(8431 -(5241 + 1004)))) then while true do if ((v161==(0 + (0 -0))) or ((28 + 12)>=(821 + 619))) then v162=v91[5 -3];v89[v162]=v89[v162](v13(v89,v162 + (2 -(1 -0)),v76));break;end end break;end end else v89[v91[2 + 0]][v91[2 + 1]]=v91[(5477 -4039) -(492 + 942)];end elseif ((v92<=18) or ((1190 -(8 + 46))>=(1056 + 3299))) then v89[v91[2 + 0]]=v89[v91[1 + 2]][v91[4]];elseif (((3527 -(1073 + (1796 -(1426 + 65))))==(853 + 1296)) and (v92==((1037 -607) -(196 + 215)))) then v89[v91[447 -(244 + 109 + 92)]]=v89[v91[5 -2]];else local v167=0 + 0;local v168;local v169;local v170;local v171;while true do if ((v167==0) or (((11591 -8710) -(640 + (1991 -1182)))>(3637 -(950 + 335)))) then local v180=0 + 0;while true do if (((3 -2)==v180) or ((1430 + 938)>=(1521 + 3451))) then v167=2 -1;break;end if (((35 + 462 + 3)<=(2851 + 1513)) and (((8097 -6350) -(128 + 1619))==v180)) then v168=v91[2 + 0];v169,v170=v86(v89[v168](v13(v89,v168 + 1 + (0 -0),v91[10 -7])));v180=(1212 -(13 + 1198)) -0;end end end if ((v167==1) or ((2311 -(109 + 1204))>=(1725 + 631))) then local v181=0 -(485 -(478 + 7));while true do if (((818 + 358)>=361) and (v181==(1 + 0))) then v167=1 + 1;break;end if ((((55 + 5760) -1492)>3155) and (v181==(0 -0))) then v76=(v170 + v168) -(2 -1);v171=0 + (39 -(19 + 20));v181=434 -(240 + 193);end end end if (((3325 -(403 + 1436))<(3818 -((400 -244) + 1202))) and (v167==(479 -(301 + 176)))) then for v190=v168,v76 do local v191=0;local v192;local v193;while true do if ((v191==(0 -0)) or ((1788 -(1004 + 29 + 309))>(536 + 983 + 1441))) then v192=0 -0;v193=nil;v191=(1295 -(1246 + 48)) -0;end if ((v191==1) or ((46 + 405)>(6097 -2064))) then while true do if (((606 -(170 + 102))>=296) and (v192==0)) then v193=0 -(972 -(915 + 57));while true do if (((147 + (7133 -5158))==(3048 -(40 + 886))) and (v193==(0 + 0))) then v171=v171 + (1853 -(652 + 1200));v89[v190]=v169[v171];break;end end break;end end break;end end end break;end end end v75=v75 + (1696 -(769 + 926));break;end end break;end end end end A,B=v34(v11(v79));if  not A[1] then local v93=v42[4][v75] or "?";error("Script error at ["   .. v93   .. "]:"   .. A[2]);else return v13(A,2,B);end end;end return v36(v35(),{},v24)(...);end;v0=4;end end end
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