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- OpFuckMohammad
- Greetings from th3inf1d3l - Sites # 44, 45 and 46. 44 and 45 are worthless: MS Access DB. and Site 46 is Unfortunately, not a lot of users and site appears not maintained but there are plaintext passwords. Also multiple email lists (not shown here in tables cpg_1410_ecards, comment and feedback)
- Site:
- IP:
- web application technology: Nginx, PHP 5.2.13
- back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
- MySQL Admin 'oblozhke_gall'@''
- 1 Database, oblozhke_gall which has 89 tables.
- Admin pwd hash 8dda8f2be101999900ba71e7e2d60f1e
- Table users (Note how despite the hash, the plaintext is stored)
- +---------------------------------+-------------------+---------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+
- | ml | num | login | password | password1 |
- +---------+-----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+---------+---------------------+-------------------
- | | روح الله وفا | Rohullah-Wafa | 556d34c11c0dce5abe1d7b3b3d848cc5 | Hasand-Zwan |
- | | ويال | admin | 127498072c4615a301b5695af88ad47c | weyaleya4Dol |
- | Maiwand | ميوند فدا | Maiwand fida | e8a826d21e51eaf283c5276efe91b106 | Khkolai-Zwan |
- | | سميع الله ايلم | Samiullah Elam | e3fb7e8333d762d2f19ae811adbc6619 | Bator-Zwan |
- | | ارشاد رغاند | RaghandA | 3ea05f783cdf18c68748da48021cb0a5 | TandZwan |
- | | سيد عبدالله وليزی | SA-Walizai | 3ea05f783cdf18c68748da48021cb0a5 | TandZwan |
- | | نجيب زاخيلوال | najibullahzakhilwal | 762cc49870727785b47b10153a9c7019 | RohiBaba |
- | | ګل رحمان رحماني | Gul-Sarai1 | 87a49a29def42b847f958deee851e6bf | De-Zra-Tasal1 |
- | | اجمل تورمان | Toorman-Zwan2 | f722044ca7e5be2cd92e8fd61ef3f9cf | Khkolai And2 |
- +---------+-----------+---------------------------------+-------------------+---------+---------------------+-------------------
- Table cpg1410_config
- +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | name | value |
- +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | albums_per_page | 12 |
- | display_pic_info | 0 |
- | album_list_cols | 2 |
- | alb_list_thumb_size | 50 |
- | allowed_mov_types | ALL |
- | allowed_doc_types | doc/txt/rtf/pdf/xls/pps/ppt/zip/gz/mdb |
- | allowed_snd_types | mp3/midi/mid/wma/wav/ogg |
- | allowed_img_types | ALL |
- | allow_private_albums | 1 |
- | allow_user_registration | 0 |
- | allow_unlogged_access | 1 |
- | allow_duplicate_emails_addr | 0 |
- | views_in_thumbview | 1 |
- | caption_in_thumbview | 1 |
- | charset | utf-8 |
- | cookie_name | cpg143 |
- | cookie_path | / |
- | debug_mode | 0 |
- | debug_notice | 0 |
- | default_dir_mode | 0755 |
- | default_file_mode | 0644 |
- | default_sort_order | na |
- | ecards_more_pic_target | |
- | custom_lnk_name | <blank> |
- | home_target | index.php |
- | custom_lnk_url | <blank> |
- | enable_smilies | 1 |
- | filter_bad_words | 0 |
- | forbiden_fname_char | $/\\\\:*?"'<>|` & |
- | fullpath | albums/ |
- | gallery_admin_email | |
- | gallery_name | د روهي ويب پاڼې د انځورونو برخه |
- | gallery_description | |
- | im_options | -antialias |
- | jpeg_qual | 80 |
- | impath | <blank> |
- | keep_votes_time | 30 |
- | lang | english |
- | main_page_layout | breadcrumb/catlist/alblist/random,2/lastup,2 |
- | main_table_width | 100% |
- | make_intermediate | 1 |
- | max_com_lines | 10 |
- | max_com_size | 512 |
- | max_com_wlength | 38 |
- | max_img_desc_length | 512 |
- | max_upl_size | 1024 |
- | max_tabs | 12 |
- | max_upl_width_height | 2048 |
- | auto_resize | 0 |
- | min_votes_for_rating | 1 |
- | normal_pfx | normal_ |
- | offline | 0 |
- | picture_width | 400 |
- | picture_table_width | 600 |
- | read_exif_data | 0 |
- | reg_requires_valid_email | 1 |
- | subcat_level | 2 |
- | theme | classic |
- | thumbcols | 2 |
- | thumbrows | 3 |
- | thumb_pfx | thumb_ |
- | thumb_method | gd2 |
- | thumb_width | 100 |
- | userpics | userpics/ |
- | user_profile1_name | Location |
- | vanity_block | 1 |
- | user_profile2_name | Interests |
- | user_profile4_name | Occupation |
- | user_profile3_name | Website |
- | user_profile5_name | <blank> |
- | user_profile6_name | Biography |
- | user_field1_name | <blank> |
- | user_field2_name | <blank> |
- | user_field3_name | <blank> |
- | user_field4_name | <blank> |
- | display_comment_count | 0 |
- | show_private | 0 |
- | first_level | 0 |
- | display_film_strip | 1 |
- | display_film_strip_filename | 0 |
- | max_film_strip_items | 4 |
- | thumb_use | any |
- | read_iptc_data | 0 |
- | reg_notify_admin_email | 0 |
- | disable_comment_flood_protect | 0 |
- | upl_notify_admin_email | 0 |
- | display_uploader | 0 |
- | display_filename | 0 |
- | language_list | 1 |
- | language_flags | 0 |
- | theme_list | 0 |
- | language_reset | 1 |
- | theme_reset | 1 |
- | allow_memberlist | 0 |
- | display_faq | 0 |
- | show_bbcode_help | 1 |
- | log_ecards | 0 |
- | email_comment_notification | 0 |
- | enable_zipdownload | 1 |
- | log_mode | 0 |
- | media_autostart | 1 |
- | slideshow_interval | 5000 |
- | enable_encrypted_passwords | 1 |
- | ban_private_ip | 0 |
- | time_offset | 0 |
- | smtp_username | <blank> |
- | smtp_host | <blank> |
- | smtp_password | <blank> |
- | enable_plugins | 1 |
- | enable_help | 2 |
- | categories_alpha_sort | 0 |
- | login_threshold | 5 |
- | login_expiry | 10 |
- | allow_email_change | 0 |
- | clickable_keyword_search | 1 |
- | users_can_edit_pics | 0 |
- | show_which_exif | |0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|1|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|1|1 |
- | alb_desc_thumb | 1 |
- | link_pic_count | 0 |
- | bridge_enable | 0 |
- | language_fallback | 1 |
- | vote_details | 0 |
- | browse_batch_add | 1 |
- | hit_details | 0 |
- | custom_header_path | <blank> |
- | comments_sort_descending | 0 |
- | report_post | 0 |
- | custom_footer_path | <blank> |
- | comments_anon_pfx | Guest_ |
- | admin_activation | 0 |
- +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- @th3inf1d3l
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