Guest User


a guest
Nov 17th, 2012
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  1. # ----------------------------------------------------
  2. # AutoMessage Configuration File
  3. # ----------------------------------------------------
  4. # Configuration:
  5. # enabled - Disable to stop plugin from broadcasting (true or false)
  6. # interval - The time in between each broadcast in seconds
  7. # prefix - The tag shown at the beginning of a broadcast
  8. # random - Randomize broadcasted messages (true or false)
  9. # logToConsole - Disable to prevent console SPAM (true or false)
  10. # Messages:
  11. # Add a new message with the format - Message
  12. # Add color codes by prefixing with &
  13. # Example: &aHello &bWorld!
  14. # Messages can be placed on separate lines by using the $n delimiter.
  15. # Example: &aHello $n&bWorld!
  16. # Add commands to your messages by starting the line with /.
  17. # Example: /time set 0
  18. # ----------------------------------------------------
  20. settings:
  21. enabled: true
  22. interval: 60
  23. prefix: '&6[&6PointWars&6]'
  24. random: false
  25. logToConsole: true
  26. messages:
  27. - 'Like the server? Type /buy to purchase a cool rank to help the server and get cool commands!'
  28. - 'Type /warp to see what warps you can go to!'
  29. - 'Did you get your kit at the spawn'
  30. - 'Type /help to see a list of commands you have.
  31. - 'Tell your friends about PointWars!'
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