

May 24th, 2013
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  1. >You are Kaptain Anon
  2. >and your accomidations were less than splendor.
  3. >You didn't think creatures such as this would be able to stomach the aspects of torture, but the fact you now found yourself chained to a wall in a dungeon was an unsettling reality to the cuteness you first expected of these mares.
  5. >The Princess's indeed were...hospitable in your incarceration.
  6. >They had offered to clean your clothing as well as provide you with some food, but that didn't take the sting of the 'reality' that you were their 'captive.'
  7. >You had made the best of it, you weren't stuff in your tank with your crew anymore...a bit more leg-room was nice, but the fact you were now disconnected from them was not comforting at all.
  8. >You hated to be apart from your crew, your family, your brothers in battle.
  9. >You had fought hard and you had fought well, but taking the field against a near-benevolent being with magic was suicidal on all accounts.
  10. >You didn't have a chance in hell...the reality of that hitting you hard as you rest against the wall, suddenly hearing the clopping of hooves outside.
  11. >THUNK! the large locks slowly pry off to the side as the door suddenly opens and two ponies donning golden armour trot inside...
  12. >and both Princess's right behind them.
  13. >Luna looks at you with concern and somewhat hidden delight to see you, while her sister of course keeps her neutral expression as she smiled.
  14. "Well, I hope you're finding yourself well Kaptian..." Celestia began "I am...sorry for such a condition of living, but, you do know the crimes you pay for."
  15. "Dah..." was all you said as you sat there, hands crossed against your lap as you put your head down.
  16. >Celestia seems a tad...resented by your posture, something perhaps a bit depressing on how lowly you looked, or perhaps something about how your prior defiance and cunny had been simply washed away.
  17. >Maybe she got off to it, who knows, you don't look at her to tell as she trots over.
  18. "I cannot simply pass the fact you had captured my sister in our own realm. I do admire your word to keep her unhurt, but the weight of your crime is still something that cannot be set to pass without reprimands."
  20. "Den what do you plan to do with me? Keep me locked a'vay till i v'ither and die? Hah!" you smirk "dat might not be too long, I am old, I have been through hell and back...but to die like dis..." you shake your head "an insult...I v'ould rather be executed den locked away."
  21. >Celestia blinks, stepping back.
  22. "You would be so willing to throw your life away?" she asked, concern in her voice.
  23. "Den to be captured?" You retort "Dah, anyting better den being kept in cage like animal at zoo."
  24. >Celestia huffed, of course she felt the sting in those words, wanting to die than accept a simple punishment was....heartless...almost barbaric as she fluttered her wings.
  25. "And yet you still have the strength to complain about it...well....I cannot stand for a creature to simply give up and die..."
  26. "What is dere left for me den to not? You took my crew and freedom, I am chained to wall, what more is dere den to see four stone walls?" you sag back into place.
  27. "besides...crew cannot come save me, dey have no magic, no power to do dat, you v'in, and you keep prize better den v'e did." you look at Luna as she turned away, feeling both embarrassed and somewhat ashamed how they were kinder to her than they were to him.
  28. >At least they didn't lock her up...
  29. >Celestia of course was puzzled, she didn't want to free the creature, nor was she willing to accept his openness to want to off himself.
  30. >She bit her lower lip, ushering her guards forward as they approached you, one on each side as your chains suddenly glow with a golden hue of magic and pull you upright to your feet...albeit rather forcefully as you look at Celestia, her horn brilliant in its magical glow.
  31. "Perhaps you will be more understanding of my view when you learn about my own trials."
  33. >You blink "V'hat you mean?" asking as you eye the guards flanking you.
  34. >A click...and the chains suddenly come free from your arms and legs as Celestia eyes you with uncertainty.
  35. "Do not try anything...funny....I am doing this to at least merit some...understanding...and the interest in you wanting to die is not something I find plesant...even for a prisoner."
  36. >you rub your wrists for a moment, watching Celestia turn and trot out from the dungeon.
  37. >You eye the guards, they gently push you onward as you walk past Luna, the mare looking at you, somewhat of a sadness in her eyes, but also...a glint of interest as you follow the Solar Princess from the confines of your dunegon and into the long stairwell.
  38. "I too have faced challenges far superior to my own strenght, and like you Kaptian, I too had thought highly of my own abilities to defeat them."
  39. >Celestia had escorted you down a long hall in some part of the massive castle. The lush, red-velvet carpets donning the hallway along with the draped banners of the Solar and Lunar princess's hung on either side as you look about, seeing the moon having risen and the sun long since set.
  40. >You pause, turning to walk towards a window as the guards huff.
  41. "Hey..." one said as Celestia turned, looking at you as you walk towards the window, placing a hand on the glass as you look out towards the city below.
  43. >Celestia smirked, seeing your interest in the city below.
  44. >In your mind, jumping was out of the question, but the view certainly reminded you of home.
  45. >Almost...
  46. "Every day...when the sun is raised, I must be watchful of my subjects." the mare said, trotting beside you. "They live their lives care-free and unaware of the trials and tribunals I must tend to just to keep their happiness and love for their ruler in check. It is not easy leading a kingdom, let alone one of peace and tranquility than war and strength." she giggled "I guess you could say, its a more wild experience than most ponies would think, and no amount of benevolence could ever help against things like taxes or city maintenance." she sighed as she turned and trotted on.
  47. >You took one last look and followed behind her, the Luna princess close on your heels as you're led to a massive pair of doors.
  48. >Celestia turned to face you.
  49. "Kaptian...few hooves have walked the halls I am about to show you, I would ask that you...please...respect the stillness of this place."
  50. >You look at her in confusion, was she asking you to be silent or not touch anything...but you had no idea exactly WHAT she meant.
  51. "I cannot do such ting unless I know v'hat it is?" you ask as the mare smirks.
  52. "The royal archives..." she said "a place where the history of our kingdom has lived for many generations."
  53. >You nod "Dah...I can respect dat." perhaps you could find something of a weakness for her while you were at it...
  54. "Good." she said as she turned, and with a mgaical glow of her horn, she slowly opened the massive doors, showing you a large....very large chamber loaded to the brim with books and scrolls as she and her sister enter, but the guards do not.
  55. "Only those of royal blood may pass...but you, Kaptian...shall be an exception." she said as you shrug, walking inside the grand old archives with them as the doors slowly closed behind you.
  57. >You are comrade Gunner
  58. >And you're overlooking Canterlot.
  59. >The city is brilliant with its lights and at its shimmering glow.
  60. >Captivating, if it wasn't for the fact your kaptian was there.
  61. "You're almost there..." Discord muttered, slinking besied you "Oooo this is so exciting! How will you go about doing the deed?"
  62. >You look at the dragon before turning back to the city, checking through your binoculars.
  63. "I don't know..." you mutter "the city is...far...and if you want us to cause some chaos..." you pause for a second before turning to Discord.
  64. "Could you....make gun bigger?"
  65. "What!?" Discord asked "You want ME to make the upgrades now, but...that's preposterous, not until you free me will I start doing what you ask."
  66. >You smirk "If you don't, v'e can't free you, v'e need bigger gun to help make bigger boom range."
  67. >Discord huffs, looking at you with a displeased expression, but rolls his eyes.
  68. "Oh for pete sakes...fine!" he snaps his fingers.
  69. You look at your tank, from the old 115mm gun, it had suddenly expanded to an almost 120mm gun.
  70. "There...hope you don't mind the larger size to compensate for something you lack... just be sure to use it for what you intend to use it for, I will not have some humans mulligan around with an oversize tank gun because I let you have it." he poked your head " what you need to do." and with a poof, he vanished.
  71. >You smirk, he certainly was a silly creature, but perhaps he wasn't all bad to have around as you look back through your binoculars only to suddenly see them move towards the garden near the castle and Discrocds face appearing in the lens.
  72. "Remeber, its this one right here." he says, pointing to his 'statue' of him certainly...not in the most noble or defiant positions as you start to chuckle.
  73. "Hey...don't laugh, I wasn't prepared when the Princess petrified me."
  74. >You smirk "Dah, guess not...but den, you certainly make good garden ornament."
  76. >Discord crossed his arms "I'm starting to realize why you...humans...are so difficult, always asking for things and cracking jokes..." he smirked "and I thought that was my job in all this, guess I can't be the bad guy all the time."
  77. >You smirk "v'e not bad, v'e not van't chaos, just v'ant Kaptian back and you help us to do dat."
  78. "Ah yes yes...I shall indeed help, you have been so kind as to free me...or WILL whenever you get to doing it..."
  79. >He slinkers up to you "which reminds me, what ARE you doing?"
  80. >You put down the binoculars
  81. "Trying to see if Lunar or Solar Princess are around, if dey are, v'e cannot dare try or risk losing surprise."
  82. --
  83. >The archives were much larger than you first thought as you walked a good distance from the doorway. Nothing but books surrounded you, scrolls and scriptures. It wasn't anything you've seen before, not even in places like the Kremlin were this many books laid about.
  84. >You look over a few of them, many are written in strange text, a few you can see in English are stating of historical texts or diplomatic information on society, some even stating a few wars which caught your interest, but you dare not touch out of respect for the Princess.
  85. >You look back at Celestia, seeing the mare standing before a podium with a large book opened, its pages were a dark hue and its cover a sick black.
  86. "Within this tome...those who have sought our demise have place themselves...many evils we have face have been written here...perhaps this will give you some incite to our own endeavors."
  88. >You ease over to the podium, eyeing the books massive pages as you can see parts of it written in a form you can't reconginze. Images of creatures like golems or orges, beasts and brutes of varous types of myth and lore all resided within the pages as they shuffled about.
  89. >You almost caught a glimpse of what LOOKED like an armoured imp, but the thought of something from HELL being a villain here was quite...unsettling.
  90. >Celestia began to go on about each trial they faced against the foe, you didn't pay much attention as your focus was on catching as much information on the foes and their methods...from what you could scrounge before your eyes land on a more...recent...entry.
  91. "Nightmare moon." you mutter, seeing a picture of a elegant mare donning a vibrant shade of black and dark blue with matching armour...its mark...similar to Luna as she looked away.
  92. "Ah..." Celestia said with a sigh "not...the proudest moment of our lives..." she said, looking at Luna "but a hard lesson for both myself...and my sister."
  93. "Dat...your sister?"
  94. >Celestia nods, Luna just shifts in place.
  95. >You rub your chin.
  96. "She looks good..." you muttered "Considering it took you and..." you point to a name "elements of harmoy to stop her..." you smirk "take it she took you for quite a ride."
  97. >Celestia was taken back a bit as Luna looked up at you, a bit of admiration as she smiled a little bit, blushing too for the comment of her being...stronger...than her sister.
  98. >Celestia of coruse only ruffled her feathers.
  99. "'t easy, but...I am glad she was able to be freed from that form."
  100. "V'hy, she looked better den you too?"
  101. >Again celestia paused, huffing as you can hear Luna giggling behind them as the mare stompped a forehoof, causing the little one to quite down instantly.
  102. "Need i remind you this is out of respect kaptian, please do not push my patience."
  103. "Rough spot..." you mutter as you eye another entry.
  105. "Discord..." you read "Element of chaos."
  106. >Celestia huffs, feeling a tad...uneasy about this, more-so than of her sister's 'evil form.'
  107. " who, despite his sealment into stone, continues to find ways of escape from our grasp."
  108. "sealed? Den how?"
  109. >Celestia shook her head "He is a powerful element of disharmony, chaos, pure and simple, and his abilities are far grander than a mere stone prison can house him. Above all, he uses others for his bidding as he himself is locked away. I would not doubt that he would continue to try no matter the means of imprisonment, to make myself and my sister's lives rather...miserable."
  110. "I take it bad blood?"
  111. >Celestia looked at you "it goes deeper then...blood Kaptian, but...that is not meant to be discussed at the moment."
  112. >You rub your chin, this...Discord seemed like a powerful foe as you look at the other entries, not bearing too much mind considering an element of 'chaos' was indeed a worrisome thought.
  113. "So...if he is capture den, v'ere is he now?"
  114. >Celestia looked at her sister and sighed. "I shall show you."
  115. >You were led out of the archives, back down the hall as the two guards who had accompanied you returned to your flanks as you were led through another twist and turn of halls before coming out to a balcony overlooking a grand garden.
  116. >There...not too far from the window were several stone statues, instantly among them was a the dragon creature in a rather silly position; surprised, with both arms out as it was downright refusing its fate.
  117. >You resist the urge to start laughing at how silly it looked, but you get a look from Celestia that he certainly was no joke.
  118. "Discord had rough nothing but disorder and chaos o our realm, had my sister and I not combined our powers, we never would have been able to quell his reign of insanity.
  119. "As long as he is Imprisoned, his power is greatly reduce, but time and again he has manipulated ponies to attempt to free him, yet never once has he succeed."
  121. "Never once..." you repeat as you suddenly catch something off to your left...far left, turning your head to the mountains nearby as your eyes go wide as you caught a familiar glint...a glint you, by now, know too well.
  122. "Cyjot...." you mutter as Celestia sighs.
  123. "Each day I wonder what his mind works about in his state of limbo, never alive nor dead, he continues to plot his means to no ends of chaos and disorder of our land. I hope...that in time we can reform him, but each time we try, he pulls himself further and further from tranquility to his old roots."
  124. >You weren't listening as you watch the area of the mountains.
  125. >Luna notices.
  126. "Kaptian...what is it?" She asked, trotting beside you to look in the direction you were looking, but not seeing anything as she turned up to you.
  127. >Your expression of concern, both uneasy understanding, and fear of what was to come as you close your eyes for a moment.
  128. "Dat....must be it..." you mutter just as a thundering BOOM echoed from the distance, >an explosion ripped the ground apart before the statue, kicking up a cloud of dust
  129. >You knew all too well that was your gunner, but the impact explosion...was...more powerful than you remembered.
  130. >The clink and crackling of stone gave you another reason to worry.
  131. "What....what has happend!?" Celestia barked, turning to you as you were staring dumbstruck at the billow cloud.
  132. "What...what have you done?!" she yelled, trotting towards you as turned to her.
  133. "Oh, do not blame him Princess, HE didn't do anything..." spoke another...almost laughable voice as a pair of glowing yellow eyes appeared behind the dust.
  134. "He had no part in what his men's desires were...freeing their captain from your clutches was a simple gambling chip to get what I had always wanted... freedom."
  135. "D-discord!" Celestia uttered as the draconis yowls slithered forward from the dust cloud.
  136. "The one and only Princess...indeed it has been awhile, and I must say, you are looking well."
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