

Sep 11th, 2016
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  1. Erelye: **A B Y S S A L ~~8~~ O D D I T Y**
  3. Erelye: [**R4-██ approved guidelines: **]
  4. Bill Cipher: >PLAY GAME
  5. Erelye: [**Loading...**]
  6. Erelye: [**Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.**]
  7. Erelye: [**ETA: forty-five minutes.**]
  8. Erelye: @here
  9. Bill Cipher: >Where are we heading, again?
  10. ConsumerOfAll: > Look around.
  11. Erelye: [**The Iota Sector. You are on board your ship once more.**]
  12. Erelye: [**You have just finished strapping down the deadly explosive canister in the cargo corner, as you've taken to calling it.**]
  13. Pope Cipurr: >recommend cyan practice weapon manifestation
  14. Erelye: [**Cyan shouts back down the hall from the deck. "I'm *trying*!"**]
  15. Pope Cipurr: oh okay
  16. Pope Cipurr: >practice attempting to weaponise your wings
  17. Erelye: [**In what manner? Shall you attempt some bladewings again?**]
  18. Pope Cipurr: yes
  19. Erelye: !roll 1 5
  20. Pope Cipurr: well i'll be damned
  21. Erelye: [**You effortlessly create some bladewings, and slash a useless empty cardboard box in half whilst flying in the admittedly large deck.**]
  22. Erelye: [**Now what?**]
  23. Pope Cipurr: lovely. hm
  24. Pope Cipurr: >look up that address we got from malpeiyc?
  25. Erelye: [**сггк://вхл.веритусаралоус.естис/доwнлоад/тхесецретсофиммецон.агл?**]
  26. Pope Cipurr: i'd suppose so
  27. Erelye: [**The webpage reads '*ERROR: Access restricted to R5-██ personnel. Please enter password.*'**]
  28. Pope Cipurr: damn
  29. Nomble: "spam until security questions"
  30. Pope Cipurr: no
  31. Erelye: [**ETA: thirty minutes.**]
  32. Erelye: [**Please enter command.**]
  33. ConsumerOfAll: who was sick or something again?
  34. Erelye: [**Topaz was formerly afflicted with the Ashen Plague, until she was cleansed by YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR, Cthk'aryvt.**]
  35. ConsumerOfAll: ah
  36. ConsumerOfAll: > Check on Cyan's practising.
  37. Erelye: [**She's basically just sitting on the far end of the ship in the lotus position, staring out of the porthole into the infinite blackness, and occasionally poking her gem, irritated.**]
  38. ConsumerOfAll: ouch
  39. ConsumerOfAll: @here, any idea of what to say to her?
  40. Bill Cipher: > "Hey. Don't worry about it. Maybe... maybe you don't have a weapon?"
  41. Bill Cipher: > "What I mean is, maybe you have some other kind of power."
  42. Bill Cipher: ((I'm operating on Peridot logic here.))
  43. Erelye: [**She looks over to you, unamused, and snaps her fingers. Electricity sparks off of them.**]
  44. Bill Cipher: ((:/))
  45. Bill Cipher: ((you could have told me that))
  46. Bill Cipher: ((I was dumb and forgot))
  47. Erelye: [**You already knew it.**]
  48. ConsumerOfAll: the electricity isn't new, is it?
  49. Erelye: [**No. Not since she accidentally gave Delta a traumatic brain injury when he was insulting her.**]
  50. ConsumerOfAll: ah
  51. Erelye: [**ETA: fifteen minutes.**]
  52. ConsumerOfAll: what's our weapon, if we have one?
  53. Erelye: [**">practice attempting to weaponise your wings"**]
  54. ConsumerOfAll: ah
  55. ConsumerOfAll: dammit I used social as a dump stat
  56. Erelye: [**What now?**]
  57. Pope Cipurr: "let me guess cyan's not getting a weapon until peridot gets one"
  58. Pope Cipurr: <:msPaint:213597855041060864>
  59. Erelye: [**Wink wink nudge nudge.**]
  60. Erelye: [**Would you prefer to uselessly stare at a wall for fifteen minutes.**]
  61. teag2: "teag proceedes to not know what this is"
  62. teag2: :mspa:
  63. Bill Cipher: ***No.***
  64. Bill Cipher: I guess we could stare at a wall for fifteen minutes.
  65. teag2: ok 😦
  66. Bill Cipher: kek
  67. Bill Cipher: you're not on the right server so you cant get mspa
  68. Bill Cipher: <:msPaint:213597855041060864>
  69. Nomble: possibly attempt to download information from the laptop.
  70. Erelye: [**You decide to stare at a wall for fifteen minutes.**]
  71. ConsumerOfAll: KEK
  72. Pope Bill: KEK
  73. ConsumerOfAll: :topkekek:
  74. ConsumerOfAll: :lowekeke:
  75. Erelye: [**Almost immediately after settling down, you realize that you haven't slept in likely over thirty hours. That's the last thought you think before everything goes black.**]
  76. Nomble: this is AO, don't use that here.
  77. Erelye: ^
  78. Nomble: "we're gems, why do we have to sleep"
  79. Erelye: [**Half-gem.**]
  80. ConsumerOfAll: okay
  81. Nomble: huh
  82. Erelye: [**Would you like to w a k e u p ?**]
  83. Nomble: [insert wake up creepypasta here]
  84. Bomber57: →Awaken
  85. Erelye: [**You awaken to somebody shaking your shoulder. It's Topaz, actually.**]
  86. ConsumerOfAll: "Hello?"
  87. Erelye: [**"We've been here for like ten hours. Charo and I let you two sleep."**]
  88. Nomble: Attempt to download information from laptop.
  89. Erelye: [**You download a horrific cybervirus installed onto the computer defense by Grayholdian technicians.**]
  90. Nomble: erm
  91. Nomble: does our ship have antivirus
  92. Erelye: !roll 1 4
  93. ConsumerOfAll: uh
  94. ConsumerOfAll: oh no
  95. Erelye: [**You're fine. You manage to shut it down before it stops the ship's engines.**]
  96. Erelye: [**Would you like to descend into the Iota Sector?**]
  97. Bill Cipher: Yes.
  98. Erelye: [**With whom?**]
  99. Bill Cipher: Topaz and Cyan. Any objections?
  100. ConsumerOfAll: sure
  101. Erelye: [**Are you sure?**]
  102. Erelye: [**You recall what happened last time you left Charoite here alone, after all.**]
  103. Nomble: What happened?
  104. Yung Venuz: Reading the chatlog, i argee it was in the best of our interests to stare at a wall for 15 minutes
  105. Yung Venuz: We made so much progress with that one action
  106. Erelye: [**She was in the fetal position in the corner, crying about some maroon god being in the ship that you could not see, of course.**]
  107. Nomble: dangit malpeyc
  108. Erelye: [*Blame the game, not its players, kid.*]
  109. ConsumerOfAll: Topaz and Charoite?
  110. Nomble: may not be a good idea to leave cyan right now
  111. Erelye: [**Topaz casually punctuates that thought by dragging all of you outside.**]
  112. Erelye: [**Enjoy that forceful assignment? Me too. You are now on the surface of the Iota Sector.**]
  113. Bill Cipher: okay then.
  114. Bill Cipher: examine surroundings.
  115. ConsumerOfAll: that works
  116. Erelye: [**You appear to be on the roof of some sort of monolithic building designed as an orbital satellite composed of stone. There is nothing on the flat surface, save for an elevator platform in the center of the place.**]
  117. Bill Cipher: Head to the elevator platform.
  118. Bill Cipher: (After playing through HLD, I'm definitely seeing its influences here.)
  119. Erelye: [**You head over to the elevator platform.**]
  120. Erelye: ((Hah.))
  121. Erelye: [**You prepare to activate it. However, suddenly, a great warmth flows over your body, along with a light from above. Charoite grabs Topaz's wrist, to your side.**]
  122. Erelye: [**The elevator emits a click of its own accord, as well.**]
  123. Bill Cipher: Examine light.
  124. Erelye: ["*Well well well well well. The whole group's here! Lonely Purple, Blue Rock, that one who's always getting nightmares, and the ex-military amnesiac!*"]
  125. Bill Cipher: Malpeiyc.
  126. Erelye: [**What do you do?**]
  127. Bill Cipher: *I* ask him what he wants.
  128. Erelye: [**Malpeiyc calmly speaks into the ground, away from all of you.** "*Well, green, that's a good question. I'm here as the ordinated gatekeeper of this library. If you can get past what I have to offer, you'll be allowed in.*"]
  129. Bill Cipher: What do you have to offer?
  130. Erelye: ["*Funnily enough, I'm going to give you something! All you have to do is take it. You've always wanted a shard of Green Diamond, right?*"]
  131. Yung Venuz: ohey
  132. Erelye: [**Please enter command.**]
  133. Bill Cipher: ...
  134. Bill Cipher: take the shard.
  135. Erelye: [**You watch Malpeiyc, curious (and/or afraid) expressions upon your face. He casually undoes the first two buttons of his shirt, revealing a cut amber stone in his chest. He promptly proceeds to gouge out the flesh around it with his bare hands, blood dripping everywhere. The edges of the wound glow maroon. His form flickers, but only twice. He extends the hand holding the amber gem to you all.**]
  136. Bill Cipher: ...Take amber gem.
  137. Erelye: [**ГWЕ-ДРАХИС Shard: A hunk of cut amber. The thing once served as the base code of Malpeiyc of Geten, who has since overcome such worldly bonds.**]
  138. Erelye: ((Fuck. /AFK. When I get back, you'll all see what happens next. Hah. Please do stay here. Start up a small game of Pinary in between, or something, if you want.))
  139. Erelye: [** @here Do you examine the gem further?**]
  140. Yung Venuz: yes
  141. Erelye: !coin
  142. Erelye: [**iiii**ii]
  143. Erelye: [**Visions of a war-torn battlefield fill your mind. A particular spot on your back burns with white-hot pain as a regal figure almost entirely white and gray gives commands to a number of smaller figures, pointing northward. One maroon, four blue, and quite a few others.**]
  144. Erelye: [**The elevator below you emits a click whilst you are still immersed in your visions. What do you do?**]
  145. Bill Cipher: enter the depths
  146. Erelye: [**You break through the visions, and they fade away. Storing the gem, the four of you descend. You note that Malpeiyc is missing from the sky as you are lowered into the depths.**]
  147. Erelye: [**You stop in a cuboid room. There is a set of stairs descending deeper into the area, and eight large tablets carved into the wall above it. The top four are inscribed with Rodarbi text in white light.**]
  148. crystalcat: >Examine tablets?
  149. Erelye: [**Which one do you read first?**]
  150. crystalcat: The first.
  151. Erelye: [**μ
  153. Nomble: hmm
  154. Nomble: so is μ the written 1?
  155. Erelye: [**No. There is a mu inscribed at the top of the text.**]
  156. Nomble: Oh.
  157. Erelye: [**Do you read the second tablet?**]
  158. Bill Cipher: Yes.
  159. Erelye: **ψ
  161. Erelye: [**You read the last two tablets, as well.**]
  162. Erelye: **δ
  164. Erelye: **α
  168. crystalcat: ... Are the letters denoting sectors?
  169. Erelye: [**You wonder what all of these things, perhaps sectors, had in common.**]
  170. Erelye: [**Do you proceed?**]
  171. Bill Cipher: Yes.
  172. Erelye: [**You head onwards, and enter an expansive room filled with various shelves and tables. There appears to be a featureless stone door on every wall, of which there are four.**]
  173. Erelye: [**Please enter command.**]
  174. Bill Cipher: anything on the tables? anything in the shelves?
  175. Erelye: [**There appear to be large amounts of shattered stone hunks in the shelves, though you can see two full ochre stone slabs from your current location. However, there is a small wooden chest on one of the tables, surrounded by papers.**]
  176. Erelye: @here
  177. Bill Cipher: open chest.
  178. Erelye: [**Ammolite Heart: A half-infused ammolite cabochon. Such artifacts serve as the beckoning hearts of construction, never truly alive, and never truly dead, reading ochre transcripts with ease.**]
  179. Bomber57: Examine the papers surrounding the chest, after you have seen its contents.
  180. Erelye: [**There appear to be three different styles of documents around the chest. One, drawings of people praying to owls. Two, four diamond shapes arranged in a square, with the bottom three crossed out. Three, notes between an 'Amarill V.' and a something 'Huître.'**]
  181. Erelye: [**Or rather, a written conversation between these two people on the side of some notes.**]
  183. Bill Cipher: whoops.
  184. Erelye: [**The two people, differing in ink colors from black to green, respectively, appear to be talking about locking up some sort of octahedron in the depths of a palace, beneath an aeonic core.**]
  185. Bill Cipher: ...interesting.
  186. Erelye: [**Charoite mutters the name 'Amarill Vardiveig' under her breath quietly, as well.**]
  187. Bill Cipher: examine ochre slabs.
  188. Erelye: [**Ochre Slab - Pyramidion: A slab of ochre stone, inscribed with a number of precise and incomprehensible markings, complete with a slot for some sort of beckoning heart. Equally vital to the foundation of civilization as the heart is the shell. Efficiency and quality should both be kept in mind equally, of course.
  190. Ochre Slab - Nuclein: A slab of ochre stone, inscribed with a number of precise and incomprehensible markings, complete with a slot for some sort of beckoning heart. A planet is of no use if it does not contain any necessary utilities, especially in regards to the special needs of planetary defendants, and orbital scanning technologies.**]
  191. Erelye: [**All three slabs of ochre stone around you and in your inventory burn with the same heat the Ammolite Heart is emanating.**]
  192. crystalcat: We should be able to slot the Ammolite Heart into the slots.
  193. crystalcat: >Slot the Ammolite Heart into the Ochre Slab - Pyramidion.
  194. Erelye: [**Are you sure you want to slot the Heart into Pyramidion? Why not Nuclein, or the Ochre Tablet - Vardiveig you own?**]
  195. Bill Cipher: Take out Vardiveig Tablet, examine its flavor text.
  196. Erelye: [**Ochre Tablet - Vardiveig: A tablet composed of the same ochre stone as the slabs of construction. The object is inscribed with a mass of tiny markings on every face, leaving room only for a beckoning heart slot. The scribe of the Nine saved a good portion of the data on her gemstone to this very device. She was afraid of a great deal of things.**]
  197. Bill Cipher: hm...
  198. Bill Cipher: put the heart in vardiveig's first.
  199. Erelye: [**You slot the Ammolite Heart into the Ochre Tablet - Vardiveig. The thing is locked into place - permanently. The gem glows with a white light.**]
  200. Erelye: [**The microscopic markings on the front face of the tablet slide open, and a bizarre cyan paste saturated with crystals pours forth, spilling all over the table. It drifts into a single conglomerate.**]
  201. Erelye: [**There is a writhing within the depths of the nanite paste, and it hardens, forming what appears to be a complete andalusite gemstone with a candlelit hue.**]
  202. crystalcat: ...Vardiveig.
  203. Erelye: [**The four of you stand in awe of the thing.**]
  204. Bill Cipher: bubble it?
  205. Pope Cipurr: that would be a waste
  206. Erelye: [**What do you do with the gemstone, and the slabs, for that matter?**]
  207. crystalcat: We should save the slabs in case we ever find another Ammolite Heart.
  208. Yung Venuz: ^
  209. crystalcat: The gemstone... no idea.
  210. Bill Cipher: ((I need to go))
  211. Erelye: [**Would you like to save your game?**]
  212. crystalcat: Everyone else? I'd be fine with saving.
  213. Pope Cipurr: no chip could satisfy his hunger...
  214. Pope Cipurr: for POWER.
  215. Pope Cipurr: anyways yeah
  216. Erelye: [**Saving...**]
  217. Erelye: [**Game saved successfully. Would you like to quit?**]
  218. crystalcat: >Quit.
  219. Erelye: [**Game quit. Have a nice day.**]
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