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Apr 30th, 2017
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  1. [10:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.11.2
  2. [10:35:49] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
  3. [10:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
  4. [10:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-28463de-a2af8f0 (MC: 1.11.2) (Implementing API version 1.11.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
  5. [10:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
  6. [10:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
  7. [10:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Debug logging is disabled
  8. [10:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
  9. [10:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:2266
  10. [10:35:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type
  11. [10:35:51] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin `Chat_Saver v1.2' uses the space-character (0x20) in its name `Chat Saver' - this will not work in Minecraft 1.12
  12. [10:35:51] [Server thread/ERROR]: Ambiguous plugin name `ProtocolLib' for files `plugins/ProtocolLib.jar' and `plugins/ProtocolLib .jar' in `plugins'
  13. [10:35:51] [Server thread/INFO]: Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable
  14. [10:35:51] [Server thread/ERROR]: not found
  15. [10:35:51] [Server thread/WARN]: No Entities found in ClassPath using ClassPathReader [com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.util.DefaultClassPathReader@7cb37c93] Classpath Searched[[file:/home/minecraft-6/server/server.jar]]
  16. [10:35:51] [Server thread/INFO]: Classpath search hits in jars[] pkgs[] searchTime[5]
  17. [10:35:51] [Server thread/INFO]: DataSourcePool [BiomeEdit] autoCommit[false] transIsolation[SERIALIZABLE] min[2] max[20]
  18. [10:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: SubClassFactory parent ClassLoader []
  19. [10:35:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Entities enhanced[0] subclassed[0]
  20. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [Beast-XpWithDraw] Loading Beast-XpWithDraw v2.8
  21. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [FancyChat] Loading FancyChat v1.4
  22. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [sTablist] Loading sTablist v2.8.7
  23. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlugMan] Loading PlugMan v2.1.3
  24. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShulkerBoxPlus] Loading ShulkerBoxPlus v0.0.1
  25. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceMore] Loading PlaceMore v1.2
  26. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [isSlimeChunk] Loading isSlimeChunk v1.0.1
  27. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [BiomeEdit] Loading BiomeEdit v1.0.1
  28. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [LagMonitor] Loading LagMonitor v1.11.10
  29. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionGamemode] Loading PermissionGamemode v1.0
  30. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [HideStream] Loading HideStream v3.8
  31. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [Commandspy] Loading Commandspy v4.1.0
  32. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Loading CoreProtect v2.14.2
  33. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading LuckPerms v3.1.7
  34. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Identified the following dependencies: [CAFFEINE]
  35. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [OpenInv] Loading OpenInv v3.0.1
  36. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldBorder] Loading WorldBorder v1.8.5
  37. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Loading BuycraftX v10.2
  38. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [Votifier] Loading Votifier v1.9
  39. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Loading Multiverse-Core v1.1
  40. [10:35:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Loading ProtocolLib v4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-b334
  41. [10:35:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [ProtocolLib] Version (MC: 1.11.2) has not yet been tested! Proceed with caution.
  42. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [LibsDisguises] Loading LibsDisguises v9.1.1
  43. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Loading NoCheatPlus v3.15.0-SNAPSHOT-sMD5NET-b1022
  44. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: onLoad: Early set up of static API, configuration, logging.
  45. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Logging system initialized.
  46. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Detected Minecraft version: 1.11.2
  47. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [GuiRedeemMCMMO] Loading GuiRedeemMCMMO v1.4
  48. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] Loading MVdWPlaceholderAPI v1.0.0
  49. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [FastAsyncWorldEdit] Loading FastAsyncWorldEdit v17.04.29-f8579bd-677-12.6.7
  50. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chat_Saver] Loading Chat_Saver v1.2
  51. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [OldPvP] Loading OldPvP v1.9
  52. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading FeatherBoard v3.11.1
  53. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Loading mcMMO v1.5.05-b143
  54. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Loading Vault v1.5.6-b49
  55. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [GAListener] Loading GAListener v1.3.2
  56. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [ObsidianAuctions] Loading ObsidianAuctions v4.0.2
  57. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Loading HolographicDisplays v2.2.3
  58. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatItem] Loading ChatItem v1.3.4
  59. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v6.1.5;4651611
  60. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.0.1-b450
  61. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Loading VeinMiner v1.10.7
  62. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [Refer] Loading Refer v2.1.1
  63. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [LiteBans] Loading LiteBans v2.1.9
  64. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [WhatIsIt] Loading WhatIsIt v1.3.9
  65. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeChat] Loading DeluxeChat v1.11.0
  66. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Loading EssentialsChat v2.0.1-b450
  67. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [TreeAssist] Loading TreeAssist v5.10.17
  68. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperVanish] Loading SuperVanish v5.8.4
  69. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v6.1.2;e38d98d
  70. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [BungeePortals] Loading BungeePortals v1.2
  71. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsGeoIP] Loading EssentialsGeoIP v2.0.1-b450
  72. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSigns] Loading ServerSigns v4.5.1
  73. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.0.1-b450
  74. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [SilkSpawners] Loading SilkSpawners v3.7.4
  75. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Loading GriefPrevention v16.4
  76. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] Loading ChestShop v3.8.12
  77. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomTeleport] Loading RandomTeleport v1.7.3 (build #19)
  78. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopGUIPlus] Loading ShopGUIPlus v1.5.9
  79. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [Signs] Loading Signs v1.9.7
  80. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Enabling LuckPerms v3.1.7
  81. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: __ __ ___ __ __
  82. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: | | | / ` |__/ |__) |__ |__) |\/| /__`
  83. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: |___ \__/ \__, | \ | |___ | \ | | .__/
  84. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]:
  85. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading version v3.1.7 on Bukkit - CraftBukkit
  86. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Running on server version git-Spigot-28463de-a2af8f0 (MC: 1.11.2) - 1.11.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
  87. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]:
  88. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Loading configuration...
  89. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Detecting storage method...
  90. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Loading dependencies...
  91. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Identified the following dependencies: [MYSQL_DRIVER, SLF4J_API, SLF4J_SIMPLE, HIKARI]
  92. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Initializing storage backings...
  93. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Using MySQL storage.
  94. [10:35:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Initialising storage provider...
  95. [10:35:55] [Server thread/WARN]: [Server thread] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - luckperms - Starting...
  96. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: [Server thread] ERROR com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool - luckperms - Exception during pool initialization.
  97. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
  99. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
  100. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
  101. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
  102. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
  103. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
  104. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
  105. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createCommunicationsException(
  106. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.<init>(
  107. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.coreConnect(
  108. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.connectOneTryOnly(
  109. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.createNewIO(
  110. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.<init>(
  111. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection.<init>(
  112. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
  113. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
  114. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
  115. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
  116. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
  117. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.getInstance(
  118. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(
  119. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource.getConnection(
  120. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource.getConnection(
  121. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase.newConnection(
  122. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase.newPoolEntry(
  123. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.createPoolEntry(
  124. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.checkFailFast(
  125. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.<init>(
  126. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource.<init>(
  127. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  128. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  129. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  130. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  131. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  132. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  133. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.LPBukkitPlugin.onEnable(
  134. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  135. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  136. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
  137. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin(
  138. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
  139. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.init(
  140. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  141. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  142. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Caused by: Connection refused
  143. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at Method)
  144. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  145. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  146. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  147. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  148. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  149. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.StandardSocketFactory.connect(
  150. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.<init>(
  151. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: ... 35 more
  152. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$PoolInitializationException: Failed to initialize pool: Communications link failure
  154. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
  155. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.throwPoolInitializationException(
  156. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.checkFailFast(
  157. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.<init>(
  158. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource.<init>(
  159. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  160. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  161. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  162. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  163. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  164. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  165. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at me.lucko.luckperms.bukkit.LPBukkitPlugin.onEnable(
  166. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  167. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  168. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
  169. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin(
  170. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
  171. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.init(
  172. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  173. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  174. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
  176. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
  177. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
  178. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
  179. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
  180. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
  181. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
  182. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createCommunicationsException(
  183. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.<init>(
  184. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.coreConnect(
  185. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.connectOneTryOnly(
  186. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.createNewIO(
  187. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.<init>(
  188. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection.<init>(
  189. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
  190. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
  191. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
  192. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
  193. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
  194. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.getInstance(
  195. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(
  196. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource.getConnection(
  197. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource.getConnection(
  198. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase.newConnection(
  199. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase.newPoolEntry(
  200. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.createPoolEntry(
  201. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.checkFailFast(
  202. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: ... 17 more
  203. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: Caused by: Connection refused
  204. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at Method)
  205. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  206. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  207. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  208. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  209. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  210. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.StandardSocketFactory.connect(
  211. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.<init>(
  212. [10:35:56] [Server thread/WARN]: ... 35 more
  213. [10:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] [ERROR] Error occurred whilst initialising the database.
  214. [10:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Loading bungee messaging service...
  215. [10:35:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Registering commands...
  216. [10:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Loading internal permission managers...
  217. [10:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Attempting to hook with Vault...
  218. [10:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Vault not found.
  219. [10:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Registering API...
  220. [10:35:57] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling LuckPerms v3.1.7 (Is it up to date?)
  221. java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.NullPointerException
  222. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.encodeThrowable( ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  223. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeThrowable( ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  224. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  225. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  226. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  227. at [?:1.8.0_101]
  228. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  229. at ~[?:?]
  230. at ~[?:?]
  231. at$loadAllGroups$7( ~[?:?]
  232. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ ~[?:1.8.0_101]
  233. ... 3 more
  234. [10:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Enabling ProtocolLib v4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-b334
  235. [10:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Started structure compiler thread.
  236. [10:35:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [FastAsyncWorldEdit] Enabling FastAsyncWorldEdit v17.04.29-f8579bd-677-12.6.7
  237. [10:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: ====== USE PAPER ======
  238. [10:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: DOWNLOAD:
  239. [10:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: GUIDE:
  240. [10:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: - This is only a recommendation
  241. [10:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: ==============================
  242. [10:35:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Enabling mcMMO v1.5.05-b143
  243. [10:36:00] [Server thread/WARN]: [mcMMO] NoCheatPlus plugin found, but CompatNoCheatPlus was not found!
  244. [10:36:00] [Server thread/WARN]: [mcMMO] mcMMO will not work properly alongside NoCheatPlus without CompatNoCheatPlus
  245. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.5.6-b49
  246. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting
  247. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
  248. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.5.6-b49
  249. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Attempting to hook with Vault...
  250. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [LP] Registered Vault permission & chat hook.
  251. [10:36:00] [Server thread/WARN]: **** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE!
  252. [10:36:00] [Server thread/WARN]: The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
  253. [10:36:00] [Server thread/WARN]: Whilst this makes it possible to use BungeeCord, unless access to your server is properly restricted, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
  254. [10:36:00] [Server thread/WARN]: Please see for further information.
  255. [10:36:00] [Server thread/WARN]: To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the file.
  256. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time ****
  257. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world"
  258. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world] --------
  259. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
  260. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  261. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  262. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  263. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  264. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  265. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  266. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  267. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  268. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Vine Growth Modifier: 100%
  269. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100%
  270. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
  271. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 256 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
  272. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 4 Hopper Check: 1 Hopper Amount: 1
  273. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: true
  274. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
  275. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 Monument: 10387313 Slime: 987234911
  276. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  277. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  278. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 2000
  279. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
  280. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  281. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  282. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  283. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
  284. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  285. [10:36:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  286. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world_nether] --------
  287. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
  288. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  289. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  290. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  291. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  292. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  293. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  294. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  295. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  296. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Vine Growth Modifier: 100%
  297. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100%
  298. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
  299. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 256 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
  300. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 4 Hopper Check: 1 Hopper Amount: 1
  301. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: true
  302. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
  303. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 Monument: 10387313 Slime: 987234911
  304. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  305. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  306. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 2000
  307. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
  308. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  309. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  310. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  311. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
  312. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  313. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  314. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world_the_end] --------
  315. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
  316. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  317. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  318. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  319. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  320. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  321. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  322. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  323. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  324. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Vine Growth Modifier: 100%
  325. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100%
  326. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
  327. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 256 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
  328. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 4 Hopper Check: 1 Hopper Amount: 1
  329. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: true
  330. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
  331. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 Monument: 10387313 Slime: 987234911
  332. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  333. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  334. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 2000
  335. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
  336. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  337. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  338. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  339. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
  340. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  341. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  342. [10:36:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -5610423356721490165)
  343. [10:36:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 1%
  344. [10:36:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: -5610423356721490165)
  345. [10:36:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 61%
  346. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: -5610423356721490165)
  347. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [Beast-XpWithDraw] Enabling Beast-XpWithDraw v2.8
  348. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [FancyChat] Enabling FancyChat v1.4
  349. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: §a[§6FancyChat§a] Enableing.....
  350. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: §a[§6FancyChat§a] Enabled
  351. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: §a[§6FancyChat§a] 's ChatConverter Is not enabled (You may change this in game or in config)
  352. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [sTablist] Enabling sTablist v2.8.7
  353. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [sTablist] Found Compatible Packets v1_11_R1.
  354. [10:36:05] [Server thread/WARN]: [sTablist] Could not save groups.yml to plugins/sTablist/Prefixes-And-Suffixes/groups.yml because groups.yml already exists.
  355. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [sTablist-AutoUpdater] Newest Version: 2.8.7! Current Version: 2.8.7
  356. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [sTablist] Plugin Update Task was started in 2 Millis!
  357. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [sTablist] Tab Update Task was started in 0 Millis!
  358. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [sTablist] Tag Update Task was started in 0 Millis!
  359. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [sTablist] Started in 408 Millis!
  360. [10:36:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlugMan] Enabling PlugMan v2.1.3
  361. [10:36:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShulkerBoxPlus] Enabling ShulkerBoxPlus v0.0.1
  362. [10:36:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceMore] Enabling PlaceMore v1.2
  363. [10:36:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceMore] PlaceMore v1.2 has been enabled.
  364. [10:36:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [isSlimeChunk] Enabling isSlimeChunk v1.0.1
  365. [10:36:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [BiomeEdit] Enabling BiomeEdit v1.0.1
  366. [10:36:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [LagMonitor] Enabling LagMonitor v1.11.10
  367. [10:36:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [LagMonitor] Register ping listener
  368. [10:36:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionGamemode] Enabling PermissionGamemode v1.0
  369. [10:36:06] [Server thread/INFO]: PermissionGamemode By Talfy Enableing...
  370. [10:36:06] [Server thread/INFO]: PermissionGamemode By Talfy has been Enabled.
  371. [10:36:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [HideStream] Enabling HideStream v3.8
  372. [10:36:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [HideStream] Version 3.8 enabled.
  373. [10:36:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Commandspy] Enabling Commandspy v4.1.0
  374. [10:36:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Enabling CoreProtect v2.14.2
  375. [10:36:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] CoreProtect has been successfully enabled!
  376. [10:36:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Using MySQL for data storage.
  377. [10:36:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [OpenInv] Enabling OpenInv v3.0.1
  378. [10:36:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldBorder] Enabling WorldBorder v1.8.5
  379. [10:36:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Using rectangular/square border, knockback of 3.0 blocks, and timer delay of 5.
  380. [10:36:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Border-checking timed task started.
  381. [10:36:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "world" has border radius 23000 at X: 881.5 Z: 4082.5
  382. [10:36:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldBorder] For reference, the main world's spawn location is at X: 192.0 Y: 64.0 Z: 22.0
  383. [10:36:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Enabling BuycraftX v10.2
  384. [10:36:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Validating your server key...
  385. [10:36:08] [Server thread/WARN]: [BuycraftX] Your server and webstore online mode settings are mismatched. Unless you are using a proxy and server combination (such as BungeeCord/Spigot or LilyPad/Connect) that corrects UUIDs, then you may experience issues with packages not applying.
  386. [10:36:08] [Server thread/WARN]: [BuycraftX] If you have verified that your set up is correct, you can suppress this message by setting is-bungeecord=true in your BuycraftX
  387. [10:36:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Fetching all server packages...
  388. [10:36:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [Votifier] Enabling Votifier v1.9
  389. [10:36:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [Votifier] Votifier enabled.
  390. [10:36:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v1.1
  391. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world_old] --------
  392. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4
  393. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  394. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  395. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  396. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  397. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  398. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  399. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  400. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  401. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Vine Growth Modifier: 100%
  402. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100%
  403. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16
  404. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 256 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64
  405. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 4 Hopper Check: 1 Hopper Amount: 1
  406. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: true
  407. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true
  408. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 Monument: 10387313 Slime: 987234911
  409. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  410. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  411. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 2000
  412. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5
  413. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  414. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  415. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  416. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0
  417. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  418. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  419. [10:36:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 3 (Seed: -5610423356721490165)
  420. [10:36:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area for world_old, 16%
  421. [10:36:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area for world_old, 73%
  422. [10:36:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] 4 - World(s) loaded.
  423. [10:36:13] [Server thread/INFO]: false
  424. [10:36:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Version 1.1 (API v20) Enabled - By Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141 and main--
  425. [10:36:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [LibsDisguises] Enabling LibsDisguises v9.1.1
  426. [10:36:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [LibsDisguises] Discovered MC version: v1_11_R1
  427. [10:36:14] [Server thread/WARN]: Error finding the FlagType for FIREWORK! Index 7 can't be found!
  428. [10:36:14] [Server thread/WARN]: Value is 0 (class java.lang.Integer) (class net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.EntityFireworks) & FireworkWatcher
  429. [10:36:14] [Server thread/WARN]: Lib's Disguises will continue to load, but this will not work properly!
  430. [10:36:14] [Server thread/WARN]: Error finding the FlagType for PIG! Index 14 can't be found!
  431. [10:36:14] [Server thread/WARN]: Value is 0 (class java.lang.Integer) (class net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.EntityPig) & PigWatcher
  432. [10:36:14] [Server thread/WARN]: Lib's Disguises will continue to load, but this will not work properly!
  433. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Enabling NoCheatPlus v3.15.0-SNAPSHOT-sMD5NET-b1022
  434. [10:36:15] [Server thread/WARN]: [NoCheatPlus] The Minecraft version seems to be more recent than the one Compat-CB-Reflect has been built with - this might work, but there could be incompatibilities.
  435. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] McAccess set to: 1.4.5-1.10|? / CB-Reflect
  436. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.5 blocks.
  437. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.6.1 blocks.
  438. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.7.2 blocks.
  439. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.8 blocks.
  440. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.9 blocks.
  441. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added block-info for Minecraft 1.10 blocks.
  442. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Inventory checks: FastConsume is available, disabled InstantEat.
  443. [10:36:15] [Server thread/WARN]: [NoCheatPlus] Packet level access via ProtocolLib not available, supported configurations: | ProtocolLib 4.0.2 or later for Minecraft 1.10 | ProtocolLib 4.0.1 or 4.0.0 for Minecraft 1.9.x | ProtocolLib 3.7.0 or 3.7 for Minecraft 1.9.x | ProtocolLib 3.6.5 or 3.6.4 for Minecraft 1.8.x | ProtocolLib 3.6.6 for PaperSpigot 1.8.x | ProtocolLib 3.6.4 before Minecraft 1.9
  444. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Force disable FastHeal on Minecraft 1.9 and later.
  445. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Version 3.15.0-SNAPSHOT-sMD5NET-b1022 is enabled.
  446. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [GuiRedeemMCMMO] Enabling GuiRedeemMCMMO v1.4
  447. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: GuiRedeemMCMMO Has Been Enabled!
  448. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] Enabling MVdWPlaceholderAPI v1.0.0
  449. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] Initializing ...
  450. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [Chat_Saver] Enabling Chat_Saver v1.2
  451. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [OldPvP] Enabling OldPvP v1.9
  452. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [OldPvP] Your server is running version v1_11_R1
  453. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Enabling FeatherBoard v3.11.1
  454. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  455. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Plugin: FeatherBoard v3.11.1
  456. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Framework version: 2016-04
  457. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Author: Maximvdw (Maxim Van de Wynckel)
  458. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Site:
  459. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  460. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading configuration ...
  461. [10:36:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading placeholders ...
  462. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] Using FeatherBoard to get placeholders!
  463. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loaded 2555 of the 5317 placholders
  464. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading Event hooks ...
  465. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: mcMMO Level down event ...
  466. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: mcMMO Level up event ...
  467. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla Death hook ...
  468. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla Block break hook ...
  469. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla Block place hook ...
  470. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla Create portal hook ...
  471. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: mcMMO Party Level up ...
  472. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla player join ...
  473. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla player rejoin ...
  474. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla player first join ...
  475. [10:36:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading event hook: Vanilla Combat hook ...
  476. [10:36:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Creating new custom effect: warning
  477. [10:36:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Lines: 2
  478. [10:36:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Arguments: 1
  479. [10:36:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Adding scoreboard group 'default' ...
  480. [10:36:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Adding scoreboard group 'combat-scoreboard-example' ...
  481. [10:36:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Adding scoreboard group 'mcmmo-levelup' ...
  482. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Adding scoreboard group 'towny-town-example' ...
  483. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading messages ...
  484. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Loading language file: lang_en
  485. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Toggle persistence is disabled!
  486. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [FeatherBoard] Adding command 'featherboard'
  487. [10:36:19] [User Authenticator #1/INFO]: [LuckPerms] [WARN] Permissions storage is not loaded yet. Denying connection from: 543fc08c-d226-4bbe-8b53-e5032881a66f - fixafuxs
  488. [10:36:19] [User Authenticator #1/INFO]: Disconnecting com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@40683dff[id=543fc08c-d226-4bbe-8b53-e5032881a66f,name=fixafuxs,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/NOPE): §7§l[§b§lL§3§lP§7§l] §cPermissions data could not be loaded. Please try again later.
  489. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [GAListener] Enabling GAListener v1.3.2
  490. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [GAListener] GAListener v1.3.2 Enabled
  491. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [ObsidianAuctions] Enabling ObsidianAuctions v4.0.2
  492. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [ObsidianAuctions] Checking to see if migration is needed...
  493. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [ObsidianAuctions] Migration not needed, skipping migration!
  494. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [ObsidianAuctions] Checking to see if strings need to be mapped
  495. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [floAuction] has been enabled.
  496. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Enabling HolographicDisplays v2.2.3
  497. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Found ProtocolLib, using new version.
  498. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Enabled player relative placeholders with ProtocolLib.
  499. [10:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatItem] Enabling ChatItem v1.3.4
  500. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v6.1.5;4651611
  501. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
  502. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.Spigot_v1_11_R1 as the Bukkit adapter
  503. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.0.1-b450
  504. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using 1.8.3+ BlockStateMeta provider as mob spawner provider.
  505. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using legacy item data provider as spawn egg provider.
  506. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using 1.9+ BasePotionData provider as potion meta provider.
  507. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Using locale en_US
  508. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global PluginMetrics config.
  509. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.
  510. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using Vault based permissions (generic)
  511. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Enabling VeinMiner v1.10.7
  512. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Registering events
  513. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Registering commands
  514. [10:36:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Enabling Plugin Metrics
  515. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Thank you for enabling Metrics! I greatly appreciate the use of plugin statistics
  516. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Running last minute blocklist modifications
  517. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Loading configuration options to local memory
  518. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [VeinMiner] Unknown world found... "WorldName". Ignoring...
  519. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Default messages file messages.yml not found!
  520. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [LiteBans] Enabling LiteBans v2.1.9
  521. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [LiteBans] Loading SQL driver: mysql (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)
  522. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [LiteBans] Connecting to database...
  523. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [LiteBans] Connected to [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/litebans] (14.7 ms).
  524. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [LiteBans] [Sync] Server name: Survival
  525. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [LiteBans] [Sync] Server UUID: 1e7d62ec86c1403f9402944b9b6bcc65
  526. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [LiteBans] Database connection fully initialized (126.8 ms).
  527. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [LiteBans] v2.1.9 enabled. Startup took 211 ms.
  528. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [WhatIsIt] Enabling WhatIsIt v1.3.9
  529. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [WhatIsIt] has been enabled.
  530. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeChat] Enabling DeluxeChat v1.11.0
  531. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeChat] 1 formats loaded!
  532. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeChat] Loading DeluxeChat messages.yml
  533. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeChat] Loading placeholders.yml
  534. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeChat] Added bungeechannel placeholder!
  535. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeChat] Hooked into MVdWPlaceholderAPI for placeholders!
  536. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeChat] Hooked into Vault for economy placeholders!
  537. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeChat] Hooked into Vault for permissions placeholders!
  538. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeChat] 5 placeholder hooks have been registered and are enabled.
  539. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeChat] Bungee integration has been enabled!
  540. [10:36:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeChat] Remember DeluxeChat.jar must be running on your bungee proxy server also for integration to work properly!!
  541. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Enabling EssentialsChat v2.0.1-b450
  542. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [TreeAssist] Enabling TreeAssist v5.10.17
  543. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [TreeAssist] debugging: off
  544. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [SuperVanish] Enabling SuperVanish v5.8.4
  545. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v6.1.2;e38d98d
  546. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  547. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  548. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lava fire is blocked.
  549. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  550. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world'
  551. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  552. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  553. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lava fire is blocked.
  554. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  555. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_nether'
  556. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  557. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  558. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lava fire is blocked.
  559. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  560. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_the_end'
  561. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_old) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  562. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_old) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  563. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_old) Lava fire is blocked.
  564. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_old) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  565. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_old'
  566. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading region data...
  567. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [BungeePortals] Enabling BungeePortals v1.2
  568. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [BungeePortals] Metrics initiated!
  569. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [BungeePortals] Commands registered!
  570. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [BungeePortals] Events registered!
  571. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [BungeePortals] Plugin channel registered!
  572. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [BungeePortals] Configuration file config.yml loaded!
  573. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [BungeePortals] Configuration file portals.yml loaded!
  574. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [BungeePortals] Portal data loaded! (0ms)
  575. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [BungeePortals] Save task started!
  576. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [BungeePortals] Version 1.2 has been enabled. (24ms)
  577. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsGeoIP] Enabling EssentialsGeoIP v2.0.1-b450
  578. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsGeoIP] This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from
  579. [10:36:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSigns] Enabling ServerSigns v4.5.1
  580. [10:36:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSigns] Version 4.5.1 is now enabled.
  581. [10:36:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.0.1-b450
  582. [10:36:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [SilkSpawners] Enabling SilkSpawners v3.7.4
  583. [10:36:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [SilkSpawners] WorldGuard was found and support is enabled
  584. [10:36:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [SilkSpawners] Loading support for v1_11_R1
  585. [10:36:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [SilkSpawners] AutoUpdater is enabled.
  586. [10:36:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [SilkSpawners] Result from AutoUpdater is: NO_UPDATE
  587. [10:36:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [SilkSpawners] BarAPI was not found and remains disabled!
  588. [10:36:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Enabling GriefPrevention v16.4
  589. [10:36:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Finished loading configuration.
  590. [10:36:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] 61 total claims loaded.
  591. [10:36:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Customizable messages loaded.
  592. [10:36:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Successfully hooked into WorldGuard.
  593. [10:36:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Finished loading data (File Mode).
  594. [10:36:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] GriefPrevention requires Vault for economy integration.
  595. [10:36:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Attempting to load Vault...
  596. [10:36:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Vault loaded successfully!
  597. [10:36:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Looking for a Vault-compatible economy plugin...
  598. [10:36:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Hooked into economy: Essentials Economy.
  599. [10:36:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Ready to buy/sell claim blocks!
  600. [10:36:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [GriefPrevention] Boot finished.
  601. [10:36:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] Enabling ChestShop v3.8.12
  602. [10:36:24] [Server thread/WARN]: [Server thread] ERROR com.Acrobot.ChestShop.ORMlite.db.SqliteDatabaseType - WARNING: you seem to not be using the Xerial SQLite driver. See ORMLite docs on SQLite:
  603. [10:36:24] [Server thread/WARN]: [Server thread] INFO com.Acrobot.ChestShop.ORMlite.table.TableUtils - creating table 'items'
  604. [10:36:24] [Server thread/WARN]: [Server thread] INFO com.Acrobot.ChestShop.ORMlite.table.TableUtils - executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `items` (`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , `code` VARCHAR NOT NULL , UNIQUE (`code`))
  605. [10:36:24] [Server thread/WARN]: [Server thread] ERROR com.Acrobot.ChestShop.ORMlite.db.SqliteDatabaseType - WARNING: you seem to not be using the Xerial SQLite driver. See ORMLite docs on SQLite:
  606. [10:36:24] [Server thread/WARN]: [Server thread] INFO com.Acrobot.ChestShop.ORMlite.table.TableUtils - creating table 'accounts'
  607. [10:36:24] [Server thread/WARN]: [Server thread] INFO com.Acrobot.ChestShop.ORMlite.table.TableUtils - creating index 'accounts_shortName_idx' for table 'accounts
  608. [10:36:24] [Server thread/WARN]: [Server thread] INFO com.Acrobot.ChestShop.ORMlite.table.TableUtils - executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounts` (`lastSeenName` VARCHAR NOT NULL , `name` VARCHAR NOT NULL , `shortName` VARCHAR NOT NULL , `uuid` VARCHAR NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`name`) )
  609. [10:36:24] [Server thread/WARN]: [Server thread] INFO com.Acrobot.ChestShop.ORMlite.table.TableUtils - executed create table statement changed 0 rows: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `accounts_shortName_idx` ON `accounts` ( `shortName` )
  610. [10:36:25] [User Authenticator #2/INFO]: [LuckPerms] [WARN] Permissions storage is not loaded yet. Denying connection from: 543fc08c-d226-4bbe-8b53-e5032881a66f - fixafuxs
  611. [10:36:25] [User Authenticator #2/INFO]: Disconnecting com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@6fb83307[id=543fc08c-d226-4bbe-8b53-e5032881a66f,name=fixafuxs,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/NOPE): §7§l[§b§lL§3§lP§7§l] §cPermissions data could not be loaded. Please try again later.
  612. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestShop] Vault loaded! Found an economy plugin!
  613. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomTeleport] Enabling RandomTeleport v1.7.3 (build #19)
  614. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomTeleport] Attempting to load
  615. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomTeleport] Sucessfully loaded
  616. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomTeleport] Detected WorldGuard.
  617. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomTeleport] Detected GriefPrevention.
  618. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomTeleport] Detected WorldBorder.
  619. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopGUIPlus] Enabling ShopGUIPlus v1.5.9
  620. [10:36:25] [Server thread/WARN]: [ShopGUIPlus] Permissions support enabled.
  621. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [SilkSpawners] WorldGuard was found and support is enabled
  622. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [SilkSpawners] Loading support for v1_11_R1
  623. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopGUIPlus] SilkSpawners support enabled.
  624. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopGUIPlus] Vault economy support enabled.
  625. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [Signs] Enabling Signs v1.9.7
  626. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [Signs] Compatiblity modules loaded for griefprevention, chestshop, nocheatplus and worldguard
  627. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
  628. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (24.986s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  629. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting GS4 status listener
  630. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting remote control listener
  631. [10:36:25] [Server thread/WARN]: Unable to initialise rcon on : Address already in use
  632. [10:36:25] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Query running on
  633. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: (FAWE) Plugin 'WorldGuard' found. Using it now.
  634. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: (FAWE) Plugin 'GriefPrevention' found. Using it now.
  635. [10:36:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlugMan] Metrics started:
  636. [10:36:25] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 8/INFO]: [HideStream] Running updater ..
  637. [10:36:25] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 16/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Added hook: AllViolations(NCP) [1.0].
  638. [10:36:26] [Server thread/WARN]: [NoCheatPlus] The block breaking data is incomplete, default to allow instant breaking:
  639. --- Missing entries -------------------------------
  657. [10:36:26] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 8/INFO]: [HideStream] No update was found.
  658. [10:36:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Post-enable running...
  659. [10:36:26] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 5/INFO]: [PlugMan] No update was found.
  660. [10:36:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Post-enable finished.
  661. [10:36:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Found a new version available: v2.2.5
  662. [10:36:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Download it on Bukkit Dev:
  663. [10:36:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays]
  664. [10:36:26] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 39/INFO]: [GAListener] Connection established!
  665. [10:36:26] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 39/INFO]: [GAListener] Loading queued votes
  666. [10:36:26] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 39/INFO]: [GAListener] Loaded 95 queued votes
  667. [10:36:26] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 36/WARN]: [ChestShop] Plugin ChestShop v3.8.12 generated an exception while executing task 489
  668. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.Server.getOnlinePlayers()[Lorg/bukkit/entity/Player;
  669. at com.Acrobot.ChestShop.Metrics.postPlugin( ~[?:?]
  670. at com.Acrobot.ChestShop.Metrics.access$400( ~[?:?]
  671. at com.Acrobot.ChestShop.Metrics$ ~[?:?]
  672. at ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-28463de-a2af8f0]
  673. at [server.jar:git-Spigot-28463de-a2af8f0]
  674. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:1.8.0_101]
  675. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:1.8.0_101]
  676. at [?:1.8.0_101]
  677. [10:36:26] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 58/INFO]: [LiteBans] A plugin update is available! Your version: 2.1.9, latest version: 2.1.26
  678. [10:36:26] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 58/INFO]: [LiteBans] Updates can be downloaded from here:
  679. [10:36:26] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 58/INFO]: [LiteBans]
  680. [10:36:26] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 16/INFO]: [Signs] Signs v1.9.7 is up to date
  681. [10:36:26] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 16/INFO]: [Vault] Checking for Updates ...
  682. [10:36:26] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 16/INFO]: [Vault] No new version available
  683. [10:36:26] [Server thread/INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@40683dff[id=543fc08c-d226-4bbe-8b53-e5032881a66f,name=fixafuxs,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/NOPE) lost connection: §7§l[§b§lL§3§lP§7§l] §cPermissions data could not be loaded. Please try again later.
  684. [10:36:26] [Server thread/INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@6fb83307[id=543fc08c-d226-4bbe-8b53-e5032881a66f,name=fixafuxs,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/NOPE) lost connection: §7§l[§b§lL§3§lP§7§l] §cPermissions data could not be loaded. Please try again later.
  685. [10:36:27] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 16/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Fetching all due players...
  686. [10:36:27] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 16/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Fetched due players (0 found).
  687. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: Exception in thread "pool-4-thread-1"
  688. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.NullPointerException
  689. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.encodeThrowable(
  690. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeThrowable(
  691. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$
  692. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  693. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  694. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: at
  695. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  696. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: at
  697. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: at
  698. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: at$loadAllGroups$7(
  699. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$
  700. [10:36:28] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: ... 3 more
  701. [10:36:33] [User Authenticator #3/INFO]: [LuckPerms] [WARN] Permissions storage is not loaded yet. Denying connection from: 543fc08c-d226-4bbe-8b53-e5032881a66f - fixafuxs
  702. [10:36:33] [User Authenticator #3/INFO]: Disconnecting com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@2d931676[id=543fc08c-d226-4bbe-8b53-e5032881a66f,name=fixafuxs,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/NOPE): §7§l[§b§lL§3§lP§7§l] §cPermissions data could not be loaded. Please try again later.
  703. [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@2d931676[id=543fc08c-d226-4bbe-8b53-e5032881a66f,name=fixafuxs,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/NOPE) lost connection: §7§l[§b§lL§3§lP§7§l] §cPermissions data could not be loaded. Please try again later.
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